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DPS 周刊 187 - 正直,勇敢,有阅读量

2025-03-09 22:59:13

DPS 周刊 187 - 正直,勇敢,有阅读量

最近读完了 Alexei Navalny 的 Patriot 和冯骥才的《无路可逃》,尽管是两本两个不同国度不同阶段的个人经历记录,这两本书却收录了许多极其相似的荒诞经历。不禁让人感叹,历史似乎一点都没有变:

1. 面对极端政治环境中的谎言与伪善


The first official reaction is invariably to lie. The health of tens of thousands of people was sacrificed in the cause of a grand cover-up.

2. 经历巨大灾难后对自由的珍惜:


I’m not crazy... It’s simply that deep down I know I have to do this, that this is my life’s work.
I know one thing for sure: that I’m among the happiest 1 percent of people on the planet—those who absolutely adore their work.

3. 对抗危机的勇气与智慧(或“政治智慧”):


But one day I simply made the decision not to be afraid. I weighed everything up, understood where I stand—and let it go.
Imagine the worst thing that can happen, and accept it. This works, even if it’s a masochistic exercise.
But one day I simply made the decision not to be afraid. I weighed everything up, understood where I stand—and let it go.

4. 对灾难的态度——接纳现实,坦然面对:


Imagine the worst thing that can happen, and accept it.

5. 政治环境下的荒谬与疯狂


At the airport we find the same idiotic arrangement as everywhere else in Russia. You have to pass through a metal detector with your bags before you even enter the building.
The first official reaction is invariably to lie.
The KGB arranged it so that everybody the journalist interviewed was an intelligence officer, and all of them assured him the consequences of the accident were minimal and that the public was impressed and delighted...

6. 当权者对民众生活真实情况的漠视和扭曲


‘What’s the average wage in your region?’ Most often I would hear ‘12,000 rubles’... ‘But do you know what the Federal State Statistics Service says is your average wage? Forty-five thousand rubles.’

7. 政治运动中的个人创伤记忆


Imagine my disappointment when I was told… had been one big hallucination, caused by my being given six different psychotropic drugs simultaneously.
Later still I started counting them and realized that all the time I was in intensive care, Yulia had been visiting and adding a new heart each day.
These are in effect tall, narrow boxes in which you can’t sit properly because your knees press against the opposite partition.

8. 面对极端压力时的精神坚守


Imagine the worst thing that can happen, and accept it. This works, even if it’s a masochistic exercise.

9. 强权对文化艺术的摧残


good books were extremely difficult to get ahold of. Every month, on the day new stock was brought to the bookstore, my mother had to get up at 4:00 a.m. and wait in line.

10. 普通人对当权体制虚伪本质的清醒认知


The radiation might be far away, but the hypocrisy and lies inundated the whole country.
The question most puzzling even to my ten-year-old self was why the authorities were lying like this when everybody around me knew the truth.

11. 权力对个人的持续威胁与恐惧


I whispered in her ear, ‘Listen, I don’t want to sound dramatic, but I think there’s a high probability I’ll never get out of here... They will poison me.’


什么时候应该放弃?David Heinemeier Hansson 结合他们开发 Ruby on Rails 的经历来讨论:

  1. 但同样重要的是,有时候你确实应该放弃,承认失败,并接受你的计划没有成功的现实;
  2. 颠覆性创业的本质在于:一个想法最初看起来应该有点荒谬,否则它可能缺乏真正突出的反直觉核心;
  3. 这就是为什么即使是世界上最优秀的风险投资人,犯错的次数也远远多于他们正确的次数。这并不是因为他们不够聪明,而是因为没有人能持续准确地预测未来的颠覆性变化;
  4. 能够及时放弃,并留存实力等待下一次机会,这不仅适用于创业公司,也适用于个人项目、工作方法和决策过程;
  5. 问题在于,“差不多” 有时管用,但需要极大的努力,最终却得不偿失;
Daily Productive Sharing 1181 - When to Give up?
One helpful tip per day:) When should you give up? David Heinemeier Hansson reflects on their experience developing Ruby on Rails to discuss this question: 1. Equally important as persistence is knowing when to quit, acknowledge failure, and accept that your plan didn’t work out. 2. The nature of
DPS 周刊 187 - 正直,勇敢,有阅读量

在这个充斥着各种消息的时代,我们应该如何应对?Ryan Holiday 的建议是远离电视,远离社交媒体:

  1. 今天,我们不仅被假新闻淹没,更是被过量的信息所困扰——信息太多,噪音太多;
  2. 如果你想对世界产生积极影响,或者只是想保持理智,你需要适当抽离;
  3. 问题在于,突发新闻的目的并不是为了真正让你了解情况,而是为了吸引并占据你的注意力——这些新闻本质上都不完整;
  4. 新闻和社交媒体上的内容,几乎没有任何不是刻意制造来激怒和煽动情绪的。它们的存在就是为了分散你的注意力;
  5. 在无休止的观点和愤怒情绪中,当你的大脑被试图吸引注意力的人轮番轰炸,你怎么可能有时间去真正思考和反思?
Daily Productive Sharing 1182 - Make Yourself Less Miserable
One helpful tip per day:) In this era filled with overwhelming information, how should we respond? Ryan Holiday suggests distancing ourselves from TV and social media: 1. Today, we are not only drowning in fake news but also overwhelmed by excessive information—there’s simply too much noise. 2. If
DPS 周刊 187 - 正直,勇敢,有阅读量

1996年,2009年与2025年有什么相似之处? Fred Vogelstein 和 Om Malik 认为前两者是两次创新的拐点 -- 互联网和智能手机,而2025年恰好距离2022年底 ChatGPT 的发布也是两年之季:

  1. 1994 年,Netscape 推出了第一款主流互联网浏览器。2007 年,苹果发布了 iPhone。2022 年,刚刚过去两年多,OpenAI 发布了 ChatGPT;
  2. 目前,我们正处于创新周期的一个拐点,大约两年过去了。回顾 1994 年和 2007 年的创新周期,我们可以更好地理解当下的局势;
  3. 然而,1996 年和 2007 年之后的五年里,随之而来的技术革命重塑了硅谷,也深刻影响了商业和社会;
  4. 我们应该预见,像 Google、Apple、Amazon、Meta 和 Microsoft 这样的老牌科技巨头——曾经的颠覆者——现在必须奋力适应,否则就会被淘汰;
  5. 浏览器和智能手机的技术革命几乎没有受到政治干预,但 AI 革命已经越来越像 20 世纪 60 年代美苏太空竞赛的翻版;
  6. 在泡沫时期——而 AI 领域现在正处于泡沫之中——往往只需要一个概念就能让公司起飞。但当泡沫破裂时,真正能存活下来的公司是那些比任何人都更深入理解底层技术的企业;
  7. 历史上,每一次技术革命都摧毁了旧的工作岗位,同时也创造了新的岗位。
Daily Productive Sharing 1183 - What to Expect in 2025
One helpful tip per day:) What do 1996, 2009, and 2025 have in common? Fred Vogelstein and Om Malik believe that the first two marked pivotal moments of innovation— the internet and smartphones— and that 2025 happens to be two years after the release of ChatGPT in late 2022, potentially
DPS 周刊 187 - 正直,勇敢,有阅读量

为什么一口气申请很多工作面试并不是一个好的选择? Herbert Lui 结合自己的经历给出了总结:

  1. 他的策略最终是:挑选几个机会,全力以赴。
  2. 由于他申请的职位较少,因此他非常谨慎地进行优先排序。
  3. 他研究了公司,并向招聘人员或领导者表明我能在哪些方面做出贡献。
  4. 他优先考虑那些可以找到人推荐我进入公司的机会。
  5. 他准备了要问每位面试官的问题,并查看了他们的资料,以寻找共同点。
  6. 他在准备每个问题时都录了音,并回听作出调整。
Daily Productive Sharing 1184 - Apply for Jobs More Effectively
One helpful tip per day:) Why isn’t it a good idea to apply for a large number of job interviews at once? Herbert Lui reflects on his experience and shares his insights: 1. His ultimate strategy was to select a few opportunities and go all in. 2. Because he
DPS 周刊 187 - 正直,勇敢,有阅读量

Michael Karnjanaprakorn 回顾了去年一年的变化:

  1. 去过一年,他的首要任务是 在日常生活中注入快乐
  2. 根据荣格的理论,人生的前半段(通常在 40 岁之前),人们专注于通过职业成功、人际关系和社会成就来塑造自我和外在形象;
  3. 但到了 40 岁左右,我们面临一个选择:是执着于已塑造的身份,还是放下它们,去拥抱最真实的自己;
  4. 他感受到了这种转变——从遵循社会期望(外在)到追求个人成长和意义(内在);
  5. 他的建议:花点时间审视自己的生活,问问自己,哪些部分是真正的自己,哪些是一路上穿上的“伪装”?然后开始剥去这些层层伪装;
Daily Productive Sharing 1185 - 2024 Review by Michael Karnjanaprakorn
One helpful tip per day:) Michael Karnjanaprakorn reflects on the changes he experienced over the past year: 1. Over the past year, his top priority was to infuse joy into daily life. 2. According to Jungian theory, the first half of life (typically before 40) is about shaping one’s
DPS 周刊 187 - 正直,勇敢,有阅读量

我们常说“四十不惑”,Paul Millerd 正好到了四十岁,他分享了一些他的“不惑”:

  1. 人们常说的“关键时刻”其实往往是事后构建的故事,而不是即时的转折点。
  2. 我对二十多岁时的两大遗憾是:没有在另一个国家生活过,以及在职业选择上没有承担更多风险。这两件事本可以让我走出舒适区。
  3. 你无法逃避工作,你只能超越它。这一点在离职之后就会变得格外明显。
  4. 依靠自己赚钱,并学会如何在没有上司或外部压力的情况下保持生产力和动力,是一种极为宝贵的能力。
  5. 拥有可以随意探索、跟随好奇心、阅读自己感兴趣事物的时间,可能看起来像是在“浪费”时间,但这些阶段往往会带来有趣的机遇。
Daily Productive Sharing 1186 - Turning 40
One helpful tip per day:) Paul Millerd has just turned forty, and he shares some of his reflections on reaching this milestone: 1. The so-called “pivotal moments” in life are often narratives we construct in hindsight rather than actual turning points. 2. My two biggest regrets from my twenties are
DPS 周刊 187 - 正直,勇敢,有阅读量

前几天见了一个朋友,突然告诉我,觉得没有奔头。而去年此时,她还干劲十足。今天的这篇分享或许能解答部分疑惑,不妨看看 Fernando Gros 是如何看待中年危机的:

  1. 真正重要的是,我们如何在中年阶段调整对自我的理解,并不断进化;
  2. 中年阶段的主要挑战在于:当世界催促我们奔跑、追求成就、积累财富时,我们反而需要慢下来,反思自己的价值观。
  3. 这意味着,我们需要做出艰难的选择,决定如何分配时间,以及与谁共度这些时光。
  4. 最重要的是,我们需要思考变老意味着什么,并为此做好准备。
  5. 更开放地看待世界,减少执着与偏见,能够帮助我们减少自我中心的倾向,更好地服务他人。
Daily Productive Sharing 1187 - The Real Work Of Midlife
One helpful tip per day:) A few days ago, I met a friend who suddenly told me she felt like she had no future. Just a year ago, she was full of drive and ambition. Today’s reflection might offer some insights—here’s how Fernando Gros views the midlife
DPS 周刊 187 - 正直,勇敢,有阅读量

真正的独立是什么?Morgan Housel 给出了他的见解:

  1. 自己主动去做一件事,往往比在别人的指导下完成同样的事情,更能带来满足感。
  2. 独立是大多数人最重要的财务目标。但独立不仅仅是财务上的,它还包括道德、文化和思想上的独立,这些是人生能达到的最高境界之一。
  3. 所有的痛苦都来自依赖。如果你不依赖收入、不依赖他人、不依赖技术,你才能真正自由。深层次的幸福,来自于打破所有的依赖。
  4. 我们需要不断反思自己想成为怎样的人,想要过怎样的生活,并且问自己——我是在走一条独立的道路,还是只是在追逐别人的梦想?
  5. 没有人像你自己那样频繁地想着你。他们都忙着思考自己的事情。
Daily Productive Sharing 1188 - True Independence
One helpful tip per day:) What does true independence mean? Morgan Housel shares his insights: 1. Taking the initiative to do something on your own often brings greater satisfaction than completing the same task under someone else’s guidance. 2. Independence is the most important financial goal for most people. But
DPS 周刊 187 - 正直,勇敢,有阅读量

五年后你会在哪?Anne-Laure Le Cunff 说最真实的回答或许是:“我还不知道,而这正是最好的状态。” --

  1. 事实上,我们当中没有人真正清楚自己想要什么,至少不像我们表现出来的那样笃定。
  2. 有趣的是,我们承认自己的喜好在过去发生了巨大变化,同时却相信未来不会有太大改变。
  3. 你的音乐品味、政治观念、职业理想——所有这些都可能以现在的你无法预见的方式发生变化。
  4. 我的人生发生转变,是从我不再试图规划一个“完美未来”,而是把每一天都当作一次实验开始的。
  5. 那种“不确定自己想要什么”的感觉,并不是需要克服的障碍,而是值得欣然接受的美好状态。
Daily Productive Sharing 1189 - The Liberating Uncertainty
One helpful tip per day:) Where will you be in five years? Anne-Laure Le Cunff suggests that the most honest answer might be: “I don’t know yet, and that’s exactly how it should be.” 1. In reality, none of us truly know what we want, at least not
DPS 周刊 187 - 正直,勇敢,有阅读量

什么是 "ego 税"?Michael Karnjanaprakorn 给出了他的见解:

  1. “自我税”是我们为了追求外界认可,而牺牲自身幸福所付出的代价。
  2. 当我们的野心是由外部认可驱动,而不是内在满足驱动时,我们就在支付这笔税。
  3. 虽然外界认可可以成为强大的动力,但过度关注它会让我们陷入“自我税”的消耗之中。
  4. 我们的行为总是混合了对外部认可的追求和对内在满足的渴望,关键在于找到这两者之间的平衡。
  5. 通过意识到自己何时被外界认可所驱动,并努力在个人满足与社会认同之间找到平衡,我们可以减少“自我税”,活得更加幸福。
  6. 真正的成功和快乐来自内心,而不是他人的认可。
Daily Productive Sharing 1190 - Ego Tax
One helpful tip per day:) What is the “ego tax”? Michael Karnjanaprakorn shares his perspective: 1. The “ego tax” is the price we pay for seeking external validation at the expense of our own happiness. 2. When our ambitions are driven by external recognition rather than internal fulfillment, we are
DPS 周刊 187 - 正直,勇敢,有阅读量


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Daily Productive Sharing 1190 - Ego Tax

2025-03-07 20:38:24

Daily Productive Sharing 1190 - Ego Tax

One helpful tip per day:)

What is the "ego tax"? Michael Karnjanaprakorn shares his perspective:

  1. The "ego tax" is the price we pay for seeking external validation at the expense of our own happiness.
  2. When our ambitions are driven by external recognition rather than internal fulfillment, we are paying this tax.
  3. While external validation can be a powerful motivator, obsessing over it can trap us in the draining cycle of the ego tax.
  4. Our actions are always a mix of seeking external approval and pursuing internal satisfaction—the key is to find a balance between the two.
  5. By recognizing when we are being driven by external validation and striving to balance personal fulfillment with social recognition, we can reduce the ego tax and live a more content life.
  6. True success and happiness come from within, not from others’ approval.

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什么是 "ego 税"?Michael Karnjanaprakorn 给出了他的见解:

  1. “自我税”是我们为了追求外界认可,而牺牲自身幸福所付出的代价。
  2. 当我们的野心是由外部认可驱动,而不是内在满足驱动时,我们就在支付这笔税。
  3. 虽然外界认可可以成为强大的动力,但过度关注它会让我们陷入“自我税”的消耗之中。
  4. 我们的行为总是混合了对外部认可的追求和对内在满足的渴望,关键在于找到这两者之间的平衡。
  5. 通过意识到自己何时被外界认可所驱动,并努力在个人满足与社会认同之间找到平衡,我们可以减少“自我税”,活得更加幸福。
  6. 真正的成功和快乐来自内心,而不是他人的认可。

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Daily Productive Sharing 1189 - The Liberating Uncertainty

2025-03-07 08:00:00

Daily Productive Sharing 1189 - The Liberating Uncertainty

One helpful tip per day:)

Where will you be in five years? Anne-Laure Le Cunff suggests that the most honest answer might be: “I don’t know yet, and that’s exactly how it should be.”

  1. In reality, none of us truly know what we want, at least not as confidently as we appear to.
  2. Interestingly, we acknowledge that our preferences have changed significantly in the past, yet we believe they won’t change much in the future.
  3. Your taste in music, political views, and career aspirations—all of these may change in ways you can’t foresee right now.
  4. My life began to transform when I stopped trying to plan a “perfect future” and instead started treating each day as an experiment.
  5. The feeling of “not being sure what you want” isn’t an obstacle to overcome—it’s a beautiful state to embrace.

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五年后你会在哪?Anne-Laure Le Cunff 说最真实的回答或许是:“我还不知道,而这正是最好的状态。” --

  1. 事实上,我们当中没有人真正清楚自己想要什么,至少不像我们表现出来的那样笃定。
  2. 有趣的是,我们承认自己的喜好在过去发生了巨大变化,同时却相信未来不会有太大改变。
  3. 你的音乐品味、政治观念、职业理想——所有这些都可能以现在的你无法预见的方式发生变化。
  4. 我的人生发生转变,是从我不再试图规划一个“完美未来”,而是把每一天都当作一次实验开始的。
  5. 那种“不确定自己想要什么”的感觉,并不是需要克服的障碍,而是值得欣然接受的美好状态。

如果你喜欢的话,不妨直接订阅这份电子报 ⬇️


The Liberating Effect of Uncertainty


I ended up working at Google, and now I’m a neuroscientist and author. And I still don’t really know what I want.
None of us really knows what we want, at least not with the certainty we pretend to have.
What’s fascinating is our ability to acknowledge that our preferences have changed significantly in the past, while simultaneously believing they won’t change much in the future. Researchers call this the end of history illusion.
Your favorite music, your political views, your career aspirations – all are likely to shift in ways your current self cannot fully imagine.
My life changed when I stopped trying to plan my perfect future and started treating every day as an experiment instead.
The beautiful uncertainty of not knowing what we want isn’t something to overcome – it’s something to embrace.
So the next time someone asks you where you see yourself in five years, the most honest answer might be: “I don’t know yet – and that’s exactly as it should be.”

Daily Productive Sharing 1188 - True Independence

2025-03-05 16:44:01

Daily Productive Sharing 1188 - True Independence

One helpful tip per day:)

What does true independence mean? Morgan Housel shares his insights:

  1. Taking the initiative to do something on your own often brings greater satisfaction than completing the same task under someone else's guidance.
  2. Independence is the most important financial goal for most people. But true independence isn’t just financial—it also includes moral, cultural, and intellectual independence, which are among the highest achievements in life.
  3. All suffering comes from dependence. If you don’t rely on income, on others, or on technology, you can truly be free. Deep happiness comes from breaking all forms of dependence.
  4. We must continuously reflect on the kind of person we want to become and the life we want to live, asking ourselves: Am I walking my own independent path, or just chasing someone else’s dream?
  5. No one thinks about you as often as you do. Everyone is busy thinking about their own lives.
  6. Only when you stop caring about how strangers perceive you will you realize how much energy you once spent seeking their approval.
  7. Independence doesn’t mean you don’t care about others’ opinions; it means you strategically choose whose attention and validation matter to you.
  8. Financial independence is a great goal, but achieving it doesn’t mean you stop working—it means you have the freedom to choose what to do, when to do it, for how long, and with whom.
  9. Ironically, some people believe they are financially independent but remain entirely dependent on money, spending every day doing things they dislike simply because money dictates it.
  10. True independence means taking full responsibility for yourself, and in that state, you often produce your best work.

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真正的独立是什么?Morgan Housel 给出了他的见解:

  1. 自己主动去做一件事,往往比在别人的指导下完成同样的事情,更能带来满足感。
  2. 独立是大多数人最重要的财务目标。但独立不仅仅是财务上的,它还包括道德、文化和思想上的独立,这些是人生能达到的最高境界之一。
  3. 所有的痛苦都来自依赖。如果你不依赖收入、不依赖他人、不依赖技术,你才能真正自由。深层次的幸福,来自于打破所有的依赖。
  4. 我们需要不断反思自己想成为怎样的人,想要过怎样的生活,并且问自己——我是在走一条独立的道路,还是只是在追逐别人的梦想?
  5. 没有人像你自己那样频繁地想着你。他们都忙着思考自己的事情。
  6. 只有当你不再在意陌生人如何看待你时,你才会意识到,过去自己曾经花了多少精力去争取他们的认可。
  7. 独立并不意味着你不在乎别人的看法,而是意味着你有策略地选择你希望得到谁的关注。
  8. 财务独立是一个很棒的目标。但实现财务独立并不意味着停止工作,而是意味着你可以自由选择做什么、何时做、做多久、以及和谁一起做。
  9. 讽刺的是,有些人认为自己已经财务独立,但实际上却仍然完全依赖金钱,以至于他们每天都在做自己不喜欢的事情,只因为金钱要求他们这样做。
  10. 真正的独立意味着你对自己负责,而通常在这种状态下,你会做出自己最好的作品。

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Daily Productive Sharing 1187 - The Real Work Of Midlife

2025-03-04 22:27:29

Daily Productive Sharing 1187 - The Real Work Of Midlife

One helpful tip per day:)

A few days ago, I met a friend who suddenly told me she felt like she had no future. Just a year ago, she was full of drive and ambition. Today’s reflection might offer some insights—here’s how Fernando Gros views the midlife crisis:

  1. What truly matters is how we adjust our self-perception and continue evolving during midlife.
  2. The biggest challenge of this stage is that while the world pushes us to keep running, chasing achievements, and accumulating wealth, what we actually need is to slow down and reflect on our values.
  3. This means making difficult choices about how we allocate our time and who we choose to spend it with.
  4. Most importantly, we must think about what aging really means and prepare for it.
  5. Being more open to the world, reducing attachments and biases, helps us become less self-centered and better serve others.
  6. When we take the time to honestly examine ourselves and envision our future, life becomes clearer and more fulfilling.
  7. The first step is learning to let go of unnecessary burdens.
  8. By becoming lighter, softer, and more open, we can face the future with more ease and help those around us along the way.

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前几天见了一个朋友,突然告诉我,觉得没有奔头。而去年此时,她还干劲十足。今天的这篇分享或许能解答部分疑惑,不妨看看 Fernando Gros 是如何看待中年危机的:

  1. 真正重要的是,我们如何在中年阶段调整对自我的理解,并不断进化;
  2. 中年阶段的主要挑战在于:当世界催促我们奔跑、追求成就、积累财富时,我们反而需要慢下来,反思自己的价值观。
  3. 这意味着,我们需要做出艰难的选择,决定如何分配时间,以及与谁共度这些时光。
  4. 最重要的是,我们需要思考变老意味着什么,并为此做好准备。
  5. 更开放地看待世界,减少执着与偏见,能够帮助我们减少自我中心的倾向,更好地服务他人。
  6. 当我们愿意静下心来,诚实地审视自己并构想未来时,人生的画面会变得更加清晰和充实。
  7. 迈出的第一步是学会放下不必要的负担。
  8. 通过变得更轻盈、更柔和、更开放,我们可以更从容地面对未来,并在旅途中帮助身边的人。

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Daily Productive Sharing 1186 - Turning 40

2025-03-03 10:21:31

Daily Productive Sharing 1186 - Turning 40

One helpful tip per day:)

Paul Millerd has just turned forty, and he shares some of his reflections on reaching this milestone:

  1. The so-called "pivotal moments" in life are often narratives we construct in hindsight rather than actual turning points.
  2. My two biggest regrets from my twenties are not living in another country and not taking more risks in my career—both would have pushed me out of my comfort zone.
  3. You can’t escape work; you can only transcend it. This becomes especially clear after quitting a traditional job.
  4. Learning how to earn money on your own and stay productive and motivated without a boss or external pressure is an invaluable skill.
  5. Having the freedom to explore, follow curiosity, and read whatever interests you may seem like "wasting time," but these periods often lead to interesting opportunities.
  6. When working for yourself, burnout can come even faster because there are no external boundaries to limit your workload. But this can also be an advantage, as it forces you to quickly recognize which work isn’t worth years of your life.
  7. Money is one of the most powerful forces in the world, shaping both your decisions and those of the people around you in ways deeper than you might realize.
  8. Choosing to earn less after experiencing high income can be a shortcut to understanding your true values.
  9. Learning to live with fear, uncertainty, and discomfort—without trying to eliminate them—is the real path to freedom.
  10. From ages 27 to 34, I went through frustration, confusion, and disappointment with dating apps. Then, I met the right person, and life changed instantly.
  11. I’m grateful I didn’t give up because the rewards of a great relationship are immeasurable.
  12. Becoming a father has been the most humbling experience of my life. Over the past two years, I’ve repeatedly had to admit, "I don’t know, and that’s okay."
  13. I’ve never felt more joy and love than when spending time with my daughter. It may be the best way to reconnect with a childlike sense of wonder.
  14. My daughter is my greatest teacher.
  15. True rest and relaxation—restoring your inner self—is a skill that requires practice.
  16. Writing is one of the most powerful actions in the world, and it’s never too late to start.

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我们常说“四十不惑”,Paul Millerd 正好到了四十岁,他分享了一些他的“不惑”:

  1. 人们常说的“关键时刻”其实往往是事后构建的故事,而不是即时的转折点。
  2. 我对二十多岁时的两大遗憾是:没有在另一个国家生活过,以及在职业选择上没有承担更多风险。这两件事本可以让我走出舒适区。
  3. 你无法逃避工作,你只能超越它。这一点在离职之后就会变得格外明显。
  4. 依靠自己赚钱,并学会如何在没有上司或外部压力的情况下保持生产力和动力,是一种极为宝贵的能力。
  5. 拥有可以随意探索、跟随好奇心、阅读自己感兴趣事物的时间,可能看起来像是在“浪费”时间,但这些阶段往往会带来有趣的机遇。
  6. 当你为自己工作时,更容易陷入倦怠,因为没有外部界限限制你的工作量。但这也可能是一个隐藏的优势,因为它能让你更快意识到哪些工作并不值得你浪费多年时间。
  7. 金钱是世界上最强大的力量之一,它在塑造你和周围人的决策时,比你想象的影响更深远。
  8. 在经历过高收入后选择赚得更少,反而是一个快速搞清楚自己真正价值观的捷径。
  9. 学会与恐惧、不确定性和不适共存,而不急于消除它们,这才是通往自由的道路。
  10. 从 27 岁到 34 岁,我在单身的过程中经历了挫败、困惑和各种约会软件的失望。然后,我遇到了那个完美的人,生活瞬间发生了改变。
  11. 我很庆幸自己没有放弃,因为一段好的关系所带来的回报是无法估量的。
  12. 成为父亲是我经历过最谦卑的事情。这两年的旅程让我无数次承认“我不知道,但没关系”。
  13. 我从未体验过比和女儿在一起时更多的快乐和爱。这可能是唤醒自己童心的最佳方式。
  14. 我的女儿是我最伟大的老师。
  15. 真正能恢复内心的休息与放松,是一种需要练习的能力。
  16. 写作是世界上最强大的行动之一,开始写作永远不会太迟。

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