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EKL 20250305 Money In The Way

2025-03-05 13:20:52


  • J.Cole dropped
  • 时间是思考的土壤


luther (feat. SZA) Kendrick Lamar

If this world were mine

Hey, Roman numeral seven, bae, drop it like it's hot
If this world was mine, I'd take your dreams and make 'em multiply
If this world was mine, I'd take your enemies in front of God
Introduce 'em to that light, hit them strictly with that fire
Fah-fah, fah-fah-fah, fah-fah, fah

Hey, Roman numeral seven, bae, drop it like it's hot
If this world was mine, I'd take your dreams and make 'em multiply
If this world was mine, I'd take your enemies in front of God
Introduce 'em to that light, hit them strictly with that fire
It's a vibe, do your dance, let 'em watch
She a fan, he a flop, they just wanna kumbaya, nah

In this world, concrete flowers grow
Heartache, she only doin' what she know
Weekends, get it poppin' on the low
Better days comin' for sure
If this world were
If it was up to me
I wouldn't give these nobodies no sympathy
I'd take away the pain, I'd give you everything
I just wanna see you win, wanna see
If this world

It go in (when you), out (ride it), do it real slow (slide)
Baby, you a star, strike, pose
When I'm (when you) with you (with me) everything goes (slow)
Come and (put that) put that (on my) on my (titi) soul (soul)
'Rari (red), crown (stack), wrist (stay) froze (really)
Drip (tell me), pound (if you) on the way home (love me)

In this world, concrete flowers grow
Heartache, she only doin' what she know
Weekends, get it poppin' on the low
Better days comin' for sure
If this world were
If it was up to me
I wouldn't give these nobodies no sympathy
I'd take away the pain, I'd give you everything
I just wanna see you win, wanna see
If this world

I can't lie
I trust you, I love you, I won't waste your time
I turn it off just so I can turn you on
I'ma make you say it loud
I'm not even trippin', I won't stress you out
I might even settle down for you, I'ma show you I'm a pro
I'ma take my time and turn it off
Just so I can turn you on, baby

Weekends, get it poppin' on the low
Better days comin' for sure
I know you're comin' for
Better days

If this world were mine

🫡 J.Cole dropped


My niggas be smokin' on something loud, head to the clouds
I ain't been steppin' out, tired of stickin' out in the crowd
This world is changin' right in front of me
Gray hairs, I'm agin' quicker than I thought I'd be

Straight up (Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up)
Straight up (Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up)
Straight up (Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up)
Straight up (Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up)

[Verse 1]
Please believe these flows teach egos
To freeze and then recede, I'm C4
Beneath your Jeep, the second you turn that keyhole
Then heat blows your weak flows right out the water
The father, boy, I work smarter and harder
My style got a restraining order, don't bothеr
I charter unseen territories in ordеr
To push it farther than you niggas had ever thought of
I caught a lotta murder charges, turned artists to martyrs
When I rock, thot turns to goddess
Fiends turn to kings, dreams turn to things tangible
My hands are full with grands I pulled
From stanzas, no, I can't go slow, I'm Sandra Bull'
Either proceed with speed or don't breathe
There's no creed or color that won't heed to the warning
The planet'll shake when I'm performing
Tectonic plates from a place where TECs on they waist
So stay safe or get left with chest on your face
As death waits for your last of breath
I'ma pass the test, yes, I'm a master chef
Want a taste, then pay for it
They claim they're real, but they're seldom straightforward
The pain I feel on my frame gets transmuted to a dangerous flame
I spit fire at the devil while the angels sing
The flow changed, but Jermaine's the same, I'm plain jane
Not a chain on my neck, but shine like baguettes
A shame, not a flex to rhyme like the rest
My mind's quite depressed if I don't write these
I'm Spike Lee of the audio, back in my barrio
Parties got shot up, so I built up on my cardio
Dodge shells, collect coins like I'm Mario
But this is not a gaming experience, I'm serious, nigga
See upcoming rap shows
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PARTYNEXTDOOR, Drake & Chino Pacas
Port Antonio
J. Cole
Straight up (Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up)
Straight up (Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up)
Straight up (Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up)
Straight up (Straight up, straight up, yeah)

My niggas be smokin' on something loud, head to the clouds
I ain't been steppin' out, tired of stickin' out in the crowd
This world is changin' right in front of me
Gray hairs, I'm agin' quicker than I thought I'd be

[Verse 2]
I'm that bass in your trunk, the bullet that missed Trump
The gun that jammed 'cause it seemed God had other plans
The Son of Man extendin' his hand to Son of Sam
In forgiveness for all of the homicides we witnessed
The overdramatized, the traumatized with sickness
Thrown in the pan and caramelized for richness
And served on a plate with sirloin steak
To billionaires who don't care the world's gon' break
Long as they make money off it, pain brings profit
One man gains it soon as the next man lost it
There's a bridge you can walk to hear God talk
But there are real slim odds a rich man crosses
'Cause greed is a poisonous seed, indeed
As it spreads like weeds through the mind's apple trees
I proceed with caution, and I'm not flossin'
Unlike some, I'm not defined by my fortune
I'm defined by rhymes, though I'm in my prime
There was times that I was down 'cause I'd thought I'd lost it
But no, lo and behold, as my poetry grows
I give all glory to God as the story unfolds
And the gray hairs that grow on my head will show
Ain't no time limit to get it, you ain't never too old
So keep hold of your dream, no matter how it seems
If you don't water your lawn, well, then it won't stay green
I seen babies turn fiends, addicted to the screen
That dad shares, cashiers replaced by machines
Don't buy, subscribe so you can just stream
Your content like rent, you won't own a thing
Before long, all the songs the whole world sings
Will be generated by latest of AI regimes
As all of our favorite artists erased by it scream
From the wayside, "Ayy, whatever happened to human beings?"
Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up
Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up
Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up
Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up

My niggas be smokin' on something loud



  • 这几个月看到Joaquin "New Mansa" Buckley比较多 ,无论是YT上个人分享的思考,还是IG上分享的生活。失去双亲由祖母抚养长大的男孩,现在成为一家的顶梁支柱。MMA fighter有些特点,这种小圈子里的人,不像足球那么受到关注,比如英超随便一个中下游的前锋,能够稳定首发的水平在IG上也会有几百万粉丝关注,对于MMA这帮人,现任champ里面粉丝量第二多的ISLAM也才8M,Dustin 3M,偶尔还会转发粉丝的@消息,比如like my story. Terrance McKinney在去西雅图观赛前,还tweet: I’ll be in Seattle this weekend for the UFC hit me up if you want a pic I’ll be around the venue 我想说的是这些人相对来说有点“不温不火”,但是最让普通观众感到亲切的,没有遥不可及,但是确实很多时候在stream上才看到他们的高光。大家都一样,努力拼搏,组建家庭,也会遇到共同的社会问题,比如Joaquin "New Mansa" Buckley站出来说Conor等人将Nword太平常话了,无意中会伤害到人。
  • 被这样的小圈子氛围笼罩着感觉很自由,full of power and motivated
  • United as one
  • 又看了很多Islam搞笑的clip 还有UFC官方的个人集锦,有很多submission 尤其是木村锁hooker看了好几次。让我感叹MMA和棋类的竞技有很多相似之处,尤其是象棋围棋这种能够步步逼近最终给对手站在悬崖上俯视地狱深渊的绝望之感。对Hooker时候right hook几乎同时快速双腿抱摔到地面,一步步打击侧身得到对hooker右手腕得控制,转到双手控制他的右臂,这时候普通的Kimura已经成形了,但是旁边的半个代打Khabib在笼边喊,叫他右腿跨过Hooker的头。这种情形每次看一遍都会立刻让我想到“将军抽车”,几乎无可退步.
  • 夜跑完洗澡,想起小学时候和哥哥下象棋确实出现过被三个卒子逼死的将军。
    • 三卒 全方位碾压带来的愉悦
  • 日滚一卒的智慧
  • 你没有被选择 这也是计划的一部分 被筛选
  • 做梦梦到了很多内容,而且大部分都是连续的,还能够联系起来之前的一些内容,让我感觉到潜意识里这些内容的储存地方在大脑里可能是相近的

  • 跑步刚好可以复习一下,回来之后可以再听一下原声带
  • Magomed Ankalaev在斋月,let the better man prevail





  • 忙于其他事情就难有思考产出,需要一定的放松时间
  • 爱好钓鱼有个好处就是时刻会和鱼换位思考。不会有什么从天而降的好处到嘴边,令人满足的施舍之后必是需要付出的代价。
  • code和钓鱼一样 平日里看起来浪费时间的捯饬乱七八糟的东西 但是通过一步步积累 只要方法正确做好笔记 所有你走过的沿途的就算岔路也好 都会在将来支援到自己 处于爱好写的很多code都会在将来的某天帮助到你 不积小流
  • 人也是格式化的,行事风格固定不变,喜欢老套路接近别人办事,就是那种nerd 鸡毛蒜皮跟你急
  • 真正的机会来了也要仔细想清楚,其实这背后也是一种习惯,不要临时被名利和虚荣诱惑,错失了你平日里日思夜想所得到的理想选择。
  • SuperBowl 这次show就是,关于自己的成长, 民族文化,rap game
  • “高级自律是努力克制自己的反驳欲”
  • 更新blog和跑步一样,实际上都是坚持很容易,暂停下来重启才是最难的。跑步坚持跑姿即使速度慢下来都可以,但是只要放弃走了起来,再此启动跑起来总会要更多的勇气。每周的跑步计划也是,数月养成的习惯,如果因为某一天撒懒没能坚持,后面就有可能断断续续废了养成的习惯。 总之保持匀速,做其他事也是,不只跑步,坚持的成本已经比较低了,放弃再出发更难启动。
  • 喜怒哀乐是守恒的 唯有幸福是维持这个balance的奖励

EKL Wisdom Shelf


  • Mancity 0-3 Liverpool 2025年2月24日01:46:35 着实阵容不全 但确实就算完全实力 状态也难抗衡

  • 2025年2月24日 做梦了(我似乎在没醒之前 半梦时候 似乎快速眼动时期感觉已经在思考这些),人也是材料原子(高中时候就想一整个body 里都是整个宇宙进化万亿年原子的集合体,You got your own history),研究电池这一套上去也可以适用。

    • 材料合成
      • How can one man be raised
    • 表征方法
      • 有直观方法 也有间接测试 黑匣子 进出之间对比就可以反映黑匣子的特质
    • 机理揭示
      • 分析物性 人性表现背后的原因 原生家庭… 成长路径
    • 性能测试
      • 日久见人心 电池圈数之后定会坏掉 不同的测试条件倍率 相处的密切程度
  • 欲得其上,必求上上

    • 欲取其中,必求其上;欲取其上,必求其上上
    • 取法乎上,仅得其中;取法乎中,仅得其下
    • 求其上者得其中,求其中者得其下,求其下者无所得
  • 寄快递时候想到欧盟和中国一样大 但是购物效率物流快慢不是一个水平 秦皇一统的功绩~

  • 实在是困得不行,鸡啄米一样地点头,就只好转移电脑到升降桌上,以后周末也可以多站立换着办公。



  • 看了一篇RCS上Clare Sansom17 February 2025 (Physicist turned bioinformatician turned portfolio scientist, lecturer (Birkbeck and OU) and writer on science, technology and medicine. Girly swot. She/her)写作的文章Studying materials in action 主要细致的科普性将operando 在线技术检测电池中催化剂等,区别于ex/in situ 离位/原位技术。文章从基础性概念,科普性写作比较浅显易懂而且科学严谨,作为写作参考不错!除此之外介绍Clare Grey很多相关的operando的工作,NMR和OM,最后讲他们开的公司和相关技术、仪器的发展近况。

  • 之前看到文章里面有翻译“抽象 pump elefant”,“ practical inquire .”

  • 坐着屁股难受,站着脚累,降低地球的质量密度行不行

  • 科幻一点,未来审判日需要ML对人类进行聚类分析。地缘上 爱好活动上 形态意识宗教信仰上 为人处事性格上。You gonna be xed for the shit you've done.喜欢party成群结队的人 也是最喜欢贪小便宜的人 最脆弱难独立 经济上管理混乱没有规划 人格更难独立 怕孤独一个人还难做选择。Dead serious , Everybody must be judged

  • Deadlines are your true friends. They are always waiting for you.
  • 降低对于明天的期待,不能太轻易的将未完成的任务托付于明天的自己
  • I work my ass off, with that being said: No way you can beat me in this game, Sir~

  • 这周末。Next UFC 313 Pereira vs Ankalaev, Highlight Gaethje & Fiziev 归来。 #Can't wait ✊

Thanks for being an insider till the end!
Till next , stay safe and stay hydrated!

EKL 20240214 Tell'em Drizzy Dropped

2025-02-14 18:54:06





This girl face so pretty, I can only think of fuckin' missionary

Drake Lyrics

Yeah, Drake elimination, fake intimidation
Take a minute, take a deep breath, have a little bit of patience
"Drizzy, you amazin', you the inspiration
You set the bar for the next generation"
You Neo in the matrix, these niggas just Nemo in the ocean
Small fish, making kids feel emotion
Using you for promotion, truer words had never been spoken
Niggas want to see RIP me on a t-shirt like I'm Hulk Hogan
I appreciate the fans rocking with me, this is really just a small token
Really fuckin' with a visionary
Only reason I ain't got a girl and I ain't gettin' married
'Cause I'm really out here, filling up the itinerary 'til I'm six feet in a cemetery
Bulletproof doors so heavy, got me rollin' 'round like a dignitary
Funny how it's only bitch niggas that are waiting on the boy's obituary
'Cause if I die, it's these niggas that become the sole beneficiary
And what the fuck are they gon' do with it?
Head of girls up at twenty-nine, on stage twerkin' with a dictionary
Guilt trips, not Turks trips when it's cold out here in February
'Cause right now, shorty parachuting molly like she flying for the military
This girl face so pretty, I can only think of fuckin' missionary

Fuck that, make the beat switch, turn the hoes up, give a million to 'em
Right now, I got so many villas booked on like I'm billing to 'em
Durk's boy told me Marvin's Room was his favorite song, he was drilling to it
Thousand niggas rappin' murder shit and like ten niggas that'll really do it
Savage, you the only nigga checkin' on me when we really in some shit, brother
Melyssa Ford, you a legend from the 6, hate to see you with a dick-sucker
Shit about to be a lit summer, tell Tony, "Leave the motor runnin'"
Tell Mike that the ceiling's too low in Booby, how we supposed to throw a hundred?
They be droppin' shit, but we be droppin' harder shit (Droppin' harder shit)
Fuck a rap beef, I'm tryna get the party lit
Tryna get the party lit for the bitches
Them Nike tights is huggin' on that ass like they missed it
What's up?
Niggas is hating the boy for sure, the women in love
Walk in the strip club, damn, I missed you hoes, give me a hug
Give me a hug, give me a hug, give me a hug, give me a hug

Yeah, I know that you work in the club
Know that these people might judge
But fuck it, you family to us
So come over here and give me some love
Yeah, give me a hug
I miss you hoes, give me a hug
Give me a hug, give me a hug
What can I say? I miss you girls, I'm stuck in my ways
Princess, Gigi, Pooh, Pink, Luxury, y'all gotta come to the stage
Yeah, come to the stage and show me some love
You know how I'm comin', I'm giving it up
The niggas in here ain't spendin' enough

Bae, I miss you
I'm talkin' to you, baby, I miss you
You, you, you, you, you

  • Definitely not mid.

Thanks for being an insider till the end!
Till next , stay safe and stay hydrated!

EKL 20240210 SuperBowl KENNY

2025-02-10 19:02:38


  • Chiefs-Eagles 22-40
  • NFL SuperBowl HalfTime Show


Kendrick Lamar The Heart Part 5

As I get a little older
I realize life is perspective
And my perspective may differ from yours
I wanna say thank you to everyone that's been down with me
All my fans, all my beautiful fans
Anyone who's ever gave me a listen
All my people

I come from a generation of pain, where murder is minor
Rebellious and Margielas'll chip you for designer
Belt buckles and clout, overzealous if prone to violence
Make the wrong turn, be it will or the wheel alignment
Residue burned, mist of the inner-city
Miscommunication to keep homi' detective busy
No protection is risky
Desensitized, I vandalized pain, covered up and camouflaged
Get used to hearing arsenal rain
Analyze, risk your life, take the charge
Homies done fucked your baby mama once you hit the yard
That's culture
Twenty-three hour lockdown, then somebody called
Said your lil nephew was shot down, the culture's involved
I done seen niggas do seventeen, hit the halfway house
Get out and get his brains blown out, looking to buy some weed
Car wash is played out, new GoFundMe accounts'll proceed
A brand-new victim'll shatter those dreams, the culture

(I want, I want, I want, I want)
But I want you to want me too (I want, I want, I want, I want)
I want the hood to want me back (I want, I want, I want, I want)
I want the hood

Look what I done for you (look what I done for you)
Look what I done for you

I said I do this for my culture
To let y'all know what a nigga look like in a bulletproof Rover
In my mama's sofa was a doo-doo popper
Hair trigger, walk up closer, ain't no Photoshopping
Friends bipolar, grab you by your pockets
No option if you froze up, always play the offense
Niggas going to work and selling work, late for work
Working late, praying for work, but he on paperwork
That's the culture, point the finger, promote ya
Remote location, witness protection, they gon' hold ya
The streets got me fucked up
Y'all can miss me
I wanna represent for us
New revolution was up and moving
I'm in Argentina wiping my tears full of confusion
Water in between us, another peer's been executed
History repeats again
Make amends, then find a nigga with the same skin to do it

But that's the culture, crack a bottle
Hard to deal with the pain when you're sober
By tomorrow we forget the remains, we start over
That's the problem
Our foundation was trained to accept whatever follows

Dehumanized, insensitive
Scrutinize the way we live for you and I
Enemies shook my hand, I can promise I'll meet you
In the land where no equal is your equal
Never say I ain't told ya, nah
In the land where hurt people hurt more people
Fuck calling it culture

(I want, I want, I want, I want)
But I want you to want me too (I want, I want, I want, I want)
I want the hood to want me back (I want, I want, I want, I want)
I want the hood

Look what I done for you (look what I done for you)
Look what I done for you

Take the drums out

Celebrate new life when it come back around
The purpose is in the lessons we learning now
Sacrifice personal gain over everything
Just to see the next generation better than ours
I wasn't perfect, the skin I was in had truly suffered
Temptation, impatience, everything that the body nurtures
I felt the good, I felt the bad and I felt the worry
But all-in-all, my productivity had stayed urgent

Face your fears, always knew that I would make it here
Where the energy is magnified and persevered
Consciousness is synchronized and crystal-clear
Euphoria is glorified and made His
Reflecting on my life and what I done
Paid dues, made rules, change outta love
Them same views made schools change curriculums
But didn't change me staring down the barrel of the gun

Should I feel resentful I didn't see my full potential?
Should I feel regret about the good that I was into?
Everything is everything, this ain't coincidental
I woke up that morning with more heart to give you
As I bleed through the speakers, feel my presence

To my brother, to my kids, I'm in heaven
To my mother, to my sis, I'm in heaven
To my father, to my wife, I am serious, this is heaven
To my friends, make sure you counting them blessings
To my fans, make sure you make them investments
And to the killer that sped up my demise
I forgive you, just know your soul's in question
I seen the pain in your pupil when that trigger had squeezed
And though you did me gruesome, I was truly relieved
I completed my mission, wasn't ready to leave
But fulfilled my days, my Creator was pleased

I can't stress how I love y'all
I don't need to be in flesh just to hug y'all
The memories recollect just because y'all
Celebrate me with respect
The unity we protect is above all

And, Sam, I'll be watching over you
Make sure my kids watch all my interviews
Make sure you live out our dreams we produced
Keep that genius in your brain on the move

And to my neighborhood, let the good prevail
Make sure them babies and the leaders outta jail
Look for salvation when troubles get real
'Cause you can't help the world until you help yourself

And I can't blame the hood the day that I was killed
Y'all had to see it, that's the only way to feel
And though my physical won't reap the benefits
The energy that carry on emits still
I want you

NFL SuperBowl Chiefs-Eagles 22-40


  • Boring game 第三节快结束前34-0的比分,估计下半场收视率堪忧…… 第一节失误频频时候就感觉整个结果不妙了。
  • 全场 Chiefs都没有推进多少,前三节更是艰难到很难拿到首攻,1 2 3 down密集的失误,进攻组整个都没有控球很长时间,QB负主要责任,当然外接手失误频频,整个进攻线哑火,防守组规规矩矩的表现也难力挽狂澜。最后只有Rookie Xavier Worthy两个达阵挽回颜面,算是第一次失望的经历……
  • 而Eagles这边进攻和防守组频频开花,除了巴克利稍微被限制一点外,整体上表现出NFC冠军的气质和水准。又一个去往三连冠的巨人倒在雄鹰之下~ We'll just be back.
  • Jalen Hurts获得MVP,想起一位Philadelphia故人,Allen Iverson,高傲的英雄,身边也有优秀的进攻线支持,CONGRATS:

NFL SuperBowl HalfTime Show



## Wish list of the tracks
* "30 for 30" (with SZA) 
* "luther" (with SZA)
* "All the Stars" (with SZA) †
* "LOVE." (featuring Zacari) †
* gnx
* hey now
* "Not Like Us" †
* "squabble up"
* "tv off" (featuring Lefty Gunplay)
* "King Kunta" †
* "m.A.A.d city" (featuring MC Eight)
* "Money Trees" (featuring Jay Rock)
* "Swimming Pools (Drank)" †

* 当然考虑到演出的背景是基于一个娱乐性体育赛事,所以不会有太多或者比较强烈的“种族性”的叙事tracks,  总时长不到十五分钟但是都是串烧形式,所以tracks数量会多一些,以上是比较有可能出现的,以下估计受众受限,也不太适合在这种场合表演……

* Euphoria
* "Count Me Out"
* The Heart Part 5 
* "The Heart Part 4" †
* Like That
* N95 
* "DNA."
* "Alright" †
* "HUMBLE." †
* "family ties" (with Baby Keem) †

Kendrick Lamar Super Bowl halftime show setlist
"GNX" teaser (snippet)
"Squabble Up"
"Man at the Garden"
"Luther" feat. SZA
"All the Stars" feat. SZA
"Not Like Us"
"TV Off"

  • 出镜 surprise celebrity guest:

    • R&B singer SZA
    • tennis superstar Serena Williams
    • Oscar-nominated actor Samuel L. Jackson dressed as Uncle Sam
    • "Not Like Us" producer, DJ Mustard
  • 感受:纯Hip-hop叙事类型的tracks很难呈现在娱乐性的演出上,尤其是体育赛事,要求不能让气氛低沉,所以最好是一些hit的热门歌曲,曲风还以欢快为好。这次当然没有Pop out的演出效果好,因为不同场地呈现出的效果没法比,NFL的场地比一般演唱会的场馆空旷,但也没有那么糟,可能比不上2022年Hip-hop的巅峰之作,但作为solo artist这是从0到1的突破,整体上已经非常优秀。不知道会不会职业生涯会有第三次?

Thanks for being an insider till the end!
Till next , stay safe and stay hydrated!

EKL 312

2025-02-09 23:40:37


  • Just Ye being Ye
  • COC的哲学
  • NFL SuperBowl Weekend


luther (feat. SZA) Kendrick Lamar

If this world were mine

Hey, Roman numeral seven, bae, drop it like it's hot
If this world was mine, I'd take your dreams and make 'em multiply
If this world was mine, I'd take your enemies in front of God
Introduce 'em to that light, hit them strictly with that fire
Fah-fah, fah-fah-fah, fah-fah, fah

Hey, Roman numeral seven, bae, drop it like it's hot
If this world was mine, I'd take your dreams and make 'em multiply
If this world was mine, I'd take your enemies in front of God
Introduce 'em to that light, hit them strictly with that fire
It's a vibe, do your dance, let 'em watch
She a fan, he a flop, they just wanna kumbaya, nah

In this world, concrete flowers grow
Heartache, she only doin' what she know
Weekends, get it poppin' on the low
Better days comin' for sure
If this world were
If it was up to me
I wouldn't give these nobodies no sympathy
I'd take away the pain, I'd give you everything
I just wanna see you win, wanna see
If this world

It go in (when you), out (ride it), do it real slow (slide)
Baby, you a star, strike, pose
When I'm (when you) with you (with me) everything goes (slow)
Come and (put that) put that (on my) on my (titi) soul (soul)
'Rari (red), crown (stack), wrist (stay) froze (really)
Drip (tell me), pound (if you) on the way home (love me)

In this world, concrete flowers grow
Heartache, she only doin' what she know
Weekends, get it poppin' on the low
Better days comin' for sure
If this world were
If it was up to me
I wouldn't give these nobodies no sympathy
I'd take away the pain, I'd give you everything
I just wanna see you win, wanna see
If this world

I can't lie
I trust you, I love you, I won't waste your time
I turn it off just so I can turn you on
I'ma make you say it loud
I'm not even trippin', I won't stress you out
I might even settle down for you, I'ma show you I'm a pro
I'ma take my time and turn it off
Just so I can turn you on, baby

Weekends, get it poppin' on the low
Better days comin' for sure
I know you're comin' for
Better days

If this world were mine



Just Ye being Ye

一路上脑海中回味着昨晚整个平台的人看着Ye的轰炸,一脚踏进门之后就意识到这就是Normal Kanye Shit,没多少意外的,某种程度上就像是Conor,literally天不怕地不怕,趾高气扬,经常“耍酒疯”一样地talk shit, 实际上缠上rapist这种官司也似乎情理之中。Kanye今天早上(看他自己说的晚安,时区应该目前在日本),自己的“辩解”说这个是一个“社会实验”。后面回归之前的状态,仍然是I can say whatever the fuck I want to say. 就是这样,自cancel culture开始,或者说“政治正确”这种,你知道某些立场大多数人都看法类似,但是大家都不能说出来,当然很多明显错误的历史或者科学事实是不容争辩的,Ye有点实验或者玩弄的成分,他就是要说Jews的问题,并且自认为没人能够拿这个Billionare怎么样,Industry就因此把整个Yeezy给cancel了,但是现在自己单干不再受任何人“监控”,breathe fresh&free air. 疯狂的轰炸和输出的观点中,有很多是curse words, 也有很多是事实,But it turns out that as far as language goes, curse words are pretty powerful.

  • 想起Conor McGregor: 'If you breathe oxygen, it's fair game'

  • 2025年2月9日,Ye今天持续着互联网行为艺术,可汗大点兵发了很多人照片,夸赞很多人,也喷了Dave Chappelle.
  • 一种新的“指活 point”



  • COC, namely Clash of Clans. 事实上在游戏世界和现实世界你所真正拥有的只有时间,金币和圣水就像是金钱和经验,正常经营总会随时间慢慢增长,这些都是个人成长的必需品。所以生活的质量、发展水平都是金钱经验拥有量的外在表现,每个人成长发展的potential、潜在能力上限都差不多,这是所有人所遵循的生理极限的“游戏规则框架”,实际上发展水平参差不齐,主要原因是建筑工人的利用率、成长的自驱力不同,有的人任务安排地满满当当,实际运行也井然有序,有的人则比较佛系放松,想推进工程的时候才推进。生活中任务的紧迫程度和计划安排的有序性也要像游戏里那样才是。



  • 比赛日好久之前大家都认为这个card很糟,没几个ranked的选手,而且可以从过去经验预判到终结不多,更多的是boring ass fights , 当然今天的结果页比较符合经验、刻板印象,很多都是打满,像在early prelims,DC就说茸主的比赛可能是fight of the night.
  • 很久之前在IG上看到茸主在CKB和IZZY一起训练,两个人都有敲定的比赛,据说CKB的成员加盟都是邀请制的,一般不会随便收外人,但是茸主是被上海PI的训练师介绍去CKB的,训练师之前在CKB工作,所以昨天晚上就定好了闹钟,今天早上这个early prelims必须看,以前茸主的站立表现就十分不错,中国男子里面个人认为仅次于Leech和亚东了。今天的三回合下来,30-27 UD拿下比赛,但感觉甚至第二回合可以10-8,严谨一点的裁判最终比分可能会30-26,目前看起来茸主的strike已经比较精湛,当然本场对手也是NOT RANKED, jab 的左手可以防护也可以前刺攻击,还结合了一些后撤行进间的低扫,takedown defence也有所提升,在优势明显的比赛中同时也展现出了“放松俏皮”的一面,前景明朗,希望早日能够进LW的rankings!



  • 场上两个DDP vs SS 比较糙一些,场下是IZZY Poatan 站立精湛,时代在进步,选手也在进化,尤其是风格方面……同样的量级,明显的对比。

Co-Main And Still


  • 伟丽和DDP都是一样,dominated the game,won by UD.

NFL SuperBowl Weekend


  • 近十年了,Kdot又一次正式接受采访,作为Solo artist领衔本次中场秀表演的嘉宾,FULL INTERVIEW:

  • dkot在回答主持人提问你想在中场秀上向大家传达什么信息?

    • storytelling

Wish list of the tracks


  • "30 for 30" (with SZA)

  • "luther" (with SZA)

  • "All the Stars" (with SZA) †

  • "LOVE." (featuring Zacari) †

  • gnx

  • hey now

  • "Not Like Us" †

  • "squabble up"

  • "tv off" (featuring Lefty Gunplay)

  • "King Kunta" †

  • "m.A.A.d city" (featuring MC Eight)

  • "Money Trees" (featuring Jay Rock)

  • "Swimming Pools (Drank)" †

  • 当然考虑到演出的背景是基于一个娱乐性体育赛事,所以不会有太多或者比较强烈的“种族性”的叙事tracks, 总时长不到十五分钟但是都是串烧形式,所以tracks数量会多一些,以上是比较有可能出现的,以下估计受众受限,也不太适合在这种场合表演……

  • Euphoria

  • "Count Me Out"

  • The Heart Part 5

  • "The Heart Part 4" †

  • Like That

  • N95

  • "DNA."

  • "Alright" †

  • "HUMBLE." †

  • "family ties" (with Baby Keem) †

Thanks for being an insider till the end!
Till next , stay safe and stay hydrated!

EKL Alma Mater 《血与蜜之地》

2025-02-05 13:16:20


  • 巴尔干半岛
  • 斯洛文尼亚、克罗地亚、塞尔维亚
  • 波黑、黑山、阿尔巴尼亚
  • 马其顿、希腊


Kendrick Lamar The Heart Part 5

As I get a little older
I realize life is perspective
And my perspective may differ from yours
I wanna say thank you to everyone that's been down with me
All my fans, all my beautiful fans
Anyone who's ever gave me a listen
All my people

I come from a generation of pain, where murder is minor
Rebellious and Margielas'll chip you for designer
Belt buckles and clout, overzealous if prone to violence
Make the wrong turn, be it will or the wheel alignment
Residue burned, mist of the inner-city
Miscommunication to keep homi' detective busy
No protection is risky
Desensitized, I vandalized pain, covered up and camouflaged
Get used to hearing arsenal rain
Analyze, risk your life, take the charge
Homies done fucked your baby mama once you hit the yard
That's culture
Twenty-three hour lockdown, then somebody called
Said your lil nephew was shot down, the culture's involved
I done seen niggas do seventeen, hit the halfway house
Get out and get his brains blown out, looking to buy some weed
Car wash is played out, new GoFundMe accounts'll proceed
A brand-new victim'll shatter those dreams, the culture

(I want, I want, I want, I want)
But I want you to want me too (I want, I want, I want, I want)
I want the hood to want me back (I want, I want, I want, I want)
I want the hood

Look what I done for you (look what I done for you)
Look what I done for you

I said I do this for my culture
To let y'all know what a nigga look like in a bulletproof Rover
In my mama's sofa was a doo-doo popper
Hair trigger, walk up closer, ain't no Photoshopping
Friends bipolar, grab you by your pockets
No option if you froze up, always play the offense
Niggas going to work and selling work, late for work
Working late, praying for work, but he on paperwork
That's the culture, point the finger, promote ya
Remote location, witness protection, they gon' hold ya
The streets got me fucked up
Y'all can miss me
I wanna represent for us
New revolution was up and moving
I'm in Argentina wiping my tears full of confusion
Water in between us, another peer's been executed
History repeats again
Make amends, then find a nigga with the same skin to do it

But that's the culture, crack a bottle
Hard to deal with the pain when you're sober
By tomorrow we forget the remains, we start over
That's the problem
Our foundation was trained to accept whatever follows

Dehumanized, insensitive
Scrutinize the way we live for you and I
Enemies shook my hand, I can promise I'll meet you
In the land where no equal is your equal
Never say I ain't told ya, nah
In the land where hurt people hurt more people
Fuck calling it culture

(I want, I want, I want, I want)
But I want you to want me too (I want, I want, I want, I want)
I want the hood to want me back (I want, I want, I want, I want)
I want the hood

Look what I done for you (look what I done for you)
Look what I done for you

Take the drums out

Celebrate new life when it come back around
The purpose is in the lessons we learning now
Sacrifice personal gain over everything
Just to see the next generation better than ours
I wasn't perfect, the skin I was in had truly suffered
Temptation, impatience, everything that the body nurtures
I felt the good, I felt the bad and I felt the worry
But all-in-all, my productivity had stayed urgent

Face your fears, always knew that I would make it here
Where the energy is magnified and persevered
Consciousness is synchronized and crystal-clear
Euphoria is glorified and made His
Reflecting on my life and what I done
Paid dues, made rules, change outta love
Them same views made schools change curriculums
But didn't change me staring down the barrel of the gun

Should I feel resentful I didn't see my full potential?
Should I feel regret about the good that I was into?
Everything is everything, this ain't coincidental
I woke up that morning with more heart to give you
As I bleed through the speakers, feel my presence

To my brother, to my kids, I'm in heaven
To my mother, to my sis, I'm in heaven
To my father, to my wife, I am serious, this is heaven
To my friends, make sure you counting them blessings
To my fans, make sure you make them investments
And to the killer that sped up my demise
I forgive you, just know your soul's in question
I seen the pain in your pupil when that trigger had squeezed
And though you did me gruesome, I was truly relieved
I completed my mission, wasn't ready to leave
But fulfilled my days, my Creator was pleased

I can't stress how I love y'all
I don't need to be in flesh just to hug y'all
The memories recollect just because y'all
Celebrate me with respect
The unity we protect is above all

And, Sam, I'll be watching over you
Make sure my kids watch all my interviews
Make sure you live out our dreams we produced
Keep that genius in your brain on the move

And to my neighborhood, let the good prevail
Make sure them babies and the leaders outta jail
Look for salvation when troubles get real
'Cause you can't help the world until you help yourself

And I can't blame the hood the day that I was killed
Y'all had to see it, that's the only way to feel
And though my physical won't reap the benefits
The energy that carry on emits still
I want you

📚《血与蜜之地》-- 读书笔记


  • Rating⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • January 23, 2025 → February 5, 2025
  • DouBan

作者: 刘子超
出版社: 文汇出版社
出品方: 新经典文化
副标题: 穿越巴尔干的旅程
出版年: 2024-10
页数: 400
定价: 79.00元
装帧: 精装
丛书: 新经典·刘子超作品
ISBN: 9787549643295
Label: No.5 豆瓣2024年度中国文学(非小说类)









Before Reading


  • 刘子超 四五年前就极有热情,但是自此之后总是断断续续,没能读完一个整本的作品,但是除纸质书外,媒体方面的关注倒一直都及时跟进。包括李乌鸦在podcast里面多次采访过刘子超,包括最新一次关于血与蜜之地。
  • 第一次为争素材经历,在当地报名一个诗人峰会,假装当一个诗人,硬着头皮上去讲话,难忘的尴尬经历
  • 巴尔干这个地方小国家特别多,自然就涉及到国家,民族的认同问题,尤其是很多国家历史上也像中亚诸多国家合体为一个大国苏联一样,随着南斯拉夫的解体,各国组成体之间以前存在的冲突矛盾暴露于表面,语言相近但是各自并不认同与对方说的是同一种语言,这点和苏联的组成国也很像,比如乌克兰人不认为和俄罗斯人一样都说的是Russian, 但总体上语言相近,只有个别“个性化”修饰。因此这些地方的很多方面认识可以与中亚诸多国家进行对比加深认识,合并相似项,但是还要注意一点,也是最难以忽略的故事线— 战争,包括两次世界大战和北约对于中国驻南使馆的轰炸。
    • 二战之后世界大多数角落渐渐都有民族主义觉醒, 拉美,非洲,中西亚, 但是人们却很少去关注这个诸多欧洲帝国主义国家眼皮下的区域—巴尔干半岛地区。
  • 认同: 像前面讲过的MAX, Alex perera, 民族认同等不同形式上的精神认同会给一个人或者国家带来难以描述的、强大又经久不衰的力量。
  • 家家有本难念的经,国家也是,大国的竞争,小国的生存。

Made by me


  • 书中也有细节提到刘子超和别人讨论交谈时候会拿出笔记本记录,还有相机。

  • 想到旅行文学的发展,从比较传统中认识的“拉美的旅行文学”,到如今风格独特的刘子超这类作品的自然+社会纪实的旅行文学,超脱于读者本身的条件限制,可以让我感受到三维空间——地球上遥远的天边的近况,还有四维空间——他们过去的伤痛和骄傲。像是科研新开的口子一样,这样的研究对象,AKA载体,可能会越来越少,除了有过战争冲突、民族主义、宗教信仰的地方,其他地方没什么太深的可以写作,旅行除了观赏自然风景,更有人文建筑及其背后的历史脉络,留下的满足如此条件的地方不多了。

  • 波什尼亚克人的困境与巴勒斯坦人极其相似,“墙”的另一侧人们过着完全不一样的物质条件优渥的生活,但也有本质不同,波什尼亚克人和邻居本质上说着同样的语言,有相似容貌,享用相同的美食…… #shitty world

  • 借此书作为显微镜,深入地了解了下克族、塞族、波族共居的那片土地,尽管各自都有民族主义引起的冲突与矛盾,但是新生代年轻人之间似乎这种敌对气氛并不浓烈,但是社会整体还有时时刻刻都有些相关的气味弥漫……毕竟历史无法抹去。混乱给人们的生活笼罩上一层灰蒙蒙的苍穹,年轻人、中年人,那些想打拼的人们却失去内心的强烈的欲望,理想的工作、政府内工作岗位都需要贿赂或者关系才可以得到,遍地的腐败,加上头顶之上时刻可能爆发的冲突,使得人们不敢梦想太多。他们也羡慕在中国,只要你足够努力,一定能有所收获。而对他们来说,那片土地唯一能够得到整个世界的关注,可能就是能是由于新一轮激烈的战争冲突。

  • 无数个小人物织构的大故事 史诗叙事

  •现场-现场/id1751641957?i=1000685493277 这期《现场现场》podcast也讨论了关于记者采访的遇到的问题,刘子超在游历期间也被认识的短期司机带着访问一些当地的受害者,经历者…

  • 一个人旅行似荒野生存一样,面临不同的情形,又像一只生长在野外的花,看看自己究竟能不能在此生存绽放。

  • 记录当前阅读方式细节:iPhone相机识字粘贴,notion笔记 章节间有五个旅行相册,但似乎都是被安排在对应内容的大章节之后的,所以读者阅读顺序应该先翻开旅行相册看看一张张生动的照片,而后在前面的章节阅读过程中找到对应的故事叙述。

  • 熟悉的冰冷的西北风,公园里冬日暖阳下冰冷的石凳,室外无处躲藏,只得避在一堵墙的南面。远处的鸟叫,还有三两只狗断断续续的争吵,以及不知从哪时不时发出的诡异的机械声,在这里似乎又只有我一个人能够听到……

  • 突然明白,时不时响起的混杂的声音,似警报和机械尖锐的声音,都是为了驱赶输电网塔上面的鸟类,而冰面下吨吨的声音也见怪不怪了……

  • 太阳尽落西山,一朵暗蓝的云彩飘在西山之山,像着悬浮的石头

  • 随书附带有巴尔干地区的小地图,从地理角度非常容易入手理解这个地区纷繁复杂的矛盾,主要发生在邻国间,当然剧烈的冲突都发生的交界处,甚至三个国家间的冲突剧烈爆发在夹在中间的小国家地盘上……

  • 另外地图上不同颜色标出了宗教信仰的分布情况,及其信众对应的民族。

    • 克罗地亚地靠欧洲,天主教居多;塞尔维亚靠俄罗斯,认同多靠东斯拉夫信仰东正教,阿尔巴尼亚较居南,离阿拉伯地区更近些……
  • 因为历史上被殖民、联盟、政治中心或者权利的转移,冲突下人口的迁移、语言等等原因,国界难划分,民族间杂居,各民族和国家间的冲突永远难纠缠清,一定程度上像巴以冲突那样。

  • 每当这个时候我会唤醒那深刻的、对于秦始皇大一统的认识。

第一章 斯洛文尼亚:夜晚的角落


  • 第一次为争素材经历,在当地报名一个诗人峰会,假装当一个诗人,硬着头皮上去讲话,难忘的尴尬经历。
  • 和安娜,在萨格勒布相遇的女孩,勤劳能干,多才多艺, 互相谈论生活文化,podcast里也有提及
  • 阿丽达说,在南斯拉夫内部,克罗地亚和塞尔维亚代表了两种势均力敌的气质和倾向—克罗地亚人信奉天主教,塞尔维亚人信奉东正教;克罗地亚人使用拉丁字母,塞尔维亚人使用西里尔字母。双方若能弥合分歧,南斯拉夫就有望实现真正的统一,建立起一个强盛的国家。反之,一旦分歧无法调和,南斯拉夫就会走向分裂和战争。

第二章 萨格勒布:心碎博物馆


  • 和阿丽达坐下观赏风景,讨论过去和现在的区别,就是正常的两个人对话
  • ”就像乌克兰人和俄罗斯人,克罗地亚人和塞尔维亚人原本也可以成为最好的朋友。然而,一切都变得无法挽回。从此以后,他们不得不紧绷神经,在外人的叹息声中,走上各自的道路。
  • 萨格勒布有一家心碎博物馆,收集世界各地情侣分手的物品
  • 即使是个人的分手故事,也带着与众不同的历史重量
  • 战争时期的爱情 新冠时期的爱情 逃亡时期

第三章 达尔马提亚:冰与火之歌


📍从高处俯瞰老城,满眼皆是白石与红瓦,有一种根植于历史的富足气息。想象一下,早在1317年,这里就建立了至今仍在运营的药房;1436年就有了至今仍在使用的供水系统。1347年,当黑死病席卷欧洲,导致三分之一人口死亡时,杜布罗夫尼克率先建立起世界上第一套完整的隔离制度:所有外来人员必须在海上的岛屿隔离四十天后方可上岸。当地人将“隔离”称为 “quarantine”拉丁语中“四十天”的意思。历史学家认为,这个时间长度受到了《圣经》的启发。例如,诺亚方舟在洪水中漂浮四十日夜,耶稣在荒野中禁食四十天。

第四章 黑山:去山巅呼喊

走廊不能说没有打扫,但只是打扫到某一条界线,然后清洁员似乎想起了更重要的事,就任由扫起来的灰尘留在了那里。房间还算整洁,我只住一晚,也就没花心思细看。我放下行李,锁上房门,回到街上,准备探索这座我此生大概只会来一次的小城。 (有很多时候去一个遥远的地方,当我自己去到一个遥远的、偏僻之地,当时就会意识到很可能此生只次一次。)

第五章 莫斯塔尔Ⅰ:解体概要

📍大巴最终抵达车站时,我与伊丝朵拉告别,并交换了联系方式。我注意到她的签名档里写着一句拉丁谚语:“Dosis sola facit venenum,意为“剂量决定毒性”。这或许是伊丝朵拉在实验室工作时的格言,然而这句话恐怕同样适用于波黑乃至整个巴尔干地区:适度的民族主义可以凝聚人心,一旦超过某个临界点,它就可能成为毁灭的毒药。

  • 走到波黑,地理上这个国家也夹在塞尔维亚和克罗地亚之间,克族和塞族当然在波黑这个国家的分布也是靠近各自对应的大民族主义的国家,第三个民族则是波什尼亚克族。


第六章 莫斯塔尔Ⅱ:问题的核心


  • 遇到了达米尔和叶莲娜。这里工作的薪资并不高,还在为生计劳苦奔波,达米尔带我去默主哥耶,有传闻三个小孩在那里见到了圣母,因此很多人每年都去那里朝圣,达米尔和陌生人在网站上约定沙发客 ,和他的聊天中理解了这里社会现状,达米尔最后坦言自己是同性恋。
  • 叶莲娜父母来自不同背景,三十岁前求学工作等不同经历让她来到这里当老师,给来自不同背景的孩子教育,伟大的女性总会将种族等异同放下,用爱感化,并且相信着希望的存在。

第七章 萨拉热窝:围城记忆


  • “诗人”普林西普掀开了第一次世界大战的序幕,而“画家”希特勒开启了第二次世界大战的篇章。



第八章 斯雷布雷尼察:漫长的阴影


  • 斯雷布雷尼察位于波黑东部,紧邻塞尔维亚边墘,是塞族共和国境内的一块波什尼亚克族飞地。1995年7月,波黑战争已近尾声,这里发生了一起震惊世界的种族屠杀事件。波黑塞族军队在拉特科•姆拉迪奇将军的指挥下,占领了联合国划定的“安全区”,在短短数日内屠杀了近八千名波什尼亚克族男性。这场惨绝人寰的屠杀,后来被国际刑事法庭定性为种族灭绝,成为自第二次世界大战以来,欧洲最严重的种族屠杀事件。




第九章 贝尔格莱德Ⅰ:蓝色火车


  • 这也是整个巴以冲突中后代之间矛盾的死结所在… 之前我在《柠檬树》也有体会到。
  • 听了前面朋友的建议—去贝尔格莱德就要去看看夜生活。所以被朋友介绍和一个女孩一起去夜店,在那里认识一个塞尔维亚的杰克马—彼德洛维奇,还有一个要做TIKTOK培训的曾经的ins网红女。

第十章 贝尔格莱德Ⅱ:肖像与观察







第十一章 科索沃Ⅰ:雪落荒原


第十二章 科索沃Ⅱ:黑鸟之地

📍科索沃(Kosovo)又被称为“黑鸟之地”。这个名字源自塞尔维亚语 “kos”,意为“黑鸟”。据说,科索沃平原上常有大量黑鸟出没,因而得名。1389年6月28日,在那场决定命运的战役中,奥斯曼土耳其人一举击败塞尔维亚人,死者的遗体被留在旷野上,成为黑鸟盘旋啄食的对象。

第十三章 奥赫里德:大湖之声


  • 北马其顿,奥赫里德的风景优美
  • 马其顿族和阿尔巴尼亚族的恩怨
  • 与女孩约瓦娜——简短的故事、谈论

第十四章 斯科普里:躁动的解析


  • 希腊与北马其顿的渊源,保加利亚也反对其加入欧盟,周边国家都认为马其顿属于他们自己,因为历史原因。事实上,这些群体的身份认同多基于宗教而非民族……
  • “奥斯曼土耳其对巴尔干半岛有着深刻的影响,这是我对土耳其感兴趣的原因。”拉塔科斯基先生说,“你或许不知道,在土耳其语中,“bal’这个词代表‘蜜’,‘kan’这个词代表‘血’。这两个词组合成‘Balkan’(巴尔干),共同构成‘血与蜜’的寓意。可以说,这个词汇组合精辟地揭示了巴尔干地区的复杂性和矛盾性。”

尾声 雅典:我愚蠢的心

📍奥斯曼帝国解体之后,萨洛尼卡的居民被重新归类:穆斯林成为土耳其人,东正教徒成为希腊人。1923年至 1924年间,希腊与土耳其进行了史无前例的人口大交换:所有生活在土耳其的希腊人被要求离开土耳其,而所有生活在希腊的土耳其人则必须离开希腊。


  • 希腊由于金融危机,各项政策偏向支出紧缩,因此影响了教育,学生上街抗议,“我”加入其中和瓦莱莉了解情况。虽然希腊旅游业较为兴旺,但是游客、难民、移民给本地人带来是生活成本的上升,似乎欧洲很多地方都面临如此困境,比如去年看到很多次关于巴塞罗那的新闻,本地工人罢工,公交停运,本地人不愿意太多的游客过来,使得物价提高,生活压力陡增。

Thanks for being an insider till the end!
Till next , stay safe and stay hydrated!

EKL 20250205 5-Grammys Winner KENNY

2025-02-05 13:15:10


  • 👑UFC Saudi Arabia
  • 🩵ManCity
  • 2025 GRAMMYs


Kendrick Lamar The Heart Part 5

As I get a little older
I realize life is perspective
And my perspective may differ from yours
I wanna say thank you to everyone that's been down with me
All my fans, all my beautiful fans
Anyone who's ever gave me a listen
All my people

I come from a generation of pain, where murder is minor
Rebellious and Margielas'll chip you for designer
Belt buckles and clout, overzealous if prone to violence
Make the wrong turn, be it will or the wheel alignment
Residue burned, mist of the inner-city
Miscommunication to keep homi' detective busy
No protection is risky
Desensitized, I vandalized pain, covered up and camouflaged
Get used to hearing arsenal rain
Analyze, risk your life, take the charge
Homies done fucked your baby mama once you hit the yard
That's culture
Twenty-three hour lockdown, then somebody called
Said your lil nephew was shot down, the culture's involved
I done seen niggas do seventeen, hit the halfway house
Get out and get his brains blown out, looking to buy some weed
Car wash is played out, new GoFundMe accounts'll proceed
A brand-new victim'll shatter those dreams, the culture

(I want, I want, I want, I want)
But I want you to want me too (I want, I want, I want, I want)
I want the hood to want me back (I want, I want, I want, I want)
I want the hood

Look what I done for you (look what I done for you)
Look what I done for you

I said I do this for my culture
To let y'all know what a nigga look like in a bulletproof Rover
In my mama's sofa was a doo-doo popper
Hair trigger, walk up closer, ain't no Photoshopping
Friends bipolar, grab you by your pockets
No option if you froze up, always play the offense
Niggas going to work and selling work, late for work
Working late, praying for work, but he on paperwork
That's the culture, point the finger, promote ya
Remote location, witness protection, they gon' hold ya
The streets got me fucked up
Y'all can miss me
I wanna represent for us
New revolution was up and moving
I'm in Argentina wiping my tears full of confusion
Water in between us, another peer's been executed
History repeats again
Make amends, then find a nigga with the same skin to do it

But that's the culture, crack a bottle
Hard to deal with the pain when you're sober
By tomorrow we forget the remains, we start over
That's the problem
Our foundation was trained to accept whatever follows

Dehumanized, insensitive
Scrutinize the way we live for you and I
Enemies shook my hand, I can promise I'll meet you
In the land where no equal is your equal
Never say I ain't told ya, nah
In the land where hurt people hurt more people
Fuck calling it culture

(I want, I want, I want, I want)
But I want you to want me too (I want, I want, I want, I want)
I want the hood to want me back (I want, I want, I want, I want)
I want the hood

Look what I done for you (look what I done for you)
Look what I done for you

Take the drums out

Celebrate new life when it come back around
The purpose is in the lessons we learning now
Sacrifice personal gain over everything
Just to see the next generation better than ours
I wasn't perfect, the skin I was in had truly suffered
Temptation, impatience, everything that the body nurtures
I felt the good, I felt the bad and I felt the worry
But all-in-all, my productivity had stayed urgent

Face your fears, always knew that I would make it here
Where the energy is magnified and persevered
Consciousness is synchronized and crystal-clear
Euphoria is glorified and made His
Reflecting on my life and what I done
Paid dues, made rules, change outta love
Them same views made schools change curriculums
But didn't change me staring down the barrel of the gun

Should I feel resentful I didn't see my full potential?
Should I feel regret about the good that I was into?
Everything is everything, this ain't coincidental
I woke up that morning with more heart to give you
As I bleed through the speakers, feel my presence

To my brother, to my kids, I'm in heaven
To my mother, to my sis, I'm in heaven
To my father, to my wife, I am serious, this is heaven
To my friends, make sure you counting them blessings
To my fans, make sure you make them investments
And to the killer that sped up my demise
I forgive you, just know your soul's in question
I seen the pain in your pupil when that trigger had squeezed
And though you did me gruesome, I was truly relieved
I completed my mission, wasn't ready to leave
But fulfilled my days, my Creator was pleased

I can't stress how I love y'all
I don't need to be in flesh just to hug y'all
The memories recollect just because y'all
Celebrate me with respect
The unity we protect is above all

And, Sam, I'll be watching over you
Make sure my kids watch all my interviews
Make sure you live out our dreams we produced
Keep that genius in your brain on the move

And to my neighborhood, let the good prevail
Make sure them babies and the leaders outta jail
Look for salvation when troubles get real
'Cause you can't help the world until you help yourself

And I can't blame the hood the day that I was killed
Y'all had to see it, that's the only way to feel
And though my physical won't reap the benefits
The energy that carry on emits still
I want you

👑UFC Saudi Arabia Sun, 2 Feb, 1:00 am


  • Fvck,主赛感觉一锅粥一样乱,IZZY再次倒下,被补了两下就结束了,最初以为IMAVOV会像其他糙哥一样,会被稍微军训,这次可能IZZY彻底被拉下山了,还是有点悲伤。让人迷离的夜晚——Riyadh

  • Terrance McKinney不论输赢,比赛都是前几局就有出现终结,风格比较激进,有很不错的站立技术,当然日后排名向上爬还需要增强地面和体能等方面,整体提升后届时前五似乎不是没有可能。

  • MVP和Sharaputdin Magomedov的比赛中规中矩,二者风格可能难以激起火花,MVP won by UD.

  • Main event Izzy 第一回合还不错,感觉靠灵活性或许这场比赛可以遛一遛,甚至军训下Nassourdine Imavov,展示出了question mark kick。如今的重量级这前几个都是比较大只,虽然技术上都稍微较之前的冠军,比如Rob, Izzy, Poatan等人都粗糙一些,但是身体条件确实优势尽显,能够take shots,就算较大的体型移动速度稍慢,但是重击能力优势显著,所以Izzy万一受到几次重击就很快置于不利的情况。第二局中Imavov有一次突进组合打中之后,补刀几拳终结了比赛。可惜……

🩵ManCity Mon, 3 Feb


  • 少有的机会能够在午夜看一场曾经的榜首大战,Arsenal vs Mancity,和以前的很多场比赛一样,和张指提到的很多次一样,不知道从什么时候开始,蓝月亮似乎总struggle于不知道如何进攻,Haaland禁区得不到边路的传中,边路的人很少单一爆点突破,两条边不断地回敲,遇到排名低的对手让你感觉到游刃有余,但是面对强队阵地战进攻总是束手无策,直到有人传球失误,所有人拼命回防……
  • Arsenal vs Manchester City (5-1)
  • 战报:曼城1-5阿森纳

2025 GRAMMYs


credit:from Perrin Kapur
Best Rap Performance
Best Rap Song
Best Music Video
Song of the Year
Record of the Year
“All the West Coast artists, from early on, G Malone, Problem, Bad Lucc, K-Bo, Daylyt. These are the cats that inspired me to be the MC I am today. Schoolboy, J-Roc, Ab-Soul, this is what it’s about, man. Because at the end of the day, nothing more powerful than rap music — I don’t care what it is. We are the culture," Kendrick Lamar stated during his ROTY acceptance speech.

  • KENDRICK LAMAR Wins Record Of The Year For "NOT LIKE US" | 2025 GRAMMYs Acceptance Speech
  • KENDRICK LAMAR Wins Song Of The Year For "NOT LIKE US" | 2025 GRAMMYs Acceptance Speech

Major winners:

See The Full Winners & Nominees List

Album of the Year
Cowboy Carter – Beyoncé

Song of the Year
“Not Like Us” – Kendrick Lamar

Record of the Year
“Not Like Us” – Kendrick Lamar

Best Pop Duo/Group Performance
“Die with a Smile” – Lady Gaga & Bruno Mars

Best Latin Pop Album
Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran – Shakira

Best New Artist
Chappell Roan

Best Country Album
Cowboy Carter – Beyoncé

Best Pop Vocal Album
Short n’ Sweet – Sabrina Carpenter

Best Rap Album
Alligator Bites Never Heal – Doechii

Best African Music Performance
“Love Me JeJe” – Tems

Best Alternative Music Album
All Born Screaming – St. Vincent

Best Alternative Music Performance
“Flea” – St. Vincent

Best Rock Album
Hackney Diamonds – The Rolling Stones

Best Rock Song
“Broken Man” – Annie Clark, songwriter (St. Vincent)

Producer of the Year, Non-Classical
Daniel Nigro

Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album
Visions – Norah Jones

Best Music Video
“Not Like Us” – Kendrick Lamar

Best Rap Song
“Not Like Us” – Kendrick Lamar

Best Rap Performance
“Not Like Us” – Kendrick Lamar

Best R&B Song
“Saturn” – SZA

Best R&B Performance
“Made For Me (Live On BET)” – Muni Long

Songwriter of the Year, Non-Classical
Amy Allen

Best Country Duo/Group Performance
“II Most Wanted” – Beyoncé Featuring Miley Cyrus

Best Dance Pop Recording
“Von dutch” – Charli xcx

Best Pop Solo Performance
“Espresso” – Sabrina Carpenter

Best Dance/Electronic Album
BRAT – Charli xcx

Thanks for being an insider till the end!
Till next , stay safe and stay hydrated!