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RT たいじゅ: 「この可愛いぬいぐるみは誰なの?」 ミックさん気になって仕方ないみたいです笑🍠 #ミックファイア #サラブレッドコレクション

2024-02-09 16:26:36

RT たいじゅ

RT beatink_jp: The Smile @thesmiletheband 超高音質試聴&上映会にご招待! 2024年1月22日 (月) / 1月25日 (木) 109シネマズプレミアム新宿シアター8 ◉応...

2024-01-09 20:01:54

RT beatink_jp
The Smile @thesmiletheband

2024年1月22日 (月) / 1月25日 (木)



RT Timothy Choi: Saw on FB: What @StarbucksDE thinks about a Hong Kong girl at their shop: (FYI: Hure is whore in German.) A German man actually defen...

2021-10-16 20:57:47

RT Timothy Choi
Saw on FB: What @StarbucksDE thinks about a Hong Kong girl at their shop:

(FYI: Hure is whore in German.)

A German man actually defended the barista, saying if you have a difficult name you should write the name on the cup yourself. I have no words.

RT Ethan Siegel: Are We Approaching Quantum Gravity All Wrong? https://bigthink.com/surprising-science/are-we-approaching-quantum-gravity-all-wrong/ I...

2021-09-16 14:12:29

RT Ethan Siegel
Are We Approaching Quantum Gravity All Wrong?
I got to have an exclusive interview with Lee Smolin about the problems with quantum physics, General Relativity, and putting the two of them together.

A really fun exploration of ideas!

RT Ethan Siegel: How to understand Einstein's equation for general relativity https://bigthink.com/surprising-science/einstein-general-theory-relativi...

2021-09-15 14:18:49

RT Ethan Siegel
How to understand Einstein's equation for general relativity
It's easy to write the Einstein Field Equations:

G_μν + Λ g_μν = 8πG/c^4 T_μν,

and to say, "see, it's just like F = ma, right?"

Here's what it really means.