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Author of 'The Bozo Loop'. Rachel Kroll lives somewhere in Silicon Valley (aka "Silly Valley") and dodges bozos for a living. She writes about life in the Valley and topics of a technical nature.
I am the lead developer at Radweb working on InventoryBase and related products. I also work part-time as a developer for MacStories.
I share tips from front-end work to hardcore server-side challenges, I've co-authored two acclaimed books: Accelerated DOM Scripting with Ajax, APIs, and Libraries, and The Art and Science of CSS.
I'm a seasoned entrepreneur and technical co-founder who helps amazing people get their impactful organizations off the ground.
I gave Google Chrome five years, from before release to 2012; I touched many pieces but I'm most responsible for the Linux port.
I’m from Manhattan Kansas and I’ve been a nerd since before being a nerd was popular. Today I happily work at Kansas State University.
I’m a software developer. I live in Montreal. I sometimes give talks. Most of my income comes from my programming zines business Wizard Zines.
A Canadian computer scientist and computer security researcher. FreeBSD/EC2 maintainer, FreeBSD Release Engineering Lead, AWS Hero, and author of @Tarsnap .
Made Basecamp and HEY for the underdogs as co-owner and CTO of 37signals. Created Ruby on Rails. Wrote REWORK, It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work, and REMOTE.
An artist, software design- & developer, and the founder of Musing Studio. Made, and more. Made in Brooklyn, NY.
My hobbies outside of computer stuff include: video games (okay maybe that's computer-related), running, skateboarding, jewelry-making, and pretty much anything that I wanna try.
I write code, blog, take photos, talk nonsense, drink Guinness, and try to skateboard without injuring myself.
Based in the Dallas/Fort Worth area in Texas, U.S.A., I’m a nerdy advocate for static websites and the tools that build them — particularly Eleventy and Hugo.
Senior Technophilosopher, Ottawa, CAN, a speaker, writer, chaos magician, and committed technologist.
A designer, marketing manager and business digital development lead for a small insurance company specialising in niche cover.
Senior Software Engineer. MooTools Alumni, Javascript Fanatic, and open source lover. Former @Mozilla , @SitePen
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