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Seth Godin440Coordinator of The Carbon Almanac. Founder of Akimbo, home of the altMBA. Author of THE PRACTICE and THIS IS MARKETING.
Wade Urry12A software developer from the UK, currently Lead Architect at Radweb.
Matt Fantinel27Web Developer in Brazil.
Manuel Moreale 586Manuel Moreale. Freelance developer and designer since late 2011. Born and raised in Italy since 1989.
Dynomight1336Dynomight is a SF-rationalist-substack-adjacent blogger with a good understanding of statistics.
Ersei22My hobbies outside of computer stuff include: video games (okay maybe that's computer-related), running, skateboarding, jewelry-making, and pretty much anything that I wanna try.
Digital Inspiration640Written by Amit Agarwal. The purpose of the site is to help you take maximum advantage of the software tools and web technologies at your disposal.
Tobias Ahlin225I love to design and make things. I used to make things at Spotify and Minecraft, and am currently a design engineer at GitHub.
Tatiana Mac367A writer, speaker, and engineer building accessible, performant, and supported products.
Liz Danzico11Part designer, part educator, full-time dog owner. Designing for humans @Microsoft . Former SVP Digital and VP Design @NPR , Founding Chair @SVAIxD . (she/her)
Chris Hannah28I write code, blog, take photos, talk nonsense, drink Guinness, and try to skateboard without injuring myself.
Bryce Wray127Based in the Dallas/Fort Worth area in Texas, U.S.A., I’m a nerdy advocate for static websites and the tools that build them — particularly Eleventy and Hugo.
Andrew Canion26Educating and entertaining through the medium of voice, a co-host of Hemispheric Views podcast and NBL Pocket Podcast.
Alberto Marinucci 12football and coffee lover, beer aficionado and freelance webdesigner
Xe Iaso446Senior Technophilosopher, Ottawa, CAN, a speaker, writer, chaos magician, and committed technologist.
A learning a day34A learning a day, since May 12 2008, by Rohan.
Jarrod Blundy81Saranac Lake, New York. A weekly list named「7 Things This Week 」. Work at a gear shop and guiding service.
Greg Morris13A designer, marketing manager and business digital development lead for a small insurance company specialising in niche cover.
David Walsh1497Senior Software Engineer. MooTools Alumni, Javascript Fanatic, and open source lover. Former @Mozilla , @SitePen
Jason Kottke70991Founded in 1998, one of the 50 most powerful blogs in the world in 2008 named by The Guardian.
Craig Mod428Author of Things Become Other Things, and Kissa by Kissa. Japan. Writer, photographer, walker.
Cédric Aellen9 a swiss front end engineer based in Lausanne with a love for electronic music and hiking.
Arne Bahlo67a developer, podcaster & dad based near Frankfurt, Germany.
Derek Sivers1212Author, Founder of NOWNOWNOW, have been a musician, circus performer, entrepreneur, and speaker. California native.
Vikrant Singh6I live in Sydney Australia and work in Data and IT for my day job.
Jose Munoz25A product designer living and working remotely from Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, a UX Design Lead at BOLD.
Felix Krause 557Founder of, ContextSDK,
Scott Galloway316A clinical professor of marketing at the New York University Stern School of Business, public speaker, author, podcast host, and entrepreneur.
Adam Fortuna22A full-stack product developer living in Salt Lake City, UT.
Michael Burkhardt 14a Turbulent Advocate (INFJ-T) who is curious about the world.
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