2025-02-28 09:27:08
1. 劳力士和苹果各自行业的地位非常像。
2. OMEGA曾经比劳力士大很多,但是石英革命期间一手好牌打烂了,劳力士则坚持自己的品牌策略做好机械表。
3. Apple Watch不仅没有杀死瑞士制表业,反而对高端机械表是巨大利好。因为不戴表的人也开始戴了,培养了一个巨大的市场。
4. 虽然大家觉得机械表是一个男性市场,但是劳力士从头就很重视女性客户,现在劳力士的客户群体的性别比例是50:50,比其他手表品牌平衡得多。
5. 劳力士每年捐出一大笔瑞士法郎给各行各业,有一部分是直接给日内瓦这个城市的,市民有什么缺钱的地方可以直接申请。
最后两个主播的落脚点是创始人是一个好人,一个成功的企业并不意味着创始人或者经理人是一个ruthless 以及 aggressive 的人。然而现实好像在朝着另外一个方向去。
Rolex | Acquired PodcastThe complete podcast (and transcript!) of Rolex’s history and business strategy.
2025-02-28 07:05:22
Forwarded From 椒盐豆豉剪报
发现本频道竟然没发过这张经典的 timing the market (aka 不定投)的代价的图,今天刚好跟人说过了我再发一遍。
如果你追涨杀跌仅仅只是错过了过去 20 年里最好 10 天(其中有 7 天都是在熊市里)的话,收益率就会比全时在市场里低超过 50%。
老话 time in the market >>>> timing the market.
#data #visual #money
2025-02-23 12:34:36
>This conference is for undergrads, graduate students and recent graduates in CS, ML, applied math, and related technical fields. Even if you did not study these fields in school, you may qualify if you are highly technical and can demonstrate technical skills in i.e., open source repos, projects you’ve built, papers you’ve published, etc.
AI Startup SchoolYC is hosting our first-ever AI startup school in San Francisco on June 16 and 17th.
AI Startup School will gather 2000 of the top CS undergrads, masters, and PhD candidates in AI to hear from spe...![]()
2025-02-23 03:55:23
Taiwan's Most Iconic Breakfast Spot Serves 1000 People an Hour | Street Eats | Bon AppétitToday, Bon Appétit joins chefs Lucas Sin and Eric Sze in Taiwan to try one of the island’s best breakfast spots. Fuhang Soy Milk is Taipei's largest breakfast operation and can serve up to 1,000 people an hour on their busiest days.
Find Fuhang Soy Milk…![]()
2025-02-22 02:53:25
COBOL, the magical language that no one wants to touch.
No, 150-Year-Olds Aren’t Collecting Social Security BenefitsElon Musk claims to have found rampant fraud in the Social Security Administration. There’s a much simpler explanation.
2025-02-08 05:55:10
> According to the superseding indictment, Google hired Ding as a software engineer in 2019. Between approximately May 2022 and May 2023, Ding uploaded more than 1,000 unique files containing Google confidential information from Google’s network to his personal Google Cloud account, including the trade secrets alleged in the superseding indictment.
> While Ding was employed by Google, he secretly affiliated himself with two People’s Republic of China (PRC)-based technology companies. Around June 2022, Ding was in discussions to be the Chief Technology Officer for an early-stage technology company based in the PRC. By May 2023, Ding had founded his own technology company focused on AI and machine learning in the PRC and was acting as the company’s CEO.
Superseding Indictment Charges Chinese National In Relation To AllegedSAN FRANCISCO – A federal grand jury returned a superseding indictment today charging Linwei Ding, also known as Leon Ding, 38, with seven counts of economic espionage and seven counts of theft of trade secrets in connection with an alleged plan to steal…