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Leslie (aka L,.G.) ,INTJ,佛教徒、制作人。
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2024-12-29 00:22:27

2024 年 12 月 27 日,我们选择在圣诞季的尾声探访 Setúbal——特茹河南岸最具分量的城市,也是里斯本大都会区的重要组成部分。




出发前惯例查看导航,虽然 Apple Map 和 Moovit 都建议在 Sete Rios 换乘 Fertagus 列车,但我坚持从 Roma-Areeiro 始发站登车。事实证明这个决定果然明智,我们不仅轻松找到座位,还能选择观景最佳的位置。待列车经过两站抵达 Sete Rios 时,车厢内早已座无虚席,新上车的乘客只能站着。

在 Roma-Areeiro 换乘时,遇到了一对要去 Sintra 的母女,看到我们在月台上刷公交卡,就试探性地问我们是不是一定要在月台上 check-in,她们以为上车后有专人检票。用英语和她们说了在里斯本乘坐公共交通的规则后,才听到母女在用华语交流。我的一句「原来你们也说华语」,瞬间拉近了距离,话匣子随之打开。(之所以使用「华语」而非「汉语」是因为掺杂了大量的英语词汇。)

Fertagus 列车是上下双层的,为了更方便地看风景,我们去了二层。上楼梯的时候,我在脑子里迅速地过了一遍沿途可以看到的地标景点和列车运行的方向,为泽泽挑选了最佳观景位置。坐下后,迅速地打开地图看了一眼,确认没有错,就很炫耀地和泽泽说他等会儿可以看到什么什么。泽泽一脸震惊,「你到底是怎么记住方向和地图的?」

第一次去特茹河南岸,泽泽和我都显得有些兴奋,有点像小时候玩儿帝国时代探索地图发现了矿产、村落。列车行经 Ponte 25 de Abril(四月二十五日大桥) 时,第一次俯瞰里斯本的老城和海港,恍若穿越时空,与这座城市的过往不期而遇。

列车缓缓驶入特茹河南岸,窗外的景致徐徐展开:错落有致的社区、静谧的农场、质朴的村落接连掠过。我不禁用葡语感叹:"Gosto de estar aqui"(我喜欢这里)。泽泽也深有同感,附和道:"Sim, sim, também gosto de cá estar"(是的,我也喜欢在这里)。这里少了里斯本市区的喧嚣与拥挤,多了几分悠然与舒适。虽然尚未真正体验这里的生活,我们却已不约而同地畅想起在此置业的可能。





漫步至一条安静的小巷,高大的树木列队一侧,枝干虬劲,阳光穿过树梢,在落叶与石板之间跳跃。古朴的石板路面纹理清晰,黄叶点缀其上,在阳光的斜照下,每一片落叶都仿若被镀上了一层金边。树影婆娑,光影交错,为这个冬日增添了几分诗意与温度。这样的场景,让我们不由得放慢脚步,感受季节更迭带来的静谧之美,再次由衷感叹:"Gostamos de estar aqui"(我们喜欢这里)。




沿海一带的餐厅完美融合了海洋特色,"Mezé"、"Azul Mar" 等特色餐馆的招牌在阳光下熠熠生辉。随风轻摆的遮阳伞,混合着咸咸的海风,营造出浓郁的海港氛围。


遍布的教堂,是塞图巴尔的另一个特色。在这座海滨城市的街道间,哥特式的尖顶与曼努埃尔风格的立面交相辉映,传递着几个世纪以来的信仰传承。其中,Convento de Jesus(耶稣修道院)是当地历史最悠久的教堂之一,也是欧洲七大濒危古迹之一。这座建于 15 世纪末的修道院,以其别具一格的建筑风格在葡萄牙建筑史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔,被誉为曼努埃尔风格的开山之作。

走进修道院,时光仿佛倒流。墙壁上精美的蓝白 azulejo 瓷砖,以其特有的细腻笔触,生动地描绘着圣母马利亚的生平场景。拱形的穹顶向上延伸,好似要触及天堂;而斑驳的石柱则默默见证着世俗的沧桑。

1755 年,那场改变葡萄牙历史进程的里斯本大地震,也让这座教堂饱受创伤。地震、海啸和随之而来的大火,让许多建筑在一夜之间化为废墟。然而,Convento de Jesus 虽受重创却依然屹立,见证着这片土地上的沧海桑田。


离教堂不远处的 Chafariz da Praça Teófilo Braga(泰奥菲洛·布拉加广场喷泉)为历史悠久的城市增添了一抹优雅。这座始建于 1697 年的喷泉,见证了塞图巴尔三个世纪的变迁。我们坐在广场的长椅上休息时,恰逢下午 16 时整,教堂的钟声、喷泉潺潺的水声、远处海港的汽轮声交织在一起,编织成一首城市交响曲。在那一刻我能感受到时光的脉动。


返回里斯本时,我们选择搭乘 CP 列车前往 Barreiro,再乘坐轮渡返回 Baixa。这样的安排,让我们终于完成了一个小小的成就——体验了里斯本都会区所有类型的公共交通工具。

渡轮缓缓驶入特茹河与大西洋的交汇处,泽泽推开舷窗,混合着烤栗子香气的海风涌入船舱,让我想起「法朵女王」Amália Rodrigues 那首著名的 Cheira a Lisboa


Lisboa já tem Sol mas cheira a Lua Quando nasce a madrugada sorrateira E o primeiro elétrico da rua Faz coro com as chinelas da Ribeira

Um craveiro numa água furtada Cheira bem, cheira a Lisboa Uma rosa a florir na tapada Cheira bem, cheira a Lisboa

Lisboa cheira aos cafés do Rossio E o fado cheira sempre a solidão Cheira a castanha assada se está frio Cheira a fruta madura quando é verão

A fragata que se ergue na proa A varina que teima em passar Cheiram bem porque são de Lisboa Lisboa tem cheiro de flores e de mar

此刻被暮色笼罩的里斯本,正如歌中所唱:"Lisboa tem cheiro de flores e de mar"——这座城市永远带着花朵与大海的芬芳,在每个季节里散发着独特的魅力。

Say Goodbye to 2024

2024-12-23 22:13:13

When I stand at the end of 2024 and look back on this year, what will I say to myself? This question has been occupying my thoughts lately, and after much reflection, one truth resonates deeply:

The meaning of life isn't found solely in pursuing grand ideals, but also in embracing the beauty of our ordinary, everyday existence.

This year has been transformative for me, for Jayz, and for our family. Through our experiences, we've come to understand a shared truth: while we may not have the power to change everything around us, we do have the ability to choose how we live in the present moment. It's about making meaningful choices within the circumstances we're given.


In September, Jayz and I moved to Lisbon, leaving our parents behind to start a new chapter of our lives. While the transition hasn't been without its challenges, we've gradually adapted to our new home.

Life in this historic city has surprised me – it's remarkably similar to China in terms of lifestyle and dietary structure. The main difference lies in the sense of freedom and openness here. As long as you respect the law and local customs, there's a genuine space for personal expression and choices.

This geographical distance has given me a new lens through which to view China – its politics, society, and human nature. I've always disliked politics, believing it shouldn't dominate our daily consciousness. Yet, despite having relocated, Jayz and I find ourselves keeping a mindful eye on our homeland's situation, primarily because our parents continue to live there. This connection keeps us anchored to a reality we'd prefer to distance ourselves from, yet cannot fully ignore. This lingering necessity to stay informed deeply unsettles me, and I look forward to the day when such concerns no longer cast a shadow over our new life.

Learning Portuguese has proved more challenging than my experience with English. The language's complex verb conjugations and mood systems present a unique set of challenges. Perhaps the biggest hurdle is keeping up with local speech patterns – Lisbon natives speak quickly, and Portuguese words tend to flow together. Without a solid foundation in grammar and vocabulary, following conversations can feel like quite a task.

Fortunately, the Portuguese people have shown incredible patience and kindness. They often adjust their speaking pace or switch to English to help bridge the communication gap. What's particularly striking is that I've never encountered any discrimination – whether related to language or otherwise – since arriving here.

My Portuguese is now approaching A2 level, and I'm looking forward to improving further in the coming year.


The most significant change in my life this year has been a deliberate shift in my information consumption habits, a transition I began in early 2024. This explains why I haven't published my usual blog posts about recommended information sources this year.

This decision emerged from my experience using Perplexity for research, which revealed concerning levels of information distortion, particularly in humanities-related content. While I understand the underlying political motivations for controlling public discourse to maintain stability, this approach essentially creates an isolated information silo.

I'm not suggesting that English-language sources are inherently more reliable or authentic. However, I've found that they generally align more closely with my observed reality and lived experiences.

Chinese characters hold a special place in my heart – they embody the spirit and wisdom of a civilisation spanning millennia. It's disheartening to see how these beautiful characters, which should serve as vessels of knowledge and cultural heritage, are sometimes misused to shape narratives that diverge from truth.

Another significant shift this year has been in my approach to understanding the world around me. While I had intellectually grasped the importance of prioritising lived experience over grand narratives years ago, 2024 was when I truly put this principle into practice.

Take, for instance, my approach to understanding economic realities. Rather than relying solely on published statistics, I've learnt to trust my direct observations of price changes and daily economic patterns. When evaluating the cost of living, my personal experience at local markets and shops has become more valuable than abstract economic indicators.

This shift in perspective has, at times, left me feeling somewhat disconnected from mainstream discussions. For a period, I questioned whether I was falling victim to observer bias or confirmation bias – seeing only what I wanted to see. However, conversations with several experienced individuals who have witnessed similar patterns over the years helped validate my observations. Their insights confirmed that my perceptions weren't merely personal biases but reflected genuine patterns in our changing world.

Since October, I've made another intentional change: taking my notes in English and Portuguese rather than Chinese. This practice has proved invaluable, as it encourages me to think through different cultural lenses. It's not just about language acquisition; it's about understanding different ways of structuring thoughts and perceiving the world.

However, as mentioned earlier about my deep connection with Chinese characters, I still maintain Chinese as my primary language for notes related to Chinese culture and society. Some concepts and nuances are simply untranslatable – they carry layers of cultural and historical meaning that can only be fully expressed through Chinese characters. This selective multilingual approach to note-taking has become an unexpected tool for both broadening my perspective and preserving the depth of cultural understanding where it matters most.


This year has seen a noticeable decrease in my blog posts and newsletter frequency compared to 2023. This shift stems from two main factors: a natural ebb in my desire for expression, and a growing awareness of the responsibility that comes with sharing ideas. I've come to realise that publishing thoughts before they're fully developed risks spreading incomplete or potentially misleading information.

A significant example of this concerns LifeOS, my attempted comprehensive personal management system that encompassed knowledge, information, and document management. Many readers have requested more detailed content about this system, specifically asking for manual-like instructions. However, I've come to realise that LifeOS, despite its ambitious scope, became too cumbersome in practice and ultimately strayed from its original purpose.

In light of these reflections, I would encourage readers to shift their attention to the CETDE framework – a model I've previously written about extensively. Compared to LifeOS, CETDE offers a more focused and practical approach to personal knowledge management, while maintaining the philosophical depth that initially inspired these systems.

This experience has taught me valuable lessons about content creation. It has led me to adopt a more measured approach to writing, ensuring that what I share is not only well-thought-out but also practically valuable to readers. Sometimes, simplicity and applicability are more important than comprehensive complexity.

Since April, I've immersed myself in the study of AI aesthetics, seeking to position myself at the intersection of technology and humanities. AI has become a crucial component in my workflow, and this deep integration has led me beyond viewing it as merely humanity's latest technological achievement. This daily interaction has sparked new questions: Can humans create beauty through AI? Can AI itself generate aesthetic value? And more profoundly, can AI contribute to enriching our humanistic values? While I haven't published blog posts on AI aesthetics after May, the insights gained from exploring these questions have subtly influenced my perspective and writing across various topics.

Looking ahead to 2025, I plan to focus more intensively on the intersection of technology and humanities, exploring how these seemingly distinct domains can enrich and inform each other. This exploration will likely shape both my personal growth and my future writing.


As I prepare to step into 2025, my path forward is becoming clearer. The experiences and changes of 2024 have laid a foundation for what I hope to achieve in the coming year.

My focus will centre on three main areas. First, deepening my integration into Portuguese life and culture. While I've made progress with the language, reaching A2 level is just the beginning. I aim to achieve B1 proficiency by the end of 2025, which will allow me to engage more meaningfully with local communities and better understand the nuances of Portuguese culture.

Second, I plan to explore more deeply the intersection of technology and humanities. My studies in AI aesthetics have opened new perspectives on how technology can enhance rather than diminish our human experience. This exploration isn't just about understanding AI's capabilities; it's about discovering how technology can contribute to our cultural and spiritual enrichment.

Lastly, I want to return to more regular writing, but with a renewed purpose. Rather than feeling pressured to maintain a strict publishing schedule, I'll focus on sharing insights that emerge naturally from my experiences and studies. Quality and depth will take precedence over quantity, as I believe this approach better serves both my readers and my own growth.

These goals aren't just items on a to-do list; they represent a continuation of the journey I've begun this year – one that embraces both change and continuity, technology and humanity, personal growth and community connection. As I wrote at the beginning of this reflection, life's meaning lies not just in grand pursuits, but in finding beauty in our daily existence. This will remain my guiding principle as I move forward.

How I computer in 2024

2024-12-14 06:18:30

I've always been curious about how people use their computers. For instance, I browse forums to learn which applications others choose, ask friends about their productivity setups, and pay attention to what products, computers, and mobile apps people showcase on social media. Over the years, I've learned many great practices from others, so at this year's end, I want to organize my digital toolbox and share it. Although I've already listed my hardware devices and commonly used software on my blog's Uses page.

Table of Contents

Return to Native Apps

In an era where tools like Cursor claim to enable rapid app development, I've chosen what seems like a counter-trend path—returning to native applications. This decision wasn't made on a whim but rather based on long-term self-observation and careful consideration: if system-provided apps can meet my needs, I no longer seek third-party alternatives.

The convenience brought by this transition has exceeded expectations. For example, the built-in OCR functionality in iOS Camera and Photos apps makes document scanning and text extraction effortless and natural. The deep integration between system-level calendar and reminders enables more efficient time and task management. Meanwhile, Apple Notes not only ensures sensitive information security through end-to-end encryption but also impresses with its performance in document scanning and team collaboration scenarios.

In practice, I've found that Apple's native app ecosystem can elegantly cover most aspects of daily digital life. From map navigation to weather information, from file previews to instant messaging, these basic but essential needs are well met. This integrated convenience is particularly noticeable on mobile devices, bringing an unprecedented smooth experience to daily use.

Returning to native apps has brought other significant advantages. First is improved performance and stability, as native apps typically better adapt to the system and consume fewer system resources. Second is enhanced privacy protection, eliminating concerns about third-party apps collecting and using data. Finally, it reduces maintenance costs, eliminating the need for frequent updates and debugging of various third-party apps while also reducing subscription expenses.

For scenarios that genuinely require third-party apps, I've begun prioritizing applications that support Apple Native design standards. These apps not only maintain consistency with the system in interface and interaction but also better utilize system features such as deep AppleScript integration, Shortcuts automation support, Live Activities, Focus mode, and other functionalities, providing a more unified and fluid user experience.

Of course, this return doesn't mean completely abandoning third-party apps. For specific professional needs, excellent third-party applications remain indispensable supplements. The key lies in finding the balance between native apps and third-party tools, allowing them to fulfill their respective roles, work together, and collectively build an efficient and unified operating environment.

Privacy and Security

In this era of rampant phishing and cyber fraud, personal privacy and cybersecurity have become crucial issues that no one can ignore. Every web browsing session and application usage can leave digital footprints. Therefore, building a comprehensive privacy protection system has become particularly important. In my practice, this system primarily revolves around three core components: DNS-level protection, content filtering, and credential management.

The choice of DNS service is the first line of defense in protecting personal privacy. While in China, I chose to use the open-source EasyMosdns DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) service within the Surge environment. This solution protects user privacy through IP-based encrypted DNS queries, offering not only highly accurate DNS resolution but also effective protection against DNS poisoning. After moving to Lisbon, I switched to NextDNS service. While its query response time may be marginally slower than Cloudflare Public DNS, this slight latency difference is hardly noticeable, and the comprehensive privacy protection features it offers far outweigh this minor trade-off. NextDNS's rich configuration options allow me to block tracking scripts at the source while effectively filtering advertisements. The free tier of 300,000 queries per month is quite generous for individual users, and the premium plan at just €1.99/month offers exceptional value.

To build a more comprehensive protection network, I installed the Wipr 2 content blocker extension on Safari for both desktop and mobile devices. This lightweight tool not only effectively blocks advertisements but also filters various tracking scripts and malicious code, creating a dual-layer protection system alongside the DNS-level defense. This combination not only enhances the browsing experience but, more importantly, ensures personal data isn't arbitrarily collected.

In the realm of credential security, I've adopted a dual strategy using Bitwarden and Ente Auth. Bitwarden serves as my primary password manager, earning my trust over many years with its open-source nature and robust encryption implementation. Although it supports self-hosting, considering security implications and maintenance overhead, and given my lack of confidence in my technical abilities, I opted for the official cloud service at $10 per year. This not only allows me to securely access my credential vault across various devices but, more importantly, enables advanced features including multi-factor authentication (MFA). Notably, Bitwarden's integration with Fastmail allows me to generate disposable email addresses for various website registrations, playing a crucial role in protecting personal privacy and preventing spam.

While I use Bitwarden for most MFA needs, I chose Ente Auth to manage certain special authentication requirements. For example, Bitwarden account's own MFA tokens and second-factor authentication for other critical services. Ente Auth's unique next-token preview feature brings great convenience in practical use, making multi-factor authentication no longer a cumbersome process. Both tools embrace open-source principles with fully transparent codebases, not only ensuring security through public scrutiny but fundamentally guaranteeing user data privacy.

Productivity Tools

2024 marked a year of breaking through established perceptions in my choice of digital tools. This breakthrough is reflected not only in tool selection but also in the transformation of usage concepts. From note management to writing tools, from information acquisition to automated workflows, each choice was thoroughly considered, ultimately forming a highly efficient collaborative system.

In terms of note-taking tools, I completed the transition from Heptabase to Tana. As a note-taking tool that combines the bidirectional linking flexibility of Roam Research with the structured database capabilities of Notion, Tana has fundamentally redefined my approach to knowledge management. It not only supports traditional outline-style hierarchical recording but also enables structured data management through SuperTags. Its powerful search node functionality ensures convenient and precise content retrieval. Tana's AI integration particularly impressed me, especially its voice-to-text feature, which makes capturing insights remarkably easy—when ideas flash through my mind, I can simply record them via phone, and Tana AI automatically converts them into structured text.

Although I detailed the collaborative workflow between Tana and Heptabase in July this year, a method that continues to spark my creativity, my deeper usage of Tana revealed that it could fully assume Heptabase's role in deep understanding. This unexpected realization led to my gradually reduced dependence on Heptabase. Nevertheless, I still deeply admire Heptabase's design philosophy and hope for its continued development.

In writing tools, this year's biggest surprise came from discovering BBEdit, a text editor older than myself. This seemingly plain tool provided me with unprecedented "aha moments." Its value lies not only in its powerful text processing capabilities but also in its deep integration with macOS. Through AppleScript, I automated the complete workflow from article drafting to publishing: including processing Markdown metadata, changing file names, moving file locations, and pushing to GitHub repositories through git commands. It maintains smooth performance when handling large text files, an advantage many modern editors struggle to match.

Using BBEdit not only improved my writing efficiency but unexpectedly prompted me to explore advanced features of Raycast and DEVONthink. Raycast, as a macOS efficiency tool, enables one-click access to frequently used folders and applications through its QuickLink feature. More importantly, using its Script Command functionality, I developed several automation scripts, including creating file Deep Links, enabling one-way linking between local files and Tana, upgrading my local file management approach. Meanwhile, DEVONthink, another long-standing software, plays an increasingly important role in my workflow through its deep integration with AppleScript and seamless cooperation with BBEdit.

Regarding AI assistance tools, Perplexity and Kagi have performed to my satisfaction. The Pro version of Perplexity not only offers more powerful AI model choices, but its real-time internet search capability also makes information retrieval highly efficient and precise. It has played an unexpected role in my life abroad—for instance, while shopping in Lisbon supermarkets, I often photograph products and ask Perplexity about Portuguese product information, helping me make purchase decisions and greatly improving my shopping experience.

Before using Kagi, I never considered paying for a search engine, but the actual experience completely changed this perspective. It not only provides clean, ad-free search results, but its Universal Summarizer feature has saved me considerable time when browsing news and long articles. Features like Kagi Bangs and Kagi Lens significantly improve information retrieval accuracy, while its consistently high-quality and objective search results are particularly valuable in today's internet environment saturated with SEO-optimized content.

Communication and Reading

This year's choices in communication and reading continue last year's focus on practicality.

For email services, after thorough comparison, I ultimately chose to continue using Fastmail rather than migrating to Tuta. This decision stems from rational consideration of practical usage scenarios: while Tuta is known for its robust security, this advantage is often difficult to fully utilize in today's email communication environment, especially when most communication partners still use mainstream services like Gmail. In comparison, while Fastmail may not match Tuta's security level, it still far exceeds mainstream email service providers in security while offering significant practical advantages. It supports creating up to 600 anonymous email addresses, which, combined with Bitwarden integration, provides great convenience in managing registrations for various websites and applications. More importantly, it seamlessly integrates with Apple Calendar and Apple Notes, making schedule management and work log synchronization much easier.

For bookmark management, I chose the retro yet sufficient Pinboard. The key to this choice lies in its open API interface, allowing perfect integration into my workflow: whether syncing with DEVONthink through AppleScript or connecting Tana and Telegram channels via N8N, data transfer flows smoothly. Considering the practical value of its full-text archiving and retrieval features, I didn't hesitate to subscribe to the complete version.

For reading tools, Readwise Reader remains my platform of choice. Although the emerging RSS reader Follow shows promising potential, considering its stability is still being refined, I currently use it only as a supplementary information source.

Driven by multilingual reading needs, I finally purchased Bob Translate, a text translation tool that I wish I'd discovered sooner. By configuring free DeepL API and Groq's large language model, it provides fast, accurate, and elegant translation services. For more professional translation scenarios, I use Immersive Translate as a supplement. Interestingly, my reading habits have evolved significantly with the change in language environment: while in China, I was accustomed to reading in Chinese-English parallel texts, but after moving to Lisbon, I prefer reading English texts directly, using Bob for word translation only when encountering difficult phrases. Perhaps this transformation reflects not only the natural improvement in language ability but also the important role of tools in adaptive learning.

Storage and Backup

Data storage security and reliable backup remain essential fundamental needs. Although I detailed my specific data storage and backup strategies in Newsletter #92, here I want to focus on sharing the deeper considerations behind choosing these services and how they work together to form a complete data protection system.

As an Apple ecosystem user, iCloud provides me with unparalleled inter-device connectivity. This advantage is particularly prominent in family scenarios—since family members also use Apple devices, through iCloud+'s family sharing feature, we can easily achieve sharing and synchronization of photos, documents, and other data. This seamless collaborative experience is difficult to match on other platforms and is a key reason why I continue to stick with the Apple ecosystem.

However, iCloud's weakness in external sharing prompted me to seek a traditional cloud storage service as a complement. Considering actual usage scenarios, I spent two weeks intensively evaluating European cloud storage providers, thoroughly comparing Mega, pCloud, Internxt, Koofr, and icedrive among others. Eventually, German-based Filen stood out with its excellent overall performance. This secure cloud storage service, which employs zero-knowledge end-to-end encryption technology, maintains satisfactory transfer speeds while ensuring high-strength encryption. More remarkably, it sets no limits on file version numbers and transfer bandwidth, making it an ideal file sharing tool.

Filen's value extends beyond file sharing; it's also a reliable backup for important data. Its desktop client offers flexible file synchronization options, completing data backup tasks silently in the background. This seamless backup mechanism greatly reduces the mental load of daily use. However, even though Filen's security is commendable, when backing up important data, I still use encryption tools to encrypt the data before backup.

For building an off-site disaster recovery backup solution, I chose the professional BorgBase service. This choice was based on several key considerations: first, BorgBase is a service specifically designed for Borg backup, perfectly supporting incremental backup and deduplication features, ensuring complete backup history while effectively saving storage space; second, it provides an intuitive web interface for backup status monitoring, equipped with open-source desktop GUI for operations, and supports SSH key authentication to ensure security; finally, BorgBase's servers deployed across multiple European locations provide me with quality access speeds and low network latency. These professional features make it more suitable as an off-site disaster recovery backup solution compared to ordinary object storage services.

These three layers of protection—iCloud for daily synchronization, Filen for secure sharing and backup, and BorgBase for professional archival storage—form a comprehensive data security assurance system. iCloud handles daily device synchronization and family sharing, Filen takes care of file sharing and routine backup tasks, while BorgBase serves as the final security line, ensuring complete data recovery in extreme situations. Additionally, there's cold backup on external hard drives (though my backup frequency this year hasn't been as high, needing improvement next year). This multi-layered backup strategy not only provides sufficient data redundancy but also meets usage needs in different scenarios, providing peace of mind.


When facing multiple software subscription renewals mid-year, I discovered that most of these applications were available in Setapp's library. After recalculating the costs, subscribing to Setapp's basic package became a natural choice.

Currently, the applications I use through Setapp cover multiple areas including system maintenance, productivity enhancement, media processing, document handling, and AI enhancement. For system maintenance, CleanMyMac and AIDente Pro handle system cleaning and battery management respectively; for productivity tools, CleanShot X, Yoink, and PopClip greatly simplify daily operations; in media processing, Downie and Permute provide comprehensive download and format conversion solutions; for document processing, Marked perfectly complements BBEdit, providing real-time document rendering preview; while in AI enhancement, Superwhisper and BoltAI offer various conveniences.


As life in Lisbon has gradually stabilized, my self-hosting needs have changed significantly. No longer requiring a 24/7 Surge environment or worrying about IP issues for using AI platforms and payment platforms, I've been able to substantially streamline my server configuration: currently maintaining only one Hetzner VPS managed through Zeabur, plus one Oracle free VPS. This simplification not only reduces maintenance costs but allows me to focus attention on truly important services.

On these servers, my self-hosted projects mainly include:

  • TiddlyWiki as my Digital Garden, displaying public notes
  • RSSHub and WeWe RSS responsible for building personalized feed sources
  • Telegram RSSbot for receiving important instant information
  • Ladder for bypassing paywall restrictions
  • N8N handling various automation processes including content aggregation, data transformation, and scheduled tasks
  • Uptime Kuma for real-time monitoring
  • Twikoo providing a lightweight comment system for the blog
  • R2 Uploader for graphical management of Cloudflare R2

My philosophy for deploying self-hosted services is: lightweight, automated, and reliable. The goal is to provide stable and reliable functional support while minimizing maintenance costs.


Looking back at my digital tool choices for 2024, I clearly see several main trends: first is the return to native applications; second is the continued emphasis on privacy and security; third is the deep integration between tools, weaving independent tools into an organic whole through automation means like AppleScript and Shortcuts.

I hope to continue following this rational and practical approach next year. The focus isn't on how many tools one has, but on how to make existing tools better serve actual needs and create real value. Meanwhile, I also look forward to exploring more possibilities for improving efficiency while maintaining the stability of existing workflows.

2024 年数字工具箱

2024-12-13 22:56:12

我总是很好奇人们是如何使用电脑的。例如,我会逛论坛,去了解网友们选择了哪些应用程序;我会问朋友,咨询他们如何设置生产环境;我会在社交媒体上留意,桌面上有哪些产品、电脑和手机上安装了哪些应用程序……多年来,我从许多人那里学到了很多好方法,所以在这个岁末,也想整理我的数字工具箱,并写出来。虽然我有哪些硬件设备,常用哪些软件,在博客的 Uses 页面中已经列出。

Table of Contents


在这个号称使用 Cursor 就可以迅速开发出一款应用的时代,我却选择了一条看似反潮流的道路——回归原生应用。这个决定并非一时兴起,而是基于长期自我观察和深度思考后的审慎选择:只要系统自带的应用能够满足需求,我就不再寻求第三方替代方案。

这种转变带来的便利远超预期。以日常使用场景为例,iOS 相机和照片应用内置的 OCR 功能,让扫描文档和提取文字变得轻松自然;系统级的日历与提醒事项的深度整合,让我能够更高效地管理时间和任务;而 Apple Notes 不仅通过端到端加密确保了敏感信息的安全性,其在文件扫描和团队协作等场景中的表现也令人惊喜。

在实际使用中,我发现 Apple 的原生应用生态已经能够优雅地覆盖日常数字生活的绝大部分场景。从查看地图导航到获取天气信息,从预览各类文件到进行即时通讯,这些基础但重要的需求都能得到妥善满足。这种整合的便利性在移动设备上尤为明显,为日常使用带来了前所未有的流畅体验。


对于那些确实需要使用第三方应用的场景,我也开始优先考虑支持 Apple 原生设计规范的应用(Apple Native)。这类应用不仅在界面和交互上与系统保持一致,还能更好地利用系统特性,比如深度集成 AppleScript、支持 Shortcuts 自动化、Live Activities 实时活动、Focus 专注模式等功能,从而提供更加统一和流畅的使用体验。



在这个网络钓鱼与欺诈横行时代,个人隐私与网络安全已然成为每个人都不容忽视的重要课题。每一次网络浏览、每一次应用使用,都可能留下数字足迹。因此,构建一套完善的隐私保护体系变得尤为重要。在我的实践中,这套体系主要围绕三个核心展开:DNS 防护、广告拦截和密码管理。

DNS 服务的选择是保护个人隐私的第一道防线。在国内时,我选择在 Surge 环境中使用开源的 EasyMosdns 无污染 DNS 分流 API(DoH)。这是一个通过 IP 分流远程加密查询来保护用户隐私的解决方案,不仅具有极高的解析精准度,还能有效避免 DNS 污染。而移居里斯本后,我转向了 NextDNS 服务。尽管其响应速度略慢于 Cloudflare Public DNS,但差异微乎其微,而在隐私防护方面的出色表现足以弥补这一细微差距。NextDNS 提供的丰富自定义配置选项让我能够从源头阻止跟踪器,同时有效屏蔽广告。每月 300,000 次查询的免费额度对个人用户来说已经相当充裕,而仅需 €1.99/月的进阶套餐更是物超所值。

为了构建更全面的防护网,我在电脑端和移动端的 Safari 上安装了 Wipr 2 广告拦截扩展。这款轻量级工具不仅能有效拦截广告,还可以屏蔽各类跟踪器和恶意脚本,与 DNS 层面的防护形成了双重保护。这种组合不仅提升了网页浏览体验,更重要的是确保了个人隐私数据不被随意收集。

在密码安全领域,我采用了 BitwardenEnte Auth 双管齐下的策略。Bitwarden 作为主力密码管理工具,其开源特性和强大的加密技术赢得了我多年的信任。虽然它支持自托管部署,但考虑到安全性和维护成本,加之我并不信任自己的技术,选择了每年 $10 的官方云服务版本。这不仅让我能够在各种设备上安全便捷地访问密码库,更重要的是能够使用包括双因素认证在内的高级功能。特别值得一提的是,Bitwarden 与 Fastmail 的深度集成让我能够直接生成匿名邮箱用于各类网站注册,这在保护个人隐私和杜绝垃圾邮件方面发挥了重要作用。

虽然绝大多数的双因素认证直接使用 Bitwarden,但我还是选择了 Ente Auth 管理一些特殊的双因素认证需求。例如 Bitwarden 账户本身的 2FA 验证码以及其他重要服务的双重认证。Ente Auth 独特的下一个验证码预览功能在实际使用中带来了极大便利,让双因素认证不再是一个繁琐的过程。这两款工具都秉承开源理念,源代码完全公开透明,不仅接受公众审查确保安全性,更从根本上保障了用户数据的隐私。


在数字工具的选择上,2024 年是我突破固有认知的一年。这种突破不仅体现在工具的选择上,更体现在使用理念的转变上。从笔记管理到写作工具,从信息获取到自动化工作流,每一个选择都经过充分酝酿,最终形成了一个高效协同的系统。

在笔记工具的选择上,我完成了从 HeptabaseTana 的转变。作为一款融合了 Roam Research 的灵活性和 Notion 的结构化优势的笔记软件,Tana 以其独特的设计理念重新定义了我的知识管理方式。它不仅支持传统的大纲式层级记录,更通过 SuperTag 实现了数据的结构化管理。其强大的 search node 功能,确保了内容检索的便捷性和精准度。Tana 在 AI 方面的整合更是令我印象深刻,尤其是其语音转文本功能,让灵感捕捉变得异常轻松——当脑中闪现想法时,只需通过手机录音,Tana AI 就能自动将其转化为结构化的文本。

虽然在今年七月份,我曾详细阐述过 Tana 与 Heptabase 的协同工作流,这个方法直到现在依然在激发我的创造力。然而,随着对 Tana 的深入使用,我发现它完全可以承担起 Heptabase 在深度理解方面发挥的作用。这个我意想不到的认知导致我逐渐减少了对 Heptabase 的依赖。尽管如此,我仍然深深敬佩 Heptabase 的设计理念,希望它能在未来有更好的发展。

在写作工具的选择上,今年最大的惊喜来自于发现了比我年龄还大的文本编辑器 BBEdit。这款看似朴实无华的工具,却带给我的 aha moment 前所未有。它的价值不仅在于其强大的文本处理能力,更在于它与 macOS 系统的深度整合。通过 AppleScript,我实现了从文章起草到发布的完整自动化流程:包括处理 Markdown 元数据、更改文件名、移动文件位置,以及通过 git 命令推送到 GitHub 仓库等一系列操作。它在处理大型文本文件时依然保持着流畅的性能,这是许多现代编辑器难以企及的优势。

BBEdit 的使用不仅提升了我的写作效率,还意外地促使我深入探索了 RaycastDEVONthink 的进阶功能。Raycast 作为 macOS 上的效率工具,通过其 QuickLink 功能,让我能够一键访问常用文件夹和应用程序。更重要的是,借助其 Script Command 功能,我开发了包括创建文件 Deep Link 在内的多个自动化脚本,实现了本地文件与 Tana 的单向链接,升级了我对本地文件的管理方式。而 DEVONthink 这款同样历史悠久的软件,通过与 AppleScript 的深度集成,以及与 BBEdit 的默契配合,在我的工作流中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

在 AI 辅助工具方面,PerplexityKagi 的表现很让我满意。Perplexity Pro 版本不仅提供了更强大的 AI 模型选择,其实时联网搜索能力更是让信息获取变得高效精准。它在我的海外生活中发挥了意想不到的作用,比如在里斯本超市购物时,我常常通过拍照询问 Perplexity 来了解葡语产品的具体信息,协助我做出购买决策,这极大地改善了我的购物体验。

在使用 Kagi 之前,我从未想过要为搜索引擎付费,但实际体验彻底改变了这个想法。它不仅提供了干净、无广告的搜索结果,其 Universal Summarizer 功能更是让我在浏览新闻和长文时节省了大量时间。Kagi Bangs 和 Kagi Lens 等特色功能显著提升了信息检索的精准度,而其始终保持高质量和客观性的搜索结果,在当下充斥着 SEO 优化内容的互联网环境中显得尤为珍贵。




在电子邮件服务的选择上,经过深入对比后,我最终选择继续使用 Fastmail 而非迁移至 Tuta。这个决定源于对实际使用场景的理性思考:虽然 Tuta 以其强大的安全性著称,但在当今的邮件通讯环境下,这种安全优势往往难以充分发挥,特别是当大多数通信对象仍在使用 Gmail 等主流服务的情况下。相比之下,Fastmail 虽然在安全层面不及 Tuta,但其安全性仍远优于主流邮件服务提供商,同时在实用性方面则具有显著优势。它不仅支持创建多达 600 个匿名邮箱,这一特性配合 Bitwarden 的集成功能,为管理各类网站和应用程序的注册账户提供了极大便利。更重要的是,它能够无缝对接 Apple Calendar 和 Apple Notes,让日程管理和工作日志的同步变得更加轻松。

在书签管理领域,我选择了复古且足够使用的 Pinboard。这个选择的关键在于其开放的 API 接口,使其能够完美融入我的工作流:无论是通过 AppleScript 与 DEVONthink 同步,还是借助 N8N 连接 Tana 和 Telegram 频道,都能实现流畅的数据流转。考虑到其全文存档和检索功能的实用价值,订阅完整版账户时我并没有吝啬。

在阅读工具方面,Readwise Reader 仍然是我的首选平台。虽然新兴的 RSS 阅读器 Follow 展现出令人期待的潜力,但考虑到其稳定性仍在完善阶段,目前仅将其作为信息获取的补充渠道。

在多语言阅读需求的推动下,我终于购买了划词翻译工具 Bob 这个相见恨晚的得力助手。通过配置免费的 DeepL API 和 Groq 提供的大语言模型,它能够提供快速、准确、优雅的翻译服务。对于需要更专业的翻译场景,我会使用 Immersive Translate 作为补充。有趣的是,我的阅读习惯随着语言环境的改变而发生了显著演变:从前在国内时习惯使用中英对照阅读,而到里斯本生活后,我更倾向于直接阅读英文原文,仅在遇到疑难词句时通过 Bob 进行划词翻译。或许这种转变不仅反映了语言能力的自然提升,也展现了工具在适应性学习中的重要作用。



数据的安全存储和可靠备份始终是不可或缺的基础需求。尽管我已在第 92 期电子报中详细阐述了具体的数据存储与备份策略,在此我想着重分享选择这些服务背后的深层考量,以及它们如何协同工作形成一个完整的数据保护体系。

作为 Apple ecosystem 的用户,iCloud 为我提供了设备间无与伦比的互通体验。这种优势在家庭场景中尤为突出——由于家人也都在使用 Apple 设备,通过 iCloud+ 的家庭共享功能,我们能够轻松实现照片、文档等数据的共享与同步。这种无缝的协作体验是其他平台难以企及的,也是我选择继续坚持 Apple 生态的重要原因之一。

然而,iCloud 在对外分享方面的羸弱促使我需要寻找一个传统网盘作为补充。考虑到实际使用场景,我花费两周时间专注评估欧洲的网盘服务商,深入对比了 Mega、pCloud、Internxt、Koofr 和 icedrive 等多个方案。最终,德国的 Filen 以其出色的综合表现脱颖而出。这款采用零知识端对端加密技术的安全网盘,在保证高强度加密的同时,仍然保持着令人满意的传输速度。更难能可贵的是,它不对文件版本数量和传输带宽设限,这使其成为理想的文件分享工具。

Filen 的价值不仅体现在文件分享上,它同样是我重要数据的可靠后盾。其桌面客户端提供的灵活文件同步选项,能够在后台静默完成数据备份工作,这种无感知的备份机制大大降低了日常使用的心智负担。不过,即便 Filen 的安全性值得肯定,在备份重要的数据时,我依然使用了 encryption 工具进行加密后再进行备份。

在构建异地容灾备份方案时,我选择了专业的 BorgBase 服务。这个选择基于几个关键考量:首先,BorgBase 是专门为 Borg 备份定制的服务,完美支持增量备份和重复数据删除特性,既确保了完整的备份历史,又能有效节省存储空间;其次,它提供了直观的 Web 界面用于备份状态监控,配备开源的桌面端图形界面便于操作,并支持 SSH 密钥认证以确保安全性;最后,BorgBase 在欧洲多地部署的服务器为我提供了优质的访问速度和较低的网络延迟。这些专业特性使其相比普通的对象存储服务更适合作为异地容灾备份方案。

这三层防护——iCloud、Filen 和 BorgBase——构成了一个完整的数据安全保障体系。iCloud 负责日常的设备同步和家庭共享,Filen 承担文件分享和常规备份任务,而 BorgBase 则作为最后的安全防线,确保在极端情况下数据仍然可以完整恢复。此外,还有移动硬盘中的冷备份(但我今年的备份频率没有那么高,明年需要加强)。这种多层次的备份策略不仅提供了充分的数据冗余,也满足了不同场景下的使用需求,足以心安。


在今年年中面临多个软件订阅即将到期的情况下,我才发现——这些软件大多都在 Setapp 的应用库中。重新计算了价格后,自然而然地选择订阅了 Setapp 的基础套餐。

目前,我通过 Setapp 使用的应用主要覆盖了系统维护、效率提升、媒体处理、文档处理和 AI 增强等多个领域。在系统维护方面,CleanMyMac 和 AIDente Pro 分别负责系统清理和电池管理;在效率工具方面,CleanShot X、Yoink 和 PopClip 大大简化了日常操作流程;在媒体处理领域,Downie 和 Permute 为我提供了全面的下载和格式转换解决方案;在文档处理方面,Marked 与 BBEdit 完美配合,提供实时的文档渲染预览;而在 AI 增强领域,Superwhisper 和 BoltAI 则提供了诸多便利。


随着在里斯本的生活逐渐稳定,我的自托管需求发生了显著变化。不再需要全天候的 Surge 环境,也无需为使用 AI 平台、支付平台而担忧 IP 问题,这让我得以大幅精简服务器配置:目前仅保留一台通过 Zeabur 管理的 Hetzner VPS,外加一台 Oracle 免费 VPS。这种精简不仅降低了维护成本,更让我能够将注意力集中在真正重要的服务上。


  • TiddlyWiki 是我的 Digital Garden,展示公开的笔记
  • RSSHubWeWe RSS 负责构建个性化的订阅源
  • Telegram RSSbot 获取重要的即时信息
  • Ladder 绕过付费墙的限制
  • N8N 处理包括内容聚合、数据转换、定时任务等在内的各类自动化流程
  • Uptime Kuma 进行实时监测
  • Twikoo 为博客提供轻量级评论系统
  • R2 Uploader 图形化管理 Cloudflare R2



通过回顾 2024 年的数字工具选择,我清晰地看到几个主要趋势:首先是向原生应用的回归;其次是对隐私和安全的持续重视;第三是工具间的深度整合,通过 AppleScript、Shortcuts 等自动化手段,将独立的工具编织成有机的整体。



2024-11-10 04:16:04


Table of Content




  1. 四大美德实践
    • 通过「价值与成长」板块深入践行智慧、勇气、节制、正义
    • 培养区分可控与不可控事物的智慧
    • 确保行为与价值观的一致性
  2. 理性反思
    • 客观记录生活事件与个人反应
    • 觉察并优化思维模式
    • 以反思促进自我提升


  1. 正念观察
    • 在「内在觉察」环节保持对身心的如实观照
    • 培养不带评判的觉知当下的品质
    • 培养对身心状态的觉察能力
  2. 感恩与慈悲
    • 通过日常感恩培养积极心态
    • 留意生活中的美好瞬间
    • 滋养对万物的慈悲之心


  1. 批判性思维
    • 审视既有认知与社会常态
    • 探寻表象背后的本质
    • 觉察日常生活中的异化现象
  2. 社会维度思考
    • 探究个人与社会结构的关联
    • 思考个体行为的社会影响
    • 追寻自我解放
  3. 理性启蒙
    • 克服工具理性的局限
    • 追求更全面的人性解放
    • 保持理性的怀疑精神



  1. 事件记录
    • 目的:客观记录重要事件,避免流于表面
    • 重点:发现问题、分析本质、探索改变,关注事件带来的内在影响和个人成长
    • 建议:具体描述,避免过于笼统,着重于批判性思维的培养
  2. 内在觉察
    • 目的:培养自我觉知能力
    • 重点:情绪和思维模式的观察
    • 建议:保持诚实和客观,不评判对错
  3. 价值与成长
    • 目的:将哲学理念落实到具体行动
    • 重点:行为与价值观的一致性
    • 建议:具体列举实例,避免空谈
  4. 感恩与觉知
    • 目的:培养积极心态,增强幸福感
    • 重点:发现生活中的美好
    • 建议:从小事做起,真诚感受


  • 目的:适度规划,保持方向感
  • 重点:准备而不焦虑
  • 建议:保持合理预期,不过分执着




  • 选择较为安静的晚间时段
  • 保证有充足的独处时间
  • 建议固定时间,培养习惯


  1. 真实性
    • 保持诚实的自我对话
    • 避免过度修饰和粉饰
  2. 持续性
    • 坚持每日记录
    • 不追求完美,重在坚持
  3. 灵活性
    • 可根据个人需要调整内容
    • 不必每个部分都填写完整
  4. 辩证思维
    • 避免简单化和绝对化
    • 注意现象背后的矛盾
    • 探索多元视角
  5. 社会视角
    • 将个人经历置于更广阔的社会背景中
    • 尝试换位思考,关注集体和他人的处境
    • 思考个人行为的社会影响


  1. 避免
    • 流于形式的表面记录
    • 过度苛责自己
    • 过分执着于完美
    • 陷入虚无主义
  2. 建议
    • 关注质量胜于数量
    • 保持开放和接纳的态度
    • 将重点放在个人成长上
    • 保持建设性的批判态度



  1. 提升自我觉察能力
  2. 培养理性思维习惯
  3. 增强情绪管理能力
  4. 明确个人价值观
  5. 培养积极生活态度
  6. 促进持续性成长
  7. 提升生活质量和幸福感
  8. 提升批判性思维能力
  9. 增强社会责任感
  10. 发展更全面的理性思维




