About A learning a day

A learning a day, since May 12 2008, by Rohan.

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2024-07-26 19:41:00

“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s … Continue reading Storms

Just say it like that

2024-07-25 19:15:00

A good friend shared an exchange with their therapist. The question, at hand, was a variant of – “What is the best way to say <some difficult thing>?” To which, the therapist said – “How would you say it to me or to another friend?” And once this friend responded, the therapist simply said – … Continue reading Just say it like that

Unexpected sources

2024-07-24 19:34:00

Often, the answers we seek come from the unexpected sources. The key is to focus on the answer and ignore our feelings about the particular source or its unexpected nature.

The fisherwoman and her friend

2024-07-23 19:21:00

There’s a folk tale about a fisherwoman* who goes to visit her friend. Her friend sold flowers for a living and lived in a home full of beautiful smells from flowers – a contrast to the strong smells (stink?) of fish. However, the fisherwoman has difficulty sleeping at night. Eventually, she realizes that she just … Continue reading The fisherwoman and her friend

Fires and fresh grass

2024-07-22 19:05:00

Grasslands need to burn from time to time. That burning creates the opportunity for fresh grass to grow. That fresh grass, in turn, helps feed the many herbivores who rely on it for nutrients. I think it has parallels in our lives as well. It is good to set fire to our routines and recurring … Continue reading Fires and fresh grass

What was and what could have been

2024-07-21 19:09:00

We have to let go of what was and what could have been to have a shot at enjoying or making the most of what is.


2024-07-20 19:06:00

A reminder for today – take a few minutes to turn off all the technology and smell the roses.

Moments of clarity

2024-07-19 19:25:00

When we stick with problems over long periods of time, every once a while, we have a moment of clarity. Dots begin to connect in ways they didn’t connect before. Moments of clarity are rare. There’s a reason they’re often depicted as bolts of lightning in books. My biggest learning when such a moment arrives … Continue reading Moments of clarity


2024-07-18 19:10:00

We recently switched checking accounts to Schwab after a decade with Bank of America. There’s a lot to like about Schwab – no fee ATM withdrawals globally, some interest on that checking account, and so on. But two months in, I’ve loved one feature most – they pick up the phone. Calling Bank of America … Continue reading Schwab

LensRental box inspiration

2024-07-17 19:34:00

I rented camera lenses from Lensrentals.com. The rental logistics were seamless. But what impressed me was the box. It started with the message on the tape in the middle. Simple and nice. It then had a note reminding me to double check the contents. “We’re the best, but no one’s perfect” was hilarious. And then … Continue reading LensRental box inspiration