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The Experiences of U.S. Adults Who Don’t Have Children

2024-07-25 21:57:06

Some 57% of adults under 50 who say they are unlikely to have kids say a major reason is they just don’t want to. Among those ages 50 and older, 31% cite this as a reason.

The post The Experiences of U.S. Adults Who Don’t Have Children appeared first on Pew Research Center.

1. Reasons adults give for not having children

2024-07-25 21:59:25

Among U.S. adults who don’t have children, those ages 50 and older have mixed views on whether they ever wanted to have them in the first place. And their reasons for never having kids differ from those given by younger adults who say they’re unlikely to have them. The top reason cited by those ages […]

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2. Perceived pros and cons of not having children

2024-07-25 21:57:09

Among U.S. adults ages 50 and older who never had children, majorities say achieving certain things in life – such as having a fulfilling life, or a successful career – don’t have much to do with whether someone has children. At the same time, many say not having children has made some aspects of life […]

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3. Relationships and caregiving among adults without children

2024-07-25 21:57:10

A majority of U.S. adults ages 50 and older who don’t have children say not having kids hasn’t had much of an impact on their personal relationships. And for the most part, they report that they rarely, if ever, felt pressure to have children when they were younger. Similarly, majorities of adults under 50 who […]

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4. Demographic and economic characteristics of adults 50 and older without children

2024-07-25 21:57:11

One-in-five U.S. adults ages 50 and older have never had children, according to Pew Research Center analysis of government data.[5. numoffset=”5″ In this analysis, “children” refers to biological children only. Refer to Methodology section for more details.] Not having children is more common among adults in their 50s and 60s than those in their 70s. […]

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2024-07-25 21:57:12

This report is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals. Find related reports online at pewresearch.org/topic/family-relationships. Kim Parker, Director of Social Trends ResearchJuliana Horowitz, Senior Associate Director, ResearchRachel Minkin, Research AssociateCarolina Aragão, Research AssociateLuona Lin, Research Associate               Kiley Hurst, Research Analyst             Dana Braga, Research AnalystReem Nadeem, Digital Producer        John Carlo Mandapat, Information […]

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2024-07-25 21:57:12

The American Trends Panel survey methodology Overview The American Trends Panel (ATP), created by Pew Research Center, is a nationally representative panel of randomly selected U.S. adults. Panelists participate via self-administered web surveys. Panelists who do not have internet access at home are provided with a tablet and wireless internet connection. Interviews are conducted in […]

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How Americans Get Local Political News

2024-07-24 21:50:36

Most U.S. adults follow news about local government and politics, yet only a quarter are highly satisfied with the quality of coverage.

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1.  Consumption and sources of local political news

2024-07-24 21:50:39

Older Americans are more likely to follow local government news. People often get this news from friends, family and local outlets.

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2. Attitudes toward local political news: Interest, satisfaction and ease of access

2024-07-24 21:50:40

Most Americans are interested in local election news, but not as many have an easy time finding the information needed for voting.

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