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Project Lyricova as a Yūruka Vtuber

2024-04-23 12:25:29

Here’s me jumping onto the bandwagon. Inspired by Aikoyori, さわらつき, Aisu Asai, and others. Usually Vtuber logos are more abundant in variations, but this batch of making Vtuber logos for non-Vtubers seemed to have a significant fondness of Yūruka Std UB. Learn more about Project Lyricova. SVG:

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Shift-JIS / UTF-8 文字化け解読:実はもうちょっと読めるかも

2024-04-01 12:49:43

文字化け、それは一昔前のパソコンにおいて情報交換でよく起こる不具合である。近年になってからは Unicode(だいたい UTF-8)がネット上の文字コードの事実上の標準になっており、意図しないで発生する文字化けはほとんどみられなくなった。今では、よくみられる文字化けはほぼ創作でホラー要素、謎解き、あるいは隠しメッセージとして登場している。その中に、最もよく使われている文字化けの種類は「Shift-JiS / UTF-8」による文字化けで、いわゆる「繝繧」とか糸へんの漢字がいっぱい入ってるのやつ。この記事は、「Shift-JiS / UTF-8」による文字化けを既存ツールよりはもうちょっと解読できる方法を解説します。

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DAM Karaoke in Round1 Tukwila from the View of a Vocaloid Enjoyer

2023-10-17 11:56:19

Finally, after years, I have moved to somewhere where I actually have access to a karaoke with a Japanese system in close proximity. I was really excited to learn that there is a Round1 that I can go to without traveling to somewhere ridiculously far. This Round1 advertises that it is equipped with the DAM … Continued

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ひとりのボカロファンから見る Round1 Tukwila の DAM カラオケ

2023-10-17 11:56:05

ボカロ曲をちゃんと歌えるカラオケ屋さんを望み続けて数年、最近ようやくそんなところを発見し、行けるようになった。カラオケ屋として経営はしていないけれど、みんなお馴染みのラウンドワンだから、きっと大した差はないだろう。 このラウンドワンは、公式サイトで DAM 機種を利用していると言っていたが、詳しくは書いていない。果たしてすべての機能を使えるかを確かめるため、私は確かめに行くことを決めた。(正直に、もし選べるならボカロ曲収録がより多い JoySound の方がよかった。) 料金 まずは料金設定、ここのラウンドワンは英語向けの Healsonic と日本語向けの DAM の二つのカラオケ機種を用意されていた。同じ部屋に提供されたので、料金は機種に関係なく一緒になっていた。 曜日 時間 1–3 人 4–6 人 7–15 人 16–30 人 月火水木 16:00 まで $12 $17 $31 $50 16:00 から $16 $22 $44 $70 金曜日 16:00 まで $12 $17 $31 $50 16:00 から $24 $29 $51 $82 土曜日 16:00 まで $14 $19 $32 $53 … Continued

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Text Sticker bot v3

2023-10-15 12:33:06

Text Sticker v3 is a rewritten version of the Telegram Text Sticker bot. Different from the previous two versions where the user can only provide a text input, Text Sticker v3 utilizes the Telegram Web App platform, which allows the bot to have more freedom to interact with the user while keeping the convenience of … Continued

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Project Lyricova Gen 2

2023-05-20 08:00:00

Project Lyricova Generation 2 is a revamp of the original Project Lyricova, released on its 10th anniversary – 20 May 2022. Expanding from the original scope of a lyrics blog, Generation 2 now includes various new screensavers, music entity management, gallery look-up, and a full-fledged music management system dubbed as Jukebox. Both components are totally … Continued

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If Bing Chat becomes Vocaloid Voicebanks

2023-03-02 13:50:53

Bing Chat has three variants, Balanced, Precise and Creative. They somewhat sounds like Vocaloid voicebank names to me. So I put up some of the relevant assets together as a package design that resembles Vocaloid voicebank package designs.

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Reverse engineering an IL2CPP NSO binary: Case study of Mojipittan Encore

2023-01-17 07:29:35

This is yet another random side project I was working on recently, and my first attempt to reverse engineer a real world application compiled into binary. In this article, I want to talk about how I reversed engineered an Unity IL2CPP binary compiled to NSO, in a step-by-step fashion. Forewords Kotoba no Puzzle: Mojipittan is … Continued

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Use WebVTT without actually using WebVTT: Another way to monitor playback progress of HTML Media Elements

2023-01-16 04:37:25

Previously, I have introduced how LyricsX handled playback progress of different players, and briefly talked about how I applied its principal to web audio with a requestAnimationFrame() loop. In this article, I’ll talk about how to use WebVTT, a browser-native captioning feature to receive callbacks on specific time ranges. Web Video Text Tracks (WebVTT) is … Continued

Use WebVTT without actually using WebVTT: Another way to monitor playback progress of HTML Media Elements appeared first on 1A23 Blog.

Flexible and dynamic flow control of Azure DevOps YAML Pipelines using variables

2023-01-15 11:40:52

Recently I was working on the release automation at work, and one of the requirements is to gap a specific number of hours between stages, and snap to normal business hours. While having a centralized scheduler won’t be a choice unless I want to flood the run logs, and a pipeline run would mostly be … Continued

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