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2025-03-07 07:04:56

Ready to plant, along Mopac. 🌱

2025-03-07 01:57:40

Linkrot is always a problem for the web, but please let’s not purposefully destroy our own content when it’s easy to keep it going. John Gruber on 538 shutting everything down:

Why not keep the FiveThirtyEight site up and running — at least for a while, if not in perpetuity? It costs practically nothing to run a website serving a static/archived website. I don’t get it. It betrays a profound level of disrespect for the work that the site hosted.

2025-03-06 22:22:04

Seth Godin blogs about making the most of a second chance with customers:

If a customer service call goes wrong, or if a new employee is stumbling, this is the moment to escalate and get the second impression just right. It shows that we can recover, that we’re listening, and that the relationship is worth something to us.

2025-03-06 08:25:37

Listening to the Decoder episode with Panos Panay, I’m almost convinced that what Amazon is trying with Alexa+ will work. Everyone’s expectations are so low with voice assistants. If they actually pull it off, it will be impressive.

2025-03-06 06:24:04

Parker Ortolani blogging about the new MacBook Air. I hadn’t even thought about the color until now:

For the first time in 24 years, since the introduction of the first white iBook, Apple has a blue laptop again. While the new MacBook Airs are most certainly a “spec bump,” they make for a pretty good one.

2025-03-06 06:12:25

Interesting new post from OpenAI about safety. About humans being in control:

Our approach to alignment centers humans. We aim to develop mechanisms that empower human stakeholders to express their intent clearly and supervise⁠ AI systems effectively - even in complex situations, and as AI capabilities scale beyond human capabilities.

This is probably my biggest concern, AI agents running without human supervision and executing tasks that are beyond what we even know how to do. There are many positive benefits to AI, but there are also some things we shouldn’t attempt.