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Comparando los niveles de nacionalismo religioso en el mundo

2025-01-29 01:04:22

Este comunicado de prensa se ha traducido del inglés original al español. Una nueva encuesta de Pew Research Center realizada en tres docenas de países revela que las personas que viven en países con ingresos medios tienen más probabilidades que las que viven en países con ingresos altos de ser “nacionalistas religiosos” (religious nationalists), aunque […]

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Dünya Çapında Dinî Milliyetçilik Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması

2025-01-29 01:04:16

Bu basın bülteni orijinal İngilizceden Türkçeye çevrilmiştir. Otuz altı ülkeyi kapsayan yeni bir Pew Research Center anketinde orta gelirli ülkelerde yaşayan insanların yüksek gelirli ülkelerde yaşayan insanlara göre “dinî milliyetçi” (religious nationalists) olma olasılıklarının daha yüksek olduğu bulundu. Ancak dinî milliyetçiler anket yapılan hiçbir ülkede nüfusun çoğunluğunu oluşturmuyordu. Bu raporda, anketimizde dinin ulusal kimlik ve […]

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2025-01-29 00:58:45

About Pew Research Center’s Spring 2024 Global Attitudes Survey Results for the survey are based on telephone, face-to-face and online interviews conducted under the direction of Gallup, Langer Research Associates, Social Research Centre and Verian. The results are based on national samples, unless otherwise noted. Here are more details about our international survey methodology and […]

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2025-01-29 00:58:44

This report is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals: Laura Silver, Associate Director, Global Attitudes ResearchJonathan Evans, Senior ResearcherMaria Smerkovich, Research AssociateSneha Gubbala, Research AnalystManolo Corichi, Research AnalystWilliam Miner, Research Analyst Dorene Asare-Marfo, Senior Panel ManagerPeter Bell, Associate Director, Design and ProductionJanakee Chavda, Associate Digital ProducerLaura Clancy, Research […]

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5. What role should religion play in Muslim- and Jewish-majority countries?

2025-01-29 00:58:43

In a number of countries with sizable Muslim and Jewish populations, we asked Muslim and Jewish adults for their views on religion and governance – specifically, whether religious law should be the official or state law for people who share their religion, and whether their country can be both a democratic country and a Muslim […]

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4. Should religious texts influence national laws?

2025-01-29 00:58:42

We asked people in 35 countries about the influence of specific religious texts on their national laws. The texts in question varied by country: For example, adults in predominantly Christian countries were asked about the influence of the Bible. And in Muslim-majority countries, they were asked about the influence of the Quran. In most middle-income […]

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