Tim Ferriss 的中文 RSS 翻译

介绍:An early-stage technology investor/advisor (Uber, Facebook, Shopify, Duolingo, Alibaba, and 50+ others) and the author of five #1 New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers.

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我最喜欢的软件、补品、应用程序、工具等等! || My Favorite Software, Supplements, Apps, Tools, and More!
蒂姆和杰瑞叔叔探讨生活、重大问题、商业、育儿和迪斯科鸭 (#767) || Tim and Uncle Jerry Tackle Life, Big Questions, Business, Parenting, and Disco Duck (#767)
随机秀 - 蒂姆休假的教训,阿尔茨海默病的突破,凯文尝试Medium,健身工具和协议,书籍推荐,以及更多(#766) || The Random Show — Lessons from Tim’s Sabbatical, Alzheimer’s Breakthroughs, Kevin Tries a Medium, Fitness Tools and Protocols, Book Recommendations, and More (#766)
克里斯-萨卡和斯科特-格伦 (#765) || Chris Sacca and Scott Glenn (#765)
爱德华·诺顿和玛莎·贝克(#764) || Edward Norton and Martha Beck (#764)
教练乔治·拉维林和克莱尔·休斯·约翰逊(#762) || Coach George Raveling and Claire Hughes Johnson (#762)
斯坦利-麦克里斯特尔将军和 Liv Boeree(761 号) || General Stanley McChrystal and Liv Boeree (#761)
罗伯特-罗德里格兹和苏珊-凯恩 (#760) || Robert Rodriguez and Susan Cain (#760)
纳西姆-尼古拉斯-塔勒布和托德-麦克法兰(第 759 期) || Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Todd McFarlane (#759)
杰米·福克斯和杰奎琳·诺沃格拉茨(第758集) || Jamie Foxx and Jacqueline Novogratz (#758)

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