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A Principal Program Manager living and working in Berlin, Germany. Author of The Developer Advocacy Handbook.
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Derpify.js is now on npm and GitHub – a tool for these trying times…

2025-01-27 21:49:17

Derpify.js logo showing the Spongebob clucking like a chicken meme

As the times we live in demand it, I released Derpify.js. It is an npm package (3 line method) that turns strings into strings that are randomly mixed upper and lower case.

console.log(derpify(‘All he wanted to say was I love you all.’))

gives you:


Get it:

80 years ago

2025-01-27 17:19:55

80 years ago today the concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated. Millions of people were killed there. Jews, Roma and Sinti, people with disabilities, homosexuals, political prisoners… All accounted for.

Killed by people “just following orders”. An industrial destruction complex void of any emotion. A dehumanisation machine. Surrounded by villages of people who claim not to have known or were too scared to interfere. This did not start with posters stating “we will kill a lot of people here”.

It started by painting foreigners as a danger to the values and identity of Germany. It started with posters stating “Germany first” and “Don’t buy from Jewish people”. It started by promising people to protect their country from foreign criminals and allowing you to be proud.

Look around you right now. Read the posters. See the machismo and anger in the speeches of public figures. Realise how many simple messages are on offer for complex problems – all pointing to foreigners as the cause. Then remember what this will end in. is now.

Quick tip: Rotating images and videos 90 degrees in MacOS Finder using CMD+R or CMD+L

2025-01-25 00:01:46

Whilst trying to reload a document in my browser, I found an interesting shortcut. As I had a Finder window in focus with a video file highlighted, I found out that:

  • You can rotate images and videos in Finder 90 degrees clockwise by pressing CMD+R and
  • You can rotate images and videos in Finder 90 degrees counterclockwise by pressing CMD+L

The rotation is almost instant with smaller files and get a “conversion” pop-up for larger ones. In any case, it is much faster than doing it with FFMPEG or other tools.

“modern” is rubbish

2025-01-22 00:24:14

Charlie Chaplin in the movie modern times riding a big cog and tightening some nuts.

Some terms irk me whenever I read them and one of them is “modern”. I try to avoid it like the plague, which is counter to all the marketing announcements you read out there:

  • “Product X uses modern JavaScript features”
  • “7 modern CSS tricks you can’t live without”
  • “The modern productivity tool to get your engineers to burn out and loving it”
  • “342 modern templates to make your web app stand out”

Modern does not mean much. And it is not a sign of quality. All it says it that something is created according to a current trend or fashion and doesn’t do what has been done earlier. That doesn’t mean it is better, it just means that it does things differently.

Modern, like any fashion, is fleeting and doesn’t stand the test of time. You could do a search and find thousands of articles touting “modern ways” of doing things that now are dangerous, counter-productive or even unnecessary.

In order to see if a “modern” solution makes sense to apply, you need to check its publication date. And even then “modern” may also mean “trying to simulate what other solutions do” or “not quite ready for production yet”.

So here is my proposal. Every time we use “modern”, which implies “better than the old”, we can use “current” and the date shows its worth.

And this is why I don’t work in marketing.