2025-02-25 11:38:00
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本来是苏联的,现在给 哈萨克斯坦 和 俄罗斯 了,就当成两位的判定吧。
2025-02-12 16:06:00
最近小红书 #tiktokrefugee 以及所谓的“中美对账”很火,然后又吵到 Chinese new year, 和 lunar new year 怎么叫,案例说闲来无事,我想搞明白究竟春节是怎么定的?
What's the new moon day of 2025 Aquarius zodiac sign?
The new moon in Aquarius for 2025 will occur on January 29, 2025.
What's the new moon day of 2024 Aquarius zodiac sign
The New Moon in Aquarius in 2024 will occur on February 9, 2024
2024年差了一天怎么回事?新月 (new moon) 作为天文现象是发生在一个确定时间的。但是对应到世界各地,当地时区的原因,可能差1天。所以我感觉这个说法是 close enough 了。
国产AI Deepseek 思考的也不错:
What's the new moon day of 2025 Aquarius zodiac sign?
the new moon day for the Aquarius zodiac sign in 2025 is January 29, 2025.
how about 2024
the new moon day for the Aquarius zodiac sign in 2024 is February 9, 2024
我想看下 R1 推理能力,于是问了一嘴:
what's the special holiday of this day?
For January 29, 2025, the new moon day in Aquarius, there are no major globally recognized holidays
看来傻了。我换了下 ChatGPT
any holiday on that day?
Yes! January 29, 2025, falls on Lunar New Year’s Eve, which is the day before the Chinese New Year (Year of the Snake).
R1 对自己上下文可能不太重视。
这个问题想完,回到一开始的问题,有人说 CNY 和 LNY 都不好,不如直接叫 Spring Festival 。我觉得,很有道理。毕竟英语对所有外来词都是音译。比如
但是进一步想,英语为啥就能接受 burrito、ravioli 这样的外来词汇,不如干脆直接叫 Chunjie ?
其实,全世界的主要语言里,只有汉语还在坚持“意译”。别的语言早弃疗了,直接音译或者 transliteration。原因很简单,全世界主要语言里,只有“中文”是非 alphabet 体系。其它的文字都是表音的。只要发音一样,就是同一件事物,按不同的字母表书写而已。
如果按照这个思路,全世界的拼音语言,不出意外,都会趋势都会被英语统一,成为 Lingua franca。这也是我前一篇blog说为啥要学习英语。
除了一个例外——中文。主要语言里,只有中文还在孜孜不倦的把一切外来和新鲜事物,用古老的文字重新描述 “reinterpret” 一番。久远一点的,国外叫 twitter,国内非得叫 sina microblog, sohu microblog, tencent microblog,近一点的,全世界都叫 AI,LLM这样的缩写,就国内坚持叫 “人工智能”,“大模型”。 大模型还省略“语言”两个字
又想起这段时间 “中美对账”引发的第二个问题。老美很多 homeless,所以有讨论国内为啥没流浪汉。很多人说是因为城管,户籍制度。因为社会主义有一个操作叫“遣返原籍”,无论你去哪个城市流浪,总能根据身份证地址把你搞回老家。
既然有老“家”,其实按字面意思,不能算 home-less 了。只能说当地无房而已。
由此想到一个问题,房产税和户籍制度是矛盾的。老美因为没有 property 所以变 homeless 所以没有 bill address 所以无法申请社保和银行卡,无法参与社会生产从而只能乞讨。如果国内也开始搞 property tax,那么首先的技术问题就是在哪个环节征收?
全世界只有老中和老美最拼,这个说法,是我从一个拿了中国绿卡的美国演员 曹操 那里听到的
他的理论是,全世界绝大部分的人,都是挣钱能凑合过日子就行了。work to live。那种不要命挣钱,live to work的文化只有儒家有。美国出发点不一样,全世界那种少数天生喜欢拼命挣钱的人,都受不了当地懒散和松弛,润美去干大事挣大钱了。
2025-02-09 10:51:00
As a curious fourth grader who had just started an environmental project to discourage restaurants from providing straws by default, Cress decided to look online to find out how many straws are used each day in the United States. Not being able to find any statistics, he called straw manufacturers directly and estimated the 500 million figure based on numbers they provided him.
In February of 2011, Milo Cress (then nine years old) founded the Be Straw Free Campaign project to work together with members of the straw industry, restaurants and other businesses, schools, environmental groups, and concerned citizens to reduce the use and waste of disposable plastic straws.
这个是npr报道的,还是比较权威的。很多饮料是塑料杯子,然后吸管给你搞成纸质;或者纸质吸管外面用塑料包一层。只能说欧美搞这些也挺草台班子的。想起之前那个how dare you小学生,感觉是这个风气。
2025-02-01 22:30:49
这个可视化的发起者是 Anna’s Archive,优胜者获奖 $10,000,截止日期2025-01-31,旨在收集整理全人类有ISBN编号的书籍。
2025-01-14 23:36:23
最近tiktok ban闹得沸沸扬扬,甚至有大批“洋难民”纷纷涌入小红书 ,把 "RedNote" 冲上了appstore 排行榜第一名。
无独有偶,看到 Paul Graham 一篇大作 《The Origins of Wokeness》,不愧是YC创始人,文笔流程优雅。开头就暴击。所谓 woke ,在维多利亚时代就是基督教义,在苏俄就是马列教义,woke 的本质是“社会公正”,老一的英语称为 prig。每个社会都有部份 prigs 人群,但是woke大行其道,pg分析,当前属于“第三次冲击”。第二波在80s年代政治正确达到顶峰90s消停。
那么第一波呢?第一波其实就是60s左翼学生运动。我晕,这不正是伯克利举着红宝书嗑LSD唱摇滚的年代么。pg说当年是教授纵容学生追求“新思潮”,但是学生一穷二白闹了也就完了。80s是pg自己上大学的时期,60s的大学生刚好进入教职岗位,开始引导自己的学生继续搞 political correctness,也就是举报性骚扰,要求男女平权这些;新世纪以来,特别是2020s,这些当年的左翼青年主导院长和校长等关键岗位了,所以闹得更欢了,从学界蔓延到媒体,到政界,到一发不可收拾。
搞 PC 最大的用处不在平权,而在于 faculty members encouraging students to attack other faculty members,作者说和 Mao 一毛一样 哈哈哈哈笑死。青年本来就愤,拿事搞人这就是天性啊。所以在第三波浪潮里就是各种 cancel culture。到后面的 BLM, metoo 等愈演愈烈。
I'm not a Christian, but I can see that many Christian principles are good ones
想起最近小红书刷出巨多洋人,不知道是推荐算法sb了,监管不到位洋信息“倒灌”了,还是都是抠脚大汉的矩阵号发力了,但是我对“赛博移民”有一个简单的理解,yt,ig 这些洋平台对 tiktok 难民来说就是“建制派”,不 hip,况且头部的power user已经铁板一块没法突破了;Twitter更烂因为Musk是烂中烂。老中的“第三方”平台,无论是 tiktok 还是 Rednote 都是一种无可奈何的逃避。捧起小红书的这帮洋人,恰如他们爷爷奶奶辈在60年代面对当地当局各种问题,捧起红宝书一样,是一种寄托。这下中西合流,家人们谁懂啊洋人虾头男,一个买断X一个入主白宫了。
2024-12-03 22:26:00
I was planning to publish this article on 2024-04-05 00:01, but rejected because it looked silly for this blog. On that day, butt hurt as usual, I watched this short-vid called Why Sichuan people were chill, by the influencer 罗胖. I was quite amazed by his 3.79M many fans and more strangely, IP location: Sichuan. I followed the article he mentioned: 1001 A.D. and How Sichuan got its name? and find it quite interesting, as all history lessons are.
So let's explore the little known details and find out why history of Sichuan is somewhat special (Whig-style narrative alert!)
Records shows that the birthplace of Taoism, the most chill religion ever, points to 鹤鸣山 at 大邑, and the 青城山 nearby was considered a holy mountain. Some say 龙虎山 at 江西 as an alternative, but in my opinion its where the tianshi (prophet) 张道陵 pactice his alchemy rather than the developing the belief,The real deal including Wudoumi movement clearly originates from 龙门 mountain ranges on the western of Chengdu plain.
When I was searching for tourist attactions I found that 鹤鸣山 were suspiciously connected to Buddhism. Chinese Buddhism were first landed at 白马寺 at then capital 洛阳 at 68 B.C. But 白马寺 itself wasn't supposed to be a temple per se, but rather a settlement sponsored by the imperial court. There were nine houses of governance established by Han court covering Justice, Sacrifices, Royal affairs, Carriages and so on, one of them is 鸿胪寺 for Royal Hospitality. The 白马寺 was built by the order of the Second Emperor of E. Han as a guest house to translate the 42 chapters of Sutra acting like a 鸿胪寺. Some 6 years later, after the job were done, the two buddhist monks, 迦什摩腾 and 竺法兰, went to Sichuan seeking a legendary mountain called 雾中山 according a prophecy. The prophecy were carved on a Ming-era stele 开化寺碑记, describes the Buddha Shakyamuni, when about to enter Nirvana in the city of Kushinagar, once said to his disciple Sariputta:
So the two Indian monks built a real Buddhism temple 开化寺 on 雾中山 and began spreading the religion there. It's said the temple had a collection of Pāli Canon transcribing Theravada Buddhism, one of the O.G. version of two Buddhism major branches in Asia.
So what's the connection anyway? The first prophet of Taoism, tianshi Zhang, chose 鹤鸣山 somewhere 10km near the first Buddhism temple
And later Taoism flourished in Sichuan, like Wudoumi, and ultimately, its variant Taiping-Tao, wrecked the mighty Han empire.
I also commented this travia on HN
The doctrine of religious Taoism and Buddhism were strikingly similar, which leds to series of conflicts and accusations over the millennia. The most famous example, Laozi Converted the Barbarians 老子化胡经 were publicly debated in Mongol-era imperial court and Taoist lost the battle.
Also an interesting article from HN Evidence of the use of silk by Bronze Age civilization, which I also commented, because some guy suggests Sichuan were once non-Han, it triggered me. TFA states (with my edits):
HuangDi lived on the hill of Xuanyuan and married the daughter of Xiling clan. HuangDi's consort Leizu of Xiling taught others to raise silkworms, and the legend Leizu is from the people of Chengdu in Sichuan. Shu refers to “mulberry worms” aka “silkworm larvae”. The character Shu is related to the initial sericulture, referring to the beginning of the Shu State and the people, for whom sericulture was central to their economic activities.
For those who aren't familiar, HuangDi the Yellow Emperor was considered the ancester of the Han, the Hun, the Hmong and Xianbei of the Siberians. The second son of HuangDi, married ChangPu from the Shu clan. Their son zhuānxū was another Di, out of the 5 Di of Ancient Kings 五帝
Baijiu, the Kaoliang liquor, strong distilled from great millet, were first introduced in Sichuan known as 蜀黍. Even today top notch brands like Maotai were from the Chishui Valley of Sichuan (administratively divided to Guizhou by purpose)
But what does Han has anything to do with Sichuan? Well everything does. The literal meaning of "Han" traces back to LiuBang, the Great King of Han, founder and first ruler of the Han dynasty, literally settled his fief over Sichuan (Ba, Shu, Hanzhong and its 41 counties). Liubang spent his next 5 years elimilated all his enemies and began the first Pax Sinica of 300 years.
The second Pax Sinica, led by the Great Worrier Li Shimin, also titled Yizhou Acting Desk of the Supreme Book. To explain, the Supreme Book refers to 尚书, the source of great power, the source of ultimate authority, one and only text that describes how Chinese civilization came into being since ancient times. The Desk is the government body where the book operates, Yizhou Acting Desk is like the copy that covers Sichuan, aliased Sichuan. The soldiers of Sichuan, as the last reserve force led by general 窦轨, joined Li Shimin for the final attack on Dou JianDe on 620 A.D. at the Hulao Pass, which leds to the live capture of two kings, and helped Li Shimin rose to throne.
The fighting spirit of Sichuan soldiers dates back. An oath was taken between Zhou and 8 partner states, including Shu, as described in the Supreme Book on Zhou chapter 4, to rebel against the cruel Shang dynasty. The battle took place at 牧野 on 1046 B.C. where the Ba people performed a war dance on the frontline and Shang army collapsed upon witness.
Libai, the God of Poetry, was raised in Sichuan, but where he's born is debatable. However, four out of the Eight Great Prose Masters, were born in Sichuan. So it's either Libai a Sichuanese or Ouyang Xiu, or both.
That's all of the trivia I could think of, for now! Leave a comment if you think otherwise. Feel free to correct my English mistakes please, as I am an ESL blogger without use of any AI