关于 Laike9m

Google工程师,运营「捕蛇者说」播客。Cyberbrain 、pdir2 开发者。

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No One Builds in Public

2024-09-09 11:14:58

When everyone builds in public, no one builds in public.


2024-08-30 17:09:47

如果采访十个独立开发者:“你觉得独立开发最难的地方在哪?”,估计有九个人都会说是 marketing/市场推广。最近开始做 Xylect,我对此才真正有了体感。这里记录一下我的各种尝试,或许能帮到一些人。

The unexpected emotional cost of being an indiehacker

2024-08-17 02:59:04

Coming from the open source world, I didn't expect being an indiehacker to have such a high emotional cost 😔

The Demanding Modern Society

2024-05-25 13:10:11

没有简介, 请去看原文吧

Another Year, Another Layoff

2024-01-12 11:34:46

没有简介, 请去看原文吧