Made Basecamp and HEY for the underdogs as co-owner and CTO of 37signals. Created Ruby on Rails. Wrote REWORK, It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work, and REMOTE.
A digital magazine from Aeon Media that illuminates the human condition through psychology, philosophy and the arts.
I’m a software developer. I live in Montreal. I sometimes give talks. Most of my income comes from my programming zines business Wizard Zines.
Ness Labs provides content, coaching, courses and community to help makers put their minds at work.
A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers.
Author of 'The Bozo Loop'. Rachel Kroll lives somewhere in Silicon Valley (aka "Silly Valley") and dodges bozos for a living. She writes about life in the Valley and topics of a technical nature.
Dedicated to making sense of the world with graphics & data-visuals, set out to explain, distill and clarify.
A blog about programming and the programming industry. Vancouver, BC
Every day, we scour the internet for data visualizations with the best content and design. We make facts and figures snack-worthy.
Since 1857, The Atlantic has been challenging assumptions and pursuing truth.
Expand your SEO and marketing knowledge with detailed tutorials and case studies.
creating interactive articles
One of the authors of this blog is Morgan Housel, author of The Psychology of Money and Same As Ever, partner at The Collaborative Fund.
Deliver timely tech stories, original features, and analysis that is fair, accurate and honest.
Creator of Datasette and Lanyrd, co-creator of the Django Web Framework.
Founder & CEO at 37signals (makers of Basecamp, HEY, and ONCE). Non-serial entrepreneur, serial author. Wrote Getting Real, Remote, and REWORK.
CEO of national Media Relations and Public Relations company EZPR
Product Hunt surfaces the best new products, every day.
A world-renowned, independent media company whose insight, analysis, reviews, interviews and live events explain the newest technologies and their commercial, social and polit.
What went right this week: the good news that matters
Dynomight is a SF-rationalist-substack-adjacent blogger with a good understanding of statistics.
A blog/cartoon/online substance/website-thingy that delves deeper into the things that make us who we are.
Research and data to make progress against the world’s largest problems.
Create courses for Pluralsight and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals.
Co-founder of Claypot AI, graduated from Stanford University, grew up in Vietnam. Ex NVIDIA, Snorkel AI, and Netflix.
Senior Software Engineer. MooTools Alumni, Javascript Fanatic, and open source lover. Former @Mozilla , @SitePen
ongoing is short for “ongoing fragmented essay. The unifying themes are Truth, Technology, and Business.
Written by John Siracusa, a software developer, podcaster, and writer, started writing for Ars Technica in 1999.
I gave Google Chrome five years, from before release to 2012; I touched many pieces but I'm most responsible for the Linux port.
The SEO, SEM, PPC and Content Marketing blog for SEMrush users.
lover of all things mainstream, popular, & trending in the world of .
Author, Founder of NOWNOWNOW, have been a musician, circus performer, entrepreneur, and speaker. California native.
Singularity Hub has offered daily news coverage, feature articles, analysis, and insights on key breakthroughs and future trends in science and technology.
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