2025-01-30 10:20:20
RT Lex Tang
大年夜还在更新字体仓库的独立字体开发者: https://github.com/lxgw
2025-01-28 11:26:37
Re @DerekNee 哇 这么热情,感谢!我先试试看free trial就好,如果有帮助肯定第一时间订阅的。刚上手就有个可能有点蠢的小问题,在web app里我能把某个节点折叠成summary么。就比如这种很长的回答,屏幕太小的话感觉有点影响后续节点的阅读。如果能给个折叠按钮只保留title和summary就好了
2025-01-27 20:55:05
2025-01-27 08:49:45
Re @mtj_j Sendable is merely an empty marker protocol and only live in the compiler world. In runtime it is nothing but another “Any”. However, generic specification should be able to identify this case. I guess it might be too late so this case can pass without warning.
2025-01-27 07:40:55
Re @mtj_j Make sense. A marker protocol does not rule the runtime.
2025-01-21 00:33:45
住民税 房产税 汽车重量税 资本利得税 继承税 赠与税 温泉税 复兴税 道路税,出国还得交离境税…真是随便掰掰指头,就能数出一大堆乱七八糟的税种…苦啊,就知道收税收税…