2025-03-08 08:40:28
Re @nishanth_who Thank you for reading. I'm glad you found the piece insightful.
2025-03-08 02:00:00
Envy is inversely correlated with self-examination. The less you know yourself, the more you look to others to get an idea of your worth. But the more you delve into who you are, the less you seek from others, and the dissolution of envy begins.
2025-03-07 05:00:01
You're learn more about business by studying human nature than by studying business.
2025-03-06 23:00:01
When Nietzsche said that "God is dead," he knew that science and technology would lead to outer abundance but inner poverty. That even if all the graphs of life expectancy and wealth were trending upward, it wouldn't be enough to occupy the void that God once filled.
2025-03-06 15:50:59
RT Nishanth Vijayan
Beautiful read to start the day (yes I'm just starting my day)