About Astro Blog

Astro is the web framework for building content-driven websites like blogs, marketing, and e-commerce.

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Astro 4.12: Server Islands

2024-07-18 08:00:00

Astro 4.12 is now available! This release includes includes the first experimental release of Server Islands, improvements to pagination and syntax highlighting, and more.

Netlify: Our Official Deployment Partner

2024-07-15 08:00:00

We are happy to announce that Netlify has become Astro’s official deployment partner, donating $12,500 each month towards the ongoing open source maintenance and development of Astro.

What's new in Astro - June 2024

2024-06-30 08:00:00

June 2024 - Celebrating Astro, together!

Astro 4.11

2024-06-20 08:00:00

Astro 4.11 is out with custom 500 page improvements and Shiki transformers in the Code component.

Astro Together 2024

2024-06-14 08:00:00

A look back at our meetup in Montreal

Server Islands

2024-06-13 08:00:00

Part three of our series on The Future of Astro, covering a new island architecture pattern for dynamic content rendered inside of fast, CDN-cached static pages.

The Astro Content Layer

2024-06-12 08:00:00

Part two of our series on The Future of Astro, covering our plans for the next evolution of content management in Astro.

Zero-JavaScript View Transitions

2024-06-11 08:00:00

Part one of our series on The Future of Astro. Browser-native page transitions are now possible with zero JavaScript required.

Astro 4.10

2024-06-06 08:00:00

Astro 4.10 is out with experimental type-safe environment variables, as well as enhancements to the Container API and Rewrites.

Starlight turns one year old!

2024-06-05 08:00:00

Discover the latest news from 12 months of Starlight development

What's new in Astro - May 2024

2024-05-31 08:00:00

May 2024 - Celebrating Astro, together!

Astro 4.9

2024-05-23 08:00:00

Astro 4.9 is now available! This release includes the long-awaited Container API, stabilized experimental features, and more.

Astro 4.8

2024-05-09 08:00:00

Astro 4.8 is here! This release includes experimental support for Astro actions and request rewriting, performance improvements, and more.

What's new in Astro - April 2024

2024-04-30 08:00:00

April 2024 - Passing 10,000,000 downloads on NPM, getting together in Montreal, and more!

Astro 4.7

2024-04-25 08:00:00

Astro 4.7 is out now! This release includes significant improvements to the API for making toolbar apps, a new way to keep yourself up to date, and more.

Astro 4.6

2024-04-11 08:00:00

Astro 4.6 is here! This release includes a new manual routing strategy for internationalization, the ability to move the dev toolbar, experimental support for CSRF protection, and more.

What's new in Astro - March 2024

2024-03-31 08:00:00

March 2024 - Astro DB, Astro Developer Portal and so much more

Migrating 500+ tests from Mocha to Node.js

2024-03-25 08:00:00

A retrospective of how Astro migrated more than 500 test suites from Mocha to Node.js test runner.

Astro DB: A Deep Dive

2024-03-13 08:00:00

Yesterday we launched a fully managed SQL database service designed exclusively for the Astro web framework. Let's dive into the implementation details of Astro DB: how it works, why we built it, and why we're adopting libSQL.

The Astro Developer Portal

2024-03-13 08:00:00

Today, we’re launching the Astro Developer Portal, a platform where theme authors can submit, manage, and promote their themes built for Astro.

Astro DB

2024-03-12 08:00:00

Astro DB is here! Astro DB is a fully managed SQL database designed exclusively for Astro. It is fast, lightweight, and ridiculously easy-to-use.

Astro 4.5

2024-03-11 08:00:00

Astro 4.5 is out! This release includes a new Dev Audit UI, View Transition improvements, Shiki 1.0, multi-CDN asset prefixing, and more!

Astro + Volar = 💖

2024-03-11 08:00:00

Astro relies on the hard work and dedication of several open-source projects, and we are extremely thankful to the maintainers of each and every one. In this article, we'd like to highlight one specific project that made a significant impact to the Astro experience: Volar.

What's new in Astro - February 2024

2024-02-29 08:00:00

Leap into Astro news with a bonus February day!

Astro 4.4

2024-02-15 08:00:00

Astro 4.4 is now available! This release includes the addition of performance audits for the dev toolbar, performance upgrades, the ability to automatically infer the dimensions of remote images, and more.

Astro 4.3

2024-02-01 08:00:00

Astro 4.3 is out now! This release includes support for domain routing in i18n, better support for relative images in Markdown, a new `ComponentProps` type export, and more.

What's new in Astro - January 2024

2024-01-31 08:00:00

2023 was a huge year for Astro, and 2024 is already shaping up to be even bigger. Let's dive into the updates!

Astro 4.2

2024-01-18 08:00:00

Astro 4.2 is out now! This release includes two new experimental features to try out, improvements to accessibility rules, and more.

Astro 4.1

2024-01-04 08:00:00

Astro 4.1, our first release of the new year, is here! This release includes new accessibility audit rules, an extended `client:visible` directive, and more.

What's new in Astro - December 2023

2023-12-31 08:00:00

December: last month of the year, a time to reflect on all the amazing things we've shipped, including Astro 4.0!

No More Bottlenecks

2023-12-11 08:00:00

How Thinkmill Reduced Dependencies on Senior Developers with Astro

Building a community of builders

2023-12-07 08:00:00

Today, we launch our newest initiative to recognize people in our community who go above and beyond, including our very own maintainers.

Slashing Development Costs

2023-12-07 08:00:00

How WP Engine Lowered Development Costs by Over 50% with Astro’s Starlight

Sentry: Our Official Monitoring Partner

2023-12-06 08:00:00

Sentry is Astro's new official monitoring partner. To celebrate, we're featuring Spotlight, a rich debug overlay from Sentry.

Astro 4.0

2023-12-05 08:00:00

Astro 4.0 is here! New APIs, faster builds, redesigned docs, and a unique new Dev Toolbar for Astro that enhances your local dev environment in new and exciting ways.

The $100,000 Astro Ecosystem Fund

2023-12-04 08:00:00

Astro — the web framework for building content-driven websites like blogs, marketing, and e-commerce — is giving away $100,000 to support other open-source projects in our ecosystem that improve the lives of Astro users everywhere, every day.

What's new in Astro - November 2023

2023-11-30 08:00:00

November: the month of migrating the Astro Docs to Starlight, 3 Starlight minor releases, new view transition events and more! Read more about what's new in Astro this month.

Astro 4.0 Beta Release

2023-11-27 08:00:00

The first Astro 4.0 beta release is now available for you to try out in any existing Astro project! Stay tuned for more information about the upcoming Astro 4.

Astro 3.5: i18n Routing

2023-11-08 08:00:00

Astro 3.5 is out! It includes experimental support for i18n routing, prefetch for speedier page loads, form support with ViewTransitions, image optimization improvements, and more.

What's new in Astro - October 2023

2023-10-31 08:00:00

Another busy month in Astro! From Hacktoberfest to releasing Page Partials. Read up on everything that happened this month in the Astro universe.

Astro 3.4: Page Partials

2023-10-26 08:00:00

Astro 3.4 is now released with support for page partials, improved image optimization performance, and an early preview of a new dev overlay.

Web Pages in Half The Time

2023-10-22 08:00:00

Why Microsoft Chose Astro to Build Their Fluent 2 Design System Website

Astro 3.3: Picture component

2023-10-12 08:00:00

Astro 3.3 is out with a brand new, experimental Picture component, improved compatibility for syntax highlighting, and package provenance.

Astro @ ViteConf 2023

2023-10-02 08:00:00

See you at ViteConf! Hear from members of the Astro core team, alongside an amazing lineup of projects from the Vite ecosystem.

Astro 3.2: View Transitions improvements

2023-09-28 08:00:00

Astro 3.2 is out with several improvements to View Transitions, including the ability to control the history stack, and a JavaScript navigation API

How Astro does i18n

2023-08-31 08:00:00

Leading open-source documentation with and for an international community.

Astro 3.0

2023-08-30 08:00:00

30% faster and more powerful than ever, Astro 3.0 is here! Includes new features and enhancements around View Transitions, Image Optimization, Fast Refresh JSX and more.

Vercel: Our Official Hosting Partner

2023-08-28 08:00:00

Vercel is Astro's new official hosting partner. To celebrate, we're launching new features for Astro users who deploy to Vercel's frontend cloud.

Release Content Faster

2023-08-11 08:00:00

How Firebase Cut Blog Publishing From Hours to Minutes with Astro

Astro 2.10: Persistent State in View Transitions

2023-08-03 08:00:00

Persistent UI in View Transitions and our first look at Astro 3.0

Astro 2.9: View Transitions (experimental)

2023-07-20 08:00:00

Astro 2.9 is out with experimental support for View Transitions, allowing smooth page transitions.

Content for Everyone

2023-06-29 08:00:00

How Astro Helped Contenda Build a Content-Sharing Platform in One Month

Better Images in Astro

2023-06-07 08:00:00

A new feature brings built-in image optimization to Astro. Coming in Astro 3.0, you can opt-in to try it yourself in today. Images in Astro have been completely redesigned with more features, faster performance, and a better end-user experience with automatic layout shift prevention.

Astro 2.6: Middleware

2023-06-06 08:00:00

A handful of experimental features go stable in Astro 2.6 including middleware, hybrid SSR output mode, custom client directives, and CSS inlining. Experimental support for a new redirects API is also introduced.

Astro 2.5

2023-05-18 08:00:00

Data collections • Hybrid rendering • Custom client directives • HTML minification • Parallelized rendering • Polymorphic type helper • More!

Astro 2.4

2023-05-04 08:00:00

Stronger CSS scoping • Code component improvements • Middleware • CSS inlining • More!

Astro 2.2

2023-04-05 08:00:00

CDN support for assets • image() schema helper API change • Much more!

CloudCannon announces official support for Astro

2023-03-17 08:00:00

CloudCannon, a popular Git-based CMS for static site generators, has announced full support for Astro.

Astro 2.1

2023-03-08 08:00:00

Introducing built-in image support • Markdoc integration • Watch mode for astro check • New TypeScript helpers and more!

2023 Web Framework Performance Report

2023-03-07 08:00:00

A look at how different web frameworks perform in the real world in 2023. Based on real-world, production data from HTTP Archive and Google Chrome.

Welcome, World

2023-03-06 08:00:00

Astro's new look is live! Learn all about our new brand including the design process, our new logo, typeface, color palette, and mascot.

WebStorm announces official support for Astro

2023-02-03 08:00:00

WebStorm, the popular IDE for Javascript by JetBrains, has announced initial support for Astro. Features include syntax highlighting, code completion, refactorings, navigation, intentions, code folding, Emmet support, and correct formatting.

Astro Community Awards 2022

2023-01-27 08:00:00

The Astro Community Awards for 2022 have been announced! These awards recognize the Astro community members who went above and beyond the past year. Read more to find out who was recognized!

Unlock New Possibilities with Hybrid Rendering

2023-01-26 08:00:00

New in Astro 2.0: Hybrid rendering unlocks the best of both worlds—choose between the performance of static pages or the full flexibility of server rendering for each page of your website.

Introducing Content Collections: Type-Safe Markdown in Astro 2.0

2023-01-25 08:00:00

New in Astro 2.0: Content Collections deliver a better developer experience for working with local content like Markdown and MDX. Powered by TypeScript, your local content is now automatically typed and validated for you against a schema so that you never miss or misspell another frontmatter property name again.

Astro 2.0

2023-01-24 08:00:00

Astro 2.0 is here! Astro 2.0 is the first major web framework to deliver complete type-safety for Markdown and MDX. Other release highlights include: Hybrid Rendering • Redesigned Error Overlays • Improved Dev Server and HMR • Vite 4.0 • A New Public Roadmap

Themes Catalog Updates

2022-12-08 08:00:00

Announcing the new and improved themes catalog. Now with support for more detailed theme descriptions and paid themes.

Announcing the Astro Tutorial

2022-11-04 08:00:00

Wrapping up Astro Docs week with our biggest Docs announcement to date: our first Astro Tutorial.

Hacktoberfest with Astro Docs

2022-10-31 08:00:00

It’s Astro Docs week! See how we hacked Hacktoberfest to celebrate our awesome contributors this October.

Astro 1.5.0 Release

2022-10-13 08:00:00

Introducing: Adapter support for astro preview • Node.js standalone mode • HMR improvements • New API route params

Astro @ ViteConf 2022

2022-10-10 08:00:00

See you at ViteConf! We have a ton of speakers from Astro giving talks and appearing on panels, alongside an amazing lineup.

Astro 1.4.0 Release

2022-09-29 08:00:00

Introducing: Astro.cookies • Strict dependency installation • Better control over style ordering • JSX in Vue components

Storyblok Becomes Astro's Official CMS Partner

2022-09-07 08:00:00

We are happy to announce that Storyblok has become Astro’s exclusive CMS partner, donating $2,500 each month towards the ongoing open source maintenance and development of Astro.

Astro Contributor Awards: September 2022 Edition

2022-09-06 08:00:00

Every few months, we distribute 100% of our sponsorship funds for an entire month to the standout members of our community. These awards go to recognize the people who go above and beyond to improve Astro in some way, contributing inside and outside of our community.

Astro 1.0

2022-08-09 08:00:00

Astro 1.0 is out now! Astro is a web framework for building fast, content-focused websites. Performance powered by Astro next-gen island architecture. Learn more about Astro 1.0 release, our new website, and what people are saying about Astro.

Astro 1.0 Release Update

2022-06-06 08:00:00

Just announced: The Astro v1.0.0 release date has been pushed back to late July.

Vercel launches zero-configuration support for Astro

2022-05-19 08:00:00

You can now deploy Astro projects to Vercel with ease.

Astro on Netlify Edge Functions

2022-04-19 08:00:00

Announcing support for the new Netlify Edge Functions platform

The Astro 1.0 Hackathon is Here

2022-04-08 08:00:00

4 weeks. Fully remote. 3 awesome Astro categories. $15,000 in prizes. What are you waiting for?

Introducing The Astro Showcase

2022-04-08 08:00:00

Explore beautiful community websites built with Astro.

Astro Contributor Day

2022-04-07 08:00:00

Happy Astro Contributor Day! Who are some of our awesome contributors? Where does Astro's sponsorship 💰 go? How does Astro give back to OSS? Lets get into it!

Astro Themes & Integrations

2022-04-06 08:00:00

Introducing: a growing catalog of themes, components, and integrations to jumpstart your next Astro project.

Server-Side Rendering with Astro

2022-04-05 08:00:00

Announcing experimental support for server-side rendering in Astro

Astro 1.0 Beta Release

2022-04-04 08:00:00

The Astro 1.0 Beta is now available! This release marks the stabilization of all major APIs, with no more major breaking changes planned between now and the official v1.0 release.

Astro Beta Launch Week

2022-03-28 08:00:00

incoming transmission // attention space cadets...

Astro 0.25 Release Notes

2022-03-27 08:00:00

Introducing: a new integration system • a new "add" command • shiki syntax highlighting • improved CLI build output

Astro 0.23 Release Notes

2022-02-19 08:00:00

Introducing: Dynamic file routes • Automatic XSS protection • two new component directives • vite 2.8 • and more!

Scaling Astro to 10,000+ Pages

2022-01-25 08:00:00

A new experimental flag in Astro build enables building sites with tens of thousands of pages.

Announcing The Astro Technology Company

2022-01-12 08:00:00

The Astro Technology Company has formed to support the Astro open source project and build a better platform for web developers everywhere.

Astro 0.21

2021-11-19 08:00:00

Astro v0.21.0 is finally here!

Astro 0.21 Preview: Vite + WASM = ⚡️

2021-10-06 08:00:00

Get a sneak preview of what is next for Astro, including our new Vite build engine and WASM-powered Go compiler.

Astro Demo Day September Edition

2021-09-20 08:00:00

Astro September Demo Day was today and we had 4 amazing talks, including one with big announcements on the future direction of Astro.

Introducing the Astro REPL

2021-09-17 08:00:00

The power of Astro, right in your browser.

Netlify Becomes Astro's Official Hosting Partner

2021-09-09 08:00:00

We are happy to announce that Netlify has become Astro’s first corporate sponsor and exclusive hosting partner, donating $2,500 each month towards the ongoing open source maintenance and development of Astro.

Astro 0.19

2021-08-18 08:00:00

Introducing: Next.js-inspired dynamic routing • Astro.resolve() • client:only components • translations • and more!

Astro 0.18 Release

2021-07-27 08:00:00

Introducing: Responsive partial hydration • Solid.js support • Lit SSR support • Named slots • Global style support • and more!

Introducing Astro: Ship Less JavaScript

2021-06-08 08:00:00

We're excited to announce Astro as a new way to build static websites and deliver lightning-fast performance without sacrificing a modern developer experience.