2025-01-14 13:02:11
Re @patio11 And also because giving someone something which purports to be a check but is in fact worthless is a Serious Crime in a way that promising to pay and not following through is not?
2025-01-14 12:59:32
Re @patio11 Ah yes, I forgot that was when you had reason to open an account with that bank. Not all that long ago then... my Tarsnap checks still have an address I haven't lived at for over a decade.
2025-01-14 12:53:48
Re @patio11 @SpeakingBee Do these cheques have an address printed on them? If yes, how many relocations ago did you live at that address?
2025-01-14 05:09:56
Re @patio11 Iran may have things to say about sovereign nations having access to the US banking system.
2025-01-14 00:51:52
Re @paulg Minor nit: "It was still not a thing when I started grad school in 1986. It was definitely a thing in 1988 though, and by the early 1990s it seemed to pervade campus life."
This timeline may shift by a few years depending on the institution. I suspect Harvard was a "leader" here.
2025-01-12 10:01:08
Re @paulg Problem is, they don't join other companies. They join the government (either directly or via government sponsored entities like schools).