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A digital magazine from Aeon Media that illuminates the human condition through psychology, philosophy and the arts.
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Relationships are important, but so is feeling free to end them

2025-01-30 19:00:00

Photo of a red taxi with passengers in an urban setting, a sign saying “Life is War” visible in the background.

Comparing ‘relational mobility’ and people’s average happiness across different cultures reveals some intriguing patterns

- by Thomas Talhelm & Liuqing Wei

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How to maintain a healthy gut

2025-01-29 19:00:00

Coloured microscopic image of pollen grains and plant fibres in close-up, showing vibrant round and elongated structures.

With a few lifestyle and dietary changes, you can protect your gut microbiome, boost your immunity and improve your mood

- by Vincent Ho

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What a real-life ‘trolley problem’ reveals about morality

2025-01-28 19:00:00

A vintage voltmeter displaying a scale in volts and ampères with a brass base and needle indicator.

We used an electric-shock dilemma to test the strength of people’s moral principles when faced with real-world complexities

- by Dries Bostyn

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Men’s anxiety about hair loss can have a deeper meaning

2025-01-27 19:00:00

A man observing a large, lifelike sculpture of an elderly man with a braid on a white gallery wall.

As a psychoanalyst, I’ve seen how reflecting on the emotional symbolism of hair loss can be therapeutic for many men

- by Tom Wooldridge

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Grandad was a romantic

2025-01-24 19:01:00

Painting of a woman in a flowing white dress and a man lying on a black background with ornamental corners.

Family lore smashes into reality in this clever, cutting short about a little girl’s take on her grandparents’ grand love

- by Psyche Film

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A lawyer’s view of irrelevant influences in the courtroom

2025-01-23 19:00:00

A judge with a stern expression in a courtroom wearing a black robe standing in front of a US flag.

Psychology studies cast doubt on old assumptions about legal objectivity. Lawyers and laypeople alike should take notice

- by Samu Czabán

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