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Ranking Insurance Companies by Direct Premiums Written in 2020 ✅⠀

2021-06-12 22:02:06

Ranking Insurance Companies by Direct Premiums Written in 2020 ✅⠀
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There are a few things to keep in mind about our visualization of insurance premiums. First off, our visual doesn’t consider reinsurance, which occurs when a company issues a policy and then transfers the underlying risk to other companies. Different types of insurance are also subject to wildly different market conditions. A major hurricane for example could devastate a large part of the country, and property/casualty companies could lose a lot of money. Likewise, the COVID-19 pandemic has scrambled plans around life expectancy, not to mention workers’ compensation. In other words, just because a company is getting a lot of premium income, doesn’t necessarily mean it translates into profitability.⠀
Source: Insurance Information Institute⠀
Published: 9 June 2021⠀
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Top 10 U.S. Cities by Fastest Growing and Declining Rent Prices 🏠⠀

2021-06-10 22:02:07

Top 10 U.S. Cities by Fastest Growing and Declining Rent Prices 🏠⠀
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Now aware that some U.S. cities have declined by large percentages over the past year, if you are a renter, does this potentially pique your interest to explore another city? Furthermore, if rates have risen by a large percentage in your city, does this push you closer to pursuing homeownership? Why or why not?⠀
Top 5 U.S. Cities With the Largest Rental Price Increase⠀
1. Las Vegas, NV: 45.6%⠀
2. Buffalo, NY: 41.8%⠀
3. Scottsdale, AZ: 36.8%⠀
4. Detroit, MI: 31.4%⠀
5. Tucson, AZ: 28.8%⠀
Top 5 U.S. Cities With the Largest Rental Price Decrease⠀
1. Seattle, WA: -26.3%⠀
2. Miami, FL:-20.5%⠀
3. Philadelphia, PA: -20.3%⠀
4. Lexington, KY: -17.7%⠀
5. San Jose, CA: -14.7%⠀
Source: @apartmentguide
Published: 4 June 2021⠀
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Visualizing the Top Import Partners for Each U.S. State 🇺🇲 ⬅️ 🌏⠀

2021-06-02 22:04:21

Visualizing the Top Import Partners for Each U.S. State 🇺🇲 ⬅️ 🌏⠀
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Where does the U.S. get most of its imports? And does the main import partner for each state vary across the country? Our latest map of top importers around the country has the answers.⠀
Do you think it is a bad thing for the U.S. to have such a large trade imbalance with China? Let us know in the comments.⠀
Source: @uscensusbureau
Published: 2 June 2021⠀
#trade #import #USA #map #mapping #HowMuchDataViz #money #visual #data #states #trading #economy #countries #unitedstates

Visualizing the Top Export Partners for Each U.S. State 🇺🇲 ➡️ 🌏⠀

2021-06-01 23:47:41

Visualizing the Top Export Partners for Each U.S. State 🇺🇲 ➡️ 🌏⠀
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Who does the U.S. trade with the most? Our latest map breaks down one side of the equation, focusing on the top export partners for every state in the U.S.⠀
Most states have somewhere between 20 to 30% of total exports going to a single trading partner. ⠀
Do you think it’s bad for a handful of states to be so dependent on single countries for their exports? Let us know in the comments.⠀
Source: @uscensusbureau
Published: 1 June 2021⠀
#trade #export #USA #map #mapping #HowMuchDataViz #money #visual #data #states #trading #economy #countries #unitedstates

Visualizing Global Corporate Tax Rates Around Oceania 🌏⠀

2021-06-01 22:02:06

Visualizing Global Corporate Tax Rates Around Oceania 🌏⠀
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Countries without the corporate income tax:⠀
Wallis and Futuna Islands⠀
Source: Tax Foundation⠀
Published: 12 May 2021⠀
#howmuchdataviz #taxes #corporatetax #corporateincome #map #mapping #money #worldmap #countries #tax #business #economy #finance #data #visual #oceania #australia

VA Dependency and Indemnity Compensation Rates in 2021⠀

2021-05-31 21:40:09

VA Dependency and Indemnity Compensation Rates in 2021⠀
A Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (VA DIC) was defined as a tax-free monetary benefit provided to the eligible surviving spouse or child of a service member who died in the line of duty, or the survivor of a Veteran who died from a service-related injury or illness. It is important to note compensation may vary for spouses or children with disabilities, if the children are under the age of 18, or if they are between 18 and 23 in a VA-approved program. As a result, monthly VA DIC benefits for 2021 may be higher for these special populations.⠀
Source: U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs⠀
Published: 27 May 2021⠀
.⠀ #HowMuchDataViz #veterans #memorialday2021 #USA #military #data #money #USnavy #airforce #marinecorps #army #coastguard