By Tony Garnock-Jones, a software developer and computer science researcher, live in Maastricht, in the Netherlands.
A free weekly newsletter featuring the best hand curated news, articles, new releases, tools and libraries, events etc related to Python.
Author of 'The Bozo Loop'. Rachel Kroll lives somewhere in Silicon Valley (aka "Silly Valley") and dodges bozos for a living. She writes about life in the Valley and topics of a technical nature.
A DevOps Practitioner & Cloud Enthusiast interested in everything around that role.
I am the lead developer at Radweb working on InventoryBase and related products. I also work part-time as a developer for MacStories.
Creator of Datasette and Lanyrd, co-creator of the Django Web Framework.
A designer and developer from Vemdalen, Sweden. Designed a lot of WordpPress themes.
A software/infrastructure engineer. Maker of Atuin. Previously, lead the infrastructure team at PostHog, worked at Coinbase, Tracr and Arachnys.
Makers of SynthWave '84. An independent creative developer from Abergavenny, South Wales.
Software engineer by trade. Curious about technology, designs, media, people, the world.
I share tips from front-end work to hardcore server-side challenges, I've co-authored two acclaimed books: Accelerated DOM Scripting with Ajax, APIs, and Libraries, and The Art and Science of CSS.
A Gen-X/Millennial cusp (Xennial), currently a creative technologist at Havas Lynx Group.
I'm a seasoned entrepreneur and technical co-founder who helps amazing people get their impactful organizations off the ground.
I gave Google Chrome five years, from before release to 2012; I touched many pieces but I'm most responsible for the Linux port.
I’m from Manhattan Kansas and I’ve been a nerd since before being a nerd was popular. Today I happily work at Kansas State University.
I’m a software developer. I live in Montreal. I sometimes give talks. Most of my income comes from my programming zines business Wizard Zines.
A Canadian computer scientist and computer security researcher. FreeBSD/EC2 maintainer, FreeBSD Release Engineering Lead, AWS Hero, and author of @Tarsnap .
The 10 highest-rated "Ask HN" (or more generally, submissions without links) on Hacker News every weekly. By Colin Percival.
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News every day. Provided by Colin Percival.
Mess about with cod, make music, wrote an ebook.
Track Awesome List Daily Updates on Github.
A blog about programming and the programming industry. Vancouver, BC
Made Basecamp and HEY for the underdogs as co-owner and CTO of 37signals. Created Ruby on Rails. Wrote REWORK, It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work, and REMOTE.
A geek and software creator. Made tinylytics, Scribbles, shoutouts, Gluon.
An artist, software design- & developer, and the founder of Musing Studio. Made, and more. Made in Brooklyn, NY.
A software engineer in Munich, Germany.
A software developer from the UK, currently Lead Architect at Radweb.
Web Developer in Brazil.
My hobbies outside of computer stuff include: video games (okay maybe that's computer-related), running, skateboarding, jewelry-making, and pretty much anything that I wanna try.
A writer, speaker, and engineer building accessible, performant, and supported products.
I write code, blog, take photos, talk nonsense, drink Guinness, and try to skateboard without injuring myself.
Based in the Dallas/Fort Worth area in Texas, U.S.A., I’m a nerdy advocate for static websites and the tools that build them — particularly Eleventy and Hugo.
Senior Technophilosopher, Ottawa, CAN, a speaker, writer, chaos magician, and committed technologist.
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