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Psyche2930A digital magazine from Aeon Media that illuminates the human condition through psychology, philosophy and the arts.
Astro Blog345Astro is the web framework for building content-driven websites like blogs, marketing, and e-commerce.
storytelling with data434Helping rid the world of ineffective graphs, one 3D pie at a time!
Spyglass 251A collection of written works, thoughts, and analysis by M.G. Siegler, a long-time technology investor and writer.
Basic Apple Guy1230lover of all things mainstream, popular, & trending in the world of .
The Macro Compass70Financial education, macro insights & actionable investment ideas.
Ness Labs3062Ness Labs provides content, coaching, courses and community to help makers put their minds at work.
Tim Bray837ongoing is short for “ongoing fragmented essay. The unifying themes are Truth, Technology, and Business.
Josh Comeau916A frontend web developer who publishes tutorials and articles about topics like React, CSS, JavaScript, animation and performance.
StartupNation32Offering the necessary insights for personal growth through in-the-trenches, how-to content authored by subject matter experts, thought leaders and business professionals.
Startups | TechCrunch4Startup coverage includes climate, crypto, fintech, SaaS, transportation, and consumer tech.
Steve Blank22253Author of Four Steps to the Epiphany. American entrepreneur and educator known for co-founding 8 tech startups.
Collaborative Fund3172One of the authors of this blog is Morgan Housel, author of The Psychology of Money and Same As Ever, partner at The Collaborative Fund.
ShinChven30A full-stack TypeScript/JavaScript web developer, and also build mobile apps.
eighty twenty20By Tony Garnock-Jones, a software developer and computer science researcher, live in Maastricht, in the Netherlands.
First Page Sage 40Thought Leadership Marketing Services & SEO Company
SEMrush Blog953The SEO, SEM, PPC and Content Marketing blog for SEMrush users.
Ahrefs SEO2669Expand your SEO and marketing knowledge with detailed tutorials and case studies.
MacRumors6606Apple, iPhone, iPad, Mac News and Rumors
Gizmodo31912Dedicated to fiercely independent reporting and commentary on technology, science, and internet culture.
More To That1645A blog/cartoon/online substance/website-thingy that delves deeper into the things that make us who we are.
Python Weekly666A free weekly newsletter featuring the best hand curated news, articles, new releases, tools and libraries, events etc related to Python.
Quanta Magazine55An editorially independent online publication launched by the Simons Foundation in 2012 to enhance public understanding of science.
Rachel Kroll3061Author of 'The Bozo Loop'. Rachel Kroll lives somewhere in Silicon Valley (aka "Silly Valley") and dodges bozos for a living. She writes about life in the Valley and topics of a technical nature.
Riccardo Mori427A writer, freelance translator, and an enthusiast photographer. I’m also a Mac consultant and conservator.
Shariq Raza Qadri25A DevOps Practitioner & Cloud Enthusiast interested in everything around that role.
Robb Knight92I am the lead developer at Radweb working on InventoryBase and related products. I also work part-time as a developer for MacStories.
Robin Opletal12An Infrastructure Engineer at Heureka Group. I am up for most sports, however running and climbing have been my top choices as of late.
Sidebar459By by Sacha Greif. The five best design links, every weekday.
Simon Willison1167Creator of Datasette and Lanyrd, co-creator of the Django Web Framework.
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