About Ed Zitron

CEO of national Media Relations and Public Relations company EZPR

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Matt Stoller Explains Monopolies

2024-08-28 12:12:50

The latest episode of my podcast Better Offline is a conversation with Matt Stoller — America’s leading voice on monopoly and antitrust matters, and a thoughtful and prolific writer. You can find Matt on Twitter here, and his newsletter here.

It was a timely conversation. At the

Monopoly Money

2024-08-13 04:18:27

Last week, in the midst of the slow, painful collapse of the generative AI hype cycle, something incredible happened.

On Monday, a Federal Judge delivered a crushing ruling in the multi-year-long antitrust case filed against Google by the Department of Justice. In 300-pages of dense legal text, Judge Amit Mehta

Burst Damage

2024-08-06 01:39:55

Soundtrack: Masters of Reality - High Noon Amsterdam

I have said almost everything in this piece in every one of these articles for months. I am not upset, but just stating an obvious truth. The current state of affairs effectively pushes against the boundaries of good sense, logic and reason,

How Does OpenAI Survive?

2024-07-30 00:03:21

Throughout the last year I’ve written in detail about the rot in tech — the spuriousness of charlatans looking to accumulate money and power, the desperation of the most powerful executives to maintain control and rapacious growth, and the speciousness of the latest hype cycle — but at

Rot Economics - An Interview With MIT's Daron Acemoglu

2024-07-25 00:12:44

Want to listen to this interview instead? Download the latest episode of Better Offline! You can listen to it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or anywhere else you can insert an RSS feed.

Last week, I had the privilege of interviewing Daron Acemoglu — one of the world’s most


2024-07-20 04:29:05

Soundtrack: EL-P - Tasmanian Pain Coaster (feat. Omar Rodriguez-Lopez & Cedric Bixler-Zavala)

When I first began writing this newsletter, I didn't really have a goal, or a "theme," or anything that could neatly characterize what I was going to write about other than that I was

Put Up Or Shut Up

2024-07-17 04:26:39

I feel like the tech industry is currently in the midst of the most bizarre cognitive dissonance I've ever seen — more so than the metaverse, even — as company after company simply lies about their intentions and the power of AI. 

I get it. Everybody wants

Pop Culture

2024-07-09 01:12:49

Hi there. Do you like this post? Did you know that I also do a podcast called Better Offline? If not, please immediately download it on your podcast app. Follow the show. Download every episode. Share with your friends, and demand they do the same.

I did an entire episode

The Shareholder Supremacy

2024-07-02 01:09:57

I promise you, everything that's happening makes sense. It all feels so chaotic, so utterly, offensively stupid, so disconnected from reality that it's hard to understand how Meta can run a terrible company with decaying services that's also wildly profitable, or how Meta, Microsoft

Let Tim Cook

2024-06-18 00:41:38

Last week, Apple announced “Apple Intelligence,” a suite of features coming to iOS 18 (the next version of the iPhone’s software) in a presentation that FastCompany called “uninspired,” Futurism called “boring,” and Axios claimed “failed to excite investors.” 


Silicon Valley's False Prophet

2024-06-12 00:41:05

Like this newsletter? Subscribe to my podcast Better Offline - this week we've got a two parter digging into Sam Altman, with a deeper dive featuring Tom Dotan of the Wall Street Journal (Part 1) and Ellen Huet (Part 2, airing Friday.) I think you'll love

The Rot-Com Bubble

2024-06-04 01:50:51

If you enjoy this post, why not subscribe to my podcast Better Offline? This week's a two part deep dive into the Rot-Com Bubble.

The noxious growth-at-all-costs mindset of the Rot Economy sits at the core of every issue that I've ever written about. It’

We're Watching Facebook Die

2024-05-29 01:10:00

Like this newsletter? You should listen to the Better Offline episode!

In the first quarter of 2024, Meta made $36.45 billion dollars - $12.37 billion dollars of which was pure profit. Though the company no longer reports daily active users, it now uses another metric: “family daily

Sam Altman Is Full Of Shit

2024-05-22 00:43:47

Note: In my last newsletter, I said that my next post would be the second part of my Facebook autopsy. Don’t worry, that’s still coming, but given the recent drama between Sam Altman, OpenAI, and Scarlett Johansson, I felt the need to write something. Don’

The People Deliberately Killing Facebook

2024-05-21 00:34:03

Enjoy this post? Why not try the podcast version? Please download it, and also all the other episodes.

Over the last decade, few platforms have declined quite as rapidly and visibly as Facebook and Instagram. What used to be apps for catching up with your friends and family are now