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I'm currently located in Austria and working as a Director of Engineering for Sentry. Aside from that I do open source development.
By Linus. About software research, creative work, and community. He has built over 100 side projects
For the last 10 years I've chased my way down the software stack starting from humble beginnings with the venerable jQuery and PHP.
A software engineer, author of the book Hands-on Scala Programming. Lee Kuan Yew's grandson and Lee Hsien Loong's son.
An Irish Software Engineer. Author of a number of books including Learning JavaScript Design Patterns, Learning Patterns, Stoic Mind and Image Optimization.
An independent software engineer applying compiler technology to the data space. I most often write about Rust, compilers, performance optimizations, and data querying technology.
I currently work at Azure on distributed services. Before that I worked at Stripe, and before that I cofounded RethinkDB.
A frontend web developer who publishes tutorials and articles about topics like React, CSS, JavaScript, animation and performance.
By Tony Garnock-Jones, a software developer and computer science researcher, live in Maastricht, in the Netherlands.
A free weekly newsletter featuring the best hand curated news, articles, new releases, tools and libraries, events etc related to Python.
Author of 'The Bozo Loop'. Rachel Kroll lives somewhere in Silicon Valley (aka "Silly Valley") and dodges bozos for a living. She writes about life in the Valley and topics of a technical nature.
I am the lead developer at Radweb working on InventoryBase and related products. I also work part-time as a developer for MacStories.
I share tips from front-end work to hardcore server-side challenges, I've co-authored two acclaimed books: Accelerated DOM Scripting with Ajax, APIs, and Libraries, and The Art and Science of CSS.
I'm a seasoned entrepreneur and technical co-founder who helps amazing people get their impactful organizations off the ground.
I gave Google Chrome five years, from before release to 2012; I touched many pieces but I'm most responsible for the Linux port.
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