About FlowingData

By Nathan Yau. A combination of highlighting others’ work and visualization guides.

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Visualize This (2nd ed.): Finding the Best Visualization Tools

2024-05-18 10:37:33

There are a lot of tools to visualize data. Some are visualization-specific. Some are tools that let you make charts but are focused on other data things. New apps come out with new features that promise new things. This can make it tricky to find the best visualization tool.


Shifting to batteries for electricity

2024-05-17 16:11:08

To capture solar energy for use in the evening, batteries have grown in…

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✚ Does the data make sense?

2024-05-17 04:26:22

When you analyze data, there are times when a trend, pattern, or outlier jumps out and smacks you in the face. Or, you might calculate results that seem surprising. Maybe they're real, but maybe not.

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Simulation for Probability of Success

2024-05-16 15:05:06

Imagine that you try to do something and there's a 20% chance of success. If you try to do the thing six times, what is the probability that you succeed at least once?

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Map of magnetic fields in the Milky Way

2024-05-15 16:48:53

Based on data from NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), Villanova University…

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Communal Plot, a shared coordinate space to see how your taste compares

2024-05-14 17:14:29

PerThirtySix made a communal plot that asks for your opinion via scatterplot and…

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Genetic algorithm car race thingy

2024-05-13 17:31:02

From the oldie-but-goodie department, this fun program uses a genetic algorithm to drive…

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Low risk for human bird flu transmission

2024-05-10 15:50:06

For Reuters, Mariano Zafra, Anurag Rao, and Jon McClure describe how bird flu…

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Where the Time Goes with Age

2024-05-10 03:34:40

We get 24 hours in a day. How do we spend this time? How does our time use change as we get older and priorities shift?

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✚ Staying in the Generative Loop

2024-05-10 02:30:41

Maybe one day AI tools will be advanced enough to process a random dataset and produce valuable insights that incorporate the context of the real world. That day is not today.

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