2025-03-09 12:52:00
AI技术的发展肯定会极大减弱外语学习的必要性,能装进AirPods或者Meta墨镜的翻译机大概率在5年之内就会普及。 所以,我不认为用AI辅助学习外语是一门好生意。 在不远的将来,外语学习会从刚需变成一种基于审美追求的闲情逸致,随之消亡的就是外语培训产业,正如现在正在消亡的编程培训产业一样。
2025-03-09 08:36:19
2025-03-08 15:39:45
2025-03-08 00:04:57
RT Kyle Chan
China is basically trying to produce the entire semiconductor supply chain domestically, which I don't think any country has tried to do before.
Here are some key segments within the chip industry and examples of Chinese players:
2025-03-07 02:18:19
RT Sophia Yang, Ph.D.
Announcing @MistralAI OCR - the world’s best document understanding API.
🔍 State-of-the-art understanding of complex documents
🌍 Natively multilingual and multimodal
⚡ Fastest in its category
📄 Doc-as-prompt, structured output
🔒 Available for on-prem deployment
2025-03-07 02:00:12
RT Ashpreet Bedi
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