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Dan Luu2526A blog about programming and the programming industry. Vancouver, BC
Dan Wang534Investigating industry and technology at Gavekal Dragonomics and the Yale Law School’s Tsai China Center
Jakob Greenfeld13Co-founder of Creator of Scraping the Web for Fun and Profit. PhD in theoretical particle physics.
Daniel Lemire571Computer science professor at the University of Quebec (TELUQ), open-source hacker, and long-time blogger.
Hypercritical1415Written by John Siracusa, a software developer, podcaster, and writer, started writing for Ars Technica in 1999.
Noah Smith210Economics and other interesting stuff, an economics PhD student at the University of Michigan, an economics columnist for Bloomberg Opinion.
Jason Fried1890Founder & CEO at 37signals (makers of Basecamp, HEY, and ONCE). Non-serial entrepreneur, serial author. Wrote Getting Real, Remote, and REWORK.
Paul Graham48488Co-founder of Y Combinator. English computer scientist, essayist, entrepreneur, investor, and author.
Kevin Kelly272Senior Maverick at Wired, author of bestseller book, The Inevitable. Also Cool Tool maven, Recomendo chief, Asia-fan, and True Film buff.
David Heinemeier Hansson3018Made Basecamp and HEY for the underdogs as co-owner and CTO of 37signals. Created Ruby on Rails. Wrote REWORK, It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work, and REMOTE.
Morgan Housel2104Author of The Psychology of Money and Same As Ever, partner at The Collaborative Fund.Note that the blogger is Morgan Housel and his colleagues.
The Rabbit Hole49Book Summaries of Books Worth ReReading, written by Blas Moros.
The Independent Variable19TIV is edited and published by humdrum and aims to be the homepage of the web with all the links fit for your eyeballs to peruse.
Cooltools by KK366A web site which recommends the best/cheapest tools available.
Vincent Ritter6A geek and software creator. Made tinylytics, Scribbles, shoutouts, Gluon.
Matt Baer74An artist, software design- & developer, and the founder of Musing Studio. Made, and more. Made in Brooklyn, NY.
Building Pika Out Loud11Changelog of Pika, Pika is a blogging software, made by Good Enough.
Good Enough38Good Enough LLC, Made Pika, Letterbird, Yay.Boo, Album Whale, and more.
Christian Heilmann429A Principal Program Manager living and working in Berlin, Germany. Author of The Developer Advocacy Handbook.
Chris ODonnell 33Aales engineer for Drupal and Wordpress website development projects.
Andreas22Electrical engineer, musician, out and about on two wheels, read a lot of books, coffee-addict.
Ben Thompson19Stratechery provides analysis of the strategy and business side of technology and media, and the impact of technology on society.
Victor Kropp 13A software engineer in Munich, Germany.
Seth Godin427Coordinator of The Carbon Almanac. Founder of Akimbo, home of the altMBA. Author of THE PRACTICE and THIS IS MARKETING.
Wade Urry11A software developer from the UK, currently Lead Architect at Radweb.
Matt Fantinel24Web Developer in Brazil.
Manuel Moreale 575Manuel Moreale. Freelance developer and designer since late 2011. Born and raised in Italy since 1989.
Dynomight1294Dynomight is a SF-rationalist-substack-adjacent blogger with a good understanding of statistics.
Ersei21My hobbies outside of computer stuff include: video games (okay maybe that's computer-related), running, skateboarding, jewelry-making, and pretty much anything that I wanna try.
Digital Inspiration642Written by Amit Agarwal. The purpose of the site is to help you take maximum advantage of the software tools and web technologies at your disposal.
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