2025-03-09 17:20:00
Spring is definitely in the air. Today might be a good day for the first grass cut of the year...
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2025-03-08 02:45:00
I got my phone back today, really quick turnaround, which is impressive. But they only repaired stuff that's broken, not anything cosmetic. So the bezel still has a shit load of chunks and scratches out of the aluminium.
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2025-03-05 15:15:00
I don't know how anyone uses an #iPhone without a case. They're almost impossible to grip without one!
Are these things made of Teflon??
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2025-03-04 23:50:00
Riding to work this morning and my iPhone fell out of its carrier, then a fucking van ran over it! It's a bit damaged...
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2025-03-04 02:15:00
This is how utterly shit #AppleIntelligence is...I received an email yesterday in response to my "iOS Mail Is Shite" post and the email started with "Kev - I cannot agree with you more."
But Apple "Intelligence" summarised the email as "Disagrees with Kev; uses Mutt for blog email."
What an utter shit show.
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2025-03-02 03:15:00
And the new steed is home!
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