2025-03-09 22:59:13
最近读完了 Alexei Navalny 的 Patriot 和冯骥才的《无路可逃》,尽管是两本两个不同国度不同阶段的个人经历记录,这两本书却收录了许多极其相似的荒诞经历。不禁让人感叹,历史似乎一点都没有变:
The first official reaction is invariably to lie. The health of tens of thousands of people was sacrificed in the cause of a grand cover-up.
I’m not crazy... It’s simply that deep down I know I have to do this, that this is my life’s work.
I know one thing for sure: that I’m among the happiest 1 percent of people on the planet—those who absolutely adore their work.
But one day I simply made the decision not to be afraid. I weighed everything up, understood where I stand—and let it go.
Imagine the worst thing that can happen, and accept it. This works, even if it’s a masochistic exercise.
But one day I simply made the decision not to be afraid. I weighed everything up, understood where I stand—and let it go.
Imagine the worst thing that can happen, and accept it.
At the airport we find the same idiotic arrangement as everywhere else in Russia. You have to pass through a metal detector with your bags before you even enter the building.
The first official reaction is invariably to lie.
The KGB arranged it so that everybody the journalist interviewed was an intelligence officer, and all of them assured him the consequences of the accident were minimal and that the public was impressed and delighted...
‘What’s the average wage in your region?’ Most often I would hear ‘12,000 rubles’... ‘But do you know what the Federal State Statistics Service says is your average wage? Forty-five thousand rubles.’
Imagine my disappointment when I was told… had been one big hallucination, caused by my being given six different psychotropic drugs simultaneously.
Later still I started counting them and realized that all the time I was in intensive care, Yulia had been visiting and adding a new heart each day.
These are in effect tall, narrow boxes in which you can’t sit properly because your knees press against the opposite partition.
Imagine the worst thing that can happen, and accept it. This works, even if it’s a masochistic exercise.
good books were extremely difficult to get ahold of. Every month, on the day new stock was brought to the bookstore, my mother had to get up at 4:00 a.m. and wait in line.
The radiation might be far away, but the hypocrisy and lies inundated the whole country.
The question most puzzling even to my ten-year-old self was why the authorities were lying like this when everybody around me knew the truth.
I whispered in her ear, ‘Listen, I don’t want to sound dramatic, but I think there’s a high probability I’ll never get out of here... They will poison me.’
什么时候应该放弃?David Heinemeier Hansson 结合他们开发 Ruby on Rails 的经历来讨论:
在这个充斥着各种消息的时代,我们应该如何应对?Ryan Holiday 的建议是远离电视,远离社交媒体:
1996年,2009年与2025年有什么相似之处? Fred Vogelstein 和 Om Malik 认为前两者是两次创新的拐点 -- 互联网和智能手机,而2025年恰好距离2022年底 ChatGPT 的发布也是两年之季:
为什么一口气申请很多工作面试并不是一个好的选择? Herbert Lui 结合自己的经历给出了总结:
Michael Karnjanaprakorn 回顾了去年一年的变化:
我们常说“四十不惑”,Paul Millerd 正好到了四十岁,他分享了一些他的“不惑”:
前几天见了一个朋友,突然告诉我,觉得没有奔头。而去年此时,她还干劲十足。今天的这篇分享或许能解答部分疑惑,不妨看看 Fernando Gros 是如何看待中年危机的:
真正的独立是什么?Morgan Housel 给出了他的见解:
五年后你会在哪?Anne-Laure Le Cunff 说最真实的回答或许是:“我还不知道,而这正是最好的状态。” --
什么是 "ego 税"?Michael Karnjanaprakorn 给出了他的见解:
如果你喜欢的话,不妨直接订阅这份电子报 ⬇️
2025-03-07 20:38:24
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What is the "ego tax"? Michael Karnjanaprakorn shares his perspective:
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什么是 "ego 税"?Michael Karnjanaprakorn 给出了他的见解:
如果你喜欢的话,不妨直接订阅这份电子报 ⬇️
2025-03-07 08:00:00
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Where will you be in five years? Anne-Laure Le Cunff suggests that the most honest answer might be: “I don’t know yet, and that’s exactly how it should be.”
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五年后你会在哪?Anne-Laure Le Cunff 说最真实的回答或许是:“我还不知道,而这正是最好的状态。” --
如果你喜欢的话,不妨直接订阅这份电子报 ⬇️
The Liberating Effect of Uncertainty
I ended up working at Google, and now I’m a neuroscientist and author. And I still don’t really know what I want.
None of us really knows what we want, at least not with the certainty we pretend to have.
What’s fascinating is our ability to acknowledge that our preferences have changed significantly in the past, while simultaneously believing they won’t change much in the future. Researchers call this the end of history illusion.
Your favorite music, your political views, your career aspirations – all are likely to shift in ways your current self cannot fully imagine.
My life changed when I stopped trying to plan my perfect future and started treating every day as an experiment instead.
The beautiful uncertainty of not knowing what we want isn’t something to overcome – it’s something to embrace.
So the next time someone asks you where you see yourself in five years, the most honest answer might be: “I don’t know yet – and that’s exactly as it should be.”
2025-03-05 16:44:01
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What does true independence mean? Morgan Housel shares his insights:
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真正的独立是什么?Morgan Housel 给出了他的见解:
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2025-03-04 22:27:29
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A few days ago, I met a friend who suddenly told me she felt like she had no future. Just a year ago, she was full of drive and ambition. Today’s reflection might offer some insights—here’s how Fernando Gros views the midlife crisis:
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前几天见了一个朋友,突然告诉我,觉得没有奔头。而去年此时,她还干劲十足。今天的这篇分享或许能解答部分疑惑,不妨看看 Fernando Gros 是如何看待中年危机的:
如果你喜欢的话,不妨直接订阅这份电子报 ⬇️
2025-03-03 10:21:31
One helpful tip per day:)
Paul Millerd has just turned forty, and he shares some of his reflections on reaching this milestone:
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我们常说“四十不惑”,Paul Millerd 正好到了四十岁,他分享了一些他的“不惑”:
如果你喜欢的话,不妨直接订阅这份电子报 ⬇️