2025-03-25 08:52:50
Below, you’ll find the spring tidying hacks that have helped me declutter and refresh my entire home. If you’re just getting started, select one or two ideas below and incorporate them into your routine slowly. Embracing minimalism...
The post 13 Spring Tidying Hacks for Easier Cleaning appeared first on Be More with Less.
2025-03-22 09:10:46
Weekend Wisdom: It is not your job to make everyone feel comfortable with the decisions you make about your life. Even though it’s totally normal for us to get snow this time of year, it always surprises...
The post Weekend Favorites: declutter challenges, butterfly hug and feeling more at peace appeared first on Be More with Less.
2025-03-20 08:48:32
You can simplify your home with more ease and less stress by giving yourself permission slips to do things differently. Simplify your home, your day and your whole life … one tiny step at a time. Until...
The post Simplify Your Home with 10 Gentle Permission Slips appeared first on Be More with Less.
2025-03-18 07:11:14
A new season of the Project 333 Challenge is right around the corner. If you want to curb shopping and spend less or you are curious if dressing with less will result in less stress, give this...
The post Project 333 Challenge: Stress-free Ways To Get Started appeared first on Be More with Less.
2025-03-15 07:14:14
Weekend Wisdom: It’s easier to take back a no than to take back a yes. I wrote something new this week for you and for me. I wanted to outline the practices I am prioritizing for better...
The post happiness checklist, decluttering hurdles and the joy of less appeared first on Be More with Less.
2025-03-13 20:00:55
When you think about spring cleaning, you might not be thinking about spring cleaning for better mental health. Instead, it’s usually another season of deep cleaning and letting the light in. While even that is good for...
The post Spring Cleaning for Better Mental Health appeared first on Be More with Less.