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This is why I write using .txt files The more boring, the better

2025-01-30 08:53:44

This is why I write using .txt files

The more boring, the better

signüll: we’ve built an entire shadow economy around the simulation of work rather than work itself. the productivity-industrial complex feeds on the desire to feel like you’re making progress rather than actually making it.

the demand for infinite guides, planners, frameworks, &

"Storytelling is the skill that will never die because it pulls from the core of the human experience. And given that we connect with those that share...

2025-01-30 01:46:18

"Storytelling is the skill that will never die because it pulls from the core of the human experience.

And given that we connect with those that share that core, telling stories will be valued regardless of what the future has in store."

New post is up:

Re @Montebello I wrote about this exact thing here =)

2025-01-29 05:42:13

Re @Montebello I wrote about this exact thing here =)

Re @StartupSpells @anuatluru Thank you!

2025-01-28 03:31:30

Re @StartupSpells @anuatluru Thank you!

Re It's not enough to just use personal experience in your work though. You have to know how to integrate it into your theme, and how to frame it so y...

2025-01-25 19:41:30

Re It's not enough to just use personal experience in your work though.

You have to know how to integrate it into your theme, and how to frame it so your audience cares.

Learn more in my flagship program, Thinking In Stories. Enrollment closes soon:

Re @ash_lmb I've been thinking of Substack more lately. So do you use socials to bring people there, or is their native discoverability pretty damn go...

2025-01-25 06:54:16

Re @ash_lmb I've been thinking of Substack more lately. So do you use socials to bring people there, or is their native discoverability pretty damn good?