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RDNA 4's "Out-of-Order" Memory Accesses

2025-03-24 05:58:01

AMD's RDNA 4 brings a variety of memory subsystem enhancements. Among those, one slide stood out because it dealt with out-of-order memory accesses. According to the slide, RDNA 4 allows requests from different shaders to be satisfied out-of-order, and adds new out-of-order queues for memory requests.

Cross-Wave Out-of-Order Memory Accesses

AMD apparently had a false dependency case in the memory subsystem prior to RDNA 4. One wave could wait for a memory loads made by another wave. A "wavefront", "wave", or "warp" on a GPU is the rough equivalent of a CPU thread. It has its own register state, and can run out of sync with other waves. Each wave's instructions are independent from those in other waves with very few exceptions (like atomic operations).

In RDNA 3, there was a strict ordering on the return of data, such that effectively a request that was made later in time was not permitted to pass a request made earlier in time, even if the data for it was ready much sooner.

Navi 4 Architecture Deep Dive, Andrew Pomianowski, CVP, Silicon Design Engineering (AMD)

A fundamental tenet of multithreaded programming is that you get no ordering guarantees between threads unless you make it happen via locks or other mechanisms. That's what makes multithreaded performance scaling work. AMD's slide took me by surprise because there's no reason memory reads should be an exception. I re-watched the video several times and stared at the slide for a while to see if that's really what they meant. They clearly meant it, but I still didn't believe my eyes and ears. So I took time to craft a test for it.

Testing It

AMD's slide describes a scenario where one wave's cache misses prevent another wave from quickly consuming data from cache hits. Causing cache misses is easy. I can pointer chase through a large array with a random pattern ("wave Y"). Similarly, I can keep accesses within a small memory footprint to get cache hits ("wave X"). But doing both at the same time is problematic. Wave Y may evict data used by wave X, causing cache misses on wave X.

Focusing on this scenario, and trying to create a Wave X and Wave Y that might hold each other up

Instead of going for cache hits and misses, I tested by seeing whether waiting on memory accesses in one wave would falsely wait in on memory accesses made by another. My "wave Y" is basically a memory latency test, and makes a fixed number of accesses. Each access depends on the previous one's result, and I have the wave pointer chase through a 1 GB array to ensure cache misses. My "wave X" makes four independent memory accesses per loop iteration. It then consumes the load data, which means waiting for data to arrive from memory.

Once wave Y completes all of its accesses, it sets a flag in local memory. Wave X makes as many memory accesses as it can until it sees the flag set, after which it writes out its “score” and terminates. I run both waves in the same workgroup to ensure they share a WGP, and therefore share as much of the memory subsystem as possible. Keeping both waves in the same workgroup also lets me place the “finished” flag in local memory. Wave X has to check that flag every iteration, and it’s best to have flag checks not go through the same caches that wave Y is busy contaminating.

If each wave X access gets delayed by a wave Y one, I should see approximately the same number of accesses from both. Instead on RDNA 3, I see wave X make more accesses than wave Y by exactly the loop unroll factor on wave X. AMD's compiler statically schedules instructions and sends out all four accesses before waiting on data. It then waits on load completion with s_waitcnt vmcnt(...) instructions.

Annotated RDNA 3 assembly generated by AMD's compiler for wave X. Note that unrolling the loop to use four memory accesses per iteration lets the compiler issue those four accesses before waiting on them

Accesses tracked by vmcnt always return in-order, letting the compiler wait on specific accesses by waiting until vmcnt decrements to a certain value or lower. In wave Y, I make all accesses dependent so the compiler only waits for vmcnt to reach 0.

Annotated RDNA 3 assembly for wave y, for completeness

On RDNA 3, s_waitcnt vmcnt(...) seems to wait for requests to complete not only from its wave, but from other waves too. That explains why wave X makes exactly four accesses for each access that wave Y makes. If I unroll the loop more, letting the compiler schedule more independent accesses before waiting, the ratio goes up to match the unroll factor.

On RDNA 4, the two waves don’t care what the other is doing. That’s the way it should be. RDNA 4 also displays more run-to-run variation, which is also expected because cache behavior is highly unpredictable in this test. I’m surprised by the results, but it’s convincing evidence that AMD indeed had false cross-wave memory delays on RDNA 3 and older GPU architectures. I also tested on Renoir’s Vega iGPU, and saw the same behavior as RDNA 3.

At a simplistic level, you can imagine that requests from the shaders go into a queue to be serviced, and many of those requests can be in flight

Navi 4 Architecture Deep Dive, Andrew Pomianowski, CVP, Silicon Design Engineering (AMD)

AMD's presentation hints that RDNA 3 and older GPUs had multiple waves sharing a memory access queue. As mentioned above, AMD GPUs since GCN handle memory dependencies with hardware counters that software waits on. By keeping vmcnt returns in-order, the compiler can wait on the specific load that produces data needed by the next instruction, without also waiting on every other load the wave has pending. RDNA 3 and prior AMD GPUs possibly had a shared memory access queue, with each entry tagged with its wave's ID. As each memory access leaves the queue in-order, hardware decrements the counter for its wave.

Perhaps RDNA 4 divides the shared queue into per-thread queues. That would align with the point on AMD's slide saying RDNA 4 introduces "additional out-of-order queues" for memory requests. Or perhaps RDNA 4 retains a shared queue, but can drain entries out-of-order. That would require tracking extra info, like whether a memory access is the oldest one for its wave.

Does it Happen to Others?

Sharing a memory access queue and returning data in-order seems like a natural hardware simplification. That raises the question of whether GPU architectures from Intel and Nvidia had similar limitations.

Intel's Xe-LPG does not have false cross-wave memory dependencies. Running the same test on Meteor Lake's iGPU shows variation depending on where the two waves end up. If wave X and wave Y run on XVEs with shared instruction control logic, wave X's performance is lower than in other cases. Regardless, it's clear Xe-LPG doesn't force a wave to wait on another's accesses. Intel's subsequent Battlemage (Xe2) architecture shows similar behavior, and the same applies to Intel's Gen 9 (Skylake) graphics from a while ago.

I also checked generated assembly to ensure Intel's compiler wasn't unrolling the loop further.

Generated assembly on Meteor Lake's iGPU for Wave X. UGM = untyped global memory, SLM = shared local memory. The rest is trivial, just remember that Intel GPUs have registers that are full of registers...never mind

Nvidia's Pascal has varying behavior depending on where waves are located within a SM. Each Pascal SM has four partitions, which are arranged in pairs that share a texture unit and a 24 KB texture cache. Waves are assigned to partitions within a pair first. It's as if the partitions are numbered [0,1]-> tex, [2,3]-> tex. Waves in the same sub-partition pair have the false dependency issue. Evidently they share some general load/store logic besides the texture unit, because I don't touch textures in this test.

If a wave is not offset from another one by a multiple of four or multiple of 4 plus one, it doesn't have the false dependency problem. Turing, as tested on the GTX 1660 Ti, doesn't have a problem either.

Better Nonblocking Loads

Besides removing false cross-wave delays, AMD also improved memory request handling within a wave. Much like in-order CPU cores, like Arm's Cortex A510, GPUs can execute independent instructions while waiting on memory access. A thread only stalls when it tries to use the memory access's result. GPUs have done this for decades, though the implementation details differ. Intel and Nvidia's GPUs use a software managed scoreboard. AMD used pending request counters from GCN onward.

RDNA 4 uses the same scheme but splits out the vmcnt category into several counters. A thread can interleave global memory, texture sampling, and raytracing intersection test requests, and wait on them separately. That gives the compiler more flexibility to move work ahead of a wait for memory access completion. Another interpretation of AMD's slide is that the each counter corresponds to a separate queue, each of which has out-of-order behavior across waves (but may have in-order behavior within a wave).

Example of RDNA 4 assembly from 3DMark's raytracing feature test, showing a basic block separately waiting on global memory loads and texture sampling requests issued by other basic blocks

Similarly, lgkmcnt gets separated into kmcnt for scalar memory loads and dscnt for LDS accesses. Scalar memory loads are out-of-order, which means the compiler must wait for all scalar memory loads to complete (kmcnt=0 or lgmkcnt=0) before using results from any pending scalar memory load. On RDNA 4, the compiler can interleave scalar memory and LDS accesses without having to wait for lgkmcnt=0.

Intel and Nvidia's GPUs use software managed scoreboards. A scoreboard entry can be set or and waited on by any instruction, regardless of memory access type. Therefore RDNA 4's optimization isn't applicable to those other GPU architectures. A cost to Intel/Nvidia's approach is that utilizing a big memory request queue would require a correspondingly large scoreboard. AMD can extend a counter by one bit and double the number of queue entries a wave can use.

Final Words

RDNA 4's memory subsystem enhancements are exciting and improve performance across a variety of workloads compared to RDNA 3. AMD specifically calls out benefits in raytracing workloads, where traversal and result handling may occur simultaneously on the same WGP. Traversal involves pointer chasing, while result handling might involve more cache friendly data lookups and texture sampling. Breaking cross-wave memory dependencies would prevent different memory access patterns in those tasks from delaying each other.

Likely this wasn't an issue with rasterization because waves assigned to a WGP probably work on pixels in close proximity. Those waves may sample the same textures, and even take samples in close proximity to each other within the same texture. If one wave misses in cache, the others likely do too.

Breaking up vmcnt and lgmkcnt probably helps raytracing too. Raytracing shaders make BVH intersection and LDS stack management requests during traversal. Then they might sample textures or access global memory buffers during result handling. Giving the compiler flexibility to interleave those request types and still wait on a specific request is a good thing.

Radeon logo on the RX 9070 graciously provided by AMD for review

But RDNA 4's scheme for handling memory dependencies isn't fundamentally different from that of GCN many years ago. While the implementation details differ, RDNA 4, GCN, and Intel and Nvidia's GPUs can all absorb cache misses without immediately stalling a thread. Each GPU maker has improved their ability to do so, whether it's with more scoreboard tokens or more counters. RDNA 4 indeed can do Cortex A510 style nonblocking loads, but it's far from a new feature in the world of GPUs.

Resolving false cross-wave dependencies isn't new either. Nvidia had "out-of-order" cross-wave memory access handling in Turing, and presumably their newer architectures too. Intel had the same at least as far back as Gen 9 (Skylake) graphics. Therefore RDNA 4's "out-of-order" memory subsystem enhancements are best seen as generational tweaks, rather than new game changing techniques.

Still, AMD's engineers deserve credit for making them happen. RDNA 4’s arguably makes the most significant change to AMD’s GPU memory subsystem since RDNA launched in 2019. I'm glad to see the company continue to improve their GPU architecture and make it better suited to emerging workloads like raytracing.

Looking Ahead at Intel’s Xe3 GPU Architecture

2025-03-20 04:29:49

Intel’s foray into high performance graphics has enjoyed impressive progress over the past few years, and the company is not letting up on the gas. Tom Peterson from Intel has indicated that Xe3 hardware design is complete, and software work is underway. Some of that software work is visible across several different open source repositories, offering a preview of what’s to come.

GPU Organization: Larger Render Slices?

Modern GPUs are built from a hierarchy of subdivision levels, letting them scale to hit different performance, power and price targets. A shader program running on an Intel GPU can check where it’s running by reading the low bits of the sr0 (state register 0) architectural register.

sr0 topology bits on Xe3 have a different layout1. Xe Cores within a Render Slice are enumerated with four bits, up from two in prior generations. Thus Xe3’s topology bits would be able to handle a Render Slice with up to 16 Xe Cores. Prior Xe generations could only have four Xe Cores per Render Slice, and often went right up to that. The B580 and A770 both placed four Xe Cores in each Render Slice.

Having enough bits to describe a certain configuration doesn’t mean Intel will ship something that big. Xe did use its maximum 32 core, 4096 lane setup in the Arc A770. However, Xe2 maxed out at 20 cores and 2560 lanes with the Arc B580. Xe2’s sr0 format could theoretically enumerate 16 slices. Giving each slice the maximum of 4 Xe Cores would make a 64 Xe Core GPU with 8192 FP32 lanes. Obviously the B580 doesn’t get anywhere near that.

Visualizing the shader array on a hypothetical giant Xe2 implementation that maxes out all topology enumeration bits

Xe3 goes even further. Maxing out all the topology enumeration bits would result in a ludicrously large 256 Xe Core configuration with 32768 FP32 lanes. That’s even larger than Nvidia’s RTX 5090, which “only” has 21760 FP32 lanes. Intel has been focusing on the midrange segment for a while, and I doubt we’ll see anything that big.

Instead, I think Intel wants more flexibility to scale compute power independently of fixed function hardware like ROPs and rasterizers. AMD and Nvidia’s SAs and GPCs all pack a lot more than four cores. For example, the RX 6900XT’s Shader Engines each have 10 WGPs. Nvidia’s RTX 4090 puts eight SMs in each GPC. GPUs have become more compute-heavy over time, as games use more complex shader programs. Intel seems to be following the same trend.

XVE Changes

Xe Vector Engines (XVEs) execute shader programs on Intel GPUs. They use a combination of vector-level and thread-level parallelism to hide latency.

Higher Occupancy, Increased Parallelism

Xe3 XVEs can run 10 threads concurrently, up from eight in prior generations. Like SMT on a CPU, tracking multiple threads helps a XVE hide latency using thread level parallelism. If one thread stalls, the XVE can hopefully find an un-stalled thread to issue instructions from. Active thread count is also referred to as thread occupancy. 100% occupancy on a GPU would be analogous to 100% utilization in Windows Task Manager. Unlike CPU SMT implementations, GPU occupancy can be limited by register file capacity.

Prior Intel GPUs had two register allocation modes. Normally each thread gets 128 512-bit registers, for 8 KB of registers per thread. A “large GRF” mode gives each thread 256 registers, but drops occupancy to 4 threads because of register file capacity limits. Xe3 continues to use 64 KB register files per XVE, but flexibly allocates registers in 32 entry blocks2. That lets Xe3’s XVEs get 10 threads in flight as long as each thread uses 96 or fewer registers. If a shader program needs a lot of registers, occupancy degrades more gracefully than in prior generations.

Nvidia and AMD GPUs allocate registers at even finer granularity. AMD’s RDNA 2 for example allocates registers in blocks of 16. But Xe3 is still more flexible than prior Intel generations. With this change, simple shaders that only need a few registers will enjoy better latency tolerance from more thread-level parallelism. And more complex shaders can avoid dropping to the “large GRF” mode.

Xe3’s XVEs have more scoreboard tokens too. Like AMD and Nvidia, Intel uses compiler assisted scheduling for long latency instructions like memory accesses. A long latency instruction can set a scoreboard entry, and a dependent instruction can wait until that entry is cleared. Each Xe3 thread gets 32 scoreboard tokens regardless of occupancy, so a XVE has 320 scoreboard tokens in total. On Xe2, a thread gets 16 tokens if the XVE is running eight threads, or 32 in “large GRF” mode with four threads. Thus Xe2’s XVEs only have 128 scoreboard tokens in total. More tokens let thread have more outstanding long latency instructions. That very likely translates to more memory level parallelism per thread.

“Scalar” Register (s0)

Intel’s GPU ISA has a vector register file (GRF, or General Register File) that stores much of a shader program’s data and feeds the vector execution units. It also has an “Architecture Register File” (ARF) with special registers. Some of those can store data, like the accumulator registers. But others serve special purposes. For example, sr0 as mentioned above provides GPU topology info, along with floating point exception state and thread priority. A 32-bit instruction pointer points to the current instruction address, relative to the instruction base address.

Notes on Intel’s ARF, with changes from Xe2 to Xe3 in blue

Xe3 adds a “Scalar Register” (s0) to the ARF6. s0 is laid out much like the address register (a0), and is used for gather-send instructions. XVEs access memory and communicate with other shared using by sending messages over the Xe Core’s message fabric, using send instructions. Gather-send appears to let Xe3 gather non-contiguous values from the register file, and send them with a single send instruction.

Besides adding the Scalar Register, Xe3 extends the thread dependency register (TDR) to handle 10 threads. sr0 gains an extra 32-bit doubleword for unknown reasons.

Instruction Changes

Xe3 supports a saturation modifier for FCVT, an instruction that converts between different floating point types (not between integer and floating point). FCVT was introduced with Ponte Vecchio, but the saturation modifier could ease conversion from higher to lower precision floating point formats. Xe3 also gains HF8 (half float 8-bit) format support, providing another 8-bit floating point format option next to the BF8 type already supported in Xe2.

For the XMX unit, Xe3 gains a xdpas instruction4. sdpas stands for sparse systolic dot product with accumulate5. Matrices with a lot of zero elements are known as sparse matrices. Operations on sparse matrices can be optimized because anything multiplied by zero is obviously zero. Nvidia and AMD GPUs have both implemented sparsity optimizations, and Intel is apparently looking to do the same.

Raytracing: Sub-Triangle Opacity Culling

Sub-Triangle Opacity Culling (STOC) subdivides triangles in BVH leaf nodes, and marks sub-triangles as transparent, opaque, or partially transparent. The primary motivation is to reduce wasted any-hit shader work when games use texture alpha channels to handle complex geometry. Intel’s paper calls out foliage as an example, noting that programmers may use low vertex counts to reduce “rendering, animation, and even simulation run times.”7 BVH geometry from the API perspective can only be completely transparent or opaque, so games mark all partially transparent primitives as transparent. Each ray intersection will fire an any-hit shader, which carries out alpha testing. If alpha testing indicates the ray intersected a transparent part of the primitive, the shader program doesn’t contribute a sample and the any-hit shader launch is basically wasted. STOC bits let the any-hit shader skip alpha testing if the ray intersects a completely transparent or completely opaque sub-triangle.

From Intel's paper, showing examples of foliage textures

Storing each sub-triangle’s opacity information takes two bits, so STOC does require more storage compared to using a single opacity bit for the entire triangle. Still, it’s far more practical than packing entire textures into the BVH. Intel’s paper found that a software-only STOC implementation improved performance by 5.9-42.2% compared to standard alpha tests when handling translucent ray-traced shadows.

Elden Ring's BVH represents tree leaves in Leyndell using larger triangles, as seen in Radeon Raytracing Analyzer. STOC may map well to this scenario

STOC-aware raytracing hardware can provide further gains, especially with Intel's raytracing implementation. Intel's raytracing acceleration method closely aligns with the DXR 1.0 standard. A raytracing accelerator (RTA) autonomously handles traversal and launches hit/miss shaders by sending messages to the Xe Core's thread dispatcher. STOC bits could let the RTA skip shader launches if the ray intersects a completely transparent sub-triangle. For an opaque sub-triangle, the RTA can tell the shader program to skip alpha testing, and terminate the ray early.

Illustrating the problem STOC tries to solve. Yes I used rectangles, but I wanted to use the same leaf texture outline as Intel's paper. And Intel's leaf nodes store rectangles (triangle pairs) anyway

Xe3 brings STOC bits into hardware raytracing data structures with two levels of sophistication. A basic implementation retains 64B leaf nodes, but creatively finds space to fit 18 extra bits. Intel's QuadLeaf structure represents a merged pair of triangles. Each triangle gets 8 STOC bits, implying four sub-triangles. Another two bits indicate whether the any-hit shader should do STOC emulation in software, potentially letting programmers turn off hardware STOC for debugging. This mode is named "STOC1" in code.

Sketching out triangle (leaf) node formats for Xe/Xe2 and Xe3. Blue = STOC related, purple = non-STOC raytracing data structure changes

A “STOC3” structure takes things further by storing pointers to STOC bits rather than embedding them into the BVH. That allows more flexibility in how much storage the STOC bits can use. STOC3 also specifies recursion levels for STOC bits, possibly for recursively partitioning triangles. Subdividing further would reduce the number of partially transparent sub-triangles, which require alpha testing from the any-hit shader. Storing pointers for STOC3 brings leaf node size to 128 bytes, increasing BVH memory footprint.

Possible performance gains are exciting, but using STOC requires work from game developers or game engines. Intel suggests that STOC bits can be generated offline as part of game asset compilation. Artists will have to determine whether using STOC will provide a performance uplift for a particular scene. A scene with a lot of foliage might benefit massively from STOC. A chain link fence may be another story. STOC isn’t a part of the DirectX or Vulkan standards, which can be another obstacle to adoption. However, software-only STOC can still provide benefits. That could encourage developers to try it out. If they do implement it, STOC-aware Xe3 hardware stands to gain more than a software-only solution.

Final Words

We’re still some time away from real Xe3 products. But software changes suggest Xe3 is another significant step forward for Intel’s graphics architecture. Xe2 was a solid step in Intel’s foray into discrete graphics, providing better performance than Xe with a nominally smaller GPU. Xe3 tweaks the architecture again and likely has similar goals. Higher occupancy and dynamic register allocation would make Xe Cores more latency tolerant, improving utilization. Those changes also bring Intel’s graphics architecture closer to AMD and Nvidia’s.

XVE changes show Intel is still busy evolving their core compute architecture. In contrast, Nvidia’s Streaming Multiprocessors haven’t seen significant changes from Ampere to Blackwell. Nvidia may have felt Ampere’s SM architecture was good enough, and turned their efforts to tuning features while scaling up the GPU to keep providing generational gains. Intel meanwhile seeks to get more out of each Xe Core (and Xe2 achieved higher performance than Xe with fewer Xe Cores).

Intel Arc logo on a product box

In a similarity with Nvidia, Intel is pushing hard on the features front and evidently has invested into research. GPUs often try to avoid doing wasted work. Just rasterization pipelines use early depth testing to avoid useless pixel shader invocations, STOC avoids spawning useless any-hit shaders. It’s too early to tell what kind of difference STOC or other Xe3 features will make. But anyone doubting Intel’s commitment to moving their GPU architecture forward should take a serious look at Mesa and Intel Graphics Compiler changes. There’s a lot going on, and I look forward to seeing Xe3 whenever it’s ready.

Raytracing on Intel’s Arc B580

2025-03-15 07:42:44

Edit: The article originally said Intel’s BVH nodes were 4-wide, based on a misreading of QuadLeaf. After inspecting Intel compiler code, QuadLeaf actually means two merged triangles with a shared side (a quadrilateral, not a quad of four triangles).

Intel’s discrete GPU strategy has emphasized add-on features ever since Alchemist launched. Right from the start, Intel invested heavily in dedicated matrix multiplication units, raytracing accelerators, and hardware video codecs. Battlemage continues that trend. Raytracing deserves attention because raytraced effects are gaining prominence on an increasing number of titles.

Here, I’ll be looking at a Cyberpunk 2077 frame rendered on Intel’s Arc B580, with path tracing enabled. As always, I’m focusing on how the architecture handles the workload, rather than absolute performance. Mainstream tech outlets already do an excellent job discussing final performance.

Definitely check out the prior article on Meteor Lake’s raytracing implementation, because Intel uses the same raytracing strategy and data structures on Battlemage. Also be sure to check the Battlemage article, which covers the B580’s architecture and some of Intel’s terminology.

Cyberpunk 2077 Path Tracing, Lighting Shader?

I captured a Cyberpunk 2077 frame at 1080P with no upscaling. Framerate was a bit low at 12 FPS. An occupancy timeline from Intel’s Graphics Performance Analyzer (GPA) shows raytracing calls dominating frame time, though CP2077 surprisingly still spends some time on small rasterization calls.

I’m going to focus on the longest duration RT call, which appears to handle some lighting effects. Output from that DispatchRays call shows a very noisy representation of the scene. It’s similar to what you’d get if you stopped a Blender render at an extremely low sample count. Large objects are recognizable, but smaller ones are barely visible.

Output from the DispatchRays call, as shown by GPA

Raytracing Accelerator

Battlemage’s raytracing accelerator (RTA) plays a central role in Intel’s efforts to improve raytracing performance. The RTA receives messages from XVEs to start ray traversal. It then handles traversal without further intervention from the ray generation shader, which terminates shortly after talking to the RTA. BVH data formats are closely tied to the hardware implementation. Intel continues to use the same box and triangle node formats as the previous generation. Both box and triangle nodes continue to be 64B in size, and thus neatly fit into a cacheline.

Roughly how the raytracing process works. Any L1 request can miss of course

Compared to Alchemist and Meteor Lake, Battlemage’s RTA increases traversal pipeline count from 2 to 3. That brings box test rate up to three nodes per cycle, or 18 box tests. Triangle intersection test rate doubles as well. More RTA throughput could put more pressure on the memory subsystem, so the RTA’s BVH cache doubles in capacity from 8 KB to 16 KB.

During the path tracing DispatchRays call, the B580 processed 467.9M rays per second, or 23.4M rays/sec per Xe Core. Each ray required an average of 39.5 traversal steps. RTAs across the GPU handled just over 16 billion BVH nodes per second, which mostly lines up with traversal step count. Intel uses a short stack traversal algorithm with a restart trail. That reduces stack size compared to a simple depth first search, letting Intel keep the stack in low latency registers. However, it can require restarting traversal from the top using a restart trail. Doing so would mean some upper level BVH nodes get visited more than once by the same ray. That means more pointer chasing accesses, though it looks like the RTA can avoid repeating intersection tests on previously accessed nodes.

My impression of how the raytracing unit works. Each traversal pipeline holds ray state, possibly for multiple rays. The frontend allocates rays into the traversal pipelines

GPA’s RT_QUAD_TEST_RAY_COUNT and RT_QUAD_LEAF_RAY_COUNT metrics suggest 1.55% and 1.04% utilization figures for the ray-box and ray-triangle units, respectively. Intel isn’t bound by ray-triangle or ray-box throughput. Even if every node required intersection testing, utilization on the ray-box or ray-triangle units would be below 10%. Battlemage would likely be fine with the two ray-box and single triangle unit from before. I suspect Intel found that duplicating the the traversal pipeline was an easy way to let the RTA keep more work in flight, improving latency hiding.

“Percentage of time in which Ray Tracing Frontend is stalled by Traversal”

Description of the RT_TRAVERSAL_STALL metric in GPA

Intel never documented what they mean by the Ray Tracing Frontend. Perhaps the RTA consists of a frontend that accepts messages from the XVEs, and a traversal backend that goes through the BVH. A stall at the frontend may mean it has received messages from the XVEs, but none of the traversal pipelines in the backend can accept more work. Adding an extra traversal pipeline could be an easy way to process more rays in parallel. And the extra pipeline of course comes with its own ray-box units. Of course, there could be other workloads that benefit from higher intersection test throughput. Intel added an extra triangle test unit, and those aren’t part of the traversal pipelines.

BVH Caching

BVH traversal is latency sensitive. Intel’s short stack algorithm requires more pointer chasing steps than a simple depth first search, making it even more sensitive to memory latency. But it also creates room for optimization via caching. Using the restart trail involves re-visiting nodes that have been accessed not long ago. A cache can exploit that kind of temporal locality, which is likely why Intel gave the RTA a BVH cache. The Xe Core already has a L1 data cache, but that has to be accessed over the Xe Core’s message fabric. A small cache tightly coupled to the RTA is easier to optimize for latency.

Battlemage’s 16 KB BVH cache performs much better than the 8 KB one on prior generations. Besides reducing latency, the BVH cache also reduces pressure on L1 cache. Accessing 16.03G BVH nodes per second requires ~1.03 TB/s of bandwidth. Battlemage’s L1 can handle that easily. But minimizing data movement can reduce power draw. BVH traversal should also run concurrently with miss/hit shaders on the XVEs, and reducing contention between those L1 cache clients is a good thing.

Dispatching Shaders

Hit/miss shader programs provided by the game handle traversal hit/miss results. The RTA launches these shader programs by sending messages back to the Xe Core’s thread dispatcher, which allocates them to XVEs as thread slots become available. The thread dispatcher has two queues for non-pixel shader work, along with a pixel shader work queue. Raytracing work only uses one of the non-pixel shader queues (queue0).

81.95% of the time, queue0 had threads queued up. It spent 79.6% of the time stalled waiting to for free thread slots on the XVEs. That suggests the RTAs are generating traversal results faster than the shader array can handle the results.

Most of the raytracing related thread launches are any hit or closest hit shaders. Miss shaders are called less often. In total, RTAs across the Arc B580 launched just over a billion threads per second. Even though Intel’s raytracing method launches a lot of shader programs, much of that is contained within the Xe Cores and doesn’t bother higher level scheduling hardware. Just as with Meteor Lake, Intel’s hierarchical scheduling setup is key to making its RTAs work well.

Vector Execution

A GPU’s regular shader units run the hit/miss shader programs that handle raytracing results. During the DispatchRays call, the B580’s XVEs have almost all of their thread slots active. If you could see XVE thread slots as logical cores in Task Manager (1280 of them), you’d see 93.8% utilization. Judging from ALU0 utilization breakdowns, most of the work comes from any hit and closest hit shaders. Miss shader invocations aren’t rare, but perhaps the miss shaders don’t do a lot of work.

Just as high utilization in Task Manager doesn’t show how fast your CPU cores are doing work under the hood, high occupancy doesn’t imply high execution unit utilization. More threads simply give the GPU more thread-level parallelism to hide latency with, just like loading more SMT threads on CPU cores. In this workload, even high occupancy isn’t enough to achieve good hardware utilization. Execution unit usage is low across the board, with the ALU0 and ALU1 math pipelines busy less than 20% of the time.

Intel can break down thread stall reasons for cycles when the XVE wasn’t able to execute any instructions. Multiple threads can be stalled on different reasons during the same cycle, so counts will add up to over 100%. A brief look shows memory latency is a significant factor, as scoreboard ID stalls top the chart even without adding in SendWr stalls. Modern CPUs and GPUs usually spend a lot of time with execution units idle, waiting for data from memory. But Cyberpunk 2077’s path tracing shaders appear a bit more difficult than usual.

Execution latency hurts too, suggesting Cyberpunk 2077’s raytracing shaders don’t have a lot of instruction level parallelism. If the compiler can’t place enough independent instructions between dependent ones, threads will stall. GPUs can often hide execution latency by switching between threads, and the XVEs in this workload do have plenty of thread-level parallelism to work with. But it’s not enough, so there’s probably a lot of long latency instructions and long dependency chains.

Finally, threads often stall on instruction fetch. The instruction cache only has a 92.7% hitrate, so some shader programs are taking L1i misses. Instruction cache bandwidth may be a problem too. Each Xe Core’s instruction cache handled 1.11 hits per cycle if I did my math right, so the instruction cache sometimes has to handle more than one access per cycle. If each access is for a 64B cacheline, each Xe Core consumes over 200 GB/s of instruction bandwidth. Intel’s Xe Core design does seem to demand a lot of instruction bandwidth. Each Xe Core has eight XVEs, each of which can issue multiple instructions per cycle. Feeding both ALU0 and ALU1 would require 2 IPC, or 16 IPC across the Xe Core. For comparison, AMD’s RDNA 2 only needs 4 IPC from the instruction cache to feed its vector execution units.

Instruction Mix

Executed shader code usually uses 32-bit datatypes, with some 16-bit types playing a minor role. INT64 instructions also make an appearance, perhaps for address calculation. Special function units (math) see heavy usage, and may contribute to AluWr stalls above.

The close mix of INT32 and FP32 instructions plays well into the XVE’s pipeline layout, because those instruction types are executed on different ports. However, performance is bound by factors other than execution unit throughput and pipe layout.

Cache and Memory Access

Caches within Battlemage’s Xe Core struggle to contain this path tracing workload’s memory accesses. Despite increasing L1 cache capacity from 192 to 256 KB, Battlemage’s L1 hitrate still sits below 60%. Intel services texture accesses with a separate cache that appears to have 32 KB of capacity from a latency test. Texture cache hitrate is lackluster at under 30%.

Traffic across the GPU

A lot of accesses fall through to L2, and the Arc B580’s 18 MB L2 ends up handling over 1 TB/s of traffic. L2 hitrate is good at over 90%, so 18 MB of L2 capacity is adequate for this workload. The Arc B580’s 192-bit GDDR6 setup can provide 456 GB/s of bandwidth, and this workload used 334.27 GB/s on average. GPA indicates the memory request queue was full less than 1% of the time, so the B580’s GDDR6 subsystem did well on the bandwidth front. Curiously, L2 miss counts suggest 122.91 GB/s of L2 miss bandwidth. Something is consuming VRAM bandwidth without going through L2.

A Brief Look at Port Royal

3DMark’s Port Royal benchmark uses raytraced reflections and shadows. It still renders most of the scene using rasterization, instead of the other way around like Cyberpunk 2077’s path tracing mode. That makes Port Royal a better representation of a raytracing workload that’s practical to run on midrange cards. I’m looking at a DispatchRays call that appears to handle reflections.

Output from the DispatchRays call

Rays in Port Royal take more traversal steps. Higher BVH cache hitrate helps keep traversal fast, so the RTAs are able to sustain a similar rays per second figure compared to Cyberpunk 2077. Still, Port Royal places more relative pressure on the RTAs. RT traversal stalls happen more often, suggesting the RTA is getting traversal work handed to it faster than it can generate results.

At the same time, the RTA generates less work for the shader array when traversal finishes. Port Royal only has miss and closest hit shaders, so a ray won’t launch several any-hit shaders as it passes through transparent objects. Cyberpunk 2077’s path tracing mode also launches any-hit shaders, allowing more complex effects but also creating more work. In Port Royal, the Xe Core thread dispatchers rarely have work queued up waiting for free XVE thread slots. From the XVE side, occupancy is lower too. Together, those metrics suggest the B580’s shader array is also consuming traversal results faster than the RTAs generate them.

Just as a very cache friendly workload can achieve higher IPC with a single thread than two SMT threads together on a workload with a lot of cache misses, Port Royal enjoys better execution unit utilization despite having fewer active threads on average. Instruction fetch stalls are mostly gone. Memory latency is always an issue, but it’s not quite as severe. That shifts some stalls to execution latency, but that’s a good thing because math operations usually have lower latency than memory accesses.

Much of this comes down to Port Royal being more cache friendly. The B580’s L1 caches are able to contain more memory accesses, resulting in lower L2 and VRAM traffic.

Final Words

Intel’s Battlemage architecture is stronger than its predecessor at raytracing, thanks to beefed up RTAs with more throughput and better caching. Raytracing involves much more than BVH traversal, so Intel’s improved shader array also provides raytracing benefits. That especially applies to Cyberpunk 2077’s path tracing mode, which seeks to do more than simple reflections and shadows, creating a lot of pressure on the shader array. Port Royal’s limited raytracing effects present a different challenge. Simple effects mean less work on the XVEs, shifting focus to the RTAs.

Raytracing workloads are diverse, and engineers have to allocate their transistor budget between fixed function BVH traversal hardware and regular vector execution units. It reminds me of DirectX 9 GPUs striking a balance between vertex and pixel shader core counts. More vertex shaders help with complex geometry. More pixel shaders help with higher resolutions. Similarly, BVH traversal hardware deals with geometry. Hit/miss shaders affect on-screen pixel colors, though they operate on a sample basis rather than directly calculating colors for specified pixel coordinates.

Rasterization and raytracing both place heavy demands on the memory subsystem, which continues to limit performance. Intel has therefore improved their caches to keep the improved RTAs and XVEs fed. The 16 KB BVH cache and bigger general purpose L1 cache have a field day in Port Royal. They have less fun with Cyberpunk 2077 path tracing. Perhaps Intel could make the Xe Core’s caches even bigger. But as with everything that goes on a chip, engineers have to make compromises with their limited transistor budget.

Output across multiple DispatchRays calls, manually ADD-ed together and exposure adjusted in GIMP. No noise reduction applied.

Cyberpunk 2077’s path tracing mode is a cool showcase, but it’s not usable on a midrange card like the B580 anyway. Well, not at least without a heavy dose of upscaling and perhaps frame generation. The B580’s caches do better on a simpler workload like Port Royal. Maybe Intel tuned Battlemage’s caches with such workloads in mind. It’s a good tradeoff considering Cyberpunk 2077’s path tracing mode challenges even high end GPUs.

Much like Intel’s strategy of targeting the GPU market’s sweet spot, perhaps Battlemage’s raytracing implementation targets the sweet spot of raytracing-enabled games, which use a few raytraced effects help enhance a mostly rasterized scene. Going forward, Intel plans to keep advancing their raytracing implementation. Xe3 adds sub-triangle opacity culling with associated new data structures. While Intel compiler code only references Panther Lake (Xe3 LPG) for now, I look forward to seeing what Intel does next with raytracing on discrete GPUs.

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AMD's RDNA4 Architecture (Video)

2025-03-05 22:01:21

Hello you fine Internet folks,

Today AMD has released their new RDNA4 architecture found in the RX 9000 series, with the RX 9070 and RX 9070 XT GPUs launching first. These are cards targeting the high mid-range of the GPU market but not going after the highest end of the market like they did with RDNA2 and RDNA3.

RDNA4 is the fourth iteration of the RDNA architecture from AMD and it has some very interesting changes and additions compared to prior RDNA architectures.


AMD sent over a Powercolor Hellhound RX 9070 and a Powercolor Hellhound RX 9070 XT for review and analysis.

Architectural Improvements

Let’s start with the high-level die diagram changes first.

The die found in the RX 9070 series is fabricated on TSMC’s N4P node and has 53.9 billion transistors on a 356.5mm² die which give a density of roughly 151.2 million transistor per mm².

The majority of the differences between the RX 9070 and the RX 9070 XT are 8 fewer Compute Units, approximately 450MHz boost clock, and an 84-watt power limit reduction.

Cache Bandwidth and Hierarchy Changes

AMD has doubled the number of banks for the L2 cache which has also doubled the amount of L2 per Shader Engine. In prior RDNA architectures there was 1MB of L2 cache per Shader Engine, so the RX 6900 XT had 4MB of L2 cache due to having 4 Shader Engines and the RX 7900 XTX had 6MB of L2 cache due to having 6 Shader Engines.

With RDNA4 AMD has doubled the number of banks per L2 slice which has doubled the bandwidth of each L2 slice as well as doubled the amount of L2 cache per Shader Engine which means with the 4 Shader Engines that the RX 9070 XT has 8MB of L2 cache. It also appears as if AMD also increased the bandwidth of the Infinity Cache (MALL) as well.

What is interesting is that the L1 cache no longer exists on RDNA4. It appears as if the L1 is now a read/write-coalescing buffer and no longer a dedicated cache level. This is a major change in the RDNA cache hierarchy, the L1 was added to RDNA1 in order to reduce the number of requests to the L2 as well as reduce the number of clients to the L2.

Compute Unit and Matrix Unit Updates

There is an error in this slide; Named Barriers are not a part of RDNA4

AMD added FP operations to the Scalar Unit in RDNA3.5 and they have kept those additions to the Scalar Unit with RDNA4. AMD has also improved the scheduler with Split Barriers which allows instructions to be issued in between completion of consuming or producing one block of work and waiting for other waves to complete their work.

AMD has also added improvements to the register spill and fill behavior in the form of Register Block Spill/Fill operations which operates on up to 32 registers. A major reason for adding this capability was reducing unnecessary spill memory traffic for cases such as separately compiled functions by allowing code that knows which registers contain live state to pass that information to code that may need to save/restore registers to make use of them.

RDNA4 has also significantly beefied-up the matrix units compared to RDNA3. The FP16/BF16 throughput has been doubled along with a quadrupling of the INT8 and INT4 throughput. RDNA4 has also added FP8 (E4M3) along with BF8 (E5M2) at the same throughput as INT8. RDNA4 has also added 4:2 sparsity to its matrix units. However, one part of the Compute Unit that hasn’t seen improvement is the dual-issuing capability.

Ray Accelerator

Moving to the changes to AMD’s Ray Accelerator (RA) which has been a significant focus for AMD with RDNA4.

AMD has added a second intersection engine which has doubled the number of ray-box and ray-triangle intersections up from 4 and 1 to 8 and 2 respectively. AMD has also moved from a BVH4 to a BVH8 structure.

AMD has also added the ability for the ray accelerator to store results out of order, “Pack and Sort”. Packing allows the RA to skip ahead and process faster rays that don’t need to access memory or a higher latency cache level. Sorting allows the RA to preserve the correct ordering so that it appears to the program as if the instructions were executed in-order.

Out of Order Memory Access

One of the most exciting things that RDNA4 has added was out of order memory access. This is not like Nvidia’s Shader Execution Reordering, what SER allows for is reordering threads that hit or miss, as well as threads that go to the same cache or memory level, to be bundled in the same wave.

This out of order memory access seems to be very similar to the capabilities that Cortex-A510 has. While the Cortex-A510 is an in-order core for Integer and Floating-Point operations, for memory operations A510 can absorb up to 2 cache misses without stalling the rest of the pipeline. The number of misses that a RDNA4 Compute Unit can handle is unknown but the fact that it can deal with memory accesses out of order is a new feature for a GPU to have.

Dynamic Registers

And last but not least, AMD has added dynamic allocation of RDNA4’s registers.

This allows shaders to request more registers than they usually can get. This provides the GPU with more opportunity for having more waves in flight at any given time. Dynamic register allocation along with the out of order memory access gives RDNA4 many tricks to hide the latency that some workloads, in particular ray tracing, have.

Performance of RDNA4 at Different Wattages

I’ll leave the majority of the benchmarking to the rest of the tech media; however, I do want to look at RDNA4’s behavior at various wattages.

The RX 9070 does quite well at 154 watts, despite at being 44% the power compared to the RX 9070 XT at 348W, the RX 9070 at 154 watts get on average 70% the performance of the RX 9070 XT at 348 watts which is a 59% performance per watt advantage for the RX 9070 at 154 watts.


AMD’s brand new RDNA4 architecture has made many improvements to the core of the RDNA compute unit with much improved machine learning and ray tracing accelerators along with major improvements to the handling of latency sensitive workloads.

However, RDNA4’s Compute Unit is not just the only improvements that AMD has made to RDNA4. AMD has also improved the cache bandwidth at the L2 and MALL levels along with making the L1 no longer a cache level but a read/write-coalescing buffer.

However, with the launch of the RX 9070 series, I do wonder what a 500-600mm² RDNA4 die with a 384/512 bit memory bus would have performed like. I wonder if it could have competed with the 4090, or maybe even the 5090.

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Zen 5's AVX-512 Frequency Behavior

2025-03-01 12:02:39

Zen 5 is AMD's first core to use full-width AVX-512 datapaths. Its vector execution units are 512 bits wide, and its L1 data cache can service two 512-bit loads per cycle. Intel went straight to 512-bit datapaths with Skylake-X back in 2017, and used fixed frequency offsets and transition periods to handle AVX-512 power demands. Later Intel CPUs did away with fixed fixed frequency offsets, but Skylake-X's AVX-512 teething troubles demonstrate the difficulties that come with running wide datapaths at high clock speeds. Zen 5 benefits from a much better process node and also has no fixed clock speed offsets when running AVX-512 code.

Through the use of improved on-die sensors, AC capacitance (Cac) monitors, and di/dt-based adaptive clocking, "Zen 5" can achieve full AVX512 performance at peak core frequency.

"Zen 5": The AMD High-Performance 4nm x86-64 Microprocessor Core

But if a Zen 5 core is running at 5.7 GHz and suddenly gets faced with an AVX-512 workload, what exactly happens? Here, I'm probing AVX-512 behavior using a modified version of my boost clock testing code. I wrote that code a couple years ago and used dependent integer adds to infer clock speed. Integer addition typically has single cycle latency, making it a good platform-independent proxy for clock speed. Instead of checking clock ramp time, I'm switching to a different test function with AVX-512 instructions mixed in after each dependent add. I also make sure the instructions I place between the dependent adds are well within what Zen 5's FPU can handle every cycle, which prevents the FPU from becoming a bottleneck.

512-bit FMA, Register Inputs

I started by placing two fused multiply-add (FMA) instructions in each iteration, each of which operates on a 512-bit vector of packed FP32 values. After the Ryzen 9 reaches 5.7 GHz running the scalar integer function, I switch over to AVX-512 instructions.

Impressively, nothing changes. The dependent integer adds continue to execute at ~5.7 GHz. Zooming in doesn’t show a transition period either. I see a single data point covering 1.3 microseconds where the core executed those dependent integer adds at “only” a 5.3 GHz average. The very next data point shows the core running at full speed again.

Evidently, Zen 5’s FPU is not troubled by getting hit with 512-bit vector operations, even when running at 5.7 GHz. If there is a transition period for the increased power draw, it’s so tiny that it can be ignored. That matches Alex Yee’s observations, and shows just how strong Zen 5’s FPU is. For comparison, the same experiment on Skylake-X shows both a transition period and lower clock speeds after the transition completes. Intel’s Core i9-10900X reaches 4.65 GHz after a rather long clock ramp using scalar integer code. Switching to the AVX-512 test function drops clock speeds to 4 GHz, a significant decrease from 4.65 GHz.

Zooming in on Skylake-X data reveals a transition period, which Travis Downs and Alex Yee noted from a while ago. My test eats a longer 55 microsecond transition period though. Travis Downs saw a 20 microsecond transition, while Alex Yee mentions a 50k cycle delay (~12 microseconds at 4 GHz).

Note the dip after switching to the AVX-512 test function

I’m not sure why I see a longer transition, but I don’t want to dwell on it because of methodology differences. Travis Downs used vector integer instructions, and I used floating point ones. And I want to focus on Zen 5.

After the transition finishes, the i9-10900X levels out at 3.7 GHz, then briefly settles at 3.8 GHz for less than 0.1 ms before reaching its steady state 4 GHz speed.

Adding a Memory Operand

Zen 5 also doubles L1D load bandwidth, and I’m exercising that by having each FMA instruction source an input from the data cache. I used the following pattern above:

  add rbx, r8
  vfmadd132ps zmm16, zmm1, zmm0
  vfmadd132ps zmm17, zmm2, zmm0
  add rbx, r8
  vfmadd132ps zmm18, zmm3, zmm0
  vfmadd132ps zmm19, zmm4, zmm0


I’m changing those FMA instructions to use a memory operand. Because Zen 5 can handle two 512-bit loads per cycle, the core should have no problems maintaining 3 IPC. That’s two 512-bit FMAs, or 64 FP32 FLOPS, alongside a scalar integer add.

  add rbx, r8
  vfmadd132ps zmm16, zmm1, [r15]
  vfmadd132ps zmm17, zmm2, [r15 + 64]

  add rbx, r8
  vfmadd132ps zmm18, zmm3, [r15 + 128]
  vfmadd132ps zmm19, zmm4, [r15 + 192]


With the load/store unit’s 512-bit paths in play, the Ryzen 9 9900X has to undergo a transition period of some sort before recovering to 5.5 GHz. From the instruction throughput perspective, Zen 5 apparently dips to 4.7 GHz and stays there for a dozen milliseconds. Then it slowly ramps back up until it reaches steady state speeds.

The Ryzen 9 9900X splits its cores across two Core Complex Dies, or CCDs. The first CCD can reach 5.7 GHz, while the second tops out at 5.4 GHz. Cores on the second CCD show no transition period on this test.

Cores within the fast CCD all need a transition period, but the exact nature of that transition varies. Not all cores reach steady state AVX-512 frequencies at the same time, and some cores take a sharper hit when this heavy AVX-512 sequence shows up.

Not showing the switch point because it’s pretty obvious where it is, and happens at about the same time for all cores within CCD0

Per-core variation suggests each Zen 5 core has its own sensors and adjusts its performance depending on something. Perhaps it’s measuring voltage. From this observation, I wouldn’t be surprised if another 9900X example shows slightly different behavior.

Am I Really Looking at Clock Speed?

Zen 5’s frequency appears to dip during the transition period, based on how fast it’s executing instructions compared to its expected capability. But while my approach of using dependent scalar integer adds is portable, it can’t differentiate between a core running at lower frequency and a core refusing to execute instructions at full rate. The second case may sound weird. But Travis Downs concluded Skylake-X did exactly that based on performance counter data.

[Skylake-X] continues executing instructions during a voltage transition, but at a greatly reduced speed: 1/4th of the usual instruction dispatch rate

Gathering Intel on Intel AVX-512 Transitions, Travis Downs

Executing instructions at 1/4 rate would make me infer a 4 GHz core is running at 1 GHz, which is exactly what I see with the Skylake-X transition graph above. Something similar actually happens on Zen 5. It’s not executing instructions at the usual rate during the transition period, making it look like it’s clocking slower from the software perspective.

But performance counter data shows Zen 5 does not sharply reduce its clock speed when hit with AVX-512 code. Instead, it gradually backs off from maximum frequency until it reaches a sustainable clock speed for the workload it’s hit with. During that period, instructions per cycle (IPC) decreases. IPC gradually recovers as clock speeds get closer to the final steady-state frequency. Once that happens, instruction execution rate recovers to the expected 3 IPC (1x integer add + 2x FMA).

I do have some extra margin of error when reading performance counter data, because I’m calling Linux’s perf API before and after each function call, but measuring time within those function calls. That error would become negligible if the test function runs for longer, with a higher iteration count. But I’m keeping iteration counts low to look for short transitions, resulting in a 1-3% margin of error. That’s fine for seeing whether the dip in execution speed is truly caused by lower clock speed.

As you might expect, different cores within CCD0 vary in how much they do “IPC throttling”, for lack of a better term. Some cores cut IPC more than others when hit with sudden AVX-512 load. Curiously, a core that cuts IPC harder (core 0) reaches steady state a tiny bit faster than a core that cut IPC less to start with (core 3).

Load Another FP Pipe?

Now I wonder if Zen 5’s IPC throttling is triggered by the load/store unit, or overall load. Creating heavier FPU load should make that clear. Zen 5’s FPU has four pipes for math operations. FMA operations can go down two of those pipes. Dropping a vaddps into the mix will load a third pipe. On the fast CCD, that increases the transition period from ~22 to ~32 ms. Steady state clock speed decreases by about 150 MHz compared to the prior test.

Therefore, overall stress on the core (for lack of a better term) determines whether Zen 5 needs a transition period. It just so happens that 512-bit accesses to the memory subsystem are heavy. 512-bit register-to-register operations are no big deal, but adding more of them on top of data cache accesses increases stress on the core and causes more IPC throttling.

To be clear, IPC during the transition period with the 512-bit FP add thrown in is higher than before. But 2.75 IPC is 68.75% of the expected 4 GHz, while 2.5 IPC in the prior test is 83.3% of the expected 3 IPC.

Performance counter data suggests the core decreases actual clock speed at a similar rate on both tests. The heavier load causes a longer transition period because the core has to keep reducing clocks for longer before things stabilize.

Really zoomed in, especially on the y-axis

Even with this heavier load, a core on the 9900X’s fast CCD still clocks higher than one on the slower CCD. Testing the add + 2x FMA + FADD combination on the slower CCD did not show any transition period. That’s a hint Zen 5 only needs IPC throttling if clock speed is too high when a heavy AVX-512 sequence comes up.

Transition and Recovery Periods

Transitions and the associated IPC throttling could be problematic if software rapidly alternates between heavy AVX-512 sequences and light scalar integer code. But AMD does not let Zen 5 get stuck repeatedly taking transition penalties. If I switch between the AVX-512 and scalar integer test functions, the transition doesn’t repeat.

AMD does not immediately let Zen 5 return to maximum frequency after AVX-512 load lets up. From the start of the graph we can see Zen 5 can ramp clocks from idle to 5.7 GHz in just a few milliseconds, so this isn’t a limitation of how fast the core can pull off frequency changes. Remember how the slower CCD never suffered transitions? I suspect that’s because it never found itself clocked too high to begin with. Apparently the same also applies to the fast CCD. If it happens to be running at a lower clock when a heavy AVX-512 sequence shows up, it doesn’t need to transition.

Longer function switching intervals bring the transitions back, but now they’re softer. The first transition interval starts at 5.61 GHz and ends at 5.39 GHz. It takes nearly 21 ms.

The next transition starts when Zen 5 has only recovered to 5.55 GHz, and only lasts ~10 ms. IPC throttling is less severe too. IPC only drops to ~3.2 IPC, not 2.7 GHz like before.

With an even longer switching interval, I can finally trigger full-out transitions in repeated fashion. Thus transition periods and IPC throttling behavior vary depending on how much excessive clock speed the core has to shed.

The longer switch interval also shows that Zen 5 takes over 100 ms to fully regain maximum clocks after the heavy AVX-512 load disappears. Therefore, the simple scalar integer code with just dependent adds is running slower for some time. It’s worth noting that “slower” here is still 5.3 GHz, and very fast in an absolute sense. AMD’s Ryzen 9 9900X is not shedding 600 MHz like Intel’s old Core i9-10900X did with a lighter AVX-512 test sequence.

Zen 5’s clock ramp during the recovery period isn’t linear. It gains 200 MHz over the first 50 ms, but takes longer than 50 ms to recover the last 100 MHz. I think this behavior is deliberate and aimed at avoiding frequent transitions. If heavy AVX-512 code might show up again, keeping the core clock just a few percent lower is bettert than throttling IPC by over 30%. As clock speed goes higher and potential transitions become more expensive, the core becomes less brave and increases clocks slower.

The way IPC drops more while clock speed (from perf counters) remains constant makes it feel like voltage droop. No way to tell though

Quickly switching between scalar integer and heavy AVX-512 code basically spreads out the transition, so that the core eventually converges at a sustainable clock speed for the AVX-512 sequence in question. Scalar integer code between AVX-512 sequences continues to run at full speed. And the degree of IPC throttling is very fine grained. There is no fixed 1:4 rate as on Skylake-X.

Investigating IPC Throttling

Zen 5 also has performance counters that describe why the renamer could not send micro-ops downstream. One reason is that the floating point non-scheduling queue (FP NSQ) is full. The FP NSQ on Zen 5 basically acts as the entry point for the FPU. See the prior Zen 5 article for more details.

If the NSQ fills often, the frontend is supplying the FPU with micro-ops faster than the FPU can handle them. As mentioned earlier, Zen 5’s FPU should have no problems doing two 512-bit FMA operations together with a 512-bit FP add every cycle.

FP NSQ dispatch stall counts are still nonzero after the transition ends, so the test might have some margin of error from sub-optimal pipe assignment within the FPU. Life can’t be perfect right

But during the transition period, the FP NSQ fills up quite often. At its worst, it’s full over nearly 10% of (actual) cycles. Therefore Zen 5’s frontend and renamer are running at full speed. The IPC throttling is happening somewhere further down the pipeline. Likely, Zen 5’s FP scheduler is holding back and not issuing micro-ops every cycle even when they’re ready. AMD doesn’t have performance counters at the schedule/execute stage, so that theory is impossible to verify.

Final Words

Running 512-bit execution units at 5.7 GHz is no small feat, and it’s amazing Zen 5 can do that. The core’s FPU by itself is very efficient. But hit more 512-bit datapaths around the core, and you’ll eventually run into cases where the core can’t do what you’re asking of it at 5.7 GHz. Zen 5 handles such sudden, heavy AVX-512 load with a very fine grained IPC throttling mechanism. It likely uses feedback from per-core sensors, and has varying behavior even between cores on the same CCD. Load-related clock frequency changes are slow in both directions, likely to avoid repeated IPC throttling and preserve high performance for scalar integer code in close proximity to heavy AVX-512 sequences.

The tested chip

Transient IPC throttling raises deep philosophical questions about the meaning of clock frequency. If you maintain a 5.7 GHz clock signal and increment performance counters every cycle, but execute instructions as if you were running at 3.6 GHz, how fast are you really running? Certainly it’s 5.7 GHz from a hardware monitoring perspective. But from a software performance perspective, the core behaves more like it’s running at 3.6 GHz. Which perspective is correct? If a tree falls and no one’s around to hear it, did it make a sound? What if some parts of the core are running at full speed, but others aren’t? If a tree is split by lightning and only half of it falls, is it still standing?

Pads on the back of the 9900X. Pretty eh?

Stepping back though, Zen 5’s AVX-512 clock behavior is much better than Skylake-X’s. Zen 5 has no fixed frequency offsets for AVX-512, and can handle heavier AVX-512 sequences while losing less clock speed than Skylake-X. Transitions triggered by heavier AVX-512 sequences are interesting, but Zen 5’s clocking strategy seems built to minimize those transitions. Maybe corner cases exist where Zen 5’s IPC throttling can significantly impact performance. I suspect such corner cases are rare, because Zen 5 has been out for a while and I haven’t seen anyone complain. And even if it does show up, you can likely avoid the worst of it by running on a slower clocked CCD (or part). Still, it was interesting to trigger it with a synthetic test and see just how AMD deals with 512-bit datapaths at high speed.

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Intel’s Battlemage Architecture

2025-02-11 15:22:52

Intel’s Alchemist architecture gave the company a foot in the door to the high performance graphics segment. The Arc A770 proved to be a competent first effort, able to run many games with credible performance. Now, Intel is passing the torch to a new graphics architecture, named Battlemage.

Like Alchemist, Battlemage targets the midrange segment. It doesn’t try to compete with AMD or Nvidia’s high end cards. While it’s not as flashy as Nvidia’s RTX 4090 or AMD’s RX 7900 XTX, midrange GPUs account for a much larger share of the discrete GPU market, thanks to their lower prices. Unfortunately, today’s midrange cards like the RTX 4060 and RX 7600 only come with 8 GB of VRAM, and are poor value. Intel takes advantage of this by launching the Arc B580 at $250, undercutting both competitors while offering 12 GB of VRAM.

For B580 to be successful, its new Battlemage architecture has to execute well across a variety of graphics workloads. Intel has made numerous improvements over Alchemist, aiming to achieve better performance with less compute power and less memory bandwidth. I’ll be looking at the Arc B580, with comparison data from the A770 and A750, as well as scattered data I have lying around.

System Architecture

Battlemage is organized much like its predecessor. Xe Cores continue to act as a basic building block. Four Xe Cores are grouped into a Render Slice, which also contains render backends, a rasterizer, and associated caches for those fixed function units. The entire GPU shares an 18 MB L2 cache.

Block diagram of Intel’s Arc B580. B570 disables two Xe Cores. Only FP32 units shown because I generated this diagram using Javascript and heavy abuse of the CSS box model

The Arc B580 overall is a smaller GPU than its outgoing Alchemist predecessors. B580 has five Render Slices to A770’s eight. In total, B580 has 2560 FP32 lanes to A770’s 4096.

Battlemage launches with a smaller memory subsystem too. The B580 has a 192-bit GDDR6 bus running at 19 GT/s, giving it 456 GB/s of theoretical bandwidth. A770 has 560 GB/s of GDDR6 bandwidth, thanks to a 256-bit bus running at 17.5 GT/s.

Block diagram of the A770. A750 disables four Xe Cores (a whole Render Slice)

Even the host interface has been cut down. B580 only has a PCIe 4.0 x8 link, while A770 gets a full size x16 one. Intel’s new architecture has a lot of heavy lifting to do if it wants to beat a much larger implementation of its predecessor.

Battlemage’s Xe Cores

Battlemage’s architectural changes start at its Xe Cores. The most substantial changes between the two generations actually debuted on Lunar Lake. Xe Cores are further split into XVEs, or Xe Vector engines. Intel merged pairs of Alchemist XVEs into ones that are twice as wide, completing a transition towards larger execution unit partitions. Xe Core throughput stays the same at 128 FP32 operations per cycle.

A shared instruction cache feeds all eight XVEs in a Xe Core. Alchemist had a 96 KB instruction cache, and Battlemage almost certainly has an instruction cache at least as large. Instructions on Intel GPUs are generally 16 bytes long, with a 8 byte compacted form in some cases. A 96 KB instruction cache therefore has a nominal capacity of 6-12K instructions.

Xe Vector Engines (XVEs)

XVEs form the smallest partition in Intel GPUs. Each XVE tracks up to eight threads, switching between them to hide latency and keep its execution units fed. A 64 KB register file stores thread state, giving each thread up to 8 KB of registers while maintaining maximum occupancy. Giving a register count for Intel GPUs doesn’t really work, because Intel GPU instructions can address the register file with far more flexibility than Nvidia or AMD architectures. Each instruction can specify a vector width, and access a register as small as a single scalar element.

For most math instructions, Battlemage sticks with 16-wide or 32-wide vectors, dropping the SIMD8 mode that could show up with Alchemist. Vector execution reduces instruction control overhead because a single operation gets applied across all lanes in the vector. However, that results in lost throughput if some lanes take a different branch direction. On paper, Battlemage’s longer native vector lengths would make it more prone to suffering such divergence penalties. But Alchemist awkwardly shared control logic between XVE pairs, making SIMD8 act like SIMD16, and SIMD16 act a lot like SIMD64 aside from a funny corner case (see the Meteor Lake article for more on that).

Battlemage’s divergence behavior by comparison is intuitive and straightforward. SIMD16 achieves full utilization if groups of 16 threads go the same way. The same applies for SIMD32 and groups of 32 coherent threads. Thus Battlemage is actually more agile than its predecessor when dealing with divergent branches, while enjoying the efficiency advantage of using larger vectors.

Maybe XMX is on a separate port. Maybe not. I’m not sure

Like Alchemist, Battlemage executes most math operations down two ports (ALU0, ALU1). ALU0 handles basic FP32 and FP16 operations, while ALU1 handles integer math and less common instructions. Intel’s port layout has parallels to Nvidia’s Turing, which also splits dispatch bandwidth between 16-wide FP32 and INT32 units. A key difference is that Turing uses fixed 32-wide vectors, and keeps both units occupied by feeding them on alternate cycles. Intel can issue instructions of the same type back-to-back, and can select multiple instructions to issue per cycle to different ports.

In another similarity to Turing, Battlemage carries forward Alchemist’s “XMX” matrix multiplication units. Intel claims 3-way co-issue, implying XMX is on a separate port. However, VTune only shows multiple pipe active metrics for ALU0+ALU1 and ALU0+XMX. I’ve drawn XMX as a separate port above, but the XMX units could be on ALU1.

Data collected from Intel’s VTune profiler, zoomed in to show what’s happening at the millisecond scale. VTune’s y-axis scaling is funny (relative to max observed utilization rather than 100%), so I’ve labeled some interesting points.

Gaming workloads tend to use more floating point operations. During compute heavy sections, ALU1 offloads other operations and keeps ALU0 free to deal with floating point math. XeSS exercises the XMX unit, with minimal co-issue alongside vector operations. A generative AI workload shows even less XMX+vector co-issue.

As expected for any specialized execution unit, XMX software support is far from guaranteed. Running AI image generation or language models using other frameworks heavily exercises B580’s regular vector units, while leaving the XMX units idle.

In microbenchmarks, Intel’s older A770 and A750 can often use their larger shader arrays to achieve higher compute throughput than B580. However, B580 behaves more consistently. Alchemist had trouble with FP32 FMA operations. Battlemage in contrast has no problem getting right up to its theoretical throughput. FP32+INT32 dual issue doesn’t happen perfectly on Battlemage, but it barely happened at all on A750.

On the integer side, Battlemage is better at dealing with lower precision INT8 operations. Using Meteor Lake’s iGPU as a proxy, Intel’s last generation architecture used mov and add instruction pairs to handle char16 adds, while Battlemage gets it done with just an add.

Each XVE also has a branch port for control flow instructions, and a “send” port that lets the XVE talk with the outside world. Load on these ports is typically low, because GPU programs don’t branch as often as CPU ones, and shared functions accessed through the “send” port won’t have enough throughput to handle all XVEs hitting it at the same time.

Memory Access

Battlemage’s memory subsystem has a lot in common with Alchemist’s, and traces its origins to Intel’s integrated graphics architectures over the past decade. XVEs access the memory hierarchy by sending a message to the appropriate shared functional unit. At one point, the entire iGPU was basically the equivalent of a Xe Core, with XVE equivalents acting as basic building blocks. XVEs would access the iGPU’s texture units, caches, and work distribution hardware over a messaging fabric. Intel has since built larger subdivisions, but the terminology remains.

Texture Path

Each Xe Core has eight TMUs, or texture samplers in Intel terminology. The samplers have a 32 KB texture cache, and can return 128 bytes/cycle to the XVEs. Battlemage is no different from Alchemist in this respect. But the B580 has less texture bandwidth on tap than its predecessor. Its higher clock speed isn’t enough to compensate for having far fewer Xe Cores.

B580 runs at higher clock speeds, which brings down texture cache hit latency too. In clock cycle terms though, Battlemage has nearly identical texture cache hit latency to its predecessor. L2 latency has improved significantly, so missing the texture cache isn’t as bad on Battlemage.

Data Access (Global Memory)

Global memory accesses are first cached in a 256 KB block, which serves double duty as Shared Local Memory (SLM). It’s larger than Alchemist and Lunar Lake’s 192 KB L1/SLM block, so Intel has found the transistor budget to keep more data closer to the execution units. Like Lunar Lake, B580 favors SLM over L1 capacity even when a compute kernel doesn’t allocate local memory.

Intel may be able to split the L1/SLM block in another way, but a latency test shows exactly the same result regardless of whether I allocate local memory. Testing with Nemes’s Vulkan test suite also shows 96 KB of L1.

Global memory access on Battlemage offers lower latency than texture accesses, even though the XVEs have to handle array address generation. With texture accesses, the TMUs do all the address calculations. All the XVEs do is send them a message. L1 data cache latency is similar to Alchemist in clock cycle terms, though again higher clock speeds give B580 an actual latency advantage.

Scalar Optimizations?

Battlemage gets a clock cycle latency reduction too with scalar memory accesses. Intel does not have separate scalar instructions like AMD. But Intel’s GPU ISA lets each instruction specify its SIMD width, and SIMD1 instructions are possible. Intel’s compiler has been carrying out scalar optimizations and opportunistically generating SIMD1 instructions well before Battlemage, but there was no performance difference as far as I could tell. Now there is.

Forcing SIMD16 mode saves one cycle of latency over SIMD32, because address generation instructions don’t have to issue over two cycles

On B580, L1 latency for a SIMD1 (scalar) access is about 15 cycles faster than a SIMD16 access. SIMD32 accesses take one extra cycle when microbenchmarking, though that’s because the compiler generates two sets of SIMD16 instructions to calculate addresses across 32 lanes. I also got Intel’s compiler to emit scalar INT32 adds, but those didn’t see improved latency over vector ones. Therefore, the scalar latency improvements almost certainly come from an optimized memory pipeline.

Scalar load, with simple explanations

SIMD1 instructions also help within the XVEs. Intel doesn’t use a separate scalar register file, but can more flexibly address their vector register file than AMD or Nvidia. Instructions can access individual elements (sub-registers) and read out whatever vector width they want. Intel’s compiler could pack many “scalar registers” into the equivalent of a vector register, economizing register file capacity.

L1 Bandwidth

I was able to get better efficiency out of B580’s L1 than A750’s using float4 loads from a small array. Intel suggests Xe-HPG’s L1 can deliver 512 bytes per cycle, but I wasn’t able to get anywhere close on either Alchemist or Battlemage. Microbenchmarking puts per-Xe Core bandwidth at a bit under 256 bytes per cycle on both architectures.

Even if the L1 can only provide 256 bytes per cycle, that still gives Intel’s Xe Core as much L1 bandwidth as an AMD RDNA WGP, and twice as much L1 bandwidth as an Nvidia Ampere SM. 512 bytes per cycle would let each XVE complete a SIMD16 load every cycle, which is kind of overkill anyway.

Local Memory (SLM)

Battlemage uses the same 256 KB block for L1 cache and SLM. SLM provides an address space local to a group of threads, and acts as a fast software managed scratchpad. In OpenCL, that’s exposed via the local memory type. Everyone likes to call it something different, but for this article I’ll use OpenCL and Intel’s term.

Even though both local memory and L1 cache hits are backed by the same physical storage, SLM accesses enjoy better latency. Unlike cache hits, SLM accesses don’t need tag checks or address translation. Accessing Battlemage’s 256 KB block of memory in SLM mode brings latency down to just over 15 ns. It’s faster than doing the same on Alchemist, and is very competitive against recent GPUs from AMD and Nvidia.

Local memory/SLM also lets threads within a workgroup synchronize and exchange data. From testing with atomic_cmpxchg on local memory, B580 can bounce values between threads a bit faster than its predecessor. Nearly all of that improvement is down to higher clock speed, but it’s enough to bring B580 in line with AMD and Nvidia’s newer GPUs.

Backing structures for local memory often contain dedicated ALUs for handling atomic operations. For example, the LDS on AMD’s RDNA architecture is split into 32 banks, with one atomic ALU per bank. Intel almost certainly has something similar, and I’m testing that with atomic_add operations on local memory. Each thread targets a different address across an array, aiming to avoid contention.

Alchemist and Battlemage both appear to have 32 atomic ALUs attached to each Xe Core’s SLM unit, much like AMD’s RDNA and Nvidia’s Pascal. Meteor Lake’s Xe-LPG architecture may have half as many atomic ALUs per Xe Core.

L2 Cache

Battlemage has a two level cache hierarchy like its predecessor and Nvidia’s current GPUs. B580’s 18 MB L2 is slightly larger than A770’s 16 MB L2. A770 divided its L2 into 32 banks, each capable of handling a 64 byte access every cycle. At 2.4 GHz, that’s good for nearly 5 TB/s of bandwidth.

Intel didn’t disclose B580’s L2 topology, but a reasonable assumption is that Intel increased bank size from 512 to 768 KB, keeping 4 L2 banks tied to each memory controller. If so, B580’s L2 would have 24 banks and 4.3 TB/s of theoretical bandwidth at 2.85 GHz. Microbenchmarking using Nemes’s Vulkan test gets a decent proportion of that bandwidth. Efficiency is much lower on the older A750, which gets approximately as much bandwidth as B580 despite probably having more theoretical L2 bandwidth on tap.

Besides insulating the execution units from slow VRAM, the L2 can act as a point of coherency across the GPU. B580 is pretty fast when bouncing data between threads using global memory, and is faster than its predecessor.

With atomic add operations on global memory, Battlemage does fine for a GPU of its size and massively outperforms its predecessor.

I’m using INT32 operations, so 86.74 GOPS on the A750 would correspond to 351 GB/s of L2 bandwidth. On the B580, 220.97 GOPS would require 883.9 GB/s. VTune however reports far higher L2 bandwidth on A750. Somehow, A750 sees 1.37 TB/s of L2 bandwidth during the test, or nearly 4x more than it should need.

VTune capture of the test running on A750

Meteor Lake’s iGPU is a close relative of Alchemist, but its ratio of global atomic add throughput to Xe Core count is similar to Battlemage’s. VTune reports Meteor Lake’s iGPU using more L2 bandwidth than required, but only by a factor of 2x. Curiously, it also shows the expected bandwidth coming off the XVEs. I wonder if something in Intel’s cross-GPU interconnect didn’t scale well with bigger GPUs.

With Battlemage, atomics are broken out into a separate category and aren’t reported as regular L2 bandwidth. VTune indicates atomics are passed through the load/store unit to L2 without any inflation. Furthermore, the L2 was only 79.6% busy, suggesting there’s a bit of headroom at that layer.

And the same test on B580

This could just be a performance monitoring improvement, but performance counters are typically closely tied to the underlying architecture. I suspect Intel made major changes to how they handle global memory atomics, letting performance scale better on larger GPUs. I’ve noticed that newer games sometimes use global atomic operations. Perhaps Intel noticed that too, and decided it was time to optimize them.

VRAM Access

B580 has a 192-bit GDDR6 VRAM subsystem, likely configured as six 2×16-bit memory controllers. Latency from OpenCL is higher than it was in the previous generation.

I suspect this only applies to OpenCL, because latency from Vulkan (with Nemes’s test) shows just over 300 ns of latency. Latency at large test sizes will likely run into TLB misses, and I suspect Intel is using different page sizes for different APIs.

Compared to its peers, the Arc B580 has more theoretical VRAM bandwidth at 456 GB/s, but also less L2 capacity. For example, Nvidia’s RTX 4060 has 272 GB/s VRAM bandwidth using a 128-bit GDDR6 bus running at 17 GT/s, with 24 MB of L2 in front of it. I profiled a few things with VTune and picked out spikes in VRAM bandwidth usage. I also checked reported L2 bandwidth over the same sampling interval.

Intel’s balance of cache capacity and memory bandwidth seems to work well, at least in the few examples I checked. Even when VRAM bandwidth demands are high, the 18 MB L2 is able to catch enough traffic to avoid pushing GDDR6 bandwidth limits. If Intel hypothetically used a smaller GDDR6 memory subsystem like Nvidia’s RTX 4060, B580 would need a larger cache to avoid reaching VRAM bandwidth limits.

PCIe Link

Probably as a cost cutting measure, B580 has a narrower PCIe link than its predecessor. Still, a x8 Gen 4 link provides as much theoretical bandwidth as a x16 Gen 3 one. Testing with OpenCL doesn’t get close to theoretical bandwidth, but B580 is at a disadvantage compared to A750.

PCIe link bandwidth often has minimal impact on gaming performance, as long as you have enough VRAM. B580 has a comparatively large 12 GB VRAM pool compared to its immediate competitors, which also have PCIe 4.0 x8 links. That could give B580 an advantage within the midrange market, but that doesn’t mean it’s immune to problems.

DCS for example will uses over 12 GB of VRAM with mods. Observing different aircraft in different areas often causes stutters on the B580. VTune shows high PCIe traffic as the GPU must frequently read from host memory.

Final Words

Battlemage retains Alchemist’s high level goals and foundation, but makes a laundry list of improvements. Compute is easier to utilize, cache latency improves, and weird scaling issues with global memory atomics have been resolved. Intel has made some surprising optimizations too, like reducing scalar memory access latency. The result is impressive, with Arc B580 easily outperforming the outgoing A770 despite lagging in nearly every on-paper specification.

Some of Intel’s GPU architecture changes nudge it a bit closer to AMD and Nvidia’s designs. Intel’s compiler often prefers SIMD32, a mode that AMD often chooses for compute code or vertex shaders, and one that Nvidia exclusively uses. SIMD1 optimizations create parallels to AMD’s scalar unit or Nvidia’s uniform datapath. Battlemage’s memory subsystem emphasizes caching more than its predecessor, while relying less on high VRAM bandwidth. AMD’s RDNA 2 and Nvidia’s Ada Lovelace made similar moves with their memory subsystems.

Of course Battlemage is still a very different animal from its discrete GPU competitors. Even with larger XVEs, Battlemage still uses smaller execution unit partitions than AMD or Nvidia. With SIMD16 support, Intel continues to support shorter vector widths than the competition. Generating SIMD1 instructions gives Intel some degree of scalar optimization, but stops short of having a full-out scalar/uniform datapath like AMD or post-Turing Nvidia. And 18 MB of cache is still less than the 24 or 32 MB in Nvidia and AMD’s midrange cards.

Differences from AMD and Nvidia aside, Battlemage is a worthy step on Intel’s journey to take on the midrange graphics market. A third competitor in the discrete GPU market is welcome news for any PC enthusiast. For sure, Intel still has some distance to go. Driver overhead and reliance on resizable BAR are examples of areas where Intel is still struggling to break from their iGPU-only background.

But I hope Intel goes after higher-end GPU segments once they’ve found firmer footing. A third player in the high end dGPU market would be very welcome as many folks are still on Pascal or GCN due to folks feeling as if there is not a reasonable upgrade yet. Intel’s Arc B580 addresses some of that pent-up demand, at least when it’s not out-of-stock. I look forward to seeing Intel’s future GPU efforts.

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