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"终端程序遵循的 "规则

2024-12-12 17:28:22

Recently I’ve been thinking about how everything that happens in the terminal is some combination of:

  1. Your operating system’s job
  2. Your shell’s job
  3. Your terminal emulator’s job
  4. The job of whatever program you happen to be running (like top or vim or cat)

The first three (your operating system, shell, and terminal emulator) are all kind of known quantities – if you’re using bash in GNOME Terminal on Linux, you can more or less reason about how how all of those things interact, and some of their behaviour is standardized by POSIX.

But the fourth one (“whatever program you happen to be running”) feels like it could do ANYTHING. How are you supposed to know how a program is going to behave?

This post is kind of long so here’s a quick table of contents:

programs behave surprisingly consistently

As far as I know, there are no real standards for how programs in the terminal should behave – the closest things I know of are:

  • POSIX, which mostly dictates how your terminal emulator / OS / shell should work together. I think it does specify a few things about how core utilities like cp should work but AFAIK it doesn’t have anything to say about how for example htop should behave.
  • these command line interface guidelines

But even though there are no standards, in my experience programs in the terminal behave in a pretty consistent way. So I wanted to write down a list of “rules” that in my experience programs mostly follow.

these are meant to be descriptive, not prescriptive

My goal here isn’t to convince authors of terminal programs that they should follow any of these rules. There are lots of exceptions to these and often there’s a good reason for those exceptions.

But it’s very useful for me to know what behaviour to expect from a random new terminal program that I’m using. Instead of “uh, programs could do literally anything”, it’s “ok, here are the basic rules I expect, and then I can keep a short mental list of exceptions”.

So I’m just writing down what I’ve observed about how programs behave in my 20 years of using the terminal, why I think they behave that way, and some examples of cases where that rule is “broken”.

it’s not always obvious which “rules” are the program’s responsibility to implement

There are a bunch of common conventions that I think are pretty clearly the program’s responsibility to implement, like:

  • config files should go in ~/.BLAHrc or ~/.config/BLAH/FILE or /etc/BLAH/ or something
  • --help should print help text
  • programs should print “regular” output to stdout and errors to stderr

But in this post I’m going to focus on things that it’s not 100% obvious are the program’s responsibility. For example it feels to me like a “law of nature” that pressing Ctrl-D should quit a REPL, but programs often need to explicitly implement support for it – even though cat doesn’t need to implement Ctrl-D support, ipython does. (more about that in “rule 3” below)

Understanding which things are the program’s responsibility makes it much less surprising when different programs’ implementations are slightly different.

rule 1: noninteractive programs should quit when you press Ctrl-C

The main reason for this rule is that noninteractive programs will quit by default on Ctrl-C if they don’t set up a SIGINT signal handler, so this is kind of a “you should act like the default” rule.

Something that trips a lot of people up is that this doesn’t apply to interactive programs like python3 or bc or less. This is because in an interactive program, Ctrl-C has a different job – if the program is running an operation (like for example a search in less or some Python code in python3), then Ctrl-C will interrupt that operation but not stop the program.

As an example of how this works in an interactive program: here’s the code in prompt-toolkit (the library that iPython uses for handling input) that aborts a search when you press Ctrl-C.

rule 2: TUIs should quit when you press q

TUI programs (like less or htop) will usually quit when you press q.

This rule doesn’t apply to any program where pressing q to quit wouldn’t make sense, like tmux or text editors.

rule 3: REPLs should quit when you press Ctrl-D on an empty line

REPLs (like python3 or ed) will usually quit when you press Ctrl-D on an empty line. This rule is similar to the Ctrl-C rule – the reason for this is that by default if you’re running a program (like cat) in “cooked mode”, then the operating system will return an EOF when you press Ctrl-D on an empty line.

Most of the REPLs I use (sqlite3, python3, fish, bash, etc) don’t actually use cooked mode, but they all implement this keyboard shortcut anyway to mimic the default behaviour.

For example, here’s the code in prompt-toolkit that quits when you press Ctrl-D, and here’s the same code in readline.

I actually thought that this one was a “Law of Terminal Physics” until very recently because I’ve basically never seen it broken, but you can see that it’s just something that each individual input library has to implement in the links above.

Someone pointed out that the Erlang REPL does not quit when you press Ctrl-D, so I guess not every REPL follows this “rule”.

rule 4: don’t use more than 16 colours

Terminal programs rarely use colours other than the base 16 ANSI colours. This is because if you specify colours with a hex code, it’s very likely to clash with some users’ background colour. For example if I print out some text as #EEEEEE, it would be almost invisible on a white background, though it would look fine on a dark background.

But if you stick to the default 16 base colours, you have a much better chance that the user has configured those colours in their terminal emulator so that they work reasonably well with their background color. Another reason to stick to the default base 16 colours is that it makes less assumptions about what colours the terminal emulator supports.

The only programs I usually see breaking this “rule” are text editors, for example Helix by default will use a purple background which is not a default ANSI colour. It seems fine for Helix to break this rule since Helix isn’t a “core” program and I assume any Helix user who doesn’t like that colorscheme will just change the theme.

rule 5: vaguely support readline keybindings

Almost every program I use supports readline keybindings if it would make sense to do so. For example, here are a bunch of different programs and a link to where they define Ctrl-E to go to the end of the line:

None of those programs actually uses readline directly, they just sort of mimic emacs/readline keybindings. They don’t always mimic them exactly: for example atuin seems to use Ctrl-A as a prefix, so Ctrl-A doesn’t go to the beginning of the line.

Also all of these programs seem to implement their own internal cut and paste buffers so you can delete a line with Ctrl-U and then paste it with Ctrl-Y.

The exceptions to this are:

  • some programs (like git, cat, and nc) don’t have any line editing support at all (except for backspace, Ctrl-W, and Ctrl-U)
  • as usual text editors are an exception, every text editor has its own approach to editing text

I wrote more about this “what keybindings does a program support?” question in entering text in the terminal is complicated.

rule 5.1: Ctrl-W should delete the last word

I’ve never seen a program (other than a text editor) where Ctrl-W doesn’t delete the last word. This is similar to the Ctrl-C rule – by default if a program is in “cooked mode”, the OS will delete the last word if you press Ctrl-W, and delete the whole line if you press Ctrl-U. So usually programs will imitate that behaviour.

I can’t think of any exceptions to this other than text editors but if there are I’d love to hear about them!

rule 6: disable colours when writing to a pipe

Most programs will disable colours when writing to a pipe. For example:

  • rg blah will highlight all occurrences of blah in the output, but if the output is to a pipe or a file, it’ll turn off the highlighting.
  • ls --color=auto will use colour when writing to a terminal, but not when writing to a pipe

Both of those programs will also format their output differently when writing to the terminal: ls will organize files into columns, and ripgrep will group matches with headings.

If you want to force the program to use colour (for example because you want to look at the colour), you can use unbuffer to force the program’s output to be a tty like this:

unbuffer rg blah |  less -R

I’m sure that there are some programs that “break” this rule but I can’t think of any examples right now. Some programs have an --color flag that you can use to force colour to be on, in the example above you could also do rg --color=always | less -R.

rule 7: - means stdin/stdout

Usually if you pass - to a program instead of a filename, it’ll read from stdin or write to stdout (whichever is appropriate). For example, if you want to format the Python code that’s on your clipboard with black and then copy it, you could run:

pbpaste | black - | pbcopy

(pbpaste is a Mac program, you can do something similar on Linux with xclip)

My impression is that most programs implement this if it would make sense and I can’t think of any exceptions right now, but I’m sure there are many exceptions.

these “rules” take a long time to learn

These rules took me a long time for me to learn because I had to:

  1. learn that the rule applied anywhere at all ("Ctrl-C will exit programs")
  2. notice some exceptions (“okay, Ctrl-C will exit find but not less”)
  3. subconsciously figure out what the pattern is ("Ctrl-C will generally quit noninteractive programs, but in interactive programs it might interrupt the current operation instead of quitting the program")
  4. eventually maybe formulate it into an explicit rule that I know

A lot of my understanding of the terminal is honestly still in the “subconscious pattern recognition” stage. The only reason I’ve been taking the time to make things explicit at all is because I’ve been trying to explain how it works to others. Hopefully writing down these “rules” explicitly will make learning some of this stuff a little bit faster for others.

管道有时会 "卡住 "的原因:缓冲

2024-11-29 16:23:31

Here’s a niche terminal problem that has bothered me for years but that I never really understood until a few weeks ago. Let’s say you’re running this command to watch for some specific output in a log file:

tail -f /some/log/file | grep thing1 | grep thing2

If log lines are being added to the file relatively slowly, the result I’d see is… nothing! It doesn’t matter if there were matches in the log file or not, there just wouldn’t be any output.

I internalized this as “uh, I guess pipes just get stuck sometimes and don’t show me the output, that’s weird”, and I’d handle it by just running grep thing1 /some/log/file | grep thing2 instead, which would work.

So as I’ve been doing a terminal deep dive over the last few months I was really excited to finally learn exactly why this happens.

why this happens: buffering

The reason why “pipes get stuck” sometimes is that it’s VERY common for programs to buffer their output before writing it to a pipe or file. So the pipe is working fine, the problem is that the program never even wrote the data to the pipe!

This is for performance reasons: writing all output immediately as soon as you can uses more system calls, so it’s more efficient to save up data until you have 8KB or so of data to write (or until the program exits) and THEN write it to the pipe.

In this example:

tail -f /some/log/file | grep thing1 | grep thing2

the problem is that grep thing1 is saving up all of its matches until it has 8KB of data to write, which might literally never happen.

programs don’t buffer when writing to a terminal

Part of why I found this so disorienting is that tail -f file | grep thing will work totally fine, but then when you add the second grep, it stops working!! The reason for this is that the way grep handles buffering depends on whether it’s writing to a terminal or not.

Here’s how grep (and many other programs) decides to buffer its output:

  • Check if stdout is a terminal or not using the isatty function
    • If it’s a terminal, use line buffering (print every line immediately as soon as you have it)
    • Otherwise, use “block buffering” – only print data if you have at least 8KB or so of data to print

So if grep is writing directly to your terminal then you’ll see the line as soon as it’s printed, but if it’s writing to a pipe, you won’t.

Of course the buffer size isn’t always 8KB for every program, it depends on the implementation. For grep the buffering is handled by libc, and libc’s buffer size is defined in the BUFSIZ variable. Here’s where that’s defined in glibc.

(as an aside: “programs do not use 8KB output buffers when writing to a terminal” isn’t, like, a law of terminal physics, a program COULD use an 8KB buffer when writing output to a terminal if it wanted, it would just be extremely weird if it did that, I can’t think of any program that behaves that way)

commands that buffer & commands that don’t

One annoying thing about this buffering behaviour is that you kind of need to remember which commands buffer their output when writing to a pipe.

Some commands that don’t buffer their output:

  • tail
  • cat
  • tee

I think almost everything else will buffer output, especially if it’s a command where you’re likely to be using it for batch processing. Here’s a list of some common commands that buffer their output when writing to a pipe, along with the flag that disables block buffering.

  • grep (--line-buffered)
  • sed (-u)
  • awk (there’s a fflush() function)
  • tcpdump (-l)
  • jq (-u)
  • tr (-u)
  • cut (can’t disable buffering)

Those are all the ones I can think of, lots of unix commands (like sort) may or may not buffer their output but it doesn’t matter because sort can’t do anything until it finishes receiving input anyway.

Also I did my best to test both the Mac OS and GNU versions of these but there are a lot of variations and I might have made some mistakes.

programming languages where the default “print” statement buffers

Also, here are a few programming language where the default print statement will buffer output when writing to a pipe, and some ways to disable buffering if you want:

  • C (disable with setvbuf)
  • Python (disable with python -u, or PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1, or sys.stdout.reconfigure(line_buffering=False), or print(x, flush=True))
  • Ruby (disable with STDOUT.sync = true)
  • Perl (disable with $| = 1)

I assume that these languages are designed this way so that the default print function will be fast when you’re doing batch processing.

Also whether output is buffered or not might depend on how you print, for example in C++ cout << "hello\n" buffers when writing to a pipe but cout << "hello" << endl will flush its output.

when you press Ctrl-C on a pipe, the contents of the buffer are lost

Let’s say you’re running this command as a hacky way to watch for DNS requests to, and you forgot to pass -l to tcpdump:

sudo tcpdump -ni any port 53 | grep

When you press Ctrl-C, what happens? In a magical perfect world, what I would want to happen is for tcpdump to flush its buffer, grep would search for, and I would see all the output I missed.

But in the real world, what happens is that all the programs get killed and the output in tcpdump’s buffer is lost.

I think this problem is probably unavoidable – I spent a little time with strace to see how this works and grep receives the SIGINT before tcpdump anyway so even if tcpdump tried to flush its buffer grep would already be dead.

After a little more investigation, there is a workaround: if you find tcpdump’s PID and kill -TERM $PID, then tcpdump will flush the buffer so you can see the output. That’s kind of a pain but I tested it and it seems to work.

redirecting to a file also buffers

It’s not just pipes, this will also buffer:

sudo tcpdump -ni any port 53 > output.txt

Redirecting to a file doesn’t have the same “Ctrl-C will totally destroy the contents of the buffer” problem though – in my experience it usually behaves more like you’d want, where the contents of the buffer get written to the file before the program exits. I’m not 100% sure whether this is something you can always rely on or not.

a bunch of potential ways to avoid buffering

Okay, let’s talk solutions. Let’s say you’ve run this command or s

tail -f /some/log/file | grep thing1 | grep thing2

I asked people on Mastodon how they would solve this in practice and there were 5 basic approaches. Here they are:

solution 1: run a program that finishes quickly

Historically my solution to this has been to just avoid the “command writing to pipe slowly” situation completely and instead run a program that will finish quickly like this:

cat /some/log/file | grep thing1 | grep thing2 | tail

This doesn’t do the same thing as the original command but it does mean that you get to avoid thinking about these weird buffering issues.

(you could also do grep thing1 /some/log/file but I often prefer to use an “unnecessary” cat)

solution 2: remember the “line buffer” flag to grep

You could remember that grep has a flag to avoid buffering and pass it like this:

tail -f /some/log/file | grep --line-buffered thing1 | grep thing2

solution 3: use awk

Some people said that if they’re specifically dealing with a multiple greps situation, they’ll rewrite it to use a single awk instead, like this:

tail -f /some/log/file |  awk '/thing1/ && /thing2/'

Or you would write a more complicated grep, like this:

tail -f /some/log/file |  grep -E 'thing1.*thing2'

(awk also buffers, so for this to work you’ll want awk to be the last command in the pipeline)

solution 4: use stdbuf

stdbuf uses LD_PRELOAD to turn off libc’s buffering, and you can use it to turn off output buffering like this:

tail -f /some/log/file | stdbuf -o0 grep thing1 | grep thing2

Like any LD_PRELOAD solution it’s a bit unreliable – it doesn’t work on static binaries, I think won’t work if the program isn’t using libc’s buffering, and doesn’t always work on Mac OS. Harry Marr has a really nice How stdbuf works post.

solution 5: use unbuffer

unbuffer program will force the program’s output to be a TTY, which means that it’ll behave the way it normally would on a TTY (less buffering, colour output, etc). You could use it in this example like this:

tail -f /some/log/file | unbuffer grep thing1 | grep thing2

Unlike stdbuf it will always work, though it might have unwanted side effects, for example grep thing1’s will also colour matches.

If you want to install unbuffer, it’s in the expect package.

that’s all the solutions I know about!

It’s a bit hard for me to say which one is “best”, I think personally I’m mostly likely to use unbuffer because I know it’s always going to work.

If I learn about more solutions I’ll try to add them to this post.

I’m not really sure how often this comes up

I think it’s not very common for me to have a program that slowly trickles data into a pipe like this, normally if I’m using a pipe a bunch of data gets written very quickly, processed by everything in the pipeline, and then everything exits. The only examples I can come up with right now are:

  • tcpdump
  • tail -f
  • watching log files in a different way like with kubectl logs
  • the output of a slow computation

what if there were an environment variable to disable buffering?

I think it would be cool if there were a standard environment variable to turn off buffering, like PYTHONUNBUFFERED in Python. I got this idea from a couple of blog posts by Mark Dominus in 2018. Maybe NO_BUFFER like NO_COLOR?

The design seems tricky to get right; Mark points out that NETBSD has environment variables called STDBUF, STDBUF1, etc which gives you a ton of control over buffering but I imagine most developers don’t want to implement many different environment variables to handle a relatively minor edge case.

I’m also curious about whether there are any programs that just automatically flush their output buffers after some period of time (like 1 second). It feels like it would be nice in theory but I can’t think of any program that does that so I imagine there are some downsides.

stuff I left out

Some things I didn’t talk about in this post since these posts have been getting pretty long recently and seriously does anyone REALLY want to read 3000 words about buffering?

  • the difference between line buffering and having totally unbuffered output
  • how buffering to stderr is different from buffering to stdout
  • this post is only about buffering that happens inside the program, your operating system’s TTY driver also does a little bit of buffering sometimes
  • other reasons you might need to flush your output other than “you’re writing to a pipe”

在没有构建系统的情况下导入前端 Javascript 库

2024-11-18 17:35:42

I like writing Javascript without a build system and for the millionth time yesterday I ran into a problem where I needed to figure out how to import a Javascript library in my code without using a build system, and it took FOREVER to figure out how to import it because the library’s setup instructions assume that you’re using a build system.

Luckily at this point I’ve mostly learned how to navigate this situation and either successfully use the library or decide it’s too difficult and switch to a different library, so here’s the guide I wish I had to importing Javascript libraries years ago.

I’m only going to talk about using Javacript libraries on the frontend, and only about how to use them in a no-build-system setup.

In this post I’m going to talk about:

  1. the three main types of Javascript files a library might provide (ES Modules, the “classic” global variable kind, and CommonJS)
  2. how to figure out which types of files a Javascript library includes in its build
  3. ways to import each type of file in your code

the three kinds of Javascript files

There are 3 basic types of Javascript files a library can provide:

  1. the “classic” type of file that defines a global variable. This is the kind of file that you can just <script src> and it’ll Just Work. Great if you can get it but not always available
  2. an ES module (which may or may not depend on other files, we’ll get to that)
  3. a “CommonJS” module. This is for Node, you can’t use it in a browser at all without using a build system.

I’m not sure if there’s a better name for the “classic” type but I’m just going to call it “classic”. Also there’s a type called “AMD” but I’m not sure how relevant it is in 2024.

Now that we know the 3 types of files, let’s talk about how to figure out which of these the library actually provides!

where to find the files: the NPM build

Every Javascript library has a build which it uploads to NPM. You might be thinking (like I did originally) – Julia! The whole POINT is that we’re not using Node to build our library! Why are we talking about NPM?

But if you’re using a link from a CDN like, you’re still using the NPM build! All the files on the CDNs originally come from NPM.

Because of this, I sometimes like to npm install the library even if I’m not planning to use Node to build my library at all – I’ll just create a new temp folder, npm install there, and then delete it when I’m done. I like being able to poke around in the files in the NPM build on my filesystem, because then I can be 100% sure that I’m seeing everything that the library is making available in its build and that the CDN isn’t hiding something from me.

So let’s npm install a few libraries and try to figure out what types of Javascript files they provide in their builds!

example library 1: chart.js

First let’s look inside Chart.js, a plotting library.

$ cd /tmp/whatever
$ npm install chart.js
$ cd node_modules/chart.js/dist
$ ls *.*js
chart.cjs  chart.js  chart.umd.js  helpers.cjs  helpers.js

This library seems to have 3 basic options:

option 1: chart.cjs. The .cjs suffix tells me that this is a CommonJS file, for using in Node. This means it’s impossible to use it directly in the browser without some kind of build step.

option 2:chart.js. The .js suffix by itself doesn’t tell us what kind of file it is, but if I open it up, I see import '@kurkle/color'; which is an immediate sign that this is an ES module – the import ... syntax is ES module syntax.

option 3: chart.umd.js. “UMD” stands for “Universal Module Definition”, which I think means that you can use this file either with a basic <script src>, CommonJS, or some third thing called AMD that I don’t understand.

how to use a UMD file

When I was using Chart.js I picked Option 3. I just needed to add this to my code:

<script src="./chart.umd.js"> </script>

and then I could use the library with the global Chart environment variable. Couldn’t be easier. I just copied chart.umd.js into my Git repository so that I didn’t have to worry about using NPM or the CDNs going down or anything.

the build files aren’t always in the dist directory

A lot of libraries will put their build in the dist directory, but not always! The build files’ location is specified in the library’s package.json.

For example here’s an excerpt from Chart.js’s package.json.

  "jsdelivr": "./dist/chart.umd.js",
  "unpkg": "./dist/chart.umd.js",
  "main": "./dist/chart.cjs",
  "module": "./dist/chart.js",

I think this is saying that if you want to use an ES Module (module) you should use dist/chart.js, but the jsDelivr and unpkg CDNs should use ./dist/chart.umd.js. I guess main is for Node.

chart.js’s package.json also says "type": "module", which according to this documentation tells Node to treat files as ES modules by default. I think it doesn’t tell us specifically which files are ES modules and which ones aren’t but it does tell us that something in there is an ES module.

example library 2: @atcute/oauth-browser-client

@atcute/oauth-browser-client is a library for logging into Bluesky with OAuth in the browser.

Let’s see what kinds of Javascript files it provides in its build!

$ npm install @atcute/oauth-browser-client
$ cd node_modules/@atcute/oauth-browser-client/dist
$ ls *js
constants.js  dpop.js  environment.js  errors.js  index.js  resolvers.js

It seems like the only plausible root file in here is index.js, which looks something like this:

export { configureOAuth } from './environment.js';
export * from './errors.js';
export * from './resolvers.js';

This export syntax means it’s an ES module. That means we can use it in the browser without a build step! Let’s see how to do that.

how to use an ES module with importmaps

Using an ES module isn’t an easy as just adding a <script src="whatever.js">. Instead, if the ES module has dependencies (like @atcute/oauth-browser-client does) the steps are:

  1. Set up an import map in your HTML
  2. Put import statements like import { configureOAuth } from '@atcute/oauth-browser-client'; in your JS code
  3. Include your JS code in your HTML liek this: <script type="module" src="YOURSCRIPT.js"></script>

The reason we need an import map instead of just doing something like import { BrowserOAuthClient } from "./oauth-client-browser.js" is that internally the module has more import statements like import {something} from @atcute/client, and we need to tell the browser where to get the code for @atcute/client and all of its other dependencies.

Here’s what the importmap I used looks like for @atcute/oauth-browser-client:

<script type="importmap">
  "imports": {
    "nanoid": "./node_modules/nanoid/bin/dist/index.js",
    "nanoid/non-secure": "./node_modules/nanoid/non-secure/index.js",
    "nanoid/url-alphabet": "./node_modules/nanoid/url-alphabet/dist/index.js",
    "@atcute/oauth-browser-client": "./node_modules/@atcute/oauth-browser-client/dist/index.js",
    "@atcute/client": "./node_modules/@atcute/client/dist/index.js",
    "@atcute/client/utils/did": "./node_modules/@atcute/client/dist/utils/did.js"

Getting these import maps to work is pretty fiddly, I feel like there must be a tool to generate them automatically but I haven’t found one yet. It’s definitely possible to write a script that automatically generates the importmaps using esbuild’s metafile but I haven’t done that and maybe there’s a better way.

I decided to set up importmaps yesterday to get to work, so there’s some example code in that repo.

Also someone pointed me to Simon Willison’s download-esm, which will download an ES module and rewrite the imports to point to the JS files directly so that you don’t need importmaps. I haven’t tried it yet but it seems like a great idea.

problems with importmaps: too many files

I did run into some problems with using importmaps in the browser though – it needed to download dozens of Javascript files to load my site, and my webserver in development couldn’t keep up for some reason. I kept seeing files fail to load randomly and then had to reload the page and hope that they would succeed this time.

It wasn’t an issue anymore when I deployed my site to production, so I guess it was a problem with my local dev environment.

Also one slightly annoying thing about ES modules in general is that you need to be running a webserver to use them, I’m sure this is for a good reason but it’s easier when you can just open your index.html file without starting a webserver.

Because of the “too many files” thing I think actually using ES modules with importmaps in this way isn’t actually that appealing to me, but it’s good to know it’s possible.

how to use an ES module without importmaps

If the ES module doesn’t have dependencies then it’s even easier – you don’t need the importmaps! You can just:

  • put <script type="module" src="YOURCODE.js"></script> in your HTML. The type="module" is important.
  • put import {whatever} from "" in YOURCODE.js

alternative: use esbuild

If you don’t want to use importmaps, you can also use a build system like esbuild. I talked about how to do that in Some notes on using esbuild, but this blog post is about ways to avoid build systems completely so I’m not going to talk about that option here. I do still like esbuild though and I think it’s a good option in this case.

what’s the browser support for importmaps?

CanIUse says that importmaps are in “Baseline 2023: newly available across major browsers” so my sense is that in 2024 that’s still maybe a little bit too new? I think I would use importmaps for some fun experimental code that I only wanted like myself and 12 people to use, but if I wanted my code to be more widely usable I’d use esbuild instead.

example library 3: @atproto/oauth-client-browser

Let’s look at one final example library! This is a different Bluesky auth library than @atcute/oauth-browser-client.

$ npm install @atproto/oauth-client-browser
$ cd node_modules/@atproto/oauth-client-browser/dist
$ ls *js
browser-oauth-client.js  browser-oauth-database.js  browser-runtime-implementation.js  errors.js  index.js  indexed-db-store.js  util.js

Again, it seems like only real candidate file here is index.js. But this is a different situation from the previous example library! Let’s take a look at index.js:

There’s a bunch of stuff like this in index.js:

__exportStar(require("@atproto/oauth-client"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./browser-oauth-client.js"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./errors.js"), exports);
var util_js_1 = require("./util.js");

This require() syntax is CommonJS syntax, which means that we can’t use this file in the browser at all, we need to use some kind of build step, and ESBuild won’t work either.

Also in this library’s package.json it says "type": "commonjs" which is another way to tell it’s CommonJS.

how to use a CommonJS module with

Originally I thought it was impossible to use CommonJS modules without learning a build system, but then someone Bluesky told me about! It’s a CDN that will translate anything into an ES Module. does something similar, I’m not sure what the difference is but one person mentioned that if one doesn’t work sometimes they’ll try the other one.

For @atproto/oauth-client-browser using it seems pretty simple, I just need to put this in my HTML:

<script type="module" src="script.js"> </script>

and then put this in script.js.

import { BrowserOAuthClient } from "[email protected]"

It seems to Just Work, which is cool! Of course this is still sort of using a build system – it’s just that is running the build instead of me. My main concerns with this approach are:

  • I don’t really trust CDNs to keep working forever – usually I like to copy dependencies into my repository so that they don’t go away for some reason in the future.
  • I’ve heard of some issues with CDNs having security compromises which scares me. Also I don’t
  • I don’t really understand what is doing and

esbuild can also convert CommonJS modules into ES modules

I also learned that you can also use esbuild to convert a CommonJS module into an ES module, though there are some limitations – the import { BrowserOAuthClient } from syntax doesn’t work. Here’s a github issue about that.

I think the esbuild approach is probably more appealing to me than the approach because it’s a tool that I already have on my computer so I trust it more. I haven’t experimented with this much yet though.

summary of the three types of files

Here’s a summary of the three types of JS files you might encounter, options for how to use them, and how to identify them.

Unhelpfully a .js or .min.js file extension could be any of these 3 options, so if the file is something.js you need to do more detective work to figure out what you’re dealing with.

  1. “classic” JS files
    • How to use it:: <script src="whatever.js"></script>
    • Ways to identify it:
      • The website has a big friendly banner in its setup instructions saying “Use this with a CDN!” or something
      • A .umd.js extension
      • Just try to put it in a <script src=... tag and see if it works
  2. ES Modules
    • Ways to use it:
      • If there are no dependencies, just import {whatever} from "./my-module.js" directly in your code
      • If there are dependencies, create an importmap and import {whatever} from "my-module"
      • Use esbuild or any ES Module bundler
    • Ways to identify it:
      • Look for an import or export statement. (not module.exports = ..., that’s CommonJS)
      • An .mjs extension
      • maybe "type": "module" in package.json (though it’s not clear to me which file exactly this refers to)
  3. CommonJS Modules
    • Ways to use it:
    • Ways to identify it:
      • Look for require() or module.exports = ... in the code
      • A .cjs extension
      • maybe "type": "commonjs" in package.json (though it’s not clear to me which file exactly this refers to)

it’s really nice to have ES modules standardized

The main difference between CommonJS modules and ES modules from my perspective is that ES modules are actually a standard. This makes me feel a lot more confident using them, because browsers commit to backwards compatibility for web standards forever – if I write some code using ES modules today, I can feel sure that it’ll still work the same way in 15 years.

It also makes me feel better about using tooling like esbuild because even if the esbuild project dies, because it’s implementing a standard it feels likely that there will be another similar tool in the future that I can replace it with.

the JS community has built a lot of very cool tools

A lot of the time when I talk about this stuff I get responses like “I hate javascript!!! it’s the worst!!!”. But my experience is that there are a lot of great tools for Javascript (I just learned about yesterday which seems great! I love esbuild!), and that if I take the time to learn how things works I can take advantage of some of those tools and make my life a lot easier.

So the goal of this post is definitely not to complain about Javascript, it’s to understand the landscape so I can use the tooling in a way that feels good to me.

questions I still have

Here are some questions I still have, I’ll add the answers into the post if I learn the answer.

  • Is there a tool that automatically generates importmaps for an ES Module that I have set up locally? (apparently yes: jspm)
  • How can I convert a CommonJS module into an ES module on my computer, the way does? (apparently esbuild can sort of do this, though named exports don’t work)
  • When people normally build CommonJS modules into regular JS code, what’s code is doing that? Obviously there are tools like webpack, rollup, esbuild, etc, but do those tools all implement their own JS parsers/static analysis? How many JS parsers are there out there?
  • Is there any way to bundle an ES module into a single file (like atcute-client.js), but so that in the browser I can still import multiple different paths from that file (like both @atcute/client/lexicons and @atcute/client)?

all the tools

Here’s a list of every tool we talked about in this post:

Writing this post has made me think that even though I usually don’t want to have a build that I run every time I update the project, I might be willing to have a build step (using download-esm or something) that I run only once when setting up the project and never run again except maybe if I’m updating my dependency versions.

that’s all!

Thanks to Marco Rogers who taught me a lot of the things in this post. I’ve probably made some mistakes in this post and I’d love to know what they are – let me know on Bluesky or Mastodon!

带有 TIL 的新微博

2024-11-09 17:24:29

I added a new section to this site a couple weeks ago called TIL (“today I learned”).

the goal: save interesting tools & facts I posted on social media

One kind of thing I like to post on Mastodon/Bluesky is “hey, here’s a cool thing”, like the great SQLite repl litecli, or the fact that cross compiling in Go Just Works and it’s amazing, or cryptographic right answers, or this great diff tool. Usually I don’t want to write a whole blog post about those things because I really don’t have much more to say than “hey this is useful!”

It started to bother me that I didn’t have anywhere to put those things: for example recently I wanted to use diffdiff and I just could not remember what it was called.

the solution: make a new section of this blog

So I quickly made a new folder called /til/, added some custom styling (I wanted to style the posts to look a little bit like a tweet), made a little Rake task to help me create new posts quickly (rake new_til), and set up a separate RSS Feed for it.

I think this new section of the blog might be more for myself than anything, now when I forget the link to Cryptographic Right Answers I can hopefully look it up on the TIL page. (you might think “julia, why not use bookmarks??” but I have been failing to use bookmarks for my whole life and I don’t see that changing ever, putting things in public is for whatever reason much easier for me)

So far it’s been working, often I can actually just make a quick post in 2 minutes which was the goal.

inspired by Simon Willison’s TIL blog

My page is inspired by Simon Willison’s great TIL blog, though my TIL posts are a lot shorter.

I don’t necessarily want everything to be archived

This came about because I spent a lot of time on Twitter, so I’ve been thinking about what I want to do about all of my tweets.

I keep reading the advice to “POSSE” (“post on your own site, syndicate elsewhere”), and while I find the idea appealing in principle, for me part of the appeal of social media is that it’s a little bit ephemeral. I can post polls or questions or observations or jokes and then they can just kind of fade away as they become less relevant.

I find it a lot easier to identify specific categories of things that I actually want to have on a Real Website That I Own:

and then let everything else be kind of ephemeral.

I really believe in the advice to make email lists though – the first two (blog posts & comics) both have email lists and RSS feeds that people can subscribe to if they want. I might add a quick summary of any TIL posts from that week to the “blog posts from this week” mailing list.


2024-10-31 16:00:10

Hello! I’ve been thinking about the terminal a lot and yesterday I got curious about all these “control codes”, like Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-W, etc. What’s the deal with all of them?

a table of ASCII control characters

Here’s a table of all 33 ASCII control characters, and what they do on my machine (on Mac OS), more or less. There are about a million caveats, but I’ll talk about what it means and all the problems with this diagram that I know about.

You can also view it as an HTML page (I just made it an image so it would show up in RSS).

different kinds of codes are mixed together

The first surprising thing about this diagram to me is that there are 33 control codes, split into (very roughly speaking) these categories:

  1. Codes that are handled by the operating system’s terminal driver, for example when the OS sees a 3 (Ctrl-C), it’ll send a SIGINT signal to the current program
  2. Everything else is passed through to the application as-is and the application can do whatever it wants with them. Some subcategories of those:
    • Codes that correspond to a literal keypress of a key on your keyboard (Enter, Tab, Backspace). For example when you press Enter, your terminal gets sent 13.
    • Codes used by readline: “the application can do whatever it wants” often means “it’ll do more or less what the readline library does, whether the application actually uses readline or not”, so I’ve labelled a bunch of the codes that readline uses
    • Other codes, for example I think Ctrl-X has no standard meaning in the terminal in general but emacs uses it very heavily

There’s no real structure to which codes are in which categories, they’re all just kind of randomly scattered because this evolved organically.

(If you’re curious about readline, I wrote more about readline in entering text in the terminal is complicated, and there are a lot of cheat sheets out there)

there are only 33 control codes

Something else that I find a little surprising is that are only 33 control codes – A to Z, plus 7 more (@, [, \, ], ^, _, ?). This means that if you want to have for example Ctrl-1 as a keyboard shortcut in a terminal application, that’s not really meaningful – on my machine at least Ctrl-1 is exactly the same thing as just pressing 1, Ctrl-3 is the same as Ctrl-[, etc.

Also Ctrl+Shift+C isn’t a control code – what it does depends on your terminal emulator. On Linux Ctrl-Shift-X is often used by the terminal emulator to copy or open a new tab or paste for example, it’s not sent to the TTY at all.

Also I use Ctrl+Left Arrow all the time, but that isn’t a control code, instead it sends an ANSI escape sequence (ctrl-[[1;5D) which is a different thing which we absolutely do not have space for in this post.

This “there are only 33 codes” thing is totally different from how keyboard shortcuts work in a GUI where you can have Ctrl+KEY for any key you want.

the official ASCII names aren’t very meaningful to me

Each of these 33 control codes has a name in ASCII (for example 3 is ETX). When all of these control codes were originally defined, they weren’t being used for computers or terminals at all, they were used for the telegraph machine. Telegraph machines aren’t the same as UNIX terminals so a lot of the codes were repurposed to mean something else.

Personally I don’t find these ASCII names very useful, because 50% of the time the name in ASCII has no actual relationship to what that code does on UNIX systems today. So it feels easier to just ignore the ASCII names completely instead of trying to figure which ones still match their original meaning.

It’s hard to use Ctrl-M as a keyboard shortcut

Another thing that’s a bit weird is that Ctrl-M is literally the same as Enter, and Ctrl-I is the same as Tab, which makes it hard to use those two as keyboard shortcuts.

From some quick research, it seems like some folks do still use Ctrl-I and Ctrl-M as keyboard shortcuts (here’s an example), but to do that you need to configure your terminal emulator to treat them differently than the default.

For me the main takeaway is that if I ever write a terminal application I should avoid Ctrl-I and Ctrl-M as keyboard shortcuts in it.

how to identify what control codes get sent

While writing this I needed to do a bunch of experimenting to digure out what various key combinations did, so I wrote this Python script that will print them out.

There’s probably a more official way but I appreciated having a script I could customize.

caveat: on canonical vs noncanonical mode

Two of these codes (Ctrl-W and Ctrl-U) are labelled in the table as “handled by the OS”, but actually they’re not always handled by the OS, it depends on whether the terminal is in “canonical” mode or in “noncanonical mode”.

In canonical mode, programs only get input when you press Enter (and the OS is in charge of deleting characters when you press Backspace or Ctrl-W). But in noncanonical mode the program gets input immediately when you press a key, and the Ctrl-W and Ctrl-U codes are passed through to the program to handle any way it wants.

Generally in noncanonical mode the program will handle Ctrl-W and Ctrl-U similarly to how the OS does, but there are some small differences.

Some examples of programs that use canonical mode:

  • probably pretty much any noninteractive program, like grep or cat
  • git, I think

Examples of programs that use noncanonical mode:

  • python3, irb and other REPLs
  • your shell
  • any full screen TUI like less or vim

caveat: all of the “OS terminal driver” codes are configurable with stty

I said that Ctrl-C sends SIGINT but technically this is not necessarily true, if you really want to you can remap all of the codes labelled “OS terminal driver”, plus Backspace, using a tool called stty, and you can view the mappings with stty -a.

Here are the mappings on my machine right now:

$ stty -a
cchars: discard = ^O; dsusp = ^Y; eof = ^D; eol = <undef>;
	eol2 = <undef>; erase = ^?; intr = ^C; kill = ^U; lnext = ^V;
	min = 1; quit = ^\; reprint = ^R; start = ^Q; status = ^T;
	stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; time = 0; werase = ^W;

I have personally never remapped any of these and I cannot imagine a reason I would (I think it would be a recipe for confusion and disaster for me), but I asked on Mastodon and people said the most common reasons they used stty were:

  • fix a broken terminal with stty sane
  • set stty erase ^H to change how Backspace works
  • set stty ixoff
  • some people even map SIGINT to a different key, like their DELETE key

caveat: on signals

Two signals caveats:

  1. If the ISIG terminal mode is turned off, then the OS won’t send signals. For example vim turns off ISIG
  2. Apparently on BSDs, there’s an extra control code (Ctrl-T) which sends SIGINFO

You can see which terminal modes a program is setting using strace like this, terminal modes are set with the ioctl system call:

$ strace -tt -o out  vim
$ grep ioctl out | grep SET

here are the modes vim sets when it starts (ISIG and ICANON are missing!):

17:43:36.670636 ioctl(0, TCSETS, {c_iflag=IXANY|IMAXBEL|IUTF8,
c_oflag=NL0|CR0|TAB0|BS0|VT0|FF0|OPOST, c_cflag=B38400|CS8|CREAD,

and it resets the modes when it exits:

17:43:38.027284 ioctl(0, TCSETS, {c_iflag=ICRNL|IXANY|IMAXBEL|IUTF8,
c_oflag=NL0|CR0|TAB0|BS0|VT0|FF0|OPOST|ONLCR, c_cflag=B38400|CS8|CREAD,

I think the specific combination of modes vim is using here might be called “raw mode”, man cfmakeraw talks about that.

there are a lot of conflicts

Related to “there are only 33 codes”, there are a lot of conflicts where different parts of the system want to use the same code for different things, for example by default Ctrl-S will freeze your screen, but if you turn that off then readline will use Ctrl-S to do a forward search.

Another example is that on my machine sometimes Ctrl-T will send SIGINFO and sometimes it’ll transpose 2 characters and sometimes it’ll do something completely different depending on:

  • whether the program has ISIG set
  • whether the program uses readline / imitates readline’s behaviour

caveat: on “backspace” and “other backspace”

In this diagram I’ve labelled code 127 as “backspace” and 8 as “other backspace”. Uh, what?

I think this was the single biggest topic of discussion in the replies on Mastodon – apparently there’s a LOT of history to this and I’d never heard of any of it before.

First, here’s how it works on my machine:

  1. I press the Backspace key
  2. The TTY gets sent the byte 127, which is called DEL in ASCII
  3. the OS terminal driver and readline both have 127 mapped to “backspace” (so it works both in canonical mode and noncanonical mode)
  4. The previous character gets deleted

If I press Ctrl+H, it has the same effect as Backspace if I’m using readline, but in a program without readline support (like cat for instance), it just prints out ^H.

Apparently Step 2 above is different for some folks – their Backspace key sends the byte 8 instead of 127, and so if they want Backspace to work then they need to configure the OS (using stty) to set erase = ^H.

There’s an incredible section of the Debian Policy Manual on keyboard configuration that describes how Delete and Backspace should work according to Debian policy, which seems very similar to how it works on my Mac today. My understanding (via this mastodon post) is that this policy was written in the 90s because there was a lot of confusion about what Backspace should do in the 90s and there needed to be a standard to get everything to work.

There’s a bunch more historical terminal stuff here but that’s all I’ll say for now.

there’s probably a lot more diversity in how this works

I’ve probably missed a bunch more ways that “how it works on my machine” might be different from how it works on other people’s machines, and I’ve probably made some mistakes about how it works on my machine too. But that’s all I’ve got for today.

Some more stuff I know that I’ve left out: according to stty -a Ctrl-O is “discard”, Ctrl-R is “reprint”, and Ctrl-Y is “dsusp”. I have no idea how to make those actually do anything (pressing them does not do anything obvious, and some people have told me what they used to do historically but it’s not clear to me if they have a use in 2024), and a lot of the time in practice they seem to just be passed through to the application anyway so I just labelled Ctrl-R and Ctrl-Y as readline.

not all of this is that useful to know

Also I want to say that I think the contents of this post are kind of interesting but I don’t think they’re necessarily that useful. I’ve used the terminal pretty successfully every day for the last 20 years without knowing literally any of this – I just knew what Ctrl-C, Ctrl-D, Ctrl-Z, Ctrl-R, Ctrl-L did in practice (plus maybe Ctrl-A, Ctrl-E and Ctrl-W) and did not worry about the details for the most part, and that was almost always totally fine except when I was trying to use xterm.js.

But I had fun learning about it so maybe it’ll be interesting to you too.

在 Mess With DNS 中使用更少内存查找 IP 地址

2024-10-27 15:47:04

I’ve been having problems for the last 3 years or so where Mess With DNS periodically runs out of memory and gets OOM killed.

This hasn’t been a big priority for me: usually it just goes down for a few minutes while it restarts, and it only happens once a day at most, so I’ve just been ignoring. But last week it started actually causing a problem so I decided to look into it.

This was kind of winding road where I learned a lot so here’s a table of contents:

there’s about 100MB of memory available

I run Mess With DNS on a VM without about 465MB of RAM, which according to ps aux (the RSS column) is split up something like:

  • 100MB for PowerDNS
  • 200MB for Mess With DNS
  • 40MB for hallpass

That leaves about 110MB of memory free.

A while back I set GOMEMLIMIT to 250MB to try to make sure the garbage collector ran if Mess With DNS used more than 250MB of memory, and I think this helped but it didn’t solve everything.

the problem: OOM killing the backup script

A few weeks ago I started backing up Mess With DNS’s database for the first time using restic.

This has been working okay, but since Mess With DNS operates without much extra memory I think restic sometimes needed more memory than was available on the system, and so the backup script sometimes got OOM killed.

This was a problem because

  1. backups might be corrupted sometimes
  2. more importantly, restic takes out a lock when it runs, and so I’d have to manually do an unlock if I wanted the backups to continue working. Doing manual work like this is the #1 thing I try to avoid with all my web services (who has time for that!) so I really wanted to do something about it.

There’s probably more than one solution to this, but I decided to try to make Mess With DNS use less memory so that there was more available memory on the system, mostly because it seemed like a fun problem to try to solve.

what’s using memory: IP addresses

I’d run a memory profile of Mess With DNS a bunch of times in the past, so I knew exactly what was using most of Mess With DNS’s memory: IP addresses.

When it starts, Mess With DNS loads this database where you can look up the ASN of every IP address into memory, so that when it receives a DNS query it can take the source IP address like and tell you that IP address belongs to GOOGLE.

This database by itself used about 117MB of memory, and a simple du told me that was too much – the original text files were only 37MB!

$ du -sh *.tsv
26M	ip2asn-v4.tsv
11M	ip2asn-v6.tsv

The way it worked originally is that I had an array of these:

type IPRange struct {
	StartIP net.IP
	EndIP   net.IP
	Num     int
	Name    string
	Country string

and I searched through it with a binary search to figure out if any of the ranges contained the IP I was looking for. Basically the simplest possible thing and it’s super fast, my machine can do about 9 million lookups per second.

attempt 1: use SQLite

I’ve been using SQLite recently, so my first thought was – maybe I can store all of this data on disk in an SQLite database, give the tables an index, and that’ll use less memory.

So I:

  • wrote a quick Python script using sqlite-utils to import the TSV files into an SQLite database
  • adjusted my code to select from the database instead

This did solve the initial memory goal (after a GC it now hardly used any memory at all because the table was on disk!), though I’m not sure how much GC churn this solution would cause if we needed to do a lot of queries at once. I did a quick memory profile and it seemed to allocate about 1KB of memory per lookup.

Let’s talk about the issues I ran into with using SQLite though.

problem: how to store IPv6 addresses

SQLite doesn’t have support for big integers and IPv6 addresses are 128 bits, so I decided to store them as text. I think BLOB might have been better, I originally thought BLOBs couldn’t be compared but the sqlite docs say they can.

I ended up with this schema:

CREATE TABLE ipv4_ranges (
   start_ip INTEGER NOT NULL,
   country TEXT NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE ipv6_ranges (
   start_ip TEXT NOT NULL,
   end_ip TEXT NOT NULL,
   asn INTEGER,
   country TEXT,
   name TEXT
CREATE INDEX idx_ipv4_ranges_start_ip ON ipv4_ranges (start_ip);
CREATE INDEX idx_ipv6_ranges_start_ip ON ipv6_ranges (start_ip);
CREATE INDEX idx_ipv4_ranges_end_ip ON ipv4_ranges (end_ip);
CREATE INDEX idx_ipv6_ranges_end_ip ON ipv6_ranges (end_ip);

Also I learned that Python has an ipaddress module, so I could use ipaddress.ip_address(s).exploded to make sure that the IPv6 addresses were expanded so that a string comparison would compare them properly.

problem: it’s 500x slower

I ran a quick microbenchmark, something like this. It printed out that it could look up 17,000 IPv6 addresses per second, and similarly for IPv4 addresses.

This was pretty discouraging – being able to look up 17k addresses per section is kind of fine (Mess With DNS does not get a lot of traffic), but I compared it to the original binary search code and the original code could do 9 million per second.

	ips := []net.IP{}
	count := 20000
	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
		// create a random IPv6 address
		bytes := randomBytes()
		ip := net.IP(bytes[:])
		ips = append(ips, ip)
	now := time.Now()
	success := 0
	for _, ip := range ips {
		_, err := ranges.FindASN(ip)
		if err == nil {
	elapsed := time.Since(now)
	fmt.Println("number per second", float64(count)/elapsed.Seconds())


I’d never really done an EXPLAIN in sqlite, so I thought it would be a fun opportunity to see what the query plan was doing.

sqlite> explain query plan select * from ipv6_ranges where '2607:f8b0:4006:0824:0000:0000:0000:200e' BETWEEN start_ip and end_ip;
`--SEARCH ipv6_ranges USING INDEX idx_ipv6_ranges_end_ip (end_ip>?)

It looks like it’s just using the end_ip index and not the start_ip index, so maybe it makes sense that it’s slower than the binary search.

I tried to figure out if there was a way to make SQLite use both indexes, but I couldn’t find one and maybe it knows best anyway.

At this point I gave up on the SQLite solution, I didn’t love that it was slower and also it’s a lot more complex than just doing a binary search. I felt like I’d rather keep something much more similar to the binary search.

A few things I tried with SQLite that did not cause it to use both indexes:

  • using a compound index instead of two separate indexes
  • running ANALYZE
  • using INTERSECT to intersect the results of start_ip < ? and ? < end_ip. This did make it use both indexes, but it also seemed to make the query literally 1000x slower, probably because it needed to create the results of both subqueries in memory and intersect them.

attempt 2: use a trie

My next idea was to use a trie, because I had some vague idea that maybe a trie would use less memory, and I found this library called ipaddress-go that lets you look up IP addresses using a trie.

I tried using it here’s the code, but I think I was doing something wildly wrong because, compared to my naive array + binary search:

  • it used WAY more memory (800MB to store just the IPv4 addresses)
  • it was a lot slower to do the lookups (it could do only 100K/second instead of 9 million/second)

I’m not really sure what went wrong here but I gave up on this approach and decided to just try to make my array use less memory and stick to a simple binary search.

some notes on memory profiling

One thing I learned about memory profiling is that you can use runtime package to see how much memory is currently allocated in the program. That’s how I got all the memory numbers in this post. Here’s the code:

func memusage() {
	var m runtime.MemStats
	fmt.Printf("Alloc = %v MiB\n", m.Alloc/1024/1024)
	// write
	f, err := os.Create("")
	if err != nil {

Also I learned that if you use pprof to analyze a heap profile there are two ways to analyze it: you can pass either --alloc-space or --inuse-space to go tool pprof. I don’t know how I didn’t realize this before but alloc-space will tell you about everything that was allocated, and inuse-space will just include memory that’s currently in use.

Anyway I ran go tool pprof -pdf --inuse_space > mem.pdf a lot. Also every time I use pprof I find myself referring to my own intro to pprof, it’s probably the blog post I wrote that I use the most often. I should add --alloc-space and --inuse-space to it.

attempt 3: make my array use less memory

I was storing my ip2asn entries like this:

type IPRange struct {
	StartIP net.IP
	EndIP   net.IP
	Num     int
	Name    string
	Country string

I had 3 ideas for ways to improve this:

  1. There was a lot of repetition of Name and the Country, because a lot of IP ranges belong to the same ASN
  2. net.IP is an []byte under the hood, which felt like it involved an unnecessary pointer, was there a way to inline it into the struct?
  3. Maybe I didn’t need both the start IP and the end IP, often the ranges were consecutive so maybe I could rearrange things so that I only had the start IP

idea 3.1: deduplicate the Name and Country

I figured I could store the ASN info in an array, and then just store the index into the array in my IPRange struct. Here are the structs so you can see what I mean:

type IPRange struct {
	StartIP netip.Addr
	EndIP   netip.Addr
	ASN     uint32
	Idx     uint32

type ASNInfo struct {
	Country string
	Name    string

type ASNPool struct {
	asns   []ASNInfo
	lookup map[ASNInfo]uint32

This worked! It brought memory usage from 117MB to 65MB – a 50MB savings. I felt good about this.

Here’s all of the code for that part.

how big are ASNs?

As an aside – I’m storing the ASN in a uint32, is that right? I looked in the ip2asn file and the biggest one seems to be 401307, though there are a few lines that say 4294901931 which is much bigger, but also are just inside the range of a uint32. So I can definitely use a uint32.	4294901931	Unknown	AS4294901931

idea 3.2: use netip.Addr instead of net.IP

It turns out that I’m not the only one who felt that net.IP was using an unnecessary amount of memory – in 2021 the folks at Tailscale released a new IP address library for Go which solves this and many other issues. They wrote a great blog post about it.

I discovered (to my delight) that not only does this new IP address library exist and do exactly what I want, it’s also now in the Go standard library as netip.Addr. Switching to netip.Addr was very easy and saved another 20MB of memory, bringing us to 46MB.

I didn’t try my third idea (remove the end IP from the struct) because I’d already been programming for long enough on a Saturday morning and I was happy with my progress.

It’s always such a great feeling when I think “hey, I don’t like this, there must be a better way” and then immediately discover that someone has already made the exact thing I want, thought about it a lot more than me, and implemented it much better than I would have.

all of this was messier in real life

Even though I tried to explain this in a simple linear way “I tried X, then I tried Y, then I tried Z”, that’s kind of a lie – I always try to take my actual debugging process (total chaos) and make it seem more linear and understandable because the reality is just too annoying to write down. It’s more like:

  • try sqlite
  • try a trie
  • second guess everything that I concluded about sqlite, go back and look at the results again
  • wait what about indexes
  • very very belatedly realize that I can use runtime to check how much memory everything is using, start doing that
  • look at the trie again, maybe I misunderstood everything
  • give up and go back to binary search
  • look at all of the numbers for tries/sqlite again to make sure I didn’t misunderstand

A note on using 512MB of memory

Someone asked why I don’t just give the VM more memory. I could very easily afford to pay for a VM with 1GB of memory, but I feel like 512MB really should be enough (and really that 256MB should be enough!) so I’d rather stay inside that constraint. It’s kind of a fun puzzle.

a few ideas from the replies

Folks had a lot of good ideas I hadn’t thought of. Recording them as inspiration if I feel like having another Fun Performance Day at some point.

  • Try Go’s unique package for the ASNPool. Someone tried this and it uses more memory, probably because Go’s pointers are 64 bits
  • Try compiling with GOARCH=386 to use 32-bit pointers to sace space (maybe in combination with using unique!)
  • It should be possible to store all of the IPv6 addresses in just 64 bits, because only the first 64 bits of the address are public
  • Interpolation search might be faster than binary search since IP addresses are numeric
  • Try the MaxMind db format with mmdbwriter or mmdbctl
  • Tailscale’s art routing table package

the result: saved 70MB of memory!

I deployed the new version and now Mess With DNS is using less memory! Hooray!

A few other notes:

  • lookups are a little slower – in my microbenchmark they went from 9 million lookups/second to 6 million, maybe because I added a little indirection. Using less memory and a little more CPU seemed like a good tradeoff though.
  • it’s still using more memory than the raw text files do (46MB vs 37MB), I guess pointers take up space and that’s okay.

I’m honestly not sure if this will solve all my memory problems, probably not! But I had fun, I learned a few things about SQLite, I still don’t know what to think about tries, and it made me love binary search even more than I already did.