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After spending $2,500+ on books and more than 4 years organizing my notes, I consider myself more a librarian than a blog owner.
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When Things Are Not Working Out As Planed

2025-03-07 12:06:00

When I started this website, I had a bold vision about what it would eventually become. I had it all workout in my mind. I wanted my writing to showcase not only the things I’ve learned, and the person I was, but also the person I was becoming – hopefully a better man with a […]

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I Suddenly Lost My Enthusiasm for Interneting

2025-02-22 22:37:15

As someone who has spent years contributing to the digital noise (via blogging), working in the IT sector, and existing long enough to remember when “going online” meant hearing the tortured screams of a dial-up modem, I have to admit – I’ve lost my enthusiasm for interneting. And by interneting, I don’t mean in the […]

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What Should You Pay Attention To?

2025-02-13 12:37:09

As the world has become more and more distracting, the ability to focus your attention has become a rare superpower. But you probably already know that, so here’s the real question: Do you even know what deserves your attention? Do you have the faintest clue, or are you just drifting along, carried by the current […]

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My Statement of Purpose

2025-02-02 14:29:07

In this personal entry, I want to unburden myself about something I’ve been wrestling with lately: purpose. And how I plan to move forward with Recently, I’ve been feeling like I lost my path. My site started as a rebellion against the relentless hype culture focused on endless growth and the so-called gurus that […]

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I Got Tired of My Own Inability to Focus on One Thing

2025-01-25 14:51:29

You have to pick the places you don’t walk away from. But you also have to pick the places you do walk away from. Usually, the faster you do the latter, the better. My insatiable curiosity – about books, ideas, projects, etc. – is probably both my best and my worst trait. Every now and […]

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Clear Thinking by Shane Parrish [Actionable Summary]

2025-01-10 13:00:17

This is a comprehensive book summary of the book Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results by Shane Parrish. Covering the key ideas and proposing practical ways for achieving what’s mentioned in the text. Written by book fanatic and online librarian Ivaylo Durmonski. Members get full access and a deluxe printable of this summary. […]

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