site iconJakob GreenfeldModify

Co-founder of Creator of Scraping the Web for Fun and Profit. PhD in theoretical particle physics.
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Re @ChrisChipMonk @richardludlow @patrickc

2025-02-20 22:41:21

Re @ChrisChipMonk @richardludlow @patrickc

Jakob Greenfeld: The biggest life hack is making sure you get your dopamine exclusively from activities that move you closer to your ideal life.


2025-02-12 16:09:43


Michael Nielsen: One real problem with understanding AI progress is the number of people who post hype because their experience is that such posts generate engagement, & they want engagement

Few inventions did as much harm as the alarm clock.

2025-01-24 19:32:26

Few inventions did as much harm as the alarm clock.

Now that Alex Hormozi sells workshops and Bryan Johnson sells supplements is a good time to remind everyone of this Eric Hoffer quote: “Every great c...

2025-01-22 21:29:10

Now that Alex Hormozi sells workshops and Bryan Johnson sells supplements is a good time to remind everyone of this Eric Hoffer quote:

“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.”

what happened to "I have nothing to sell you"

2025-01-22 20:48:11

what happened to "I have nothing to sell you"

Nicolas Cole 🚢👻: I paid Alex & Leila Hormozi $5,000 to attend their 2-day workshop.

...and then another $35,000 at the end to join their smaller-group workshop group to keep learning.

So, here's what I've learned so far:

Takeaway #1: Take out as much cash as you need from your business to

Sleeping more will fix 90% of your problems.

2025-01-21 22:08:51

Sleeping more will fix 90% of your problems.