2025-03-09 08:00:00
人的动力可能不是爱而是恨——当然,说恨有些夸张了,但我就是因为太讨厌某些豆瓣红人并且豆瓣黑名单毫无用处还是总能看到 TA 们到处拉屎以至于忍无可忍自己动手了,尤其是刷读书页面,我造了什么孽要看到某些量子读书的“大 V”们的点评?
地址: Douban User Blocker 。
2025-03-09 08:00:00
本期 BGM(一定要听!):
几年前启用 Neodb 时发现可以创建收藏单并将之设置为阅读目标,每次点进个人页面就会看到进度条,于是大概两年前我立下了一个小小的计划:读 100 本英文书。
今天完成了一半。虽然这 50 本里有 2/3 都是绘本/图像小说,难免有凑数之嫌,可对我来说也是小小的成就了。即使此刻的我觉得我的语言水平还是远远不能达到让自己满意的程度,即使我有时觉得用数字来衡量又难免有些虚荣。
不过看到许多比我不谦虚多了的人在社交媒体洋洋自夸时也忍不住要给自己打气,对自己骄傲一点!但我个人的确是不欣赏过分自信和自夸的人,我也不想成为那样的人。所以只在自己的地盘庆祝一下吧。希望 100 快点到来,当然更希望的是读到的每一本都是享受的。
2025-03-08 08:00:00
一本小书,用一天 24 小时讲 24 种不同时段活动的鸟儿,每次读一两篇很是轻松愉快。有些内容挺有趣,认真写了前几篇的笔记之后感觉这工作量和翻译一遍也差不多了于是很快开始偷懒,但写都写了,和部分摘抄一起在这里存个档吧。
Little spotted kiwi 视力很差,近乎blind。靠 nostrils at the tip of their beaks 灵敏的嗅觉来发现食物。
分布在南美洲雨林中,是唯一一种仅以果实为生的夜行性鸟类,尤其偏爱 palm、 laurel 的果实,以及野生牛油果。
作为夜行性鸟类,有非常敏锐的视觉系统(看来像上面的 little spotted kiwi 那样近乎半瞎的终究是少数)。相对于眼睛来说,它们的瞳仁异乎寻常地大,以收集尽可能多的光线——这一特征会更接近于深海鱼而非鸟类。
由于食物多是悬挂在树上,oilbird 有着柔软的羽毛和长长的翅膀,这让它们可以缓慢地飞行,在多果的枝头前盘旋悬停。这种飞行方式也有助于它们进出长长的用于筑巢的洞穴。
它们也是屈指可数的可以使用回声定位的鸟类。不过不像蝙蝠或海豚那样使用超声波,oilbird 发出的是人耳也可以识别的连续的咔嗒声。依赖这样的定位系统,它们在完全黑暗中也能够穿过洞穴找到自己的巢和幼鸟。
用粪便筑巢——这是它们排泄物的另一种用途——并将巢建在流水上方,这为巢提供了额外的保护,以防捕食者进入洞穴系统。(读到这儿突然想到鲸背月色里有一段类似经历的描述,进入了一个臭气熏天的有大量鸟类粪便的洞穴,回去一翻果然是 oilbird,但真是毫不意外又把鸟类名字翻错了。oilbird 是油鸱,不是油鸟!这书应该说物种名根本就没几个对的,当时我粗粗一挑就给它找出来几十处错,太无语了。)
oilbird 因为叫声刺耳,因此它们的另一个俗名 diablotin 在法语里的意思是小恶魔。
它们的幼鸟很肥硕,富于脂肪,以至于幼鸟甚至比成鸟还重。当人类首次在洞穴里遇见这些幼鸟时,发现可以把它们煮了得到丰富的油脂用来烹饪和照明——这就是英文名 oilbird 的由来。
When we meet this melodious nightingale, he has just returned to Berlin, Germany, after a three-thousand-mile journey from sub-Saharan Africa, across both vast desert and the Mediterranean Sea. What a trip for a small bird about the size of a house sparrow. When migrating nocturnally, this species uses both the stars above and Earth’s magnetic field to orient itself north in the spring and south in the fall.
Singing some two hundred different tunes or “phrases” on average, a single male nightingale uses its vocal prowess to both woo and warn.
体型娇小却能迁徙超过三千英里。有超过 200 种歌唱曲调。
(但其实我会对 nightingale 多留意是因为一首非常有名的歌叫 A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square,它出现在 Good Omens 的最后一集,是众多 CP 粉力争他俩是爱情的证据之一😂。 )
Unlike 99 percent of all birds, cowbirds are “brood parasitic”: they lay their eggs in the nests of other species.
We humans have what is called “episodic memory,” a clear ability to keep track of where, when, and what occurs at a given time. Female cowbirds routinely engage in such mental time travel too. To accomplish this cognitive feat, female cowbirds have evolved an enlarged hippocampus, the brain region that is responsible for spatial memory. Male cowbirds do not have particularly large hippocampi—perhaps because they do not need to search and remember where host nests are located. Species related to cowbirds that build their own nests and incubate their own eggs, such as common grackles and red-winged blackbirds, also do not have these enlarged brain centers.
This bird must visit up to 1,500 such flowers to find enough food in the course of a day’s foraging. Some hummingbird species, especially those living at high elevation sites where temperatures fall dramatically at sunset, save energy overnight by dropping their own temperatures to ambient levels and going into a nocturnal torpor. In this slumber, their heart rate and metabolism nearly come to a halt.
Hummingbirds have one of the highest heart rates among all animals—over one thousand heartbeats, accompanied by over two hundred breaths, per minute. Imagine those statistics as part of a human’s visit to a nurses’ station! (The average human has rates of fewer than one hundred beats and twenty breaths per minute.) In turn, bee hummingbirds and their relatives also need a high number of wingbeats to stay aloft—about eighty beats per second to hover in front of a nectar-rich flower—but males can elevate these wingbeat rates to well over one hundred per minute when showing off for a female, buzzing and singing to her to catch her interest.
robins are one of more than 250 species that host cowbird eggs. Unlike over 90 percent of these hosts, robins are robust egg rejecters—grabbing and tossing out the cowbird’s beige and speckled eggs. This is no surprise since the cowbird eggs are so remarkably different from the robin’s own immaculate turquoise-blue eggs. Still, even with this distinctness, the robin hosts typically take anywhere between an hour to a day to find and reject the foreign egg.
Without eggs, there are no hatchlings, and without hatchlings, there are no fledglings, juveniles, or next generations.
是上面的 cowbird 会巢寄生的 250 多种鸟类之一,但它们有能力识别 cowbird 的卵并且把这些寄生蛋扔出去。
Multiple males feed the female, and they often mate with her as well. It is common for two males to look after the female and her offspring at any given nesting cavity.
When nest cavities are prone to flooding, female eclectus parrots are known to kill the younger (and often male) hatchling in their nest to improve the chances of the older (often female) nestmate. This infanticide might seem surprising: why lay two eggs but kill one? If food and access to safety are limited, raising a sole chick successfully can be a more fruitful strategy than watching both chicks perish in the rising waters of a nest hole.
Contributing to the mystery is the pattern that few scientists have studied these birds in their original territories, their “natural ranges.” What we know from watching them in their introduced habitats and sites is that brother peacocks band together, displaying their stunning trains in the vicinity of each other as if cooperating to attract interested females to their proximity—no matter who gets to mate with them. This may seem altruistic, but it offers advantages from an evolutionary perspective. Genetically speaking, it might be best to have children yourself. But if you are to remain childless, it is still better for your brother to have children than for a complete stranger to do so. Evolutionary biologists call this type of reproductive gain “indirect fitness,” and it seems to explain why, for example, we as humans tend to give more and larger gifts to family members more closely related to us.
Another mystery is the peacock’s puzzling train. First note that this is not the bird’s tail but instead a collection of extra-long back feathers supported by sturdy, brown tail feathers. Sometimes a peacock’s train can stand over six feet tall around the male’s back. It is full of deep blue and green hues. Again, there is beauty beyond what our human eyes can see, including richness of color in the UV ranges. This is in part the result of tiny nanostructures present in the barbules of the of the so-called eyes of the peacock’s train. Yet, here’s the enigma: the peahen (much like humans) does not see in UV light! Nor do the peacocks or the main predators of peafowl. It seems a waste of a show!
In turn, ducks take to sleeping whenever they can, including during the brightest parts of daytime.
As we see, a duck can also sleep during the day. The most dangerous part of sleep is the inability to sense and alter one’s behavior in response to potentially harmful components of the environment: predators, parasites, competitors, or even the shoreline. As a response, ducks have developed a special type of slumber called “unihemispheric sleep,” in which one side of the brain is asleep while the other is awake and observing the environment. Half-brain sleep patterns are often accompanied by what scientists call “eye-peeks.” Such peeks are quick, not more than ten seconds, allowing the other eye and half of the brain half to fully engage in resting mode.
Looking at the winking birds, we might expect that the bigger the flock, the fewer the peeks. Why bother peeking when someone else is on the lookout? It is actually the opposite! The more neighbors a duck has, the more time it spends peeking during each bout of observation. Perhaps the ducks are quite sensitive to bumping into neighbors. A crowded patch of water means more peeks.
Despite their name, antbirds do not have an appetite for ants. Instead, these birds are ant followers; they can be reliably found near an army ant swarm off to attack or retreating from their daily foraging expedition.
叫 antbird 并不是因为它们吃蚂蚁,而是它们会跟随蚂蚁的“行军”路线吃沿路被惊起的其他动物。
Look at its three-foot-tall frame, its long tarsus (or foot bone), lean body, long neck, elaborate face pattern, and crown. Its costume is reminiscent of a nineteenth-century European clerk’s outfit, after which this bird’s Latin genus (Sagittarius) is named.
Together with caracaras of the tropical Americas, secretary birds are just one of a handful of hawk relatives that pursue their prey on foot rather than on the wing.
因为羽色和欧洲 19 世纪的 clerk 制服类似而得名。是少有的和 caracara 一样更多依靠脚而非翅膀来捕食(而且它们的捕猎对象可是蛇!)。 Caracara 是另一本我想看的书 A Most Remarkable Creature 的主角,这提醒我又有多少东西还没读……
(不管是这个名字、羽色、还是能够吃蛇的凶悍本领都让我想起 Kingsman 里的 Gazelle。)
Whatever the reason, most birds lay eggs that are recently fertilized and undeveloped. One exception to this rule is the common cuckoo.
Unlike the cowbird, the cuckoo keeps her egg in her oviduct to be incubated for an extra day before she lays it in the nest of another species, replacing one of the host species’ eggs. Why should cuckoo eggs be “preincubated” before laying? Preincubation gives the cuckoo chick a chance to hatch earlier. This early start spells doom for the host’s clutch and brood, as the young cuckoo is a vicious killing machine. Within two to four days of hatching, while still naked and blind, the cuckoo chick pushes all the other eggs and chicks from the nest, often while helpless foster parents watch.
Cowbirds lay eggs that are proportional to the female parasite’s size. Not so for the cuckoos, which lay especially small eggs relative to their own body size. This is part of the deception—the cuckoo’s egg is similar to the foster parents’ in size and appearance, if not contents!
“Standard-wing” might seem a misnomer since we see two long flight feathers, one trailing each of the wings.
Longer than its own body length, these special feathers come with a long, barbless shaft and a dark patterned feathery patch toward the tip.
The risk involved with this air show is high because it makes the showy male vulnerable to attack, so it must be important in attracting a mate. These feathers make the males more conspicuous during its otherwise well-camouflaged rest in daylight, too. Perhaps because of this, males do not help incubate the eggs during the day, only at night. Still, comparatively, these males appear to be better parents than the peacock and male kākāpō, who refuse to engage in any paternal duties at all!
In addition to having larger than standard raptorial eyes, bat hawks also sport the widest and largest bill gape; they are able to open their mouths wider than any other hawk (relative to their skull size, of course).
no matter the location or adaptation, these hawks are bat hunting specialists, restricting their feeding behaviors to about an hour before and after the emergence of the swarms from the bat caves.
Even the breeding season of the bat hawk is timed and coordinated with their prey mammals. During incubation, the male of the pair must feed both the incubating female and himself. He does this by chasing slowly moving and poorly maneuvering pregnant female bats. In turn, the fledgling hawks will benefit from growing at the same time as the bat pups; as novice fliers, the juvenile bats make easier meals.
不管是在 bat hawk 的哪个分布地,它们的活动时间都是跟着当地的蝙蝠种群走的呢,在蝙蝠出洞前后几小时守在它们的洞穴口。而且它们的繁殖时间也和蝙蝠群一致——因为那时雌鸟会无法捕猎,雄鸟需要养活一家子,而这时蝙蝠恰好也会有怀孕的蝙蝠和刚出生的小蝙蝠,会更易于捕捉。
The Bird Way 和前阵子我读的 What an Owl knows 是同一个作者,她的书写得细致但是又有趣味,阅读体验很愉快。Understanding Bird Behavior 我读了中文版,不推荐,虽然确实收录了许多新的研究结果,但写得很无趣,和 What an Owl Knows 对比立刻就看出写作水平的差距(详见 2024十月读书记录 )。
2025-03-08 08:00:00
为了写上一篇 Bird Day 的笔记因而又一次想把 Google Play Books 的 notes 转换成 Markdown,但实在是搞不定批量自动化转换 Google Docs,于是用了个笨方法,先用 Google Docs 的下载功能,格式选 Markdown。再用 Python 脚本跑一遍这个 md 文件处理格式,前后对比如下:
为什么我又开始搞这种东西,头大。非常后悔没好好学 regex(但这东西平时不用那就分分钟忘也不能怨我吧),而且也没注意到 Google 这个该死的文件居然每个章节下面第一段的格式和后面的摘抄是不一样的,折腾语法折腾了好久,最后的解决方案也还是不灵巧,很挫败,只能这么凑合着用。把脚本内容在博客存个档,后续再改进也方便找。
我不需要区分各颜色标注,就直接从文档里的 All your annotations
import re
import os
def format_output_filename(input_filename):
# Extract content between underscores and comma if present
base_name = os.path.splitext(input_filename)[0]
match = re.search(r"_(.*?)(?:,|$)", base_name)
if match:
return f"Notes_{match.group(1).replace(' ', '-')}.md"
parts = base_name.split("_")
if len(parts) > 1:
return f"Notes_{parts[0]}-{parts[1]}.md"
return f"Notes_{parts[0]}.md"
def process_md_file(input_path, output_folder):
with open(input_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
content = file.readlines()
# Step 1: Find the start index of annotations section
start_idx = next((i for i, line in enumerate(content) if line.strip() == "# All your annotations"), None)
if start_idx is None:
raise ValueError("No '# All your annotations' found in the file.")
# Step 2: Keep only content below '# All your annotations'
content = content[start_idx + 1:]
output_lines = []
# Step 3: Regular expression patterns
title_pattern = re.compile(r"## \*(.*?)\*") # Title
annotation_pattern_1 = re.compile(r"\|\s*\*!?\[\]\[image\d*\]\s*(.*?)\*\s*.*?\d{4} \[\d+\]\(http.*?\)\s*\|")
annotation_pattern_2 = re.compile(r"\|\s*!?\[\]\[image\d*\]\s*\*?(.*?)\*\s*.*?\d{4} \[\d+\]\(http.*?\)\s*\|") # Annotations
current_title = None
annotations = []
# Step 4: Process the file content
for line in content:
title_match = title_pattern.match(line)
annotation_match = annotation_pattern_1.search(line) or annotation_pattern_2.search(line)
if title_match:
# Save the previous title's annotations before moving to a new one
if current_title and annotations:
output_lines.append(f"### {current_title}\n\n" + "\n\n".join(annotations) + "\n")
# Start a new title section
current_title = title_match.group(1).strip()
annotations = [] # Reset annotations for the new title
elif annotation_match:
annotation = annotation_match.group(1).strip().replace(r"\!", "!")
annotations.append(f"> {annotation}") # Add the annotation
# Save the last collected annotations
if current_title and annotations:
output_lines.append(f"### {current_title}\n\n" + "\n\n".join(annotations) + "\n")
# Step 5: Remove any image references or extra content at the end
output_text = "\n".join(output_lines)
output_text = re.sub(r"\[image\d*\]:.*", "", output_text)
# Step 6: Format output filename
input_filename = os.path.basename(input_path)
output_filename = format_output_filename(input_filename)
output_path = os.path.join(output_folder, output_filename)
# Step 7: Save output to file
os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True)
with open(output_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
print(f"Processed file saved at: {output_path}")
# Example usage
input_md_file = "input_file_path"
output_directory = "output folder"
process_md_file(input_md_file, output_directory)
搞完发现 Github 上有人写过类似的 Google Books highlights and notes extractor ,应该会比我的好用(吧)。怎么感觉我又是努力努力白努力(无能狂怒 ing)。
2025-03-01 08:00:00
普普通通,搞不懂豆瓣为什么评分那么高。那几天我恰好在两个地方看到别人 po 这本书,而我在微信读书搜另一本带有“格外”两字的书这本跳了出来,并且它还免费,就飞速翻完了。豆瓣短评说“全是技巧,没得感情”,要我说,技巧也就还行,并不惊艳。而且作为“书”,没有统一的、连续的主题表达,更像是个人日常练习收录,翻到最后发现确实就是作者参加 Inktober 活动的画稿。她更适合去给商业杂志画插画,作为艺术家的“自我”有些少了。
主要是被标题吸引,觉得和之前在毛象看到的这条 完美契合。但内容乏善可陈,作者宣称诗人可以用语言创造一个独立的、美的世界,可惜他的文字并不如此。
其实是想在 audible 听 Arthur Miller 的 The Crucible 或者 Death of a Salesman 的戏剧版本,但它们都得用 credit 买,只有这部是免费的就点开听了,嗯,果然不要钱是理由的。
是 Arthur Miller 的风格不错,借家庭生活讲社会和政治,虽然能感觉得到有试图探讨纳粹、德国人、犹太人问题,但还是太肤浅了。还有这个突然的婚外情段落,谁能懂走在路上结果因为耳边响起调情、接吻以及呻吟声一下子表情僵住的我,寒毛都竖起来了!后面两个男主讨论性生活的部分我也是觉得荒谬又可笑,Philips 那个行为根本是强奸啊!
在 Libby 找一本讲极地的书,底下关联推荐有这本,帝企鹅的故事,Libby 上的是 Read Along 版本,居然还配了非常多音效,小帝企鹅破壳的声音、雏鸟和亲鸟的鸣叫声、海浪声、巨大的风声,画面也超级美丽,层次丰富的冰和雪,细致的帝企鹅身体细节——羽毛、爪子,还有海面下深深浅浅的蓝,太漂亮了。
虽然是童书对 Atlantic Puffin 的知识点也介绍得很细致,不过我不想摘抄,请自己去看吧!
另外发现 YouTube 上有个 flip through 视频:
2025-02-28 08:00:00
之前读 Bird Day 时里面也提到了 kākāpō ,又恰好看到友邻标记了这本,有声书在 Audible 的 plus catalog 里,会员可以免费听,只有四个多小时就很随意地听完了。讲新西兰试图拯救 kākāpō 的一些行动。
Kākāpō 是唯一一种不会飞的鹦鹉,体型很大,习惯夜间活动。不会飞加上天生好奇的天性让它们在人类及其携带的各种哺乳动物踏入新西兰之后很快就陷入了濒临灭绝的困境。现在新西兰将它们都移到了一座无人岛上,只有科学家和相关保护机构的工作人员可以上岛,目前数量恢复到了 200 多。
前半部分写生活的鸡零狗碎,我意识到,我的确不是那种爱关注个体日常的人。我也挺佩服作者能不假思索地和那么多人产生联系,在火车上遇见陌生人,也可以毫无顾忌地接受邀请去乡下农村过年。想想都——天哪,杀了我吧!后半段写到 2020-2022,尤其是 22 年他在上海。其实那段时期我并没有经历过坐困家中两个月的极端情况,但哪怕只是看到他写一些细节,我都控制不住地战栗,和感到创伤。
1978 年出版的无字绘本,难怪可以在这么多年间持续赢得英国人的心。
机缘巧合读到一篇文章:Memories of a Bedtime Book Club,里头开出了一份家庭最爱童书书单,就有这本 Little Polar Bear。
Hans de Beer’s “Little Polar Bear” (1987), for example, a witty, plaintive book my children adored when they were barely out of diapers.
同样出现在上面那篇文章的 list 里。这本我就喜欢得多。从北欧民间故事改编而来,宁静又美丽。
关于 Tomten:Who is Tomte? 。
不要当科普书去看,里头不少内容感觉作者也是为了写书才查的,不算特别专业。有看头的还是作者和非洲动物亲身接触的一手实录。自然、动物类书籍一旦作者 ego 过大就会感受非常糟糕,而这本从头到尾都能感觉到作者确实是真诚的,所以即使有些对动物习性的叙述拟人成分稍多也不会觉得人类中心。
想大概感受下内容可以看下我这个没整理的笔记。(Google Play Books 的笔记默认格式比较粗放,我又不想单独把这些摘到博客占地方,就这么着吧!)
Peace, comfort, and perhaps a bit of loneliness.
和上面的 The Tomten and the Fox 同系列,就顺便找来读了。
好喜欢这个绘本。我这么讨厌小孩的人都有一秒钟希望自己有小孩可以读给 TA 听。不是那种单薄、无聊、只有表面的可爱的人造乐园,而是宁静、温暖但又有一种伤感和孤独,甚至如果愿意的话,还可以多想一点,让它滑向恐怖故事。而这是所有民间传说所共享的气质吧。
这本书是 Astrid Lindgren 基于 Viktor Rydberg 的一首诗改编而来,搜索的时候才发现原来 Astrid Lindgren 是大名鼎鼎的长袜子皮皮的作者!(虽然我并没读过。)
Viktor Rydberg 原诗的瑞典语和英语版本:Tomten。
这个版本是出版几十年后的修订版,但很难分清到底哪些是新加的,看起来就相当让人晕头。还有美国畅销书的常见恶疾:用海量案例注水。但的确好笑,尤其是讲美国特产“遗容瞻仰”那一段,各种 creepy 地狱笑话出没。
不知是用的铅笔还是炭笔,画面非常细致,对亲鸟和雏鸟的形态也抓得非常准。但和上面的 Little Polar Bear 同样毛病,不要硬套人类家庭范式到自然界可以吗,mallard 雄性根本不会照看家庭!但我又留意了一下出版时间,1941 年,好吧,也可以理解。
此外这个故事在它的发生地波士顿似乎非常有名,据说是人尽皆知的程度,不知 mallard 会不会也连带着在那里特别受欢迎呢。