About Strange Loop Canon

By Rohit Krishnan. Here you’ll find essays about ways to push the frontier of our knowledge forward. The essays aim to bridge the gaps between Business, Science and Technology.

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OpenAI's Strawberry models can reason like an expert

2024-09-13 13:48:30

When models can think

Predicting AI

2024-08-29 04:19:49

I revisit past predictions

Why AI hasn’t shown up in the GDP statistics yet

2024-08-08 01:14:18

AI is meant to bring us closer to utopia, according to its builders.

LLMs breach a threshold

2024-07-30 07:25:40

Open Source models get more powerful, and an AI system scores silver in Maths Olympiad

Strange Loop Canon Commencement Address

2024-07-24 16:43:52

Seeing Like A Network

2024-06-19 21:30:16

Dark Forests, Dense Networks

Whither Utopia?

2024-05-31 02:46:13

The mystery of why we don't dream of building perfect societies anymore

AI embraces its product arc

2024-05-15 04:43:42

fuzzy processors are entering mass production

What can LLMs never do?

2024-04-23 22:02:07

On goal drift and lower reliability. Or, why can't LLMs play Conway's Game Of Life?

Ode to software

2024-04-09 21:16:05

We all live on a knife's edge, and it's fine

2024-04-03 01:51:57

Or: How we weaponised serendipity

LLMs have special intelligence, not general, and that's plenty.

2024-03-13 23:50:40

“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.”

Google had a very bad week

2024-03-01 00:09:56

Gemini's paradox

The mystery of the garage

2024-02-22 23:31:11


2024-02-16 15:25:35

nullius in verba

Evaluations are all we need

2024-01-17 22:01:45

On analysing talent in LLMs

State of the Canon

2023-12-31 03:20:23


Discovery is the original sin of the modern age

2023-12-21 23:14:36

technology, living post scarcity, and how to find what you want

Disruption starts at the margins, but doesn't stop there

2023-12-12 00:00:55

Contra Hoel on AI and its supply paradox

The age of access

2023-12-06 22:42:27

the great polarisation theory, and the death of professions