2025-03-25 08:00:00
I like making things with computers. There’s just one problem about computer programs: they have to run somewhere. Sure, you can just spin up a new VPS per project, but that gets expensive and most of my projects are very lightweight. I run most of them at home with the power of floor desktops.
Tonight I’ll tell you what gets me excited about my homelab and maybe inspire you to make your own. I'll get into what I like about it and clue you into some of the fun you get to have if one of your projects meant to protect your homelab goes hockey-stick.
Hi everyone! I’m Xe, and I’m the CEO of Techaro, the anti-AI AI company. Today I’m gonna talk with you about the surreal job of having an over-provisioned homelab and what you can do with one of your own. Buckle up, it’s gonna be a ride.
So to start, what’s a homelab? You may have heard of the word before, but what is it really?
It’s a playground for devops. It’s where you can mess around to try and see what you can do with computers. It’s where you can research new ways of doing things, play with software, and more. Importantly though, it’s where you can self-host things that are the most precious to you. Online platforms are vanishing left and right these days. It’s a lot harder for platforms that run on hardware that you look at to go away without notice.
Before we continue though, let’s cover who I am. I’m Xe. I live over in Orleans with my husband and our 6 homelab servers. I’m the CEO of the totally real company Techaro. I’m an avid blogger that’s written Architect knows how many articles. I stream programming crimes on Fridays.
Today we’re gonna cover:
Finally I’ll give you a stealth mountain into the fun you can have when you self host things.
Before we get started though, my friend Leg Al told me that I should say this.
This talk may contain humor. Upon hearing something that sounds like it may be funny, please laugh. Some of the humor goes over people’s heads and laughing makes everyone have a good time.
Oh, also, any opinions are my own and not the opinions of Techaro.
Unless it would be funny for those opinions to be the opinions of Techaro, then it would be totally on-brand.
But yes, tl;dr: when you have servers at home, it’s a homelab. They come in all shapes and sizes from single mini pcs from Kijiji to actual rack mount infrastructure in a basement. The common theme though is experimentation and exploration. We do these things not because they are easy, but because they look like they might be easy. Let’s be real, they usually are easy but you can’t know until you’ve done it to know for sure, right?
In order to give you ideas on what you can do with one, here’s what I run in my homelab. I use a lot of this all the time. It’s just become a generic place to put things with relative certainty that they’ll just stay up. I also use it to flex my SRE muscle because working in marketing has started to atrophy that and I do not want to lose that skillset.
One of the services I run is Plex which lets me—Wait, what, how did you get there?...One second.
Like I was saying, one of the services I run is Plex which lets me watch TV shows and movies without having to go through flowcharts of doom to figure out where to watch them.
One of the best things I set up was pocket-id, an OIDC provider. Before your eyes glaze over, here’s what you should think.
A lot of the time with homelabs and self-hosted services you end up making a new account, admin permissions flags, group memberships, and profile pictures for every service. This sucks and does not scale. Something like Pocket-ID lets you have one account to rule them all. It’s such a time-saver.
I also run a git server! It’s where Techaro’s super secret projects like the Anubis integration jungle live.
I run my own GitHub Actions runners because let’s face it, who would win: free cloud instances that are probably oversubscribed or my mostly idle homelab 5950x’s?
One of the big things I run is Longhorn, which spreads out the storage across my house. This is just for the Kubernetes cluster, the NAS has an additional 64-ish terabytes of space where I store my tax documents, stream VODs, and…Linux ISOs.
Like any good cluster I also have a smattering of support services like cert-manager, ingress-nginx, a private docker registry, external-dns, a pull-through cache of the docker hub for when they find out that their business model is unsustainable because nobody wants to pay for the docker hub, etc. Just your standard Kubernetes setup sans the standard “sludge pipe” architecture.
By the way, I have to thank my friend Eric Chlebek for coming up with the term “sludge pipe” architecture to describe modern CI/CD flows. I mean look at this:
You just pipe the sludge into git repos and it flows into prod! Hope it doesn’t take anything out!
I’ve also got a smattering of apps that I’ve written for myself over the years, including but not limited to the hlang website, Techaro’s website, the Stealth Mountain feed on Bluesky, a personal API that’s technically part of my blog’s infrastructure, the most adorable chatbot you’ve ever seen, a bot to post things on a subreddit to Discord for a friend, and Architect knows how many other small experiments.
Like I said though, you don’t always need to start out with a complicated multi-node system with distributed storage. Most of the time you’ll start out with a single computer that can turn on. I did.
I started out with this: a trash can Mac Pro that was running Ubuntu. I pushed a bunch of strange experiments to it over the years and it’s where I learned how to use Docker in anger. It’s been a while and I lost the config management for it, but I’m pretty sure it ran bog-standard Docker Compose with a really old version of Caddy. I’m pretty sure this was the machine I used as my test network when I was maintaining an IRC network. Either way, 12 cores and 16 GB of RAM went a long way in giving me stuff to play with. This lasted me until I moved to Montreal in mid-2019. It’s now my Prometheus server.
Then in 2020 I got the last tax refund I’m probably ever going to get. It was about 2.2 thousand snow pesos and I wanted to use it to build a multi-node homelab cluster. I wanted to experiment with multi-node replicated services without Kubernetes.
When I designed the nodes, I wanted to pick something that had a balance of cost, muscle, and wattage. I also wanted to get CPUs that had built-in PCI to HDMI converters in them so I can attach a “crash cart” to debug them. This was also before the AI bubble, so I didn’t have langle mangles in mind. I also made sure to provision the nodes with just enough power supply overhead that I could add more hard drives, GPUs, or whatever else I wanted to play with as new shiny things came out.
Here’s a few of them on screen, from left to right that is kos-mos, ontos, and pneuma. Most of the nodes have 32 GB of RAM and a Core-i5 10-600 with 12 threads. Pneuma has a Ryzen 5950x (retired from my husband’s gaming rig when he upgraded to a 7950x3D) and 64 GB of RAM. Pneuma used to be my main shellbox until I did the big Kubernetes changeover.
Not shown are Logos and Shachi. Shachi is my old gaming tower and has another 5950x in it. In total this gives me something like 100 cores and 160 GB of RAM. This is way overkill for my needs, but allows me to basically do whatever I want. Don’t diss the power of floor desktops!
Eventually, Stable Diffusion version 1 came out and then I wanted to play with it. The only problem was that it needed a GPU. Luckily we had an RTX 2060 laying around and I was able to get it up and running on Ontos. Early Stable Diffusion was so much fun. Like look at this.
The prompt for this was “Richard Stallman acid trip in a forest, Lisa frank 420 modern computing, vaporwave, best quality”. This was hallucinated, pun intended, on Ontos’ 2060. I used that 2060 for a while but then bigger models came out. Thankfully I got a job at a cloud provider so I could just leech off of their slack time. But I wanted to get langle mangles running at home so Logos got an RTX 3060 to run Ollama.
At a certain point though, a few things happened that made me realize that I was going off course for what I wanted. My homelab nodes weren’t actually redundant like I wanted. The setup I used had me allocate tasks to specific nodes, and if one of them fell over I had to do configuration pushes to move services around. This was not according to keikaku.
Then the distribution I was using made…creative decisions in community management and I realized that my reach as a large-scale content creator (I hate that term) and blogger meant that by continuing to advocate for that distro in its current state, I was de-facto harming people. So then I decided to look for something else.
Let’s be real, the kind of things I wanted out of my homelab were literally Kubernetes shaped. I wanted a bunch of nodes that I could just push jobs to and let the machine figure out where it lives. I couldn’t have that with my previous setup no matter how much I wanted because the tools just weren’t there to do it in real life.
This was kind of a shock, as previously I had been on record saying that you don’t in fact need Kubernetes. At the time I gave this take though, there were other options. Docker Swarm was still actively in development. Nomad was a thing that didn’t have any known glaring flaws other than being well Nomad, and Kubernetes was really looking like an over engineered pile of jank.
It really didn’t help that one of my past jobs was to create a bog-standard sludge pipe architecture on AWS and Google Cloud but way before cert-manager was stable. Ingress-nginx was still in beta. Everything was in flux.
Kubernetes itself was fine, but it was not enough to push button and receive bacon and get your web apps running somewhere. I get that’s not the point of Kubernetes per se, it scales from web apps to fighter jets, but at the end of the day you gotta ship something, right?
It really just burnt me out and I nearly left the industry at large as a result of the endless churn of bullshit. The admission that Kubernetes was what I needed really didn’t come easy. It was one of the last things I wanted to use; but with everything else either dying out from lack of interest or having known gaping flaws show up, it’s what I was left with.
Then at some point I thought, “eh, fuck it, what do I have to lose” and set it up. It worked out pretty great actually.
After a few months someone in the patron discord asked me what I thought about Kubernetes in my homelab after using it for a while and my reply was “It’s nice to not have to think about it”. To be totally honest, as someone with sludge pipe operator experience, “it’s nice to not have to think about it” is actually high praise. It just kinda worked out and I didn’t have to spend too much time or energy on it modulo occasional upgrades.
And with that in mind, here’s what I really like about my homelab setup as it is right now.
I can just push button and receive bacon. If I want to run more stuff, I push it to the cluster. If I want to run less stuff, I delete it from the cluster. Backups happen automatically every night. The backup restore procedure works. Pushing apps is trivial. Secrets are integrated with 1password. Honestly, pushing stuff to my homelab cluster is so significantly easier than it’s ever been at any company I’ve ever worked at. Even when I was a sludge pipe operator.
One of the best parts is that I haven’t really had to fight it. Stuff just kinda works and it’s glorious. My apps are available internally and externally and I don’t really have to think too much about the details.
Of course, I didn’t just stop there. I took things one step farther and then realized across my /x/ repo that I had a bunch of services fall into a few basic patterns:
I was really inspired by Heroku’s setup back when I worked there. With Heroku you just pushed your code and let the platform figure it out. Given that I had a few known “shapes” of apps, what if I just made my own resources in Kubernetes to do that?
apiVersion: x.within.website/v1
kind: App
name: httpdebug
image: ghcr.io/xe/x/httpdebug:latest
autoUpdate: true
enabled: true
host: httpdebug.xelaso.net
So I did that, thanks to Yoke. I just define an App, and it creates everything downstream for me. 1Password Secrets can be put in the filesystem or the environment. Persistent storage is a matter of saying where to mount it and how much I want. HTTP ingresses are a simple boolean flag with the DNS name. External DNS records, TLS certificates, and the whole nine yards is naught but an implementation detail. A single flag lets me create a Tor hidden service out of the App so that people can view it wherever they want in the world without government interference. I can add Kubernetes roles by just describing the permissions I want. It’s honestly kind of amazing.
This is something I want to make more generic so that you can use it too, I’ll get to it eventually. It’s in the cards.
In the process of messing with my homelab, I’ve had to learn to play defense.
Something to keep in mind though: I have problems you don’t. My blog gets a lot of traffic in weird patterns. If it didn’t, I’d run it at home, but it does so I have to host it in the cloud. However, remember that git server? Yeah, that runs at home.
When you host things on the modern internet, bots will run in once the cert is minted and start pummeling the hell out of it. I like to think that the stuff I make can withstand this, but some things just aren’t up to snuff. It’s not their fault mind you, modern scraper bots are unusually aggressive.
Honestly it feels like when modern scrapers are designed, they have these goals in mind:
By the way, public service announcement. Don’t use VPNs unless you have a really good reason. Especially don’t use free VPNs. Those sketchy residential proxy services are all powered by people using free VPNs. If you aren’t a customer, you are the product.
What makes this worse is that git servers are the most pathologically vulnerable to the onslaught of doom from modern internet scrapers because remember, they click on every link on every page.
See those little yellow tags? Those are all links. Do the math. There’s a lot of them. Not to mention that git packfiles are stored in compressed files which can’t seek. Every time they open every link on every page, they go deeper and deeper into uncached git pack file resolution because let’s face it, who on this planet is going out of their way to look at every file in every commit of GTK from 2004 and older. Not many people it turns out!
And that’s how Amazon’s scraper took out my Git server. I tried some things and they didn’t work including but not limited to things I can’t say in a recording. I debated taking it offline completely and just having the stuff I wanted to expose publicly be mirrored on GitHub. That would have worked, but I didn’t want to give up. I wanted to get even.
Then I had an idea. Raise your hand if you know what I do enough to know how terrifying that statement is.
More of you than I thought.
Somehow I ended up on the wikipedia page for weighing of souls. Anubis, the god of the underworld, weighed your soul and if it was lighter than a feather you got to go into the afterlife. This felt like a good metaphor.
And thus I had a folder name to pass to mkdir. Anubis weighs the soul of your connection using a SHA256 proof-of-work challenge in order to protect upstream resources from scraper bots. This was a super nuclear response, but remember, this was the state of my git server:
I just wanted uptime, man.
Either way, the absolute hack I had worked, so I put it on GitHub. Honestly, when I’ve done this before it got ignored. So I just had my 4080 dream up some placeholder assets, posted an blog about it, and went back to playing video games.
Then people started using it. I put it in its own repo and posted about it on Bluesky.
I wasn’t the only one having this problem it seems! It’s kinda taking off! This is so wild and not the kind of problem I usually have.
Like the graphs went hockey stick.
Like really hockey-stick.
It just keeps going up and it’s not showing any signs of stopping any time soon.
For context, here it is compared to my two biggest other projects. It's the mythical second Y axis graph shape. So yeah, you can understand that it’s gonna take a while to circle back to the Techaro HyperCloud.
The cool part about this in my book though is that because I had a problem that was only exposed with the hardware my homelab uses (specifically because my git server was apparently running on rotational storage, oops), I got creative, made a solution, pushed it to GitHub, and now it’s in use to protect GNOME’s GitLab, SourceHut, small community projects, god knows how many git forges, and I’ve heard that basically every major open source project that self-hosts infrastructure is evaluating it to protect their websites too. I really must have touched a nerve or something.
In conclusion:
If you like it, you should self-host it. Online services are vanishing so frequently. Everything is centralizing around the big web and it makes me afraid for what the future of the small Internet could look like should this continue.
Think small. A single node with a 2012 grade CPU and 16 gigabytes of dedotated wam lasted me until 2019. When I get a computer, I use the whole computer. If it’s fine for me, it’s more than enough for you.
Fuck around and find out. That’s not just a threat. That’s a mission statement.
Remember that if you get an idea, fuck around, find out, and write down what you’ve learned: you’ve literally just done science. Well, with computers, so it’d be computer science, but you get my point.
And if bots should come in and start a-pummeling away, remember: you’re not in the room with them. They’re in the room with you. Remember Slowloris? A little birdie told me that it works server to client too. Consider that.
My time with you is about to come to an end, but before we go, I just want to thank everyone on this list. You know what you did. If you’re not on this list, you know what you didn’t do.
And with that, I've been Xe! I'll be around if you have questions or want stickers. Stay warm!
If I don’t get to you, please email your questions to [email protected]. With all that out of the way, does anyone have any questions?
2025-03-20 08:00:00
Hey all!
Anubis has really been taking off to the point that it has its own repo now. I'm going to be doing more work on it, but for right now what I really need is data. In order to get this data, I need you to let me know what I just broke by turning on Anubis in prod.
What I know broke:
If I missed something, contact me.
2025-03-13 08:00:00
It feels like privacy has become "impossible", hasn't it? What does it mean to actually be "private" these days? Who are you defending against? What do you want to do in order to mitigate it? And more importantly, how do you do this without giving up the conveniences of modern life?
In this talk, I'll be covering the finer points of operational security (opsec), knowing your threat model, building your own infrastructure to self-host things that are important to you with discarded hardware, and how to "blend in" when traveling or even at home. It's all about balance and figuring out what your needs are. My needs are certainly a lot different than yours are. This is a nuanced topic and I am not going to pretend there isn't any.
Hi, I'm Xe. You probably know me from my blog. Today, I'm gonna give a talk that I really wish I didn't have to give. In a sane or just world, I wouldn't need to have this talk exist; however, we know what world we got and I'm here, so today I'm gonna talk about operational security or opsec.
Opsec is a somewhat multifaceted topic, but it really boils down to making sure you keep yourself safe online.
It’s really easy to go down the online privacy rabbit hole and way past Narnia. This is fundamentally a game of balancing your authentic expression with how much information you share. Again, it sucks that we have to have this conversation, but I’d really much rather y’all have the tools to protect yourselves.
Today, I’m gonna cover the basics of what opsec is, give you practical tips on how to protect yourself online, how to control what you can, be aware of the things you can’t, show you the tools you can use today to keep yourself safe, and give you tips on how you can set up your own online infrastructure so that you can have real privacy online.
Before we get into all that though, I’m Xe. I’m the CEO of Techaro, which is a totally real company that actually exists. I’ve written god knows how many articles and I’ve worked at a smattering of companies. Some of them you know, most of them you don’t. I live in Ottawa with my husband and my 6 homelab servers.
So, let’s talk about opsec. Today I’ll start out with what it means. Perfect security is impossible. Any actions you take are compromises. Sure in theory you can just become a hermit and live away from society, but that makes it difficult to do things like attend conference talks or post on social media. Like I said, it’s all about compromises and balance. Unless you're a citizen of Germany, in which case you can actually have real privacy online, asterisk.
Another thing to keep in mind is that it’s a lot easier to be one of the people out there in the audience watching this talk than it is to be me, the person giving it. There are completely different security implications at play. The trick is to figure out the right balance of information you share vs information you don’t share.
Also, you’re gonna fuck it up. You will accidentally leak something. You are going to make an error and it will be okay. The other trick with opsec is to balance things out such that when you do inevitably make that error you minimize the consequences. You will fall for a phishing link. The trick is when you inevitably fuck it up, the consequences are minimized as much as possible.
The heart of operational security is the threat model. A threat model is the list of things and people you care about and what you are protecting against. This is probably one of the most personal parts of this. Your threat model is going to differ vastly from mine. Here’s an example threat model for a guy I just made up:
Let’s imagine a guy named Sleve McDichael. He’s a straight white dude that posts cooking videos to TikTok. He doesn’t really have any enemies and works as a car mechanic. He’s civilly involved and sometimes posts about US politics. He used to play baseball and probably peaked in high school.
Let’s say the worst thing that could happen to Sleve is that someone gets angry about one of his cooking videos. He doesn’t mention his employer in his cooking videos, maybe he’ll say “oh yeah I’m a car mechanic” at some point, but overall he doesn’t mention where he works. Just to be safe, he let his employer know about the cooking TikTok videos. Their reaction was “oh cool I’ll follow and make the good recipes”. Imagine how simple Sleve’s life is. This is the dream.
Sleve has random internet strangers in scope for his threat model. Random internet strangers aren’t the most predictable, but generally they have limits as to what they can do. Individuals can only really do small scale actions.
The other thing to keep in mind with Sleve’s threat model is that there’s things that are out of scope. Usually most threat models end where the government begins. Sure hope that’s not an ominous thing to say in Anno Dominium Two Thousand And Twenty Five fake laugh.
In terms of things that can impact his threat model, here’s the low hanging fruit that Sleve can control. He can control what he posts, such as by not mentioning that he works at Jiffy Lube. He can control what social media apps he uses, such as TikTok or Bluesky. He can control when he posts because you can figure out where someone lives by when you post (you usually don’t post while you’re asleep!). He can also control what he shows in any photos or videos he posts.
Now let’s take a look at the things Sleve can’t control. Generally, Sleve can control the things he does, but he can’t control what other people do in response to them. He can’t control what other people do, and he has even less control over what the government does. Sure, he votes, but I vote too.
There’s also a bunch of things in the middle between things Sleve can and can’t control. In theory he can control his writing style so that people can’t identify him by his “writeprint”, but changing your writeprint (or even being cognizant of it) is difficult for most people. If he’s really worried, he can use an AI tool to rewrite what he posts so that it’ll hide his writeprint. Yes, this is something that works, and every AI model has its own writeprint. Even models that run on your local device are good enough to hide it -- fun fact, the Torment Nexus has a use.
In theory, Sleve also has control of how he speaks (voice training is a thing that does exist), but it’s difficult to control for most people. These are things that he needs to keep in mind as he writes posts or makes cooking videos.
Despite everything, Sleve still manages to keep himself safe online. In order to keep yourself safe like Sleve does, there’s a few behaviors you can follow and they’re mostly low-hanging fruit:
One of the things you can do to keep yourself anonymous online is to use pseudonyms, also known as nyms. These are names that don’t match the name on your passport. If you’re part of the furry community, you probably know your best friends by names like Soatok, Cendyne, or Framebuffer instead of whatever their passport names are. Pseudonyms are really easy to adopt and can be a great way to add personality to your online presence.
Fun fact: the name I use professionally is a pseudonym! I don’t use my passport name professionally so that I can brand myself better. Xe Iaso is three syllables instead of the longer name that I use on my passport that people constantly misspell and mispronounce. It's also three syllables, and I thought it would be less easy to typo, but I've also had to buy the domain xeLaso.net because someone at Apple decided that the serifs on lowercase L were too ugly.
If you are going to adopt pseudonyms, make sure that you only use two or three separate nyms at once. If you use more than that, you’ll run into the risk of confusing them with each other. If you’re plural, you may be able to get away with more, your mileage may vary, less is more. You’ve probably run into something I’ve published under a pseudonym and never known. Someone you know has published under a pseudonym and you've never known.
If you’re going to use pseudonyms longer term, make sure to make their social media accounts in advance and “age” them. New accounts look more suspicious than older accounts do. Brand new accounts have things that stand out in the UI of most social platforms to make them look fishy, because most phishing comes from brand new accounts. Accounts that recently became active after being idle also look suspicious for super-intense scrutiny, but you can automate posting to prevent a lot of the worst effects. Don’t feel bad about aging your nyms for a few months or even a year.
Pro tip: use AI models to help anonymize your writing. I use obscure locally hosted models to do this so that people can't place why they think the text looks familiar. This is a great way to keep your writing style from being used to identify you.
One of the other big things to think about with regards to opsec is metadata. Metadata is data about data. One of the best examples of metadata is the data attached to photos. Here’s an example with a photo I took on my iPhone:
This is a photo I took in New York City in order to communicate how strange the sign was to me. I still think it’s kinda strange, but here’s the metadata that my iPhone attached: It says "no standing," referring to stopped cars.
Wow, that’s a lot of info! It says I used an iPhone 15 Pro Max with the telephoto lens at ISO 50, f/2.8, a shutter speed of 1/125 seconds, and has the exact GPS coordinates the photo was taken at. Let's break this down. The telephoto lens is about 120mm equivalent, has an aperture of f2.8, shutter speed of 1/125 seconds, and has the exact GPS coordinates of where I hit the capture button. This is a shocking amount of metadata at first glance. It makes you wonder, how much information are you really sharing when you upload a picture to the internet?
The good news is that online platforms know about this and take steps to prevent you from doxxing yourself with picture metadata. Most of this data is stored as EXIF data. Modern platforms will scrub this data before sharing any photos users upload. I've seen some mobile OSes, like CalyxOS and GrapheneOS, strip that at the photo picker level. But your mileage may vary; you may be more or less paranoid.
If you use Firefox, you can install the GPSDetect extension and you’ll get a notification every time someone leaves GPS metadata in their photos. The link to the extension will be in a resource list at the end. Here’s an example of what it looks like in action:
You’ll get notifications like this every time someone didn’t strip the GPS metadata from their photos. When I encounter these in the wild, I usually send an email to the people that published those photos to help them out. They’re almost always thankful.
Other bit of metadata you may not think about: pictures of the sky can be used to figure out where the photo was taken. This requires more complicated attacks, but try to avoid posting pictures of the sky the same day you are taking them. If they're posted within about five minutes of when you took them, a dedicated attacker can figure out where you are.
Some people vary, but most people have a 24 hour sleep cycle. About 8 hours of the day are going to be spent sleeping. Usually when people are asleep, they aren’t posting. Here’s an example based on my Reddit account:
I live in eastern time. My most active hours on reddit align with the morning and evening eastern time. This is my Reddit account's peak activity time: right after work, and right after I wake up. If you were looking at my Reddit account history, you could probably figure out that I live in eastern time just from the metadata of when I post. This is something to keep in mind.
Now that we covered metadata, let’s branch into the more practical part of this talk: what tools you should use.
As far as browsers go: use very common browsers. Pick either Firefox or Chrome. They are very boring browsers, but they’re used by a lot of people. If someone hacks Chrome or Firefox, it’s almost certainly not to hack you in particular. They both suck, but they are used by so many people that nobody is going to attack you in particular via Chrome or Firefox, because there are way more high-value targets like governments and banks. Common browsers also mean that you blend into the crowd and are harder to attack. Common browsers also mean your metadata blends in better and is harder to uniquely identify.
One of the things that you’re gonna want to do is shove all your traffic into a VPN. This is what the YouTubers suggest after all, it sounds like it’s a good idea, and it’s not that expensive, right? It encrypts your IP address, right? It stops the hackers from getting your information! It's what the YouTubers suggest with the NordVPN and ProtonVPN ads, and advertising hasn't lied to you, has it? It's not that expensive, it's like three Starbucks drinks in 2019.
Don’t use VPN services unless you have a very good reason to. Privacy VPNs are the security snake oil of our day. You should only use a VPN service as your default route if you have a very good reason to, such as to make sure that your very legal Linux ISOs are able to be downloaded without getting love letters.
Remember that bit about HTTPS? HTTPS is already encrypted. You don’t need to encrypt it again with a VPN. I mean, you can if you want, but you don't need to.
Use the Tor browser for any browsing that you really want to be private. Tor is free. Tor is used by a lot of people all over the world. It's free, and it's available on your OS of choice.
Remember that ancient meme that went something like “you can’t get me, I’m behind seven proxies”. That’s how Tor works.
Tor takes your traffic and uses onion routing to send it through a bunch of nodes and then end up getting to the target through an indirect route. This gives you even more privacy advantages than a VPN server does, especially because every website is inevitably going to be using a different circuit. Your computer sends traffic to a node that decrypts it, unwraps it, and sends it along until it reaches an exit node, which sends it to the target. You get the response back, do the whole song and dance, and you get there indirectly, usually through like seven European countries.
You can download the Tor browser for free from torproject.org. Again, I’ll have a resource list linked at the end of the talk. The Tor browser is available on every major OS. The Tor Project is getting an aarch64 Linux port soon. The Tor browser is made by experts that care.
The only thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn’t use it all the time, and this is more from a practical angle rather than a theoretical angle. Tor helps keep activists safe and lets people evade government censorship, but there’s also a shocking amount of abusive traffic that comes from Tor exit nodes. Lots of websites block Tor in order to protect themselves. This probably includes your favorite websites. Lots of websites, like Reddit, block Tor to protect themselves.
If you’re gonna message people, use Signal. Make sure to enable disappearing messages. Disappearing messages mean that everything you send with people gets automatically deleted after a configurable amount of time. I personally use a week for most people I know.
Signal is one of the few encrypted messaging apps that has Soatok approval.
Of note: when nation state actors attack Signal, they don’t even go after the cryptography. They just attack convenience features like linked devices. When nation-state actors attack Signal, they don't go after the cryptography; they phish you. That should say a lot about Signal's security.
One of the annoying features of Signal is that it doesn’t sync message scrollback to new devices by default. I think this is a feature and proof that the messages ARE NOT BEING SAVED ON THE SERVER, but this can be an annoyance. I think they're changing this, but I think it's a feature. It's proof that messages are not being saved on the server. It's a balance of trade-offs.
Use a password manager. Your device or browser likely comes with one. That one is free. I personally use 1Password with my husband and it works great for us. It’s effortless and even supports all the two-factor auth that we use. I use 1Password because we used it before a lot of the other options existed. But if you use a Mac, there's a password manager built into your iCloud account. I think Microsoft has a similar thing, but I try to avoid using Windows.
Your password manager has a password generator embedded into it. Use it. You should not know your passwords beyond the root password you use to unlock the password manager. If you only use randomly generated passwords, you can’t reuse passwords. A generated password cannot be reused unless someone has broken randomness, in which case we all have bigger issues. You should not know your passwords beyond the root password. If you only use generated passwords, you can't reuse passwords, and reused passwords are how people get popped.
I know that Windows is a giant pain in the ass about updates, but seriously, run them. Updates get released for a reason. Updates patch security issues. If you don’t install updates, you can’t be protected by them. Running updates regularly is one of the easiest ways to make sure that your computers are secure. Seriously, run updates.
Finally, you should probably know how to host things yourself. This gives you the most understanding of what platform owners can see about what you do because you become a platform. Self-hosting also can give you absolute superpowers, like being able to have every TV show or movie you want steaming at a moment’s notice without having to follow a flowchart or use dedicated websites to find out where you can watch things. No, seriously, there's a website that has detailed flowcharts for every show now, based on the show, what country you're in, and so on. It's a nightmare. There was a video by videogamedunkey about figuring out where to watch a TV show. He didn't even need to write any comedy, he just described the process of trying to watch, I think it was Severance.
If you want to get started with self-hosting, any computer will do really. You can get used desktops off of Craigslist, your local university’s surplus store, or at Woot.com. When you’re starting out, you probably don’t really have elaborate hardware needs, but anything that can turn on and run Linux is fine. You probably just need something that can turn on.
As for what to run on it, all the normal options suck equally at this point. The important part is to pick whatever you’re the most comfortable with learning about. Ubuntu and Rocky are the closest to what you’d use in production if you were to become a career systems administrator or site reliability expert. But really by this point everything is the same brand of suckitude in different ways. Some are more up to date than others, others prioritize unchanging stability, the important part is to Just Pick Something™️. Some suck more than others. Some are more out of date than others, and consider that a feature.
Once you have the OS, set up something like k3s or Docker Compose. Then you can install whatever self hosted apps you want. Here’s a whirlwind tour of the self hosted apps that I use on a regular basis: Yes, I know Kubernetes seems like a lot, but that's where the entire industry is going, because Kubernetes has sucked out all of the oxygen for everything else.
One of the other big things I have in my homelab is my own apps. Here’s a screenshot of what I’m running: I've been working on something to make this easier, which I'll announce at some point in the future.
Listed there I have a bunch of static sites for community resources, monitoring tools, pocket-id, the slang website, a Bluesky passive scraper, a docker registry, the Techaro website, a pull-through cache of the docker hub, and even a self-hosted object storage system called Minio. This gives me basically unlimited abilities to host whatever I want. The industry standardized on Kubernetes, so whenever I want to add something else, it’s a cinch. I have a website for a satirical programming language based around the letter H, a Bluesky passive scraper, a Docker registry, the Techaro website, a pull-through cache of the Docker Hub (because they realized that their business model is inviable, so they're jacking down the rate limit), and a self-hosted object storage system called Minio. Hosting stuff myself gives me basically unlimited superpowers to do whatever I want. Because the industry standardized on Kubernetes, I can put stuff on my home lab and then move it to the cloud without thinking more than pushing a YAML file in the right place.
One of the other cool things you can do with Kubernetes is set up a Tor hidden service controller. This lets you expose your blog or another service only to people using Tor. This lets you expose services to your friends without leaking your home IP address to the world. Doing this is slow, but it’s a tradeoff that makes sense in many cases. Tor hidden services are neat; they're a way to expose a website such that people can only view it over the Tor browser, and in ideal scenarios, you can't tell where that website is hosted.
I use this for my blog so that you can access what I write regardless of any government or corporate censorship. I also plan to write something in the near future that will only be visible to people reading my blog over Tor, so keep an eye out for that! I’ll have more details about this in the resource sheet at the end. I also plan to write something that's probably going to need to only be released over Tor.
It’s been so much fun, but my time with you is about to run out. Let’s wrap this up. In conclusion:
Before we go though, I wanna give some special thanks to all these people. You know what you did to help. If you’re not on this list, you know what you didn’t do.
And with that, I've been Xe! I'll be around if you have questions or want stickers. Stay warm! This is the first of two conferences I'm presenting at this weekend.
If I don’t get to you, please email your questions to [email protected]. With all that out of the way, does anyone have any questions? I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Question: Can you speak about the privacy and security trade-offs between self-hosting and what it offers for privacy versus those security risks?
Xe: It's a trade-off. If you're hosting something for somebody else to connect to, then you need to make sure that keeps up to date. If you're using Kubernetes, there are ways to install tools like Keel, which will automatically update things for you, so you don't have to think about it. I use stuff like that heavily so that I have basically everything automated as much as possible. But in general, if you run updates, you're probably not going to be someone that someone's going to waste a zero-day on. And if you are that kind of person, my talk probably isn't for you because you probably need the advice of a dedicated opsec specialist. And I'm not that; I'm not even going to pretend that I am able to be that.
Question: When you say to not use VPNs, are you talking about WireGuard mesh networks such as the one that Tailscale provides?
Xe: Yeah, you can use something like a WireGuard mesh network. I use that for some of my stuff when I connect to my home lab services. A lot of them are not exposed to the public internet. I have my Kubernetes cluster set up with a unique domain name, so I can just address it by the service name. So, when I am starting to stream on Twitch, I have a PowerShell script on my desktop that I double-click, and it sends a POST request to an internal service that announces that I'm streaming. It is very hacky, but it works, asterisk.
Question: How about self-hosting your email services?
Xe: What's the diplomatic way to phrase this? I can't stop you from hurting yourself. Personally, I pay Google for my email because Google doesn't have support. And if it doesn't have support, you can't phish support. Which is kind of a horrible thing to say. But like, let's be real, one of the biggest threat vectors at this point is people phishing the support for like your phone provider, and then managing to convince them that you need a new SIM card and SIM swapping you and oh, they just stole all your apes.
Question: If you're self-hosting things, some ISPs will work to interfere with that, and can like jack down the speed or prevent incoming ICMP or something to make it difficult. How would you work around that?
Xe: I'm gonna be totally honest with the stuff that I self host that's exposed to the public internet. I have a VPS set up in Toronto that runs the moral equivalent of HA proxy. And that sends all the traffic that listens, that's the address that gets put into DNS connections go on there, get sent out over wire guard hit one of the nginx ingress pods in my home lab. And then you know that routes to wherever the hell it is all across the house gets response goes all the way back out to the internet and to the person to the person I have found that this adds like 15 milliseconds of lag and that's like literally like one frame at 60 hz and in order for people to notice it, it has to be closer to like 150 milliseconds. So it's not really that bad. In terms of providers to use for that. I use Vultr for mine, but you may want to look into Civo. The reason why is they don't have egress fees. And if a cloud provider these days is willing to make that pricing decision, you should take advantage of it while you can.
2025-03-10 08:00:00
Servers are expensive. Servers with GPUs are even more expensive. AI agents rely on servers with GPUs. If you don’t have control over what is happening at different parts of the stack, then things can change out from under you and your AI agent can change drastically without warning. Read: your AI chatbot friend can get massively depressed out of nowhere!
In this talk, I’ll cover all of the parts involved in a production-grade AI agent workload and how and where you can and should get control of them. This will cover the overall stack you’ll end up using, model management and the risks of models changing, cost-time tradeoffs and how to make educated decisions about them, as well as stories of my misadventures when things went wrong. You will leave this talk with practical strategies for maintaining control over their AI agent’s behavior and for controlling costs.
Hi, I’m Xe. Today I’m gonna talk with you about the wonders of AI agents and how you can run them with whatever model you want without breaking the bank.
Imagine this is you. You wake up one day and go to a meeting. Your boss is there absolutely insisting that your product needs to have AI. What does that mean? Well let’s assume it’s something sensible, but now the mandate has come in from above and you’re the one that actually goes to implement it.
You’re probably asking yourself questions like this:
Thankfully that last question is the easiest to answer. An “AI Agent” is just a model with access to tools like “escalate ticket”, “run SQL query”, or “draw an image”. The rest of the hype comes from fitting it into existing workloads like ETL nonsense with MuleSoft or something banal like that. This is really what all the hype is about: hooking AI models up to existing infrastructure so that they can do “useful things”.
So, if an agent is just a model with access to tools, how do you make that happen? Let’s look over the moving parts of AI. To keep things simple, I’m going to break this into four parts.
And that’s it really, the AI models get run by the inference engine. Your code calls the inference engine and then presents the results to the user interface. It’s basically the same as a database in the standard three tier webapp architecture.
When you get started, you’ll almost certainly see a setup like this. The example code will almost certainly call OpenAI’s API, pass input and context there, maybe spin in a loop to handle tool calls depending on how it’s set up, It’ll have a chat UI like the ChatGPT UI and you pay per million tokens of output.
Let’s be real for a second. This will absolutely work for a vast majority of usecases, especially where confidentiality doesn’t matter. OpenAI’s SRE team is one of the best in the market. It’s super easy to set up, all you need is a corporate card and an API key. It works on any laptop or server with an internet connection. It’s easy to think about, and easy to compartmentalize. You get access to some of the best models in the market and it works out pretty well.
Depending on what model you choose, the needs of your product, and how much people use the AI features, you can easily get away with paying a few thousand dollars per month on the extreme edge. The best results come from making sure that you balance output quality with cost, which is more of an art than a science.
However, roses have thorns, and there’s some pretty insidious ones that may make you think otherwise for this:
The biggest problem is actually one of the biggest advantages: you’re relying on OpenAI to keep the model up. This means you don’t need to purchase GPUs or worry about uptime (let’s face it, OpenAI being down means that more than just you is down and there’s a huge GDP impact), but you’re relying on them to keep your product functional. This is a huge position of power for OpenAI. They’re selling their products at a loss so people will adopt them, and some day the financial cows will come home along with massive price hikes.
OpenAI and other providers can and will deprecate that one model that your production workloads depend on. Sure you can just change over to another model, but sometimes that can have massive consequences on your app. One time I switched a model over in one of my chatbots and she went from a happy bubbly little thing to showing symptoms of a full blown depressive episode. That was just from changing one variable in the code. Imagine how much your app’s behavior could change if the entire model was changed out but you thought you were fine because you asked for GPT-4o in your code.
And then that deprecation warning inevitably gets ignored (because let’s face it, who actually reads the deprecation warning emails these days), then suddenly it’s your emergency and you get to start learning about hyperparameters or having to tell your boss “sorry, it’s out of our hands”.
Do you really want to give the keys to the kingdom to someone else?
So then you’re inevitably temped to want to self host all the things! After all, if your code is calling your server, deprecations are on your schedule, right? This is a nice idea and sounds really good to the ear. Let’s take a look at what the stack looks like:
This looks basically the same, but it’s slightly different.
Instead of asking OpenAI’s API, you ask your own pool of GPU servers to run the model with the question and context. The API endpoint in the inference server translates your requests into tokens, the GPU mangles the tokens a bit according to the model weights and then returns a de-token-ified response to the user.
The other main difference is that there’s a model storage server in the equation because let’s face it, you’re going to have more models around than your GPU servers have space for them. In practice you’ll probably end up storing your models in object storage like Tigris and then cache them to the inference servers so they load fast.
Otherwise, your app shouldn’t really notice or care that there’s another model in the equation. The behavior will be different, sure, but you can pretty easily correct for that in your prompt and code.
This is a lot more complicated than relying on a third party, but this strategy has significant upsides that can make up for it in some circumstances.
The biggest advantage is the most obvious one. When you’re calling models on your servers, you own the stack. You get to choose what models are available. You get to choose when a model becomes deprecated. You get to mix and match models at will.
When you use a provider like OpenAI, you’re limited to the models that OpenAI has available. The OpenAI models are usually good enough, but what if you want to finetune a model for your exact usecase or experiment with models that are using things that OpenAI just doesn’t support? What if you need to see the reasoning output in your reasoning flows? OpenAI doesn’t let you do that, but self hosted models do.
Finally, the last big advantage of using a self hosting workflow is that you don’t send data to a random third party. OpenAI doesn’t see or filter what you do. This can make self-hosting more than worth it in some cases, such as using AI models to analyze trends in medical records. Nobody is going to even imagine allowing you to pipe all that data to OpenAI, no matter what acronyms OpenAI is compliant with.
What if your app touches LGBTQ issues, menstruation schedules, or something else that the current political zeitgeist will label wrongthink? OpenAI could just turn off answering questions like “I don’t feel like my body is right, is there something I can do to fix it?” and then you’d be totally out of luck. Your self-hosted models would be totally unaffected.
Of course, doing this isn’t free puppies, rainbows, and the like. There’s some significant downsides in self hosting your AI workflows and they can be subtle and insidious.
The nvidia drivers will become the bane of your existence. They’re normally stable, but they can and will fall over without notice. Always at 3am. Never during work hours, because why would they? You’ll have to deal with the nvidia drivers that you have no introspection into deciding that uptime is for cowards. You can make up for this with a worker pool and redundancy, but that makes your projects expensive. It’s a tradeoff.
Another downside is that you have to choose what models you use for your products. There’s so many options out there that it can be paralyzing. Like I said earlier, the Facebook Llama models are a good place to start, but you have to know enough about what you want out of the AI models to know which model is right for you. This is a skill you can learn, but it sucks having to learn it in anger.
There’s a few inference engine options like Ollama, llama.cpp, and vllm, but you’ll find out that they all suck in different, mutually incompatible ways. Eventually you’ll end up having opinions about which runtime is right for you, but again you have to spend the time to have those opinions.
This is time that you really don’t have when your boss is breathing down your neck wanting to show the investors a sparkle emoji button. However, there’s one huge downside that isn’t as easy to work around.
Nvidia GPUs are essential to your setup. Sure you can hurt yourself trying another provider and everyone has to learn somehow, but realistically you’re going to use nvidia GPUs because that is the path of least resistance.
The only problem is that the lead time for buying them is measured in months. And when you do get them, they’re stupidly expensive. We’re talking somewhere on the order of 40,000 per card. You can only buy them in packs of 8 with servers that cost $200,000 in total. Not to mention the power they need and the datacenter technician time to handle the inevitable hardware failure.
Sure you can get the cards you need off of ebay, taobao, alibaba, or that one shady guy on craigslist. But sooner or later your employees are going to run out of spare kidneys and you’ll run out of budget for the pizza parties to make up for all the kidney donations.
Even more fun: when you do get those GPUs, they only have a service life of 1-3 years. This means you have to do the whole rigamarole again! I’m kind of amazed that any companies are able to put up with this, but that’s the real cost of AI.
I don’t really know if it’s worth it. I did the self hosting flow for my chatbot in my homelab and it did work, but nvidia seems dead set on starving consumer GPUs for video memory, meaning that as I wanted to experiment with bigger and better models, I had to start branching out into the cloud.
There’s gotta be some middle path between these two extremes, right? Both of these sides have just so much suffering in different ways.
There is a way forward: Nomadic compute. Nomadic compute means cheating, but knowing exactly how and when you should cheat. It all revolves around taking advantage of your user patterns and the fundamental constants of the infrastructure we’re all working on top of. In a nomadic compute setup, your runtime hunts down deals between providers around your well-defined workloads, spinning up more of them when you need more and slaying off the excess when you have too many.
The biggest key to how nomadic compute works is by taking advantage of one fundamental constant between every provider: they all have nvidia GPUs. Any nvidia GPU is fungible for another one.
Not to mention, every cloud provider and their mom has GPUs these days. I’ve even seen single person VPS companies have GPUs available. GPUs are absolutely everywhere and because there’s so much competition, you can almost always get a really good deal.
To make this even more convenient from a nomadic compute setup: there’s only three specifications you care about when running AI workloads:
More model year number? More fast. More vram amount? You can use bigger models More memory bandwidth? The model can respond faster.
These are fundamentally the only specs that really matter.
You don’t always need the newest possible cards either! Most of my AI workloads use the Nvidia A100, which is now three generations out of date but still way more than sufficient for my needs. They also get cheaper over time, so I pay even less for fundamentally the same experience!
But then if you try to switch between providers and handle all the corner cases of their APIs and runtimes, you end up like this. Overcaffenated hacking late nights trying to cram yet another square peg into an uncooperative round hole. Luckily though, it’s the future and we have Skypilot:
SkyPilot lets you specify what hardware you need, the providers it can pick between, and what you want the job to do. It’ll figure out what to spin up for you and just make it work.
Load it with API keys for every provider you can, set the requirements wide, and it’ll just figure it all out. You can even have it autoscale workers based on HTTP request pressure, meaning that you can just sit back and let your app go viral because the infrastructure layer will just figure it out for you.
When you’re making nomadic compute work for you, keep these ideas in mind:
Build on top of boring tools. Sure you may want to use that fancy database that one provider offers, but don’t. Pick super boring and battle-tested tools like Postgres. Use Tigris or S3 instead of the filesystem. Make your application function anywhere that has an internet connection and an nvidia GPU. You can run WireGuard in userspace, take advantage of this!
In your three tier webapp diagrams, put your AI infrastructure in the same tier as databases. Your AI service is an ancillary support service. Make it act like one. A database is just an internal facing server with a weird API, right? Your AI services should be the same.
Finally, scale down your AI services when nobody is using them. Why should you have to pay for compute time that sits there doing nothing useful?
Cold starts can suck, but if you really cheat by putting the model weights into the docker image for the service, you can shunt a lot of the cold start cost to before you’re paying for the compute time. If your app allows you to, you can even go as far as making all of your AI workloads happen en masse in batch processing instead of spinning up and down workers on demand!
Take advantage of the product design and how people use it to your advantage. Autoscaling is love. Autoscaling is life.
As an example, let’s take a look at my chatbot Mimi. Mimi is one of the characters in the xe iaso dot net cinematic universe and when I made her into a chatbot I wanted to make something to amuse people and help them laugh. Like any good AI project, Mimi is actually pretty complicated under the hood:
Mimi gets chat messages from Discord and then if she’s interested in them passes them to the GPU over Glaceon. Glaceon connects to Fly where the copy of Ollama I use for inference lives. It sends API requests over and gets API responses back so that the bot can decide what to do next.
If the AI wants to draw an image, it sends a request to Falin and Falin sends it over to fal. Falin makes a copy of the image in Tigris and then sends that URL back to the bot, which posts it to Discord.
Mimi remembers things long term with pgvector. Rather, she should, but she’s kinda bad at remembering things right now. Maybe I’ll fix that eventually.
When I started out, I genuinely wanted to self host all the things so that I could have Mimi be one of the only AI chatbots I know that did it. I wanted to run everything on computers that I could look at, but reality soon got in the way.
Mimi used to run across three nodes in my homelab: logos, ontos, and pneuma. Logos ran Ollama, and that’s what generated Mimi’s responses. When Mimi wanted to draw an image, she sent a request to ComfyUI on Ontos. ComfyUI generated the image from Mimi’s prompt, uploaded the image to Tigris, and spat back a URL that Mimi used to upload the image to Discord. It worked really well, but then a new model came out:
Facebook released Llama 3 with a 70 billion parameter version. The benchmarks said it was good. My testing on my MacBook said it was really good. I wanted to use it with Mimi, but there was a small problem: it was too big to fit on the GPU in Logos. It was actually bigger than any individual machine in my homelab. This is when I had to compromise, and this compromise is actually what inspired me to make the idea of nomadic compute in the first place.
I put the part of Mimi that generates AI responses into the cloud. I reach out to it over a private network and it scales down when it’s not in use. Should I need to, I can move Mimi’s models and inference engine around again. It’d be inconvenient, sure, but it would be only a mild annoyance instead of a showstopper. GPUs are fungible, and as long as you have easy access to them in the cloud, it’s more than okay to ship parts of your AI apps out.
The image drawing tool had a similar set of compromises. Originally I was using Stable Diffusion 1.5. That model works really well (and sometimes can actually generate better images than newer models), but it’s kinda cumbersome to use and Mimi’s tool use was giving ComfyUI prompts that had biblically accurate results. To spare your sanity, I’m not going to show you the worst, but trust me when I say that it could end up really badly.
Then Flux came out and it could actually handle the prompts that Mimi was using. Again, Flux was too big for my GPUs. It’s only 12 billion parameters, but even with quantization it barely fit on my gaming tower’s GPU. I wanted to use that gaming GPU for…well gaming, and GPUs are super expensive where I live in Canada. Then I found out about fal:
Fal could just run Flux for me and I’d pay for the output per image. With the exact model I picked for Mimi, it’s three tenths of a penny per image. That’s less than I’d pay in power to run the model locally. It just made sense to pick fal for my needs. Worst case, I could figure out a way to run the model elsewhere thanks to nomadic compute.
And as a result, Mimi’s infrastructure looks something like this. Everything that can scale down to zero does. I’d get Mimi to scale down when she’s not in use, but she needs to stay connected to Discord and IRC. It’s pretty nice in practice, I end up paying about $5 a month on Mimi and for what’s going on under the hood I think that’s pretty darn neat.
Before we finish this out, lemme cover some of the biggest lessons I’ve learned running AI workloads that will save you time and money as you implement the sparkle emoji for your boss.
Every input to the AI model matters. Even small changes to prompts or user inputs can drastically alter the outputs and behavior of your product.
Generally when you think about AI systems, it’s easy to think about it like this. You take in the prompt, send it to a pile of linear algebra or whatever that mangles the language the right way and then you get an output. Usually this is the case. Usually.
Not always though! Sometimes there’s hidden inputs that seem pretty banal, such as the date and time of the user making the requests. This can have any number of strange effects from Claude getting lazier around August when Europe goes on holiday to ChatGPT getting noticeably worse output in December when Americans ritualistically give up for the year.
If your app doesn’t need a given bit of input, don’t supply it. This will make your models way more deterministic.
Most platforms and inference engines also let you set the seed value that the model uses to randomly select tokens or for seeding the diffusion space. Pick either a set seed for everyone (such as 3407) or a set seed per user. This will make your model way more predictable in practice.
One of the other main parameters to AI models is the temperature. This controls how random the output is. Higher temperatures can cause more amusing results, but higher temperatures can also cause the model to become wildly unpredictable and go off the rails. Set the temperature as low as you can.
Task | Temperature |
Amusement chatbot | 1 |
Summarization of meeting transcript | 0 |
Analysis of financial documents | 0.25 or 0.5 |
If you need things to be strictly factual for data entry, summarization, or other cases where the details matter, set the temperature as low as zero. Otherwise, you can set the temperature to whatever feels right with testing.
My chatbot Mimi uses a temperature of 1 because nobody is going to be negatively affected if she’s wrong. I’m pointing this out because some runtimes like Ollama set the temperature to 1 by default, which can have implications for using it in more complicated flows.
As we all know, user input is difficult to trust. What if your user asks your AI product how to make a pipe bomb? You don’t want your AI product telling people how to do that, that could get you in trouble. Thankfully, Facebook, Google, and other companies have created filter models.
A filter model is something that sits in the middle of your AI model. If user input passes the filter, it goes to the model. If it fails, the user gets a reason why it failed.
The output of the model is also passed to the filter to make sure that the user didn’t manage to smuggle an input that makes the model generate an unsafe reply. This can help you make sure that user inputs are passing muster as well as making sure that your AI model doesn’t advocate for horrible things under your nose.
The two most popular filter models are Llama guard from Facebook and ShieldGemma from Google. Both of them come in a few different sizes, but something of note is that filter models are almost always smaller than general purpose models.
These models won’t be able to write poetry, tell you how to make a pie, or the recipe for pancakes. They are finetuned specifically to make sure that input and output meets quality standards. Finetuned models for a specific task can always be smaller than general purpose models. You can even get access to hosted copies of these models via services like OpenRouter.
These models have gotten a lot better than they used to be. One of the funniest ways Llama guard backfired on me was that one day that Mimi decided that everything was election interference. Advances in language models have really made this better, I’d love to see what a reasoning filter model would act like in practice.
In conclusion, AI stuff isn’t scary or expensive. The devil is in the details of how you balance the complexity around.
Before we get wrapped up, I wanna take a moment to give special thanks to everyone on this list for helping make this talk shine. Thank you so much!
And thank you for watching! I’ve been Xe Iaso and I’m gonna linger around afterwards for questions. If I don’t get to you and you really want an answer, please email [email protected] and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. This is my second conference talk this weekend so I may take a bit to pass out and recover.
There's a link to supplemental material and things that didn't make the cut on the slide. Scan it with your phone's QR code reader. I promise it's not a Rick Roll...this time.
Either way, have a great conference all! I’ve got stickers.
2025-03-02 08:00:00
One of the biggest memes in site reliability is "infrastructure as code". This is usually very well-intentioned, but there's one small problem:
data "aws_route53_zone" "cetacean_club" {
name = "cetacean.club."
resource "aws_route53_record" "A" {
zone_id = data.aws_route53_zone.cetacean_club.zone_id
name = "ingressd.${data.aws_route53_zone.cetacean_club.name}"
type = "A"
ttl = "300"
records = [resource.vultr_instance.my_instance.main_ip]
This is not code. This is configuration. Sure you manage the configuration with the same tools you use to manage code, you can lint it like it is code, but it's not code. It's a fairly limited DSL that makes it easy to get infrastructure up and running. Let's say you create a new server and you want to add it to DNS. You have to declare the instance, then declare the DNS record using data from the instance.
What if things were a bit more flexible? What if you could make a common "dns_for_instance" method and then use that everywhere?
This is the basic idea behind Pulumi. Instead of managing your infrastructure using configuration files, you manage it in code. You can create helper functions that can be shared between projects and you can use the full power of whatever programming language you want to manage your infrastructure.
However, Pulumi has a few downsides:
This sounds reasonable at first, but then you come to the shocking realization that code that runs on the host machine can do literally anything it wants. This means that if a dependency gets popped, your infrastructure is now compromised and likely has cryptocurrency miners running on it.
This is where Yoke comes in.
Yoke is a project that takes this basic idea to the next level. With Yoke, you write your infrastructure definitions in Go or Rust, compile it to WebAssembly, and then you take input and output Kubernetes manifests that get applied to the cluster.
Think about Yoke flights as functions. They take in input and output Kubernetes resources. One of the big advantages of using WebAssembly here is that you can use the same Kubernetes manifest types that Kubernetes itself uses. This means you don't have to write your own types and you can reuse code aggressively. Here's an example bit of code that creates a Kubernetes ServiceAccount:
func createServiceAccount(app v1.App) *corev1.ServiceAccount {
return &corev1.ServiceAccount{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
APIVersion: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Identifier(),
Kind: "ServiceAccount",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: app.Name,
Namespace: app.Namespace,
Labels: app.Labels,
AutomountServiceAccountToken: ptr.To(true),
This is roughly the same thing as the following Helm template:
{{- if .Values.serviceAccount.create -}}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: {{ include "simpleapp.serviceAccountName" . }}
{{- include "simpleapp.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
{{- with .Values.serviceAccount.annotations }}
{{- toYaml . | nindent 4 }}
{{- end }}
automountServiceAccountToken: {{ .Values.serviceAccount.automount }}
{{- end }}
Note the differences here:
function to make sure that the YAML is properly indentedAdmittedly, this is a super contrived simple example, but you can see how this can get way out of hand super quickly. The Go code looks terrible in comparison because all of the type names are verbose, but it is completely type-checked and you can be sure that it will work when you run it because the compiler will reject obviously invalid code.
Yoke is cool and all, but at a high level it's really just a slightly inconvenient way to write manifests in ways that make Helm look easier at first glance. However, they didn't stop there. They introduced a feature that honestly made me throw out Helm entirely: Air Traffic Control.
Air Traffic Control is a Kubernetes operator that has you define your infrastructure as CustomResourceDefinitions. The data in the CustomResource is passed into the Flight you associate with it, and the Flight generates the manifests that get applied to the cluster.
This is the part that really transformed Yoke from "this is neat but I don't know where I'd use it" to "this is the single thing that will make Yoke indispensable in my workflow".
The key difference between Air Traffic Control and other tools like Helm is that Helm largely operates on the side of your Kubernetes cluster. You run Helm to generate manifests that get applied to the cluster, but there's no real introspection into what Helm has done from inside the cluster. Sure, there are things like k3s' HelmChart resource that let you define Helm charts declaratively, but that's really not the same as having things be a native part of the cluster.
The big thing that this fixes is editor support for understanding your CustomResources (which function similar to Helm values.yaml
files in practice). With the Kubernetes extensions I'm using in my copy of VSCode, it's automatically imported the OpenAPI spec for the CustomResource types so I can get my editor's syntax highlighting, documentation, and autocompletion for free.
To really understand where and when this can be useful, let's talk about how I've been using Air Traffic Control to make deploying stuff to my clusters easier than it has ever been to deploy things at any job I've ever had.
When I deploy my own apps to Kubernetes, I generally follow a few common "shapes" for how they should be run:
There's also a few common bits of configuration that I usually need:
I've been working on a simpleapp
chart to encode a lot of these common patterns, but it's been fairly annoying to use because I end up fighting Helm's templating system more than I end up using it to my advantage.
At some level, I'm really just doing a pure transformation of data from one format (a brief set of configuration flags) to another (a set of Kubernetes manifests). This is where I felt like Yoke could really help.
So I did that. Here's an example from the manifest that powers the sticker server:
apiVersion: x.within.website/v1
kind: App
name: stickers
image: ghcr.io/xe/x/stickers:latest
autoUpdate: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
host: stickers.xeiaso.net
- name: tigris-creds
itemPath: "vaults/lc5zo4zjz3if3mkeuhufjmgmui/items/kvc2jqoyriem75ny4mvm6keguy"
environment: true
That's it. Everything else is just ambiently created and deployed with Yoke. Here's all the resources this creates:
secret containing Tigris credentials to presign sticker URLsspec.port
that gets automatically renewedstickers.xeiaso.net
pointing to the IngressThis is a huge improvement over the previous state of things. I got to remove over 150 lines of YAML (that let's be real, I copy-pasted from another manifest in the same repo) and replaced it with a single deterministic program that just does what I want.
Most of the features of the App CustomResource are off by default, but here's an example showing everything off at once:
apiVersion: x.within.website/v1
kind: App
name: maximum-settings
autoUpdate: true # If true, sets Keel to update images automatically
image: ghcr.io/xe/x/stickers:latest # The image to run
logLevel: info # The log level for the app, specific to my apps
replicas: 3 # The number of replicas to run, defaults to 1
port: 3000 # The port the app listens on, defaults to 3000, sets PORT and BIND
runAsRoot: false # If true, runs the app as root, defaults to false
env: # Arbitrary environment variables to set, same as env in a Deployment
- name: FOO
value: bar
- name: BAZ
value: qux
healthcheck: # Healthcheck configuration for the app, defaults to / on the app's port
enabled: true
path: /
port: 3000
ingress: # Ingress configuration for the app, defaults to off
enabled: true
host: maximum-settings.xeiaso.net # The hostname to use for the Ingress
clusterIssuer: letsencrypt-prod # The cert-manager ClusterIssuer to use for the Ingress
className: nginx # The Ingress class to use for the Ingress, defaults to nginx
onion: # Tor hidden service configuration for the app, defaults to off
enabled: true
nonAnonymous: true # If true, creates a non-anonymous OnionService, defaults to false
haproxy: true # If true, configures Tor to expose hidden service circuit IDs in haproxy format, defaults to false
proofOfWorkDefense: false # If true, configures Tor to require proof of work for hidden service connections, defaults to false
storage: # configures a PersistentVolumeClaim for this App
enabled: true
path: /data # The path to mount persistent storage to
size: 10Gi # The size of the persistent storage
storageClass: longhorn # The storage class to use for the PersistentVolumeClaim
role: # Kubernetes role configuration for this App
enabled: true
rules: # The rules to apply to the role
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["pods"]
verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
secrets: # 1Password secrets to inject into the app
- name: tigris-creds
itemPath: "vaults/Kubernetes/items/stickers tigris creds"
environment: true # If true, injects the secret values as environment variables
- name: another-secret
itemPath: "vaults/Kubernetes/items/another secret"
folder: true # If true, injects the secret values to /run/secrets/another-secret
This looks like a lot of configuration, but I've found that in practice I only need a very small subset of these options for any given app. Usually I end up needing just the following:
if I want the app to automatically updateimage
for the image to run (though I can probably default this based on the name of the App)replicas
to define how many instances of the app I want to runenv
to set environment variableshealthcheck
to define the healthcheck routeingress
to expose the app to the internetsecrets
to inject secrets from 1PasswordThe rest is there for when I need it, but off by default so things are simple. This means that creating a new app on one of my clusters is down to this:
kubectl apply -f app.yaml
Now sure, I could just make my own operator with operator-sdk or kubebuilder to do this, but that would be way overkill for my needs. Yoke's Air Traffic Control let me take a simple "generate manifests" program and turn it into most of a Kubernetes operator with only a few hours of work.
If you want to check out my App resource, you can find it on GitHub. It's nowhere near ready for production use or for other people to use, but I think it's a great example for how you can use Yoke to reduce the amount of boilerplate you have to write for your infrastructure.
Earlier in the article, I mentioned the fact that Yoke uses WebAssembly as a way to sandbox the code that generates manifests. When I streamed my first reactions last Friday, one of the most common questions I got in the chat was "how do you know that the code you're running isn't malicious?"
So let's take a look at the security model of Yoke. Yoke flights are run in Wazero, a WebAssembly runtime for Go programs. I've used Wazero pretty extensively since it was released and I love it. Yoke flights also target WASI, the WebAssembly System Interface, the POSIX of WebAssembly.
WASI normally has the following restrictions:
Yoke flights are run in Wazero without filesystem access and no sockets are passed to them. Here are the ways that Yoke flights interact with the outside world:
yoke takeoff
commandyoke takeoff
commandThat last bit sounds like it might be scary, but it's actually way more limited than you'd think: Yoke flights can only access resources that are managed by that flight. For example, imagine a flight that creates a password in a Secret. Cluster access allows the flight to look up the Secret and if it doesn't exist, create it. If the flight doesn't have cluster access, it can't look up the Secret and will either fail to create it or regenerate it every time it runs.
I guess an attacker could make a flight that somehow detects what cluster it's being deployed to via its release name and then does something malicious like running cryptocurrency miners, but I think that in practice this is a pretty limited attack vector. The flight would have to be pretty obvious about what it's doing and it would be pretty easy to detect and stop.
Long-term, this can probably be solved with signature validation of the WebAssembly binaries, but that's a problem for another day. For now, I'm pretty happy with the security model of Yoke.
One of the cool parts about Yoke is the cluster access feature with WebAssembly. The way that this works is such an elegant hack that I feel like I have to tell someone lest I explode or something.
One of the most annoying problems with embedding WebAssembly programs is handling system calls. If you've never done OS development before, system calls are the way that a program asks the operating system to do something for it, such as reading from or writing to a file. WebAssembly doesn't specify any system calls by default, so you either have to use a standard like WASI or you have to write your own system call interface.
WASI does work, but it doesn't have a good interface for things like reading from Kubernetes resources. Yoke implements cluster access by adding a k8s_lookup
system call to the mix. The flow looks like this:
with a resource identifierk8s_lookup
system callmalloc
on the guest memory to allocate a buffer for the responseThe part that made me really take a look at Yoke is the definition of the Buffer type:
type Buffer uint64
func (buffer Buffer) Address() uint32 {
return uint32(buffer >> 32)
func (buffer Buffer) Length() uint32 {
return uint32((buffer << 32) >> 32)
This hack works because of several features of WebAssembly and several limitations of how Go's WebAssembly port works. The first big part of this is the calling convention of WebAssembly. WebAssembly is natively a 32 bit environment, but function arguments are stored in the stack (which is external to linear memory). Function arguments can natively be a few types:
Go's WebAssembly port only allows you to return a single value from a function. This would normally mean that you'd have to return the address and length of the buffer separately, but that's not possible due to Go just not supporting this.
However, it can return 64 bit integers. You can pack two 32 bit integers into a 64 bit integer. This is what the Buffer
type does. The "top" 32 bits are the address of the buffer and the "bottom" 32 bits are the length of the buffer. This is a really elegant hack that I'm surprised I haven't seen before.
This means you can allocate memory in the guest, pass the pointer to the host, then the host can read and write to that memory.
I love this hack so much that I'm going to use it in my own projects. I've been thinking out building a (unary only) gRPC client function via something like this and I think it's gonna be a lot of fun.
Yoke is really exciting and I can't wait to see how it develops. I think that this has a lot of potential to make your infrastructure as code actually code and I'm excited to see where it goes. I hope I'll be able to get a coffee with the maintainer at some point.
2025-02-24 08:00:00
Hi all! I've been busy working on Anubis and I'm excited to share the new features and enhancements I've added. I wish I could have gotten around to this sooner, but I've been doing research into AI browser operators and doing some futile attempts to detect them statically in code. I'll share more about that in a future post, once I have more to show.
Here's what I've gotten done since the first release of Anubis:
Earlier this month, I tried to add the first browser environment check to Anubis, a simple test that makes sure your browser can render video elements correctly. I thought that it would be a fairly easy way to check if someone was using a headful browser, but it turns out that iOS Safari doesn't support the kind of .mp4 video that I was using for the test. I'm going to figure something out, but I'll have to figure out how to automate testing on iOS Safari first.
The basic premise of the test is that it checks if the video element is supported by the browser and if it can actually load a video file. My assumption is that a lot of the headless browsers will be set up in environments that don't have all those codecs installed (because they use a fair bit of space), so they won't be able to load the video file. I'm going to try a different video format and see if that works better.
This is the biggest feature I shipped in Anubis this month. Previously I hardcoded some "sensible default behavior" into Anubis. This allowed me to get the project off the ground, but it meant that Anubis wouldn't fire on RSS feeds or other "low risk" requests by default. I wanted to make it easier for users to customize how Anubis reacts to different types of requests, so I added a bot policy JSON file. The bot policy allows users to define rules that better suit their specific needs and environments. Here's an example that allows GoogleBot, but blocks ChatGPT:
"bots": [
"name": "googlebot",
"user_agent_regex": "\\+http\\:\\/\\/www\\.google\\.com/bot\\.html",
"action": "ALLOW"
"name": "chatgpt",
"user_agent_regex": "\\+https\\:\\/\\/openai\\.com\\/gptbot",
"action": "DENY"
"name": "generic-browser",
"user_agent_regex": "Mozilla",
"action": "CHALLENGE"
I have more documentation about this in the Bot policy JSON documentation.
I've also added DNS blocklist support to Anubis. If you enable it in the policy file, this checks every client's IPv4 or IPv6 address in DroneBL. If the client is on the blocklist, Anubis will block the request. This is a great way to block known bad actors from accessing your site.
I plan to make this support custom DNS blocklists in the future (such as the Tor exit node blocklist), but for now DroneBL will help cut out a lot of the most abusive hosts on the internet.
To enable DNSBL checking, add dnsbl: true
to your bot policy JSON file. This is on by default if you don't have a bot policy file.
I've been thinking about how to make Anubis better able to react to the constantly changing landscape of AI scrpaers. I want to be able to define additional checks via WebAssembly binaries that Anubis downloads and runs. This would allow me to ship new checks without having to wait for you to update Anubis.
I need to work out a lot of the details here, but I think that I'd have a few calls that the host would make to the WebAssembly binary:
This would allow me to define new challenges (such as the video element challenge) and deploy them without having to update Anubis. I'm going to work more on this in the near future, but I wanted to share the idea with you all.
This would be an opt-in feature and would require a lot of trust in me to not abuse the feature. I'm going to work on a way to make this as secure as possible.
The current version of Anubis requires JavaScript to be enabled to pass the challenge. I've been thinking about how to allow users that don't have JavaScript enabled to bypass the challenge. One of the more terrible ideas I've had is to give non-JS users a HTML form that asks them to write the name of something orange. Surprisingly, this works way better than you'd think. I've done the pricing logic with a few models and assuming that you prevent user input to about 64 characters, you can get a fairly high true positive rate for absolutely negligible amounts of money.
I'm going to experiment with this idea more and see about implementing it in a future release. This will be opt-in and not on by default.
That's what I've been up to! Thanks for reading and following Anubis. I'm surprised that there's been so much uptick in the project. I'm excited to see where it goes next. If you have any questions, feedback, or ideas, please make an issue on GitHub!