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Re @leeoxiang @riverhohai @reactjs @electronjs @AntDesignUI @AgoraIO @XStateJS 这个工具原来是我们内部做多窗口白板POC开源出来的哈哈,RTC 看了一圈还是声...

2024-04-24 14:40:20

Re @leeoxiang @riverhohai @reactjs @electronjs @AntDesignUI @AgoraIO @XStateJS 这个工具原来是我们内部做多窗口白板POC开源出来的哈哈,RTC 看了一圈还是声网的好接和稳定,这些部件原计划是做成可替换的 service,做了一部分后面我就已经离开了🫡

getting rusty🦀

2024-04-10 12:36:30

getting rusty🦀

Pedro Cattori: TIL @vitest_dev lets you colocated your tests in the same file as your implementation. So nice!

React hooks best practice 2024

2024-01-24 15:28:37

React hooks best practice 2024

IroncladDev: New react hook just landed

Re @mattpocockuk We are using a DI lib brandi which uses this technique to bind type info and token

2023-12-15 20:18:37

Re @mattpocockuk We are using a DI lib brandi which uses this technique to bind type info and token

RT Steven Tey: Just found my new favorite app → Create beautiful animations of your code snippets just by typing them + adding a...

2023-10-21 22:00:19

RT Steven Tey
Just found my new favorite app →

Create beautiful animations of your code snippets just by typing them + adding a frame to the timeline 🤯

Built with @remotion by the amazing @dparksdev

Re @sveltejs It seems like you don't need a compiler to make such abstractions. I imagine libraries targeting runes are just like React hooks - they a...

2023-09-21 19:31:05

Re @sveltejs It seems like you don't need a compiler to make such abstractions. I imagine libraries targeting runes are just like React hooks - they are useless outside the framework.