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A frontend web developer who publishes tutorials and articles about topics like React, CSS, JavaScript, animation and performance.
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Container Queries Unleashed

2025-01-27 21:15:00

Container queries expand the universe of designs that can be implemented, giving us whole new superpowers. Now that container queries are broadly available, I think it’s time we start exploring this potential! In this post, I’ll share the “killer pattern” I can’t stop using in my work, and explore what’s possible with this new capability.

Next-level frosted glass with backdrop-filter

2024-12-02 21:15:00

Glassy headers have become a core part of the “slick startup” UI toolkit, but they’re all missing that final 10% that really makes it shine. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create the most realistic lush frosted glass anywhere on the internet.

A Framework for Evaluating Browser Support

2024-11-26 21:15:00

Lots of exciting new features have been landing in CSS recently, and it can be tough trying to figure out if they’re safe to use or not. We might know that a feature is available for 92% of users, but is that sufficient? Where do we draw the line? In this blog post, I’ll share the framework I use for deciding whether or not to use a modern CSS feature

A Friendly Introduction to Container Queries

2024-11-04 21:15:00

It’s been a couple of years since container queries started landing in browsers… so why isn’t anyone using them? It turns out that container queries are kinda tricky; they’re not as straightforward as media queries. In this tutorial, we’ll break it all down and make sense of them, so that you can start using them in your work.

How I Built My Blog

2024-09-24 20:15:00

I recently launched a brand new version of this blog, and in this post, I share how it’s built! We’ll examine the tech stack and see how all of the pieces fit together, as well as dig into some of the details to see how they work.

The Undeniable Utility Of CSS :has

2024-09-09 21:15:00

Of all the latest and greatest CSS features, the “:has” pseudo-class wasn’t exactly at the top of my wishlist. Once I started using it, however, I kept discovering incredible things I could do with it. It’s now become a core part of my toolkit! In this blog post, I'll show you some practical real-world problems I solved using “:has”, as well as some wild experiments that blew my mind!