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A product designer living and working remotely from Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, a UX Design Lead at BOLD.
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Disney Run 5k weekend getaway

2025-03-13 05:46:40

Favorites of 2023: TV, movies, video Games, lego, apps, gadgets

2025-03-05 20:48:38

Looking back at my favorite TV Shows, Movies, Video Games, Music, Lego and Gadgets of 2023. Expand on your RSS app to read more.

Holiday Break Nerdy Projects

2025-03-05 20:48:38

I recently returned to work after a few weeks of very-needed vacations. We did not travel this year, so we spent them mostly at home. Apart from spending time with my wife and our dog, Max, my favorite part of the holidays is getting more time to do home projects. The folks at App Stories call it Nerding out for the holidays. They have a yearly episode in which they go over the energy projects they plane for the holiday break. On a similar note Devon Dundee wrote a similar post when he went over the project he did during his break, so I decided to write my own… Expand or enter reader mode in your RSS to read the full post.

Now: March 2022

2025-03-01 02:29:43