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Re @misakayuuki 设计师画图的时候忘记开 Snapping 😂

2024-12-09 11:13:26

Re @misakayuuki 设计师画图的时候忘记开 Snapping 😂

Re @eigenbom you'll need an I/O mod to make this boiler work, LOL

2024-12-06 09:10:09

Re @eigenbom you'll need an I/O mod to make this boiler work, LOL

Re @BRichardKing @waylybaye 顺带一提 🐍的视力也不是很好。

2024-11-28 06:05:26

Re @BRichardKing @waylybaye 顺带一提 🐍的视力也不是很好。

Re @LaiskyCai @likev @233vc 前提是两个网络最终还会合并。如果长期处于分离状态,双花是有可能的。再如果分离太久,期间 BTC 协议发生变化,直接就变成硬分叉...

2024-11-26 12:44:31

Re @LaiskyCai @likev @233vc 前提是两个网络最终还会合并。如果长期处于分离状态,双花是有可能的。再如果分离太久,期间 BTC 协议发生变化,直接就变成硬分叉了。

Re @greweb It reminds me of when I was a student and my teacher would punish us for copying a lot of meaningless content, and I wondered if there was ...

2024-10-28 16:45:34

Re @greweb It reminds me of when I was a student and my teacher would punish us for copying a lot of meaningless content, and I wondered if there was a magic tool that could help me. Nowadays they peddle this service on the internet and even sell the machine directly!

Re @greweb They even incorporate jittering into writing to ensure that every character appears identical. This makes pen plotter ‘handwriting’ look ...

2024-10-28 16:45:27

Re @greweb They even incorporate jittering into writing to ensure that every character appears identical. This makes pen plotter ‘handwriting’ look more real and believable.