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日本 MUFG 大型银行出现网上银行故障,暗示受到网络攻击 || Japan's Megabank MUFG Suffers Online Banking Glitch, Hints At Cyberattack

2024-12-27 15:30:00

日本大型银行 MUFG 银行称,其网上银行服务一直不稳定,这表明该银行可能受到了网络攻击。报道称三菱日联金融集团的主要银行部门表示,从下午 2:47 开始出现的故障源于 "大量数据涌入"。没有客户信息泄露,也没有计算机病毒造成的任何破坏。

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Japanese megabank MUFG Bank says that its internet banking service has been unstable, indicating that it may have been under a cyberattack. From a report: The glitch, which occurred from 2:47 p.m., originated from "massive influx of data," the main banking unit of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group said. There was no leakage of customer information, nor was any damage caused by computer viruses.

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中国公司仅用 550 万美元就训练出大规模人工智能模型 || Chinese Firm Trains Massive AI Model for Just $5.5 Million

2024-12-27 13:21:00

中国人工智能初创公司 DeepSeek 发布了迄今为止最强大的开源语言模型之一,该模型使用受限的 Nvidia H800 GPU 训练,成本仅为 550 万美元。 DeepSeek V3拥有6710亿个参数,本周以许可商业授权的方式发布,在内部基准测试中的表现优于开放和闭源人工智能模型,包括Meta的Llama 3.1和OpenAI的GPT-4编码任务。 在两个月的时间里,该模型在 14.8 万亿个代币数据上进行了训练。DeepSeek V3 的规模是 Meta 的 Llama 3.1 的 1.6 倍,需要强大的计算能力才能以合理的速度运行。 OpenAI 和特斯拉前高管安德烈-卡帕斯(Andrej Karpathy)评论道:作为参考,这种级别的能力应该需要接近 16K GPU 的集群,而今天提出的集群更多的是 100K GPU 左右。例如,Llama 3 405B 使用了 3080 万 GPU 小时,而 DeepSeek-V3 看起来是一个更强大的模型,只需要 280 万 GPU 小时(计算量减少了约 11 倍)。如果该模型还能通过振动检查(例如,LLM 竞技场排名正在进行中,我的几次快速测试到目前为止都很顺利),这将是在资源限制条件下令人印象深刻的研究和工程展示。 这是否意味着前沿法律硕士不需要大型 GPU 集群?不是,但您必须确保不浪费您所拥有的资源,这看起来是一次很好的展示,说明在数据和算法方面仍有很多工作要做。

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Chinese AI startup DeepSeek has released what appears to be one of the most powerful open-source language models to date, trained at a cost of just $5.5 million using restricted Nvidia H800 GPUs. The 671-billion-parameter DeepSeek V3, released this week under a permissive commercial license, outperformed both open and closed-source AI models in internal benchmarks, including Meta's Llama 3.1 and OpenAI's GPT-4 on coding tasks. The model was trained on 14.8 trillion tokens of data over two months. At 1.6 times the size of Meta's Llama 3.1, DeepSeek V3 requires substantial computing power to run at reasonable speeds. Andrej Karpathy, former OpenAI and Tesla executive, comments: For reference, this level of capability is supposed to require clusters of closer to 16K GPUs, the ones being brought up today are more around 100K GPUs. E.g. Llama 3 405B used 30.8M GPU-hours, while DeepSeek-V3 looks to be a stronger model at only 2.8M GPU-hours (~11X less compute). If the model also passes vibe checks (e.g. LLM arena rankings are ongoing, my few quick tests went well so far) it will be a highly impressive display of research and engineering under resource constraints. Does this mean you don't need large GPU clusters for frontier LLMs? No but you have to ensure that you're not wasteful with what you have, and this looks like a nice demonstration that there's still a lot to get through with both data and algorithms.

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微软捆绑行为成为联邦反垄断调查焦点 || Microsoft Bundling Practices Focus of Federal Antitrust Probe

2024-12-27 11:40:00

美国联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission)对微软的商业行为展开了广泛的反垄断调查,重点是该公司如何将其 Office 产品与网络安全和云计算服务捆绑在一起。 此次调查是在 ProPublica 的报道揭露微软为联邦机构的软件许可证提供免费临时升级以包含高级网络安全功能之后进行的。这一策略帮助微软扩大了政府业务,同时取代了网络安全和云计算市场的竞争对手。 此次调查包括对微软身份管理产品 Entra ID(前身为 Azure Active Directory)的审查。联邦贸易委员会已发出民事调查要求,迫使该公司交出信息。此次调查是拜登政府领导层变动前联邦贸易委员会主席莉娜-汗的最后行动之一。微软公司证实收到了这一要求,但称其为 "宽泛、广泛的要求,要求的东西甚至超出了逻辑的可能性范围"。

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The Federal Trade Commission has launched a broad antitrust investigation into Microsoft's business practices, focusing on how the company bundles its Office products with cybersecurity and cloud computing services. The probe follows ProPublica reporting that revealed Microsoft offered free temporary upgrades of federal agencies' software licenses to include advanced cybersecurity features, leading to long-term contracts once the trial period ended. The strategy helped Microsoft expand its government business while displacing competitors in both cybersecurity and cloud computing markets. The investigation includes scrutiny of Microsoft's identity management product Entra ID, formerly Azure Active Directory. The FTC has issued a civil investigative demand compelling the company to turn over information. The probe represents one of FTC Chair Lina Khan's final moves before leadership changes under the Biden administration. Microsoft confirmed receiving the demand but called it "broad, wide ranging, and requests things that are out of the realm of possibility to even be logical."

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特朗普过渡时期领导人呼吁放宽科技移民政策 || Trump Transition Leaders Call For Eased Tech Immigration Policy

2024-12-27 09:27:00

theodp写道:2012年,现任微软总裁布拉德-史密斯(Brad Smith)发布了微软的国家人才战略(National Talent Strategy),这是一项双管齐下的战略,呼吁放宽科技签证限制,允许科技公司雇佣非美国公民来填补工作岗位,直到更多的美国学童掌握了足够的技术,能够通过雇佣标准。此后不久,由科技支持的非营利组织 出现了(由史密斯的隔壁邻居哈迪-帕托维领导,史密斯是创始董事会成员之一),其使命是确保美国学童开始接受 "严格的 "计算机科学教育指导。与此同时,马克-扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)的 PAC 也在史密斯、帕托维及其他科技界领袖的支持下成立,其使命是改革科技签证政策,以满足科技界对人才的需求。 快进到 2024 年,据《新闻周刊》报道,在斯里拉姆-克里希南(Sriram Krishnan)最近被任命为特朗普白宫人工智能高级政策顾问的刺激下,有关科技移民政策的争论再次兴起。极右翼政治活动家劳拉-卢默(Laura Loomer)在推特上对克里希南呼吁放宽绿卡限制的评论遭到了同为特朗普过渡团队成员的著名科技领袖的反驳。被特朗普任命为加密货币和人工智能沙皇的企业家大卫-萨克斯(David Sacks)在社交媒体上澄清说,克里希南主张取消绿卡的国家上限,而不是完全取消上限,目的是建立一个更加择优录取的制度。不过,据《纽约时报》报道,萨克斯在 6 月份的一次播客节目中与特朗普讨论了一个更广泛的签证改革方案("我会做的是,"特朗普对萨克斯说,"你从大学毕业后,我认为你应该自动获得绿卡,作为你文凭的一部分,以便能够留在这个国家")。最近被任命为特朗普新成立的政府效率部(DOGE)联合负责人的埃隆-马斯克(Elon Musk)支持萨克斯和克里希南(这并不出乎意料--两人都是马斯克购买推特时的亲密顾问),他在推特上向自己的 2.09 亿粉丝发出了 "有道理 "的推文,感叹 "在美国,超级天才工程师和超级积极分子的数量太少了",并转发了将美国 36% 的创新归功于移民的说法、并指责美国移民局未能立即承认他的天才,为他早已倒闭的 Zip2 初创公司颁发了 "特殊才能绿卡"。 维韦克-拉马斯瓦米(Vivek Ramaswamy)是特朗普任命的与马斯克共同领导DOGE的人选,他对此表示赞同,并在推特上发表了自己的推文,解释说:"顶级科技公司之所以经常雇用外国出生的第一代工程师,而不是'土生土长'的美国人,并不是因为美国人天生智商不足(这是一个懒惰而错误的解释)。其中的一个关键因素是 "文化"。(科罗拉多州州长贾里德-波利斯(Jared Polis)也在推特上表示同意马斯克和拉马斯瓦米关于需要引进'精英工程师'的观点)。Code.org首席执行官帕托维也加入了Twitter阵营,与微软2012年《国家人才战略》中 "我们需要H1B签证,让美国学童精通CS "的论点遥相呼应。"你知道 2/3 的 H1B 签证是给计算机科学家的吗?帕托维在回复马斯克、卢默和萨克斯时写道。"H1B 项目每年筹集 5 亿美元(来自其企业赞助商),而所有这些钱都被投入到劳工部和国家自然科学基金的项目中,没有重点培养本地的 CS 人才。让我们为 CS 教育提供资金吧。纽约时报》还引用了扎克伯格早前通过 (该组织的早期支持者还包括萨克斯和马斯克)影响移民政策的努力,并注意到扎克最近对 Mar-a-Lago 的访问以及 Meta 为特朗普即将举行的就职典礼捐赠的 100 万美元。 那么,到底该相信谁呢?是马斯克,他把对科技签证的疑虑归咎于"'固定馅饼'的谬论,这种谬论是许多错误的经济思维的核心",并认为 "创造就业和公司的潜力基本上是无限的['我们应该让任何勤劳、诚实并对美国有贡献的人进入美国',马斯克如是说]"?还是那些发现移民和全球化并不像人们所说的那样,会带来 "水涨船高 "的经济学家?

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theodp writes: In 2012, now-Microsoft President Brad Smith unveiled Microsoft's National Talent Strategy, a two-pronged strategy that called for tech visa restrictions to be loosened to allow tech companies to hire non-U.S. citizens to fill jobs until more American schoolchildren could be made tech-savvy enough to pass hiring standards. Shortly thereafter, tech-backed nonprofit emerged (led by Smith's next-door neighbor Hadi Partovi with Smith as a founding Board member) with a mission to ensure that U.S. schoolchildren started receiving 'rigorous' computer science education instruction. Around the same time, Mark Zuckerberg's PAC launched (with support from Smith, Partovi, and other tech leaders) with a mission to reform tech visa policy to meet tech's need for talent. Fast forward to 2024, and Newsweek reports the debate over tech immigration policy has been revived, spurred by the recent appointment of Sriram Krishnan as senior policy adviser for AI at the Trump White House. Comments by far-right political activist Laura Loomer on Twitter about Krishnan's call for loosening Green Card restrictions were met with rebuttals from prominent tech leaders who are also serving as members of the Trump transition team. Entrepreneur David Sacks, who Trump has tapped as his cryptocurrency and AI czar, took to social media to clarify that Krishnan advocates for removing country caps on green cards, not eliminating caps entirely, aiming to create a more merit-based system. However, the NY Times reported that Sacks discussed a much broader visa reform proposal with Trump during a June podcast ("What I will do is," Trump told Sacks, "you graduate from a college, I think you should get automatically, as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country"). Elon Musk, the recently appointed co-head of Trump's new Dept. of Government Efficiency (DOGE) had Sacks' and Krishnan's backs (not unexpected -- both were close Musk advisors on his Twitter purchase), tweeting out "Makes sense" to his 209 million followers, lamenting that "the number of people who are super talented engineers AND super motivated in the USA is far too low," reposting claims crediting immigrants for 36% of the innovation in the U.S., and taking USCIS to task for failing to immediately recognize his own genius with an Exceptional Ability Green Card (for his long-defunct Zip2 startup). Vivek Ramaswamy, who Trump has tapped to co-lead DOGE with Musk, agreed and fanned the Twitter flames with a pinned Tweet of his own explaining, "The reason top tech companies often hire foreign-born -- first-generation engineers over "native" Americans isn't because of an innate American IQ deficit (a lazy -- wrong explanation). A key part of it comes down to the c-word: culture." (Colorado Governor Jared Polis also took to Twitter to agree with Musk and Ramaswamy on the need to import 'elite engineers'). And CEO Partovi joined the Twitter fray, echoing the old we-need-H1B-visas-to-make-US-schoolchildren-CS-savvy argument of Microsoft's 2012 National Talent Strategy. "Did you know 2/3 of H1B visas are for computer scientists?" Partovi wrote in reply to Musk, Loomer, and Sachs. "The H1B program raises $500M/year (from its corporate sponsors) and all that money is funneled into programs at Labor and NSF without focus to grow local CS talent. Let's fund CS education." The NYT also cited Zuckerberg's earlier efforts to influence immigration policy with (which also counted Sacks and Musk as early supporters), taking note of Zuck's recent visit to Mar-a-Lago and Meta's $1 million donation to Trump's upcoming inauguration. So, who is to be believed? Musk, who attributes any tech visa qualms to "a 'fixed pie' fallacy that is at the heart of much wrong-headed economic thinking" and argues that "there is essentially infinite potential for job and company creation ['We should let anyone in the country who is hardworking and honest and will be a contributor to the United States,' Musk has said]"? Or economists who have found that immigration and globalization is not quite the rising-tide-that-raises-all-boats it's been cracked up to be?

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Windows 11 安装媒体错误导致安全更新失败 || Windows 11 Installation Media Bug Causes Security Update Failures

2024-12-27 07:29:00

微软警告说,使用 USB 或 CD 媒体创建的 Windows 11 安装程序如果使用了 2024 年 10 月或 11 月的安全更新,可能无法接收未来的安全补丁。 该漏洞会影响10月8日至11月12日期间安装的24H2版本,但不会影响通过Windows Update或微软更新目录更新的系统。微软建议用户使用2024年12月的修补程序重建安装介质,同时微软正在研究该问题的永久性修复方法,该问题主要影响企业和教育环境。

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Microsoft is warning that Windows 11 installations using USB or CD media created with October or November 2024 security updates may be unable to receive future security patches. The bug affects version 24H2 installations made between October 8 and November 12, but does not impact systems updated through Windows Update or the Microsoft Update Catalog. Microsoft advised users to rebuild installation media using December 2024 patches while it works on a permanent fix for the issue, which primarily affects business and education environments.

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科学家探索狗用长寿药,它们也能 "延长人类寿命 || Scientists Explore Longevity Drugs For Dogs That Could Also 'Extend Human Life'

2024-12-27 02:24:00

美国生物技术初创公司Loyal计划在2025年初推出一种延长狗寿命的药物,该药物有可能为人类长寿提供启示。这家总部位于旧金山的公司已经为LOY-002获得了1.25亿美元的资金,LOY-002是一种牛肉味的日用药片,旨在将狗的寿命延长至少一年。据 Loyal 公司首席执行官 Celine Halioua 称,这种药物通过针对与年龄有关的新陈代谢变化和胰岛素调节发挥作用。 与此同时,"狗狗衰老项目 "正在研究雷帕霉素,这是一种免疫抑制剂药物,初步研究表明它可以延长狗狗三年的寿命。研究人员认为,这些犬类研究可以加速人类的长寿研究,不过专家指出,缺乏标准化的衰老生物标志物仍然是人类试验的一大障碍。

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U.S. biotech startup Loyal plans to launch a lifespan-extending drug for dogs in early 2025, potentially offering insights into human longevity. The San Francisco-based company has secured $125 million in funding for LOY-002, a beef-flavored daily pill designed to extend canine lifespans by at least one year. The drug works by targeting age-related metabolic changes and insulin regulation, according to Loyal CEO Celine Halioua. Simultaneously, the Dog Aging Project is studying rapamycin, an immunosuppressant drug, which preliminary research suggests could add three years to dogs' lives. Researchers believe these canine studies could accelerate human longevity research, though experts note the lack of standardized aging biomarkers remains a significant hurdle for human trials.

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