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[Scott Manley] Explains GPS Jamming

2024-05-20 01:00:00

We always think of [Scott Manley] as someone who knows a lot about rockets. So, if you think about it, it isn’t surprising he’s talking about GPS — after all, …read more

This WiFi Filament Sensor is Unnecessary, But Awesome

2024-05-19 22:00:00

As desktop 3D printers have inched towards something resembling the mainstream, manufacturers have upped their game across the board. Even the quality of filament that you can get today is …read more

Rediscovering The Nile: The Ancient River That Was Once Overlooked By The Egyptian Pyramids

2024-05-19 19:00:06

Although we usually imagine the conditions in Ancient Egypt to be much like the Egypt of today, back during the Holocene there was significantly more rain as a result of …read more

Möbius String Robot Goes Round and Round

2024-05-19 16:00:17

While it doesn’t look like a traditional robot, the hydrogel robot from [Zi Liang Wu] forms a möbius strip and can be activated by light. They also experimented with shaping …read more

A Tiny Tuner For The Low Power Ham

2024-05-19 13:00:00

Something that all radio amateurs encounter sooner or later is the subject of impedance matching. If you’d like to make sure all that power is transferred from your transmitter into …read more

M1 Development Board from Scraps

2024-05-19 10:00:00

Apple is fairly notorious for building devices that are difficult to repair, but with the right tools it’s often not completely impossible to circumvent some of their barriers. As they …read more

Hack Your Own Adventure Story with Yarn Spinner

2024-05-19 07:00:11

We are big fans of programmed texts for education. You know, the kind where you answer a question and go to a new page based on your answer. But they …read more