2025-01-25 21:05:06
Recently I re-picked up this side project, rewrote it with TypeScript, and gave it a new deployment. The virtual #Axidraw #penplotter is now available on https://axidraw.mutoo.im. Feel free to try it out (remember to turn on the audio). 😆
2025-01-24 21:04:53
Re @senob_ 写个定时器,一年后把私钥公布出来即可。你只要给公布这个私钥的地方稍微加个谜语就行。
2024-12-06 09:10:09
Re @eigenbom you'll need an I/O mod to make this boiler work, LOL
2024-11-28 06:05:26
Re @BRichardKing @waylybaye 顺带一提 🐍的视力也不是很好。
2024-11-26 12:44:31
Re @LaiskyCai @likev @233vc 前提是两个网络最终还会合并。如果长期处于分离状态,双花是有可能的。再如果分离太久,期间 BTC 协议发生变化,直接就变成硬分叉了。