“有一部分原因是,随着年龄的增长,我在研究建筑以及后来撰写关于文明的文章时,逐渐形成了一种 “层次化”理解。我发现,任何复杂的动态系统中,一些部分变化得非常快,而另一些则非常缓慢。正是这种快慢不一的层次,构成了动态自稳定和学习的系统。我们往往只关注那些快速变化的部分,比如时尚和商业,而忽视了真正强大的部分,比如自然和文化。” Stewart Brand
“Modernity has no shortage of ways to distract us from our Sisyphean situation: small talk, politics, marriage, religion, entertainment, consumerism, the news, education, the compulsive regimen of exercise. The clockwork efficiency of our practices depends on our ability to believe that they possess some sort of magical, transcendent meaning, the sort of meaning that allows us to escape the absurd.”
“If I can just bank the right number of miles, if I can just get the right grades, if I can just marry the right person—my world will not go to pieces. Camus, however, asks his reader to dwell with the cold reality that our lives are directed to tragic ends—that when we die, nothing but the indifference of nature remains.”