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Python Weekly - Issue 660

2024-07-25 23:00:00

Python Weekly - Issue 660

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Python Weekly

Welcome to issue 660 of Python Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.
From Our Sponsor 
Get Your Weekly Dose of Programming
A weekly newsletter featuring the best hand curated news, articles, tutorials, talks, tools and libraries etc for programmers. Join For Free

Articles, Tutorials and Talks

How to Design a REST API That Doesn’t SUCK 
Learn 6 essential tips for designing a great REST API that even big companies often overlook. From following standards and maintaining consistency to writing clear documentation and simplifying integration, this video covers everything you need to create user-friendly and efficient APIs. Don't miss out on the key strategies for improving your API design!

Abstract interpretation in the Toy Optimizer
In this blog post, I’m going to write a small abtract interpreter for the Toy IR and then show how we can use it to do some simple optimizations.

Fast(er)API: Optimizing Processing Time
A few simple tips to make your REST API go faster.

Mining JIT traces for missing optimizations with Z3
In my last post I've described how to use Z3 to find simple local peephole optimization patterns for the integer operations in PyPy's JIT. An example is int_and(x, 0) -> 0. In this post I want to scale up the problem of identifying possible optimizations to much bigger instruction sequences, also using Z3.

The convoluted story behind `np.top_k`
In this blog post, I describe my experience as a first-time contributor and talk about the story behind np.top_k.

Annotated area charts with plotnine
The `plotnine` visualisation library brings the Grammar of Graphics to Python. This post walks through the process of creating a customised, annotated area chart of coal production data.

Module itertools overview
This article briefly describes the iterators available in the Python module itertools and how to use them.

Implementing Instant Search with Flask and HTMX
Step-by-step guide to making an interactive search bar with Flask and HTMX.

Beyond Hypermodern: Python is easy now
This is an article about setting up a modern Python project. It discusses using tools like Rye, Ruff, and Pyright for formatting, linting, and type checking.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

The memory layer for Personalized AI.

Python library that allows you to get structured responses in the form of Pydantic models and Python types from Anthropic, Google Vertex AI and OpenAI models

A family dashboard for kids.

A Comprehensive Toolkit for High-Quality PDF Content Extraction.

Agentic components of the Llama Stack APIs. 

New Releases

Mypy 1.11 Released
Mypy is a static type checker for Python. This release includes new features, performance improvements and bug fixes.

Django 5.1 release candidate 1 released

Python 3.13.0 beta 4 released 

Upcoming Events and Webinars

PyData Manchester Meetup July 2024
There will be following talks
  • Mastering LLM Workflows: Benchmarking, Tools, and Best Practices
  • BI on a budget

Hybrid: Christchurch Python Meetup July 2024
Grace Morgan-Maxwell will speak on Flask and Django, walking through personal projects using the insights from her studies to discuss the good, the bad and the ugly.
Our Other Newsletters
Programmer Weekly - A free weekly newsletter for programmers.

Founder Weekly - A free weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs featuring best curated content, must read articles, how to guides, tips and tricks, resources, events and more.
Copyright © 2024 Python Weekly, All rights reserved.

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Python Weekly - Issue 659

2024-07-18 23:00:00

Python Weekly - Issue 659

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Python Weekly

Welcome to issue 659 of Python Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.

Binary secret scanning helped us prevent (what might have been) the worst supply chain attack you can imagine
The JFrog Security Research team identified the leaked secret and immediately reported it to PyPI’s security team, who revoked the token within a mere 17 minutes! This post will explain how we found a GitHub PAT that provided access to the entire Python infrastructure and prevented a supply chain disaster. Using this case, we will discuss the importance of (also) shifting right in secrets detection – searching for secrets in binaries and production artifacts, not just on source code.

Articles, Tutorials and Talks

SE Radio 624: Marcelo Trylesinski on FastAPI 
Marcelo Trylesinski, a senior software engineer at Pydantic and a maintainer of open-source Python tools including Starlette and Uvicorn, joins host Gregory M. Kapfhammer to talk about FastAPI. Their conversation focuses on the design and implementation of FastAPI and how programmers can use it to create web-based APIs. They also explore how to create and deploy a FastAPI implemented in the Python programming language. Brought

Bloat beneath Python’s Scales: A Fine-Grained Inter-Project Dependency Analysis
Modern programming languages facilitate software reuse via package managers, but this leads to dependency bloat, which increases security risks, maintenance costs, storage requirements, and slows load times. A detailed analysis of 1,302 Python projects and 3,232 dependencies in the PyPI ecosystem found over 50% of dependencies are bloated, with 15% of security defects residing in these bloated areas, highlighting the need for improved debloating techniques and practices.

Free-threaded CPython is ready to experiment with!
An overview of the ongoing efforts to improve and roll out support for free-threaded CPython throughout the Python open source ecosystem.

Finding Simple Rewrite Rules for the JIT with Z3 
The article discusses using Z3, an SMT solver, to find and verify simple rewrite rules for PyPy's JIT compiler operations. It demonstrates how to encode JIT operations into Z3 formulas and use the solver to prove the correctness of simplifications, as well as synthesize constants for more complex rewrite patterns.

A Python Epoch Timestamp Timezone Trap
This is an article about a Python epoch timestamp timezone trap. It discusses how epoch timestamps can be tricky to work with in Python, especially when dealing with timezones. The author provides a few tips for avoiding the trap.

A debugging story
This is an article about debugging a Jupyter Echo Kernel ported to Deno using deno-python. The author encountered a segmentation fault and used gdb to identify the problem. The issue stemmed from the creation of the pyMethodDef buffer, and adding 4 bytes of padding resolved it. However, the kernel still exits unexpectedly.

Instrumenting Python GIL with eBPF
This is an article about using eBPF to analyze the Python GIL (Global Interpreter Lock), a potential performance bottleneck. It explains how to measure the GIL's impact and provides a guide on using eBPF for instrumentation.

PyTorch Lightning: A Comprehensive Hands-On Tutorial
This comprehensive, hands-on tutorial teaches you how to simplify deep learning model development with PyTorch Lightning. Perfect for beginners and experienced developers alike, it covers environment setup, model training, and practical examples.

Build a search index in Python
How can search engines be so fast? While there are many parts of a search system, one of the key concepts to know is the inverted index.

Transcribing Audio with Python on Your Local Machine
If you don't want to pay for a service to transcribe your audio, you can generate it easily on your own machine with a little setup. Here's how.

Resource management and generators in Python
The article explores resource management and cleanup behavior in Python generators, highlighting unexpected issues when generators are not fully consumed. It demonstrates various scenarios, including the use of context managers and the finally clause, to ensure proper cleanup and resource management in generator functions.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

Run your own AI cluster at home with everyday devices.

Korvus is a search SDK that unifies the entire RAG pipeline in a single database query. Built on top of Postgres with bindings for Python, JavaScript, Rust and C.

MobileLLM Optimizing Sub-billion Parameter Language Models for On-Device Use Cases. In ICML 2024.

A fast and tunable vector search extension for SQLite.

kaskade is a text user interface for kafka, which allows you to interact and consume topics from your terminal in style!

AI Dialer
A full stack app for interruptible, low-latency and near-human quality AI phone calls built from stitching LLMs, speech understanding tools, text-to-speech models, and Twilio’s phone API.

Upcoming Events and Webinars

PyLadies Amsterdam Meetup July 2024
Join us for an interactive workshop where we’ll dive into the world of LLM Guardrails. Discover the mechanisms that ensure applications produce reliable, robust, safe, and ethical outputs, and understand their crucial role in LLMs.

PyBerlin 48
There will be following talks
  • Low effort configurable python: type hints and dependency injection
  • From Cronjobs to Apache Airflow: Enhancing Our Data Infrastructure
  • Exploring Creative Fusion: Robotics, 3D Printing, and Python with OpenCV, TensorFlow, and Beyond

PuPPy Meetup July 2024
There will be following talks
  • Scraping for fun and (no) profit
  • Python can do ANYthing: unit-testing in sql
  • Code Reviews: The Art and the Science

PyCologne #1
There will be following talks
  • Evaluating RAG applications
  • Estimagic: a package for difficult numerical optimization problems
  • Intro to OSSci + AI Alliance

Portland Python User Group Meetup July 2024
There will be a talk, Let's Talk Databases in Python: SQLAlchemy and Alembic.

PyData Chicago Meetup July 2024
There will be a talk, Using Bayesian Regression to Link Biochemical and Cellular Efficacy of the Coronavirus Main Protease.
Our Other Newsletters
Programmer Weekly - A free weekly newsletter for programmers.

Founder Weekly - A free weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs featuring best curated content, must read articles, how to guides, tips and tricks, resources, events and more.
Copyright © 2024 Python Weekly, All rights reserved.

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Python Weekly - Issue 658

2024-07-11 23:00:00

Python Weekly - Issue 658

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Python Weekly

Welcome to issue 658 of Python Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.
Articles, Tutorials and Talks

PySkyWiFi: completely free, unbelievably stupid wi-fi on long-haul flights
PySkyWiFi is a tool that allows free internet access on planes by exploiting a vulnerability in airline loyalty program websites. It works by sending HTTP requests through an airline account's name field, relaying them to a ground computer that makes the actual web requests, and sending responses back through the same channel.

Streaming Chatbot with Burr, FastAPI, and React
Expose the OpenAI streaming API with server-sent-events.

Click: Build Your Own Command Line Interface Tool 
This video provides a tutorial on creating a Command Line Interface (CLI) tool in Python using the Click package. The project involves building a simple note-taking tool with functionalities to write, read, update, and delete notes. Additionally, it explores some lesser-known features of Click that enhance tool functionality.

Making Python Less Random
Using ptrace to intercept and modify a process's getrandom syscall.

Entering text in the terminal is complicated
The article explores the complexities and inconsistencies of text input in terminal environments, discussing various modes from basic input to advanced systems like readline and custom solutions. It provides insights into how different programs handle text input, offers tips for users, and explains the origins and features of common keyboard shortcuts used in terminal text editing.

Building a Perceptron From Scratch (no frameworks, only math and python) 
In this video, we cover the biological science that inspired neural networks, that mathematical functions that make them possible, topics like backpropagation and gradient descent and we do it all from scratch! 

angr for real-world use cases
The article provides an in-depth exploration of angr, a powerful binary analysis framework, focusing on its core components and functionalities. It offers practical examples and insights into using angr for various tasks such as symbolic execution, constraint solving, and program analysis, making it a valuable resource for both beginners and experienced users in the field of binary analysis.

An HTMX success story
Porting from Django+React to a Django+HTMX based stack.

Run Multi-Node Django for Time Series Data with TimescaleDB, Celery and more. 
Run many iterations of Django across Docker Compose or Raspberry Pis to handle large amounts of time series data.

How a Decorator Crashed My Flask App: Lessons Learned
The article explains how a decorator without functools.wraps caused a Flask app to crash by assigning the same name to multiple endpoints. It demonstrates the importance of using functools.wraps to maintain function metadata, thus preventing such errors.

PyCon US 2024 Videos
Couldn't attend PyCon US 2024? The videos of the talks have started trickling down.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

Modern datetime library for Python, written in Rust.

Integrate AI Assistants with Django to build intelligent applications.

X-Ray vision for Linux systems.

Fast, Accurate, Lightweight Python library to make State of the Art Embedding.

A modern Jupyter client for Mac.

Make one portrait alive!

Easily share data across your company via SQL queries.

An opensource incident management platform integrating with Slack.

Maelstrom is a fast Rust and Python test runner that runs every test in its own container. Tests are either run locally or distributed to a clustered job runner.

A web scraping and browser automation library for Python to build reliable crawlers. Extract data for AI, LLMs, RAG, or GPTs. Download HTML, PDF, JPG, PNG, and other files from websites. Works with BeautifulSoup, Playwright, and raw HTTP. Both headful and headless mode. With proxy rotation.

A powerful HTTP client that lives in your terminal.

Cute DI framework with scopes and agreeable API.

The open-source behavioural auditor for backend code.

New Releases

Django security releases issued: 5.0.7 and 4.2.14

Upcoming Events and Webinars

PyData NYC Meetup July 2024
There will be following talks
  • Supercharging Real-time Applications with Vector and Graph
  • New Machine Learning Paradigm with DSPy: No Prompt Engineering Required

Virtual: PyLadies Berlin Meetup July 2024
There will be following talks
  • Another Bot Story: A Valentine’s Day Gift to My Girlfriend Using Github Copilot Workspace
  • How I use generative AI and ML in my work and side projects and why I think you should too!
  • Prompt Engineering: Emerging Techniques from Recent Research Papers

Virtual: Python New Zealand - Auckland Meetup July 2024
There will be following talks
  • Introduction to MongoDB
  • Leveraging MongoDB and the Document Model in the GenAI Revolution

PyData Southampton Meetup July 2024
There will be following talks
  • Kafka Kickstart: Simplifying Messaging Queues with Python and Upstash
  • Appeasing fandoms by dissecting books for RAG with Google Gemini

PyLadies Dublin PyLadies Dublin
There will be following talks
  • Python contribution in Today's Cybersecurity field
  • Using Python to create PPT and few tips and Tricks of using Python
Our Other Newsletters
Programmer Weekly - A free weekly newsletter for programmers.

Founder Weekly - A free weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs featuring best curated content, must read articles, how to guides, tips and tricks, resources, events and more.
Copyright © 2024 Python Weekly, All rights reserved.

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Python Weekly - Issue 657

2024-07-04 23:00:00

Python Weekly - Issue 657

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Python Weekly

Welcome to issue 657 of Python Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.
From Our Sponsor 
Get Your Weekly Dose of Programming
A weekly newsletter featuring the best hand curated news, articles, tutorials, talks, tools and libraries etc for programmers. Join For Free

Articles, Tutorials and Talks

PyO3: From Python to Rust and Back Again 
David Hewitt, the principal committer to PyO3, discusses the project's role in improving Python's performance by integrating Rust code. The conversation explores the challenges and ongoing developments in making Python and Rust work seamlessly together, highlighting the complexities involved in bridging these two languages for enhanced performance.

How to Get Root Access to Your Sleep Number Bed
The article provides a detailed guide on how to gain root access to a Sleep Number bed's hub by modifying internal files, which voids the warranty. It also explores the hub's functionality and potential backdoors, warning about the security implications of an internet-connected appliance with direct access to the home network.

My Python code is a neural network
Many programs that we write can be embedded in recurrent neural networks (RNNs). For such programs, a trained RNN can perform better than if we write the algorithm by hand, refining it via trial and error. I walk through an example in detail.

How to use Vue with Django (including Auth) 
We'll set up a Vue.js frontend + a Django backend. Strong foundations for your production app. We'll also add auth Simple and robust. No tokens, no DRF, no JWT.

uv - pip killer or yet another package manager?
Pip has been the go to package manager for Python since time immemorial. But there’s a new kid on the block - uv. So is it worth the try or yet another tool?

Python grapples with Apple App Store rejections
An upgrade from Python 3.11 to 3.12 has led to the rejection of some Python apps by Apple's app stores. That led to Eric Froemling submitting a bug report against CPython. That, in turn, led to an interesting discussion among Python developers about how far the project was willing to go to accommodate app store review processes. Developers reached a quick consensus, and a solution that may arrive as soon as Python 3.13.

API integration Course – Modern Python with FastAPI 
This video provides a comprehensive overview of building event-driven applications using FastAPI, covering topics from basic setup to advanced features like real-time translation and sentiment analysis. It demonstrates the integration of various technologies and APIs, emphasizing practical implementation, troubleshooting, and optimization techniques for creating functional web applications with Python.

A practical introduction to Constraint Programming using CP-SAT and Python
This post discusses constraint programming, an approach to solve discrete optimization problems, and illustrate how it works with a scheduling code example implemented in Python with the CP-SAT solver.

An overview of the Sparse Array Ecosystem for Python
An overview of the different options available for working with sparse arrays in Python.

PDF Hell and Practical RAG Applications
Extracting text from PDFs often poses significant challenges, especially for applications in RAG, NLP, and large language models (LLMs). In this article, we delve into some challenges.

Keeping things in sync: derive vs test
In software development, keeping different parts of a program in sync is crucial. This article discusses two approaches: Deriving the behavior from a single source of truth (like a constant) or testing for synced behavior. 

Build a Django Rest API and Integrate with Next.js! Django Ninja, shadcn, Neon Postgres, Railway... 
The video guides developers through integrating Django for backend and Next.js for frontend development, showcasing rapid REST API setup with Django Ninja, including user authentication, JWT tokens, Neon serverless PostgreSQL setup, CORS management, and deployment optimizations for secure and efficient application performance. It emphasizes best practices and security measures for seamless integration and reliable deployment in production environments.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

llama-agents is an async-first framework for building, iterating, and productionizing multi-agent systems, including multi-agent communication, distributed tool execution, human-in-the-loop, and more!

Modern, open-source Jupyter alternative. 

Python+Webassembly Frontend Framework via PyScript.

Python package for mining stock and financial data, using data from open data sources like Yahoo Finance.

Async PostgreSQL driver for Python written in Rust.

Make your web services secure by default!

Composio equips agents with well-crafted tools empowering them to tackle complex tasks.

A Fully Open, Vision-Centric Exploration of Multimodal LLMs.

PyPI Scout
Find Python packages on PyPI with natural language queries.

Declarative API development platform. Build backend components with WASM, Typescript and Python, no matter where and how your (legacy) systems are.

Ingest, parse, and optimize any data format from documents to multimedia for enhanced compatibility with GenAI frameworks.

Python packaging scenarios.

A powerful command-line tool that generates comprehensive prompts from codebases, designed to streamline interactions between developers and Large Language Models (LLMs) for code analysis, documentation, and improvement tasks.

A modular graph-based Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system by Microsoft.

New Releases

Polars 1.0

Python 3.13.0 beta 3 released

Upcoming Events and Webinars

San Francisco Python Meetup July 2024
There will be following talks
  • Devin for Finance
  • Hot Hallway Topics at PyCon US: GIL, JIT, and more!
  • Extensibility Through Python

Hybrid: PyMunich Meetup July 2024
There will be following talks
  • My journey of Algo Trading within Crypto
  • From Dev to Prod: The Financial and Environmental Costs of Python Programming
  • Effective TDD and Python: Building Quality Software

PyHawaii Meetup July 2024
There will be following talks
  • AI Engineer World Fair recap
  • LLM Frameworks
Our Other Newsletters
Programmer Weekly - A free weekly newsletter for programmers.

Founder Weekly - A free weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs featuring best curated content, must read articles, how to guides, tips and tricks, resources, events and more.
Copyright © 2024 Python Weekly, All rights reserved.

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Python Weekly - Issue 656

2024-06-27 23:00:00

Python Weekly - Issue 656

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Python Weekly

Welcome to issue 656 of Python Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.
Articles, Tutorials and Talks

pgvector for Python developers 
Learn how to use pgvector, the Postgres extension for vector storage and querying, from Python scripts and web apps. I'll include demos with the most common drivers and ORMs, like psycopg, asyncpg, SQLAlchemy, SQLModel, and deploy a full FastAPI app using pgvector for a vector search API. I'll also talk about embedding model options and indexing strategies.

A Complete Guide to Pytest Fixtures
In this tutorial, I'll guide you through the ins and outs of Pytest fixtures. You'll learn how to create fixtures, parameterize them for flexibility, and leverage their power to create efficient, reliable, and maintainable unit tests.

Are generator-coroutines really the answer? 
The video delves into generator co-routines in Python, explaining the distinctions between generators, functions, and generator instances, and the protocols and roles of collections.abc in defining generators. It highlights the advantages of lazy computation with generators, efficient control and data flow management, and addresses challenges in chaining operations and modeling complex processes.

Secrets of the ChatGPT Linux system
Have you noticed that ChatGPT sometimes writes out Python code and somehow executes it? How does that work? What kind of environment is it using? Can we co-opt it for our own ends? Let's find out!

Detecting hallucinations in large language models using semantic entropy 
Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Gemini often generate false or unsubstantiated outputs, posing risks in fields like law, journalism, and medicine. A new statistical method using entropy-based uncertainty estimators can detect these "hallucinations" by evaluating the uncertainty of the generated meaning rather than specific word sequences, improving reliability without requiring task-specific data.

7 Functional Programming Techniques Every Developer Should Know 
This video explores 7 functional programming techniques and demonstrate their functionality. Despite Python not being a purely functional language, embracing these techniques can greatly enhance your Python skills.

All Set! Looking Under the Hood of Python's Set Data Structure
Learn everything about hash tables, collision handling, and performance optimization.

Porting Python to a terrible $3 smartwatch 
The video explores smartwatch firmware development, comparing TC32 and thumb code generation, showcasing SDK simplicity, MicroPython integration for efficient RAM usage, and demonstrating hardware modification with added connectors and firmware flashing. It addresses compiler challenges, battery life concerns, and potential applications, providing valuable insights for enthusiasts.

Optimize routing and scheduling in Python: a new open source solver Timefold
The article introduces Timefold, a new open-source solver for Python designed to handle complex optimization problems efficiently. It highlights the solver's capabilities, including its flexibility and ease of integration into various applications, making it a valuable tool for developers and researchers.

Official PyTorch Documentary: Powering the AI Revolution 
The film reveals the true story behind PyTorch's creation, highlighting the contributions of its dedicated developers. It showcases the strength of the PyTorch community, aiming to inspire further contributions and recognition of its importance in the open source world.

A Guide to Python's Weak References Using weakref Module
Chances are that you never touched and maybe haven't even heard about Python's weakref module. While it might not be commonly used in your code, it's fundamental to the inner workings of many libraries, frameworks and even Python itself. So, in this article we will explore what it is, how it is helpful, and how you could incorporate it into your code as well.

Build Full Stack Web Apps in Pure Python with Reflex - No Javascript Required 
The video demonstrates building a full stack web application using only Python with Reflex, bypassing the need for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It covers creating interfaces, adding features like user authentication and data storage, managing data efficiently, and customizing design with Radix UI for a seamless development experience.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

High-performance diffing of large datasets across databases.

Mass document analytics platform based on LlamaIndex, Pgvector, React and Django.

A high-frequency trading and market-making backtesting tool in Python and Rust, which accounts for limit orders, queue positions, and latencies, utilizing full tick data for trades and order books, with real-world crypto market-making examples for Binance Futures 

Official implementation of Unique3D: High-Quality and Efficient 3D Mesh Generation from a Single Image

Frappe HR
Open Source, modern, and easy-to-use HR and Payroll Software for all organizations

Use LLMs in your SQLite queries.

New Releases

Django 5.1 beta 1 released

Upcoming Events and Webinars

PyRVA Meetup July 2024
There will be a talk, Data Analytics with Pandas.

PyLadies London Meetup July 2024
There will be following talks
  • Predicting User Churn with PyTorch Neural Networks
  • Contributing to Open Source AI Projects

PyData Zurich Meetup July 2024
There will be following talks
  • Data table formats
  • bitsandbytes: A Year in review & FSDP + QLoRA/QDoRA Fine-tuning Walkthrough
PyData London Meetup July 2024
There will be following talks
  • NLP and generative models for psychology research
  • Homomorphic Encryption in Python

PyData Amsterdam Meetup July 2024
There will be following talks
  • Beyond Pip: Exploring New Python Package Managers
  • Column Level Lineage for Data Platforms
Our Other Newsletters
Programmer Weekly - A free weekly newsletter for programmers.

Founder Weekly - A free weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs featuring best curated content, must read articles, how to guides, tips and tricks, resources, events and more.
Copyright © 2024 Python Weekly, All rights reserved.

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Python Weekly - Issue 655

2024-06-20 23:00:00

Python Weekly - Issue 655

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Python Weekly

Welcome to issue 655 of Python Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.
From Our Sponsor 
Get Your Weekly Dose of Programming
A weekly newsletter featuring the best hand curated news, articles, tutorials, talks, tools and libraries etc for programmers. Join For Free

Articles, Tutorials and Talks

Parsing Python ASTs 20x Faster with Rust
The post describes how the integration of Rust can significantly speed up the parsing of Python Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs). By rewriting critical components in Rust, the process can be made up to 20 times faster compared to the original Python implementation, offering substantial performance improvements for developers working with ASTs in Python.

Do These 5 Things if You Don’t Want to Write Crappy Code 
In this video, I'll share 5 key things you should do to avoid writing crappy code. These tips, drawn from my own experience, will help you write clean code.

Joining Strings in Python: A "Huh" Moment
The article discusses the performance implications of using generators vs list comprehensions when joining strings with str.join() in Python. Contrary to expectations, using a generator expression with str.join() is slower than a list comprehension because the CPython implementation converts the generator to a list internally before joining the strings, negating the memory efficiency benefits of generators.

Ruff: Internals of a Rust-backed Python linter-formatter - Part 1
Ruff is an extremely fast Python linter written in Rust, deriving its speed from parsing Python code and implementing linting rules natively in Rust rather than Python. The article provides insights into Ruff's internals, including its initial implementation using RustPython's parser, the evolution to a hand-written recursive descent parser, and its caching and parallelization mechanisms.

Semantic search with Django, PostgreSQL, & pgvector 
In this talk we will see how to add semantic search functionality to an existing Python-based web project, in particular Django, with data storage on PostgreSQL.

A Beautiful and Timely Python Multi-page Streamlit Application
Showcasing historical summer Olympic data through multiple data visualizations.

React + Django + Ninja: Full-stack app in 15 mins 
We'll build a React and Django app fast, using Django Ninja - aiming for under 15 minutes.

Uncensor any LLM with abliteration
In this article, we will explore a technique called "abliteration" that can uncensor any LLM without retraining. This technique effectively removes the model's built-in refusal mechanism, allowing it to respond to all types of prompts.

How Narwhals and scikit-lego came together to achieve dataframe-agnosticism
And how your Python library can become dataframe-agnostic too.

An Empirical Study on the Energy Usage and Performance of  Pandas and Polars Data Analysis Python Libraries 
The study investigates the energy usage of Pandas and Polars in data analysis tasks to provide insights on energy-efficient software tools. Results show that Polars is more energy-efficient than Pandas, especially with large dataframes, and recommends Polars for energy-efficient and fast data analysis, highlighting the importance of CPU core utilization in library selection.

Boosting AI with Python: Using Click, Jinja2, and GPT Libraries 
This talk explores enhancing AI projects using Python with tools like Click CLI for command-line interfaces, Jinja2 for dynamic content generation, and GPT libraries for language model integration. Attendees will see a practical project demonstration and gain skills to build functional AI applications, along with opportunities to connect with other Python developers.

How to Move From pandas to Polars
Considering replacing pandas with Polars? Learn how to make the switch, what to keep in mind, and how PyCharm can help.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

NVIDIA Warp is a Python framework for writing high-performance simulation and graphics code. Warp takes regular Python functions and JIT compiles them to efficient kernel code that can run on the CPU or GPU.

Convert any PDF into a podcast episode!

Aurora is a static site generator implemented in Python.

CLI for remote controlling LG webOS TVs.

Open-Source Python ETL. Extract, transform and load data with low-code. Generate native Python code you can deploy anywhere.

Serve Textual apps locally.

Build fast, user-friendly applications with Django and React.

Easy token price estimates for 400+ LLMs. 

AI Math Notes is an interactive drawing application that allows users to draw mathematical equations on a canvas. Once an equation is drawn, the application uses a multimodal LLM to calculate and display the result next to the equals sign.

New Releases

NumPy 2.0.0
NumPy 2.0.0 is the first major release since 2006. It is the result of 11 months of development since the last feature release and is the work of 212 contributors spread over 1078 pull requests. It contains a large number of exciting new features as well as changes to both the Python and C APIs.

Upcoming Events and Webinars

PyLadies Amsterdam Meetup June 2024
There will be a talk, Introduction to LLM Agents with LangChain.

PuPPy Meetup June 2024
There will be following talks
  • Scientific programming techniques for improving trustworthiness and reproducibility applied to nuclear fusion data
  • Garbage In, Garbage Out: AI without Intentional Data Engineering

PyBerlin 47 Meetup June 2024
There will be following talks
  • Pickle: everybody hates it, everybody uses it
  • API Quality Framework 

PyData Milano Meetup June 2024
There will be a talk, ScrapeGraphAI: You Only Scrape Once.

PyData Calgary Meetup June 2024
There will be a talk, Exploring the Magic of Command Line Tools and TUI's for Python Developers, Data Science Pros, and DevOps professionals.

PyData Chicago Meetup June 2024
There will be a talk, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Navigating Large Language Models.
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Python Weekly - Issue 654

2024-06-13 23:00:00

Python Weekly - Issue 654

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Python Weekly

Welcome to issue 654 of Python Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.
Articles, Tutorials and Talks

Let's reproduce GPT-2 (124M) 
In this video, Andrej Karpathy demonstrates how to reproduce the GPT-2 (124M) model, covering topics like parameter sharing, model initialization, mixed precision training, optimizations like flash attention, and hyperparameter tuning.

Cracking the Scheduling Code in Hay Day
Learn how to solve the scheduling problem in the Hay Day game using Mixed-integer linear programming and Google OR-Tools.

CPython Garbage Collection: The Internal Mechanics and Algorithms
A detailed code walkthrough of how CPython implements memory management, including reference counting and garbage collection.

Python wheel filenames have no canonical form
The post discusses the lack of a canonical form for Python wheel filenames, highlighting that despite standardization in package names and versions, wheel filenames require parsing for equivalence. This lack of canonicalization, especially with compressed tag sets, poses challenges in certain contexts like cryptographic verification. 

Build a SaaS App with Django, Stripe, Neon PostgreSQL, TailwindCSS, GitHub Actions 
This video is a Python tutorial that teaches how to build a SaaS app with Django, Stripe, Neon PostgreSQL, TailwindCSS, and GitHub Actions. It covers topics like Django web development, sending emails, user authentication, deployment, database integration, static files, and subscription management.

Optimal SQLite settings for Django
The article provides optimal SQLite settings for Django applications, aimed at enhancing performance and reliability for smaller deployments. It includes specific PRAGMA configurations and a simple backup strategy, highlighting the potential of SQLite when correctly tuned for production use.

Insanely Easy GPT-4 One Prompt Streamlit Interactive Plotly Sunburst Chart
Simple and modular prompt engineering for efficient Python charting results.

Modal Forms with Django, HTMX, and Tailwind CSS 
This video shows how you can convert a traditional Django form to an HTMX modal element in just a few quick steps.

My thoughts on Python in Excel
An in-depth review of Microsoft's new Python in Excel functionality.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

Python scraper based on AI. Just say which information you want to extract and the library will do it for you!

The tiniest PaaS you've ever seen. Piku allows you to do git push deployments to your own servers.

AI-Powered Jupyter Notebook built using React.

Inspectus is a versatile visualization tool for large language models. It runs smoothly in Jupyter notebooks via an easy-to-use Python API. Inspectus provides multiple views, offering diverse insights into language model behaviors.

Burr makes it easy to develop applications that make decisions (chatbots, agents, simulations, etc...) from simple python building blocks.

Type `pytest --edit` to open the failing test code.

LLM-powered lossless compression tool.

New Releases

Python in Visual Studio Code – June 2024 Release
This release includes the following announcements:
  • VS Code Native REPL for Python with Intellisense and syntax highlighting
  • Pytest improvements in the testing rewrite

Python 3.12.4 released

Upcoming Events and Webinars

PyLadies Dublin Meetup June 2024
There will be following talks
  • Building Intelligent Applications with LangChain
  • Transformers and the Attention Mechanism - The Core Components of LLMs

Portland Python Meetup June 2024
There will be a talk, pytest: an exemplary framework for testing.

PyData Prague #21
There will be following talks
  • How Data Improves Your Life in Prague
  • DuckDB Intro with Case Study from Keboola

PyData Berlin Meetup June 2024 
There will be following talks
  • FormatAI: Structuring Unstructured Text using generative AI
  • Probably Fun - games to teach statistics

PyData Ireland Meetup June 2024 
There will be following talks
  • Building Intelligent Applications with LangChain
  • Transformers and the Attention Mechanism - The Core Components of LLMs

PyData Manchester Meetup June 2024 
There will be a talk, Polars and Time Series: what it can do, and how to overcome any limitation.
Our Other Newsletters
Programmer Weekly - A free weekly newsletter for programmers.

Founder Weekly - A free weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs featuring best curated content, must read articles, how to guides, tips and tricks, resources, events and more.
Copyright © 2024 Python Weekly, All rights reserved.

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Python Weekly - Issue 653

2024-06-06 23:00:00

Python Weekly - Issue 653

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Python Weekly

Welcome to issue 653 of Python Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.

Trojan Embedded in crytic-compilers Python Package Targets Popular Blockchain Utility
The Socket Research Team has identified a malicious Python package that is typosquatting the popular crytic-compile utility, frequently used in popular toolkits and development environments for smart contracts and crypto applications.

Articles, Tutorials and Talks

FineWeb: decanting the web for the finest text data at scale
The article introduces FineWeb, a Hugging Face project aimed at extracting high-quality text data from the web at scale. It highlights the methodology and tools used to ensure the gathered data is of the finest quality for training AI models, emphasizing the importance of clean and relevant text data for machine learning applications.

`bytes`: The Lesser-Known Python Built-In Sequence • And Understanding UTF-8 Encoding
The `bytes` data type looks a bit like a string, but it isn't a string. Let's explore it and also look at the main Unicode encoding, UTF-8.

I Built a Reusable Dashboard for Read the Docs Traffic Analytics Using Vizro-AI
The article demonstrates how to create a dashboard to visualize traffic data for a Read the Docs documentation project using Vizro for building the dashboard layout and Vizro-AI to generate individual charts from natural language instructions and data. This low-code approach enables creating visualizations without extensive design or Python skills.

Designing data loaders in Python classes
If you are designing an API that loads data into a standard format, consider the from_ and to_ syntax to describe data loaders. from_ data loaders should read data and serialise it into a class for processing, and to_ data loaders should convert data to another format, or save data to disk.

How to use React with Django (in 10 mins) 
The simplest way to set up a React.js frontend and a Django REST API backend.

Statically Typed Functional Programming with Python 3.12
The article demonstrates how to use Python 3.12's new type alias and union type syntax to define a simple expression-based language with dataclasses, and then implements an evaluator function using pattern matching to evaluate expressions in that language.

Python at the Speed of Julia
The article explores achieving Python's ease of use with Julia's speed, illustrating how to optimize Python code using Julia for high-performance computing tasks. It provides examples and insights on integrating both languages to enhance computational efficiency without sacrificing Python's simplicity.

FMP Notebooks
Python Notebooks for Fundamentals of Music Processing.

The State of Django 2024
Discover the Django framework's popularity through statistics and learn the latest trends in Django development for 2024.

Python's many command-line utilities
Every command-line tool included with Python. These can be run with python -m module_name.

Let’s optimize! Running 15× faster with a situation-specific algorithm
Sometimes the best way to speed up your algorithm is to adjust it to the specifics of your data.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

Runbook automation platform with deep observability integrations & Jupyter-notebooks style interface.

Generate entire books in seconds using Groq and Llama3.

The Open Source DevOps Assistant - solve problems twice as fast with an AI teammate.

Cross-platform keep-awake with Python.

The fastest caching Python library written in Rust.

WebApps in pure Python. No JavaScript, HTML and CSS needed.

Omost is a project to convert LLM's coding capability to image generation (or more accurately, image composing) capability.

A research paper for generative cartoon interpolation.

A Generalizable World Model for Autonomous Driving.

Collection of awesome LLM apps with RAG using OpenAI, Anthropic, Gemini and opensource models.

A fast and user friendly way to interact with SMB shares.

Open-source alternative to Assistant's API with a managed backend for memory, RAG, tools and tasks. ~Supabase for building AI agents.

Build delightful web apps quickly in Python.

ChatTTS is a generative speech model for daily dialogue.

Exploring the classical regression capabilities of LLMs.

Prettypretty helps build awesome terminal user interfaces in Python. Notably, it incorporates a powerful and general color library.

Upcoming Events and Webinars

San Francisco Python Meetup June 2024
There will be following talks
  • A Python App to Explore how Covid Changed America
  • Introduction to RAG
  • Deploying Embeddings Inference in Production

Hybrid: PyMunich Meetup June 2024
There will be following talks
  • Let's make Python better: The most awesome "Hello, World!" 
  • Intro to Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
  • Evaluating RAG applications with Phoenix

Hybird: IndyPy Panel: AI Powered by Python
A panel discussion that will dive into the evolving landscape of AI, explore Python's pivotal role in modern AI solutions, and uncover effective strategies for AI deployment.

Cleveland Python Meetup June 2024
There will be a talk, Wagtail: the Python CMS taking the world by storm.

PyData NYC Meetup June 2024
There will be following talks
  • RAG: Using Translation Augmented Generation to Break Language Barriers in the LLM Ecosystem
  • Multi-Modal Machine Learning and Image Visualization/Segmentation

PyData Montreal Meetup June 2024
There will be following talks
  • Innovations with LLMs at Microsoft HLS Montreal: From Dynamic Data Pruning to Clinical Error Detection
  • Introduction and Applications of Vision-Language Models

PyData Prague Meetup June 2024
There will be following talks
  • How Data Improves Your Life in Prague
  • DuckDB Intro with Case Study from Keboola
Our Other Newsletters
Programmer Weekly - A free weekly newsletter for programmers.

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Python Weekly - Issue 652

2024-05-30 23:00:00

Python Weekly - Issue 652

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Python Weekly

Welcome to issue 652 of Python Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.
From Our Sponsor 
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Django Enhancement Proposal 14: Background Workers
Django web applications require background task handling for activities like sending emails and interacting with external services. Although Django lacks a built-in solution for long-running tasks, the ecosystem offers various frameworks that integrate differently with Django. Unlike Laravel, which includes background workers, Django library maintainers must separately implement support for background task backends. This proposal aims to establish a standard interface and base implementation for managing long-running tasks in Django.

Articles, Tutorials and Talks

Streamlit Explained: Python Tutorial for Data Scientists 
This Python tutorial will dive into Streamlit, a tool that simplifies the creation of web applications for data science projects. Additionally, it will discuss the differences between Streamlit and other libraries like Dash and Taipy.

How Python Compares Floats and Ints: When Equals Isn’t Really Equal
Another Python gotcha and an investigation into its internals to understand why this happens.

If You Wish to Truly Understand Frappe's Scheduler, You Must First Invent the Universe
The post explains the inner workings of Frappe's scheduler, which allows scheduling recurring jobs and custom code. It delves into the complexities involved, such as handling scheduling delays efficiently without busy looping, and emphasizes the importance of understanding fundamental operating system concepts.

Don't worry about LLMs
The post argues that while large language models (LLMs) are receiving a lot of hype, the engineering systems built around them are similar to previous machine learning systems. It advises practitioners to cut through the hype and treat LLMs as regular engineering and ML problems.

Writing fast string ufuncs for NumPy 2.0
The post details the performance improvements made to string operations in NumPy 2.0 by reworking how they are handled, moving from creating Python objects to operating directly on the raw C data buffers. It provides guidance on writing efficient ufuncs that work with the data buffers and handle data type resolution.

Rapidly creating smoke tests for Django views
A management command for quickly generating tests based off Django's URL routing mechanism.

How good is GPT-4o at generating Flask apps? Surprisingly promising
This article summarizes the findings when asking GPT-4o to generate Flask applications, ranging from a simple "Hello, World!" app to a full-fledged CRUD app with three database models and HTML pages with Tailwind. With careful prompting, GPT-4o can produce working Flask applications and follow (some) best coding practices. 

DataFrames at Scale Comparison: TPC-H
We run benchmarks derived from the TPC-H benchmark suite on a variety of scales, hardware architectures, and dataframe projects, notably Apache Spark, Dask, DuckDB, and Polars. No project wins. This post analyzes results within each project and between projects.

pyastgrep and custom linting
Methodology and sample code for using pyastgrep to do custom linting tasks on Python source code.

How AI Can Help Deaf People Hear 
This project facilitates communication between Deaf individuals and hearing individuals who do not understand American Sign Language (ASL). It is designed to respect and preserve ASL as the primary language.

Build Interactive Data Apps of Scikit-learn Models Using Taipy
A low-code data pipeline interface to compare various models.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

A self-organizing file system with llama 3.

A snappy, keyboard-centric terminal user interface for interacting with large language models. Chat with ChatGPT, Claude, Llama 3, Phi 3, Mistral, Gemma and more.

Gloe is a general-purpose library made to help developers create, maintain, document, and test both operational and flow-oriented code.

mistral-finetune is a light-weight codebase that enables memory-efficient and performant finetuning of Mistral's models. 

Towards General World Model with Natural Language Actions and Video States.

Predictive model evaluation with a focus on healthcare.

Terminal Text Effects
Visual effects applied to text in the terminal.

Build microservices as tenants on a Django monolith. Avoid the infra & operational overheads. Scale effortlessly.

Python framework for building efficient data pipelines. It promotes modularity and collaboration, enabling the creation of complex pipelines from simple, reusable components.

Upcoming Events and Webinars

Python Milano Meetup June 2024
There will be following talks
  • PyScript: Python on the browser and beyond
  • 10 hidden traps of Python

PyData Leeds Meetup June 2024
There will be following talks
  • What shall we watch? Recommender systems at Channel 4
  • Please AI, What is this?
  • How Python Empowers Short-Term Innovation in NHS England: Unveiling the Wrapper Magic

PyData Tallinn Meetup June 2024
There will be following talks
  • Automating customer support with LLMs
  • Handling Document Signatures at Veriff
Our Other Newsletters
Programmer Weekly - A free weekly newsletter for programmers.

Founder Weekly - A free weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs featuring best curated content, must read articles, how to guides, tips and tricks, resources, events and more.
Copyright © 2024 Python Weekly, All rights reserved.

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Python Weekly - Issue 651

2024-05-23 23:00:00

Python Weekly - Issue 651

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Python Weekly

Welcome to issue 651 of Python Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.
From Our Sponsor 
  Learn how you can containerize and run your GenAI application using Docker.

Articles, Tutorials and Talks

College Precalculus – Full Course with Python Code 
Learn college Precalculus from an experienced university mathematics professor. You will also learn how to implement all the Precalculus concepts using the Python programming language.

Llama 3 implemented in pure NumPy
Understand the exact structure with working implementation of the Llama 3 model.

Curating Custom Datasets for LLM Training with NVIDIA NeMo Curator
NeMo Curator, which is part of NVIDIA NeMo, offers workflows to download and curate data from various public sources out of the box such as Common Crawl, Wikipedia, and arXiv. It also provides flexibility for developers to customize data curation pipelines to address their unique requirements and create custom datasets. This post walks you through creating a custom data curation pipeline using NeMo Curator. 

Kafka Consumers in Python - A Walkthrough 
Getting data out of Apache Kafka is easy if you know how, so let's go through an example step-by-step. In this walkthrough we take you through the process of creating a simple Kafka Consumer using the Quix Streams library. 

Replacing pyinstaller with 100 lines of code
A tale of how I accidentally stumbled upon some interesting tech over time.

Fine Tuning LLM Models – Generative AI Course 
Learn how to fine tuning LLM models. This course will teach you fine tuning using using QLORA and LORA, as well as Quantization using LLama2, Gradient and the Google Gemma model. This crash course includes both theoretical and practical instruction to help you understand how to perform fine tuning.

Simple Pretty Maps That Will Better Your Python Streamlit Skills
A simple tutorial on creating beautiful maps using the prettymapp library.

A Beginner's Guide to Unit Testing with Pytest
In this guide, we will explore the core principles of unit testing, delve into Pytest's powerful capabilities, and equip you with the knowledge and skills to write clean, maintainable, and effective tests.

What I've Learned Building Interactive Embedding Visualizations
The post details the author's process for building interactive embedding visualizations from user data, such as representing entities like words, products, or users as points in a high-dimensional space and projecting them down to 2D or 3D for visual exploration. It covers the entire workflow, from data preparation to dimensionality reduction techniques and interactive visualization implementation.

How I made my GitHub profile README dynamic
The blog post explains how to create a dynamic GitHub profile README that displays up-to-date stats and information by leveraging GitHub Actions to periodically fetch data and generate a new README file. 

Signals, shells, and docker: an onion of footguns
The post discusses potential security risks and "footguns" that can arise when using Docker containers, signals, and shells together in a development environment. It highlights how certain combinations of these tools can inadvertently grant excessive permissions or expose sensitive data, emphasizing the need for caution and proper configuration.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

A pure NumPy implementation for Llama 3 model.

Open source Python SDK for agent monitoring, LLM cost tracking, benchmarking, and more. Integrates with most LLMs and agent frameworks like CrewAI, Langchain, and Autogen.

llama3 implementation one matrix multiplication at a time.

LLM Models and RAG Hands-on Guide
This guide is designed for technical teams interested in developing basic conversational AI solutions using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG).

Open-source, accurate and easy-to-use video speech recognition & clipping tool, LLM based AI clipping intergrated.

An AI-Powered Tool for Automated Test Generation and Code Coverage Enhancement!

New Releases

Django 5.1 alpha 1 released

JupyterLab 4.2 and Notebook 7.2 are available!

Upcoming Events and Webinars

Portland Python Meetup May 2024
There will be a talk, Python, why are you like this? Python Gotchas and how to avoid them.

PyData Sofia Meetup May 2024
There will be a talk, Apache Arrow - Exploring the tech that powers the modern data (science) stack.

PyData Calgary Meetup May 2024
There will be a talk, NoSQL to SQL.. without ETL? A look at Azure Synapse Link.

PyData Stockholm Meetup May 2024
There will be following talks
  • Advancing one second at the time: Wolt's path optimizing efficient delivery platforms
  • Design data pipeline with GenAI
Our Other Newsletters
Programmer Weekly - A free weekly newsletter for programmers.

Founder Weekly - A free weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs featuring best curated content, must read articles, how to guides, tips and tricks, resources, events and more.
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