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美国各州房价中位数和住房可负担性 || Median U.S. Home Prices and Housing Affordability by State

2024-10-15 08:00:00


到 2024 年,将有超过 1.035 亿美国家庭被挤出住房市场。为了说明这一点,我们在地图上显示了有能力购买新房的家庭比例,以及各州新房的中位价格。

Median US home prices

  • 佛蒙特州是全国房价最便宜的州,只有 8%的家庭能够轻松负担中位数房价为 71.2 万美元的新房按揭付款。
  • 弗吉尼亚州是全美最负担得起的地方,因为约有 34% 的家庭能够负担得起价值约 46.2 万美元的住房。
  • 仔细观察我们的地图,就会发现各州之间不同的收入水平是如何直接导致住房可负担性危机的。在加利福尼亚州和华盛顿特区,买得起房的家庭比例相同(24%),但新房价格中位数却大不相同(加利福尼亚州为 64.2 万美元,华盛顿特区为 75.8 万美元)。虽然 24% 的家庭看似相当,但由于华盛顿特区的家庭总数(342,299 户)与加州(13,796,941 户)相比要大得多。


买得起新房的家庭最少(%)的前 10 个州

国家 能负担中等价格新房的家庭百分比
1.佛蒙特州 8%
2.康涅狄格州 11%
3.夏威夷 12%
4. 阿肯色州 12%
5. 怀俄明州 13%
6.新罕布什尔州 13%
7.俄勒冈州 13%
8. 奥克拉荷马州 13%
9.马萨诸塞州 14%
10.爱达荷州 14%

我们在地图上用住房负担能力指数一目了然地说明了全国各地的危机。只有 3 个州有 30% 或以上的家庭买得起房:弗吉尼亚州(34%)、密西西比州(32%)和阿拉斯加州(30%)。在绝大多数地方,几乎没有人有能力支付普通独栋房屋的按揭贷款。这就意味着,在佛蒙特州这样的地方,只有 8% 的人口有能力拥有新房,家庭经济捉襟见肘。

不过,我们的地图还揭示了更深层次的房价问题。有趣的是,房价本身并不是决定可负担性的唯一因素。如果很多家庭的收入足以养活自己,那么昂贵的房地产市场本身并不会让人无法拥有住房。以华盛顿特区为例,该州因房价过高而臭名昭著,新房价格为 75.8 万美元,24% 的家庭能够负担得起。相比之下,肯塔基州的房价中位数要低得多,为 38.5 万美元,但只有 23% 的家庭买得起。然而,由于华盛顿特区的家庭数量要少得多,尽管那里的房价比华盛顿特区高出近一倍,但实际买得起房的家庭数量却要高得多。




Home affordability has long been a well-known challenge across the country. Recent mortgage rate hikes have made it even more difficult for buyers to keep up with the already high housing prices. 

In 2024, over 103.5 million American households have been priced out of the housing market. To illustrate this, our map shows the percentage of households that can afford a new home, along with the median price of a new home in each state.

Median US home prices

  • Vermont is the least affordable state in the country, with only 8% of households able to easily afford a mortgage payment for a new median price home costing $712K.
  • Virginia is the most affordable place in the entire country because some 34% of households can afford a home worth about $462K.
  • A close look at our map reveals how varying income levels between states directly contribute to the housing affordability crisis. The same percentage of households can afford a home in California and D.C. (24%), but the median new home price is vastly different ($642K in California versus $758K in D.C.). While 24% of households may seem comparable, it represents a much larger number in D.C. due to its total number of households (342,299) compared to California (13,796,941).

First, we color-coded each state based on the median new home price according to an index from the National Association of Home Builders. Second, we overlaid a circle representing how many households live in each state. And finally, we shaded a slice of each circle to indicate what percentage of households can afford a home. The result of our analysis is a detailed snapshot of the U.S. housing crisis from coast to coast.

Top 10 States Where the Least (%) of Households Can Afford a New Home

State Percentage of Households Who Can Afford the Median Price New Home
1. Vermont 8%
2. Connecticut 11%
3. Hawaii 12%
4. Arkansas 12%
5. Wyoming 13%
6. New Hampshire 13%
7. Oregon 13%
8. Oklahoma 13%
9. Massachusetts 14%
10. Idaho 14%

In one broad stroke, our map uses a housing affordability index to illustrate the crisis across the country. There are only 3 states where 30% or more of the households can afford a home: Virginia (34%), Mississippi (32%) and Alaska (30%). In the vast majority of places, hardly anyone is in a position to pay the mortgage on a typical single-family home. This means that in places like Vermont, where only 8% of the population can afford to own a new home, families are getting financially stretched thin.

But our map also tells a deeper story about housing prices. Interestingly, housing prices alone are not the sole determiner of affordability. If a lot of families have high enough incomes to support themselves, then an expensive housing market in itself doesn’t make homeownership impossible. Take D.C. as an example, a state notorious for exorbitant housing prices, where a new home costs $758K and 24% of households can afford it. In contrast, Kentucky has a significantly lower median home price of $385K, but only 23% of households can afford it. However, because D.C. has a much smaller number of households, the actual number of households that can afford a home is significantly higher there, despite the home being nearly double the price.

If you are on the market for a new home, or shopping around for a better loan rate, check out our mortgage cost guide today.


美国人需要工作多少小时才能付清房贷 || How Many Hours Americans Need to Work to Pay Their Mortgage

2024-10-15 08:00:00



我们的专家采用了一种独特而富有创意的方法来建立数据模型。我们首先从美国人口普查局以每周工作 40 小时为标准,我们计算出了平均时薪。这就为美国所有不同类型的工作(有些人挣工资,有些人按小时计酬)提供了公平的竞争环境。

接下来,感谢Zillow我们计算出了每个城市的房价中位数,并确定了一个月供.大多数人因此,我们也采用了 30 年期贷款。最后,我们对这两个数字进行了比较,以了解您每月需要工作多长时间才能支付按揭贷款。我们将结果用颜色编码并绘制成图,揭示了美国住房市场和收入不平等的一些关键信息。

红色圆圈代表那些你必须工作最多小时才能维持生计的地方。只有在加利福尼亚州的城市,你需要工作 100 个小时以上才能赚到足够的房租。这比两周半的时间还长,意味着你的收入要远远超过 50%!毫不奇怪,难以负担的地方都位于海岸线上。事实上,10 个最昂贵的地方中有 8 个都位于加利福尼亚州,另外 2 个分别位于纽约州和新泽西州。


1.加利福尼亚州欧文 - 117 小时

2.加利福尼亚州洛杉矶 - 115 小时

3.加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆 - 104 小时

4.加利福尼亚州圣何塞 - 101 小时

5.加利福尼亚州长滩 - 99 小时

6.纽约州纽约市 - 98 小时

7.加利福尼亚州旧金山 - 97 小时

8.加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥 - 93 小时

9.加利福尼亚州圣安娜 - 92 小时

10.新泽西州纽瓦克 - 87 小时

虽然大部分昂贵的居住地都集中在沿海地区,但您几乎可以在全国其他任何地方找到负担得起的住房。最好的地方是肯塔基州的路易斯维尔和密歇根州的底特律等城市(分别为 18 小时和 19 小时)。没错,在中西部地区,您不需要在周三午餐后工作,就能赚到足够的钱来支付按揭贷款。这是一个令人难以置信的生活标准。


Many people define the American dream as owning your own home, not to mention a comfortable lifestyle, healthy children, and a secure retirement. But the ability to afford a home—let alone all those other things—depends entirely on where you live and your level of income. This makes apples-to-apples comparisons across the country extremely difficult. How can you easily compare real estate locations and income levels for the entire population? Take a look at our new map to find out.


Our experts took a unique and creative approach to modeling the data. We started first by taking data from the U.S. Census Bureau to find out the median income for people in 98 of the biggest cities in the U.S. Using a 40-hour work week as the standard, we calculated an average hourly rate. This levels the playing field between all the different types of jobs in the country (some people make a salary, others are paid by the hour).

Next, thanks to Zillow, we figured out the median housing price for each city and determined a monthly mortgage payment. Most people take out a 30-year loan, so that’s what we used too. Finally, we compared the two numbers to see how long you’d have to work to make that mortgage payment each month. We color-coded and mapped the results, revealing a couple of key insights into the housing market and income inequality in the U.S.

The red circles represent places where you have to work the most hours to keep the roof over your head. Only in cities in California do you put in more than 100 hours to make enough money just to pay for housing. That’s longer than two-and-a-half weeks, meaning well over 50% of your take-home pay! Not surprisingly, unaffordable places are all located on the either coastline. In fact, 8 of the 10 most expensive places are all located in California while the other 2 are in New York and New Jersey. 

Top 10 Cities Where You Have to Work the Most Hours to Afford a Home

1. Irvine, CA - 117 hours

2. Los Angeles, CA - 115 hours

3. Anaheim, CA - 104 hours

4. San Jose, CA - 101 hours

5. Long Beach, CA - 99 hours

6. New York, NY - 98 hours

7. San Francisco, CA - 97 hours

8. San Diego, CA - 93 hours

9. Santa Ana, CA - 92 hours

10. Newark, NJ - 87 hours

Although most of the expensive places to live are concentrated on the coasts, you can find affordable housing almost anywhere else in the country. The best places are cities like Louisville, KY and Detroit, MI (18 and 19 hours, respectively). That’s right—you don’t need to work past lunch on Wednesday to earn enough money to make a mortgage payment in the Midwest. That’s an incredible standard of living.

可视化史上最有价值的 20 家公司 || Visualizing the Top 20 Most Valuable Companies of All Time

2024-10-10 08:00:00

我们的新可视化展示了以市值衡量的有史以来最有价值的公司。most valuable companies

  • 有 12 家公司的市值已超过 1 万亿美元(按今天的美元计算)。
  • 在有史以来最有价值的 20 家公司中,有 6 家是由美国以外的国家创立的。
  • 最大的三家公司是早期殖民时代航运业的一部分。其次三家最大的公司与石油和天然气有关。在史上最大的十家公司中,科技行业名列前茅。
  • 虽然其中大多数公司在 2024 年仍在经营,但有四家公司(标准石油公司、南海公司、密西西比公司和荷兰东印度公司)已经破产。

我们从以下数据库中收集了市值数据,用于制作可视化图表雅虎财经截至 2024 年 9 月 17 日,VOC、密西西比、南海和标准石油公司的价值来自Fool.com和中国石油从CNBC.所有价格均以美元表示。可视化图表中的公司按照从顶部市值最低到底部市值最高的顺序排列,每家公司对应的圆圈越大,表示其市值越大。右侧的年份表示我们参考市值数据的日期。

有史以来最有价值的 10 家公司

1.荷兰东印度公司:8.28 万亿美元
2.密西西比公司:6.8 万亿美元
3. 沙特阿美石油公司:6.58 万亿美元
4.南海公司:4.5 万亿美元
5.苹果:3.29 万亿美元
6.微软:3.21 万亿美元
7.英伟达:2.86 万亿美元
8.Alphabet: 1.95 万亿美元
9.亚马逊1.94 万亿美元
10.META (Facebook) 1.35 万亿美元

荷兰东印度公司是第一家向公众发售其业务股份的公司,有效地进行了世界上最大规模的股票交易。首次公开募股.有趣的是三家船运公司荷兰东印度公司、密西西比公司和南海公司的市值是今天最大公司沙特阿美公司的两倍多。这些试图从与新大陆的贸易中获利的 "股份公司 "最终在 1800 年前破产。然而,荷兰东印度公司尤其带来了新一轮的经济增长和社会变革,这与今天科技领域的行业巨头们的表现类似。

名单上另一家已不复存在的公司是约翰-洛克菲勒的标准石油公司.1911 年 5 月 15 日,最高法院裁定标准石油公司是一家垄断企业,因此违反了《谢尔曼反托拉斯法》,标准石油公司因此被解散。当立法者们将目光转向大科技领域,关注谷歌和亚马逊等公司是否也违反了《谢尔曼反托拉斯法》时,我们看到了新的挑战。反垄断法历史是否会重演?

您认为这些公司中会有更多市值超过 1 万亿美元吗?您认为未来的立法可能会对这些大型科技和金融公司及其市值产生怎样的影响?请在评论中告诉我们。

数据表 1.1


Our new visualization looks at the most valuable companies of all time, measured by their market capitalization.most valuable companies

  • Twelve companies have reached a market capitalization of more than $1 trillion in today’s dollars.
  • Six of the top 20 most valuable companies of all time were founded by countries other than the United States.
  • The three largest companies were part of the shipping industry during the early colonial age. The next three largest are related to oil & petroleum. The tech industry rounds out the rest of the top ten largest companies of all time.
  • While most of these companies are still in business in 2024, four of them (Standard Oil, South Sea Co, Mississippi Company, and Dutch East India Company) have already gone bust.

We gathered the market capitalization data for this visualization from Yahoo Finance as of September 17, 2024, with VOC, Mississippi, South Sea, and Standard Oil values from, and Petro China’s from CNBC. All prices are expressed in USD. The companies in the visualization are listed in order from lowest market capitalization at the top to highest market capitalization at the bottom, with each company’s corresponding circle growing larger to reflect the size of its market cap. The years on the right indicate the date we referenced for the market capitalization data.

Top 10 Most Valuable Companies of All Time

1. Dutch East India Company: $8.28 trillion
2. Mississippi Company: $6.8 trillion
3. Saudi Aramco: $6.58 trillion
4. South Sea Company: $4.5 trillion
5. Apple: $3.29 trillion
6. Microsoft: $3.21 trillion
7. Nvidia: $2.86 trillion
8. Alphabet: $1.95 trillion
9. Amazon: $1.94 trillion
10. META (Facebook) $1.35 trillion

The Dutch East India Co. holds the distinction of being the first company to offer shares of its business to the public, effectively conducting the world's first initial public offering (IPO). Interestingly, the three shipping companies on this list--the Dutch East India Co., the Mississippi Co. and the South Sea Co.--had market caps more than twice as high as today’s biggest company, Saudi Aramco. These “joint-stock companies” that sought to capitalize on trade with the New World ultimately went bankrupt before 1800. However, the Dutch East India Co. in particular ushered in a new wave of economic growth and social change similar to how industry giants in the tech field are doing today.

Another company on this list that no longer exists is John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company. The Standard Oil Company was dissolved on May 15, 1911 when the Supreme Court ruled that it was a monopoly and therefore violated the Sherman Antitrust Act. As legislators turn their attention to Big Tech and whether or not companies like Google and Amazon are also in violation of antitrust laws, it is interesting to ponder if history will repeat itself or what might turn out differently this time around.

Do you think more of these companies will reach market caps above $1 trillion? How do you think future legislation may impact some of these large tech and financial companies and their market caps? Please let us know in the comments.

Data: Table 1.1

哪些职业体育联盟最赚钱? || Which Professional Sports Leagues Make the Most Money?

2024-10-02 08:00:00

每个大型体育团体都有自己的方式,包括令人惊叹的表演、数百万尖叫的粉丝,以及最后令人印象深刻的大奖和奖杯。虽然关于哪种运动最棒的争论将永远持续下去,但我们可以回答以下问题哪个体育联盟赚钱最多以下是 2024 年最富有体育联盟的收入图表。

professional sport leagues by revenue

您可以看到排名前 20 位的运动队按收入从右到左依次排列,每个徽标上方都有收入。


  • 全国橄榄球联盟

    • 美国 - 美式橄榄球 - 收入:130 亿美元

  • 美国职业棒球大联盟(MLB)

    • 美国/加拿大 - 棒球 - 收入:116 亿美元

  • 全国篮球协会(NBA)

    • 美国/加拿大 - 篮球 - 收入:106 亿美元

  • 英超联赛

    • 英格兰/威尔士 - 足球 - 收入:81 亿美元

  • 国家曲棍球联盟

    • 美国/加拿大 - 冰球 - 收入:64 亿美元

  • 联盟

    • 西班牙 - 足球 - 收入:61 亿美元

  • 德甲联赛

    • 德国 - 足球 - 收入:50 亿美元

  • A 系列

    • 意大利 - 足球 - 收入:32 亿美元

  • 法甲联赛

    • 法国/摩纳哥 - 足球 - 收入:32 亿美元

  • 一级方程式

    • 全球 - 赛车运动 - 收入:32 亿美元

从我们的信息图表中可以看出两大模式。首先,足球联赛占据了榜首。现在,人们对 "足球联赛 "一词的使用有很大争议。足球美国和其他一些国家使用 "足球 "一词,而世界上大多数国家则使用 "橄榄球 "一词。无论如何,足球都是一项极受欢迎的运动。在收入排名前 20 位的联赛中,有 6 个是足球联赛,或者给它们起个正式的名字,叫 "相关足球集团"。这些联赛的总收入为 272 亿美元,其中大部分位于欧洲,这一点也不奇怪。您也可以从中看出某项运动在某个地区的受欢迎程度。欧洲足球联赛因其受欢迎程度而收入颇丰。虽然美国的足球大联盟(MLS)在我们的榜单中排名第 11 位,但其收入远远低于欧洲的主要足球联赛。相比之下,英格兰足球超级联赛(Premier League)的收入高达 81 亿美元,是收入最高的足球/足球联赛。

你应该注意到的第二个主要趋势是,前 5 名中有 4 个位置被美国/加拿大体育联盟占据。不仅如此,这些联赛的收入也远远超过其他所有联赛。仅全国橄榄球联盟的收入就高达 130 亿美元,以巨大的优势位居榜首。NFL 和 MLB 的总收入相当于 246 亿美元,超过了排名前 14 位的足球联赛。再加上 NBA 和 NHL,总收入达到 170 亿美元。另一个值得注意的小趋势是美国和加拿大体育联盟的多样性。欧洲所有顶级体育联赛都涉及足球,而美国和加拿大收入最高的联赛则涵盖 5 种不同的体育运动:美式橄榄球、棒球、篮球和冰球、足球/足球







Each major sporting group has its way of doing things, complete with stunning performances, millions of screaming fans, and an impressive grand prize and trophy at the end. Although the debate over which sport is best will rage on forever, we can answer the question of which sports league makes the most money. Below you will find a graphic of the wealthiest sports leagues by revenue in 2024.

professional sport leagues by revenue

You can see the top 20 sports teams shown by each individual logo in order of revenue from right to left, with revenues placed above each logo.

Top Sports Leagues by Revenue

  • National Football League (NFL)

    • USA - American Football - Revenue: $13 billion

  • Major League Baseball (MLB)

    • USA/Canada - Baseball - Revenue: $11.6 billion

  • National Basketball Association (NBA)

    • USA/Canada - Basketball - Revenue: $10.6 billion

  • Premier League

    • England/Wales - Soccer - Revenue: $8.1 billion

  • National Hockey League (NHL)

    • USA/Canada - Ice Hockey - Revenue: $6.4 billion

  • La Liga

    • Spain - Soccer - Revenue: $6.1 billion

  • Bundesliga

    • Germany - Soccer - Revenue: $5 billion

  • Serie A

    • Italy - Soccer - Revenue: $3.2 billion

  • Ligue 1

    • France/Monaco - Soccer - Revenue: $3.2 billion

  • Formula One

    • Global - Motorsport - Revenue: $3.2 billion

There are two major patterns that can be seen from our infographic. First, football leagues dominate the top chart. Now, there is a big debate over the use of the term football. America and a few other countries use the term soccer, while most of the world uses the term football. Either way, it’s an extremely popular sport. Out of the top 20 leagues by revenue, 6 are soccer, or to give them their official name, associated football groups. These leagues make a combined $27.2 billion and most of them are unsurprisingly located in Europe. You may also be able to see the popularity of a sport in a certain region. European football leagues enjoy large revenues due to their popularity. Although America’s Major League Soccer (MLS) takes the 11th spot on our list, its revenues are well below the major European football leagues. In comparison, the Premier League in England makes $8.1 billion, making it the top football/soccer league by revenue.

The second major trend that you should notice is that 4 out of the top 5 positions are dominated by American/Canadian sports leagues. Not only this, but also the revenue of these leagues far outpaces all others. The National Football League alone commands $13 billion in revenue, giving it the top spot overall by a huge amount. The combined revenues of the NFL and MLB are equal to $24.6 billion, surpassing the top 14 football leagues. When you add in the NBA and NHL, the combined revenue is $17 billion. Another smaller trend to notice is the diversity of sports leagues in America and Canada. While all of Europe’s top sports leagues involve football, America’s and Canada’s top leagues by revenue span 5 different sports: American Football, Baseball, Basketball, Ice Hockey, and Football/Soccer.

Europeans as well as others certainty enjoy their football, while American and Canadians seem to enjoy a more diverse set of sports. Although football leagues are various and post decent revenues, the sports leagues coming out of North America make more money.

Please feel free to leave your comments below! We would like to hear your feedback.




美国人在交通方面的平均花费是多少? || How Much Does the Average American Spend on Transportation?

2024-09-30 08:00:00

我们知道通勤成本高昂,但美国人在通勤上到底花了多少钱?根据不同的州,美国人每年在日常通勤上的花费高达 3000 多美元,其中包括汽油费、维修费、公共交通费和其他费用。


A U.S. map showing the percentage of workers who commute by car and their annual transportation costs.

  • 美国人每年在交通方面的平均花费在 1300 美元到 3000 多美元之间。
  • 北达科他州的平均通勤成本在美国最高。
  • 华盛顿特区是美国唯一一个大多数居民使用环保交通方式的地区。
  • 虽然大多数美国人开车上班,但也有许多工人利用其他交通工具完成日常通勤。



1. 佛罗里达州:3 140 美元
2.路易斯安那州:2 905 美元
4. 内华达州:3 660.54 美元
5.新泽西州:3 631.39 美元


1.俄亥俄州:1,369 美元
2.北卡罗来纳州:1 482 美元
3. 爱达荷州:1 497 美元
4.威斯康星州:1 548 美元


例如,华盛顿特区是迄今为止选择环保交通方式的工人最多的地方。然而,华盛顿特区的交通支出却排在第 33 位。这可能是因为华盛顿特区拥有通勤时间全国第二长.纽约似乎也支持这一趋势。尽管有近 47% 的居民选择了环保型交通工具,但大苹果城的平均通勤成本却高居全美第三--这很可能是因为该市是全美平均通勤时间最长的城市。




We know commuting is costly, but just how much are Americans spending on their commutes? Depending on the state, Americans spend as much as over $3,000 per year on their daily commutes - including gas, maintenance costs, public transportation, and other expenses.

Let’s take a look at how much the average American spends on transportation in each U.S. state, including Washington, D.C.

A U.S. map showing the percentage of workers who commute by car and their annual transportation costs.

  • On average, Americans are spending anywhere between $1,300 and just over $3,000 on transportation each year.
  • North Dakota has the highest average commuting costs in the United States.
  • Washington, D.C. is the only area in the United States in which the majority of residents utilize environmentally-friendly modes of transportation.
  • While most Americans drive to work, many workers utilize other means of transportation to complete their daily commutes.

To demonstrate the average commuting costs in the United States, we used data from The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis and U.S. Census Bureau , which was also summarized in Business Insider, which demonstrates how much adults spend on transportation in all 50 states, plus Washington, D.C. By analyzing this data, not only can we see how much commuters are spending on transportation, but also which types of transportation workers are utilizing to get to work.

States With Most Expensive Yearly Commutes

1. Florida: $3,140
2. Louisiana: $2,905
3. Michigan: $2,901
4. Nevada: $3,660.54
5. New Jersey: $3,631.39

States With Least Expensive Yearly Commutes

1. Ohio: $1,369
2. North Carolina: $1,482
3. Idaho: $1,497
4. Wisconsin: $1,548
5. Iowa: $1,549

Adults in the U.S. are spending thousands of dollars on transportation every year. While the type of transportation is a major factor in the overall cost of commuting, there are other factors to consider. Commute time, in particular, seems to be a major contributor to the overall cost of transportation.

Washington, D.C., for example, has, by far, the largest number of workers who choose environmentally-friendly transportation options. Yet, it is number 33 in transportation spending. This may be due to D.C. having the second-longest commute time in the country. New York also seems to support this trend. Despite nearly 47% of residents choosing environmentally-friendly transportation, the Big Apple has the third-highest average commute cost — likely due to the city having the longest average commute in the U.S.

As the graphic demonstrates, the average American is spending quite a bit on transportation every year. But these costs seem to be impacted by more than method of transportation. Environmentally-friendly methods allow commuters to reduce costs per-person by spreading out the cost of each ride to multiple people.

Are the cost-savings of going green worth making the switch? Have any other ideas for saving money on your commute? Let us know in the comments.

2020 年保险公司直接承保保费排名 || Ranking Insurance Companies by Direct Premiums Written in 2020

2021-06-09 21:23:25


Insurance company rankings in the U.S.

  • 大都会人寿的人寿/年金保险业务直接承保的保费是所有单一保险行业中最多的,高达 1.033 亿美元。
  • 在所有保险行业中,州立农场拥有最高的市场份额。2020 年,该公司获得了 4040 万美元的直接客运汽车保险费,约占整个市场的 16.2%。
  • 与其他行业相比,某些行业的保险市场要分散得多。工人赔偿只有旅行者和哈特福德两家公司的市场份额超过 5%。
  • 直接保费并不总能转化为利润。它们没有考虑到再保险或赔付金额。

我们在以下网站找到了可视化信息保险信息研究所(III).我们希望了解在整个保险行业中,细分到不同领域,有多少资金流入了哪些公司。视觉效果中的圆圈对应的是 2020 年直接承保保费的金额,而颜色则突出了市场份额的相对比例。我们还添加了每家公司的徽标,以便更容易看到各行业的最大赢家。

我们的可视化分析表明,保险业的某些部门比其他部门的头重脚轻得多。去年,大都会人寿显然在人寿/年金领域占据了主导地位,直接保费收入约为 1.033 亿美元。人寿保险这很复杂,但也占整个市场的 13%。业主汽车保险也都是头号大户,其中州立农场都是头号大户。但与之相比工伤赔偿商业财产保险而在美国,几家公司控制的市场份额要小得多。事实上,旅行者和哈特福德是仅有的两家工人保险市场份额超过 5%的公司(分别为 7.3% 和 5.9%)。

关于保险费的可视化,有几点需要注意。首先,我们的图表没有考虑再保险,即一家公司在签发保单后将相关风险转移给其他公司。不同类型的保险也受市场条件的巨大影响。例如,一场大飓风可能摧毁全国大部分地区,财产/人身险公司可能损失惨重。同样,COVID-19 大流行病也扰乱了有关预期寿命的计划,更不用说工人赔偿了。换句话说,公司获得大量保费收入并不一定意味着盈利。


数据表 1.1


How big is the market for insurance in the U.S.? And which companies dominate the industry? Our newest visualization provides an intuitive way to think about insurance company rankings based on direct premiums.

Insurance company rankings in the U.S.

  • MetLife wrote the most direct premiums in any single insurance sector, topping $103.3M in its life/annuity insurance business.
  • State Farm boasts the highest market share of any insurance sector. The company received $40.4M of direct passenger auto insurance premiums in 2020, about 16.2% of the total market.
  • The insurance market is much more fragmented in some sectors than others. Workers’ compensation only has two companies, Travelers and Hartford, with more than 5% market share.
  • Direct premiums don’t always translate into profits. They don’t take into account reinsurance or how much money gets paid out in claims.

We found the information for our visualization at the Insurance Information Institute (III). We wanted to understand how much money was coming into which companies across the entire insurance industry, broken down into different sectors. The circles in our visual correspond to the amount of direct premiums written in 2020, while the color highlights the relative percentage of market share. We added each company’s logo to make it even easier to see the largest winners in each sector.

Our visualization shows how some parts of the insurance industry are a lot more top-heavy than others. MetLife clearly dominated the life/annuity sector last year, taking in some $103.3M in direct premiums. Life insurance is complicated, but that represents about 13% of the entire market. Homeowners and auto insurance are also both top-heavy, with State Farm taking the top spot in each. But compare that to workers’ compensation or commercial property insurance, where several companies control much smaller slices. In fact, Travelers and Hartford are the only two companies with more than 5% market share of workers’ comp (7.3% and 5.9%, respectively).

There are a few things to keep in mind about our visualization of insurance premiums. First off, our visual doesn’t consider reinsurance, which occurs when a company issues a policy and then transfers the underlying risk to other companies. Different types of insurance are also subject to wildly different market conditions. A major hurricane for example could devastate a large part of the country, and property/casualty companies could lose a lot of money. Likewise, the COVID-19 pandemic has scrambled plans around life expectancy, not to mention workers’ compensation. In other words, just because a company is getting a lot of premium income, doesn’t necessarily mean it translates into profitability.

If you are looking for any type of insurance, we have a robust set of cost guides to help get you started today.

Data: Table 1.1