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I maintain a number of tools related to Japanese text processing, and I'm working on a book about Japanese NLP.
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Okutama Game Jam 2025

2025-01-31 17:49:31

This year I participated in the Global Game Jam at the Okutama Site for the third time. While I go to the Okutama site every time, each year the actual location in Okutama is a little different, and this time we went to Nippara.

Once a small but bustling town thanks to a nearby limestone mine, the population has declined to roughly fifty people, and the area is full of abandoned buildings. Nippara was repeatedly described as a village "on the edge" - it's in danger of disappearing, it's on the border between civilization and nature, and, more literally, it's also on a steep mountainside, with cliffs everywhere.

Nippara is also home to a cavern open to visitors with a long history of use by religious mystics. I actually visited the caves once before several years ago, just after I'd broken my arm. I wouldn't recommend going with a cast on, but the caves are a lovely spot to visit if you have the time.

The theme for this year's Global Game Jam was "Bubble", so my team decided to integrate the theme with our visit to the cave, resulting in.... Bubble Cave! This is a Pico-8 game where you are a bubble exploring a cave. Rooms in the cave are named after locations in the actual Nippara Cavern, and the goal of going to the shrine was inspired by the actual shrine in the cavern. You can play it now on

Development of the game went pretty smoothly this year. Most of our team was familiar with Pico-8, and Hiko, the programmer, in particular has made a ton of games with it and knew how to implement good physics and, critically, debug them. The cartridge-based format of Pico-8 made version control a little tricky for new people, but it also allowed dividing up roles like music, art, and map design with little difficulty.

I mainly coordinated everyone, outlined the high-level game direction, and specified some details like a secret room. I also wrote the intro text and took some photos of moss and small plants near the hotel to provide some inspiration for the bubble world.

Besides just clearing the game, it also reports how many coins you got and how long it took, so try for a speedrun! Under one minute is an excellent time.

Hope you enjoy Bubble Cave! Ψ

Edit 2025-02-03: Also check out the event writeup by my team's art lead npckc!

Things That Happened in 2024

2025-01-05 22:55:27

2024 was a definitely a year. Here are some things that happened:

  • participated in the Okutama Game Jam
  • participated in Famicase
  • bought a Fujifilm XE4, my first interchangeable lens camera
  • went to Izu Ooshima
  • shot around 11 rolls of film, mostly with my Olympus XA
  • played regular game nights
  • went to Comike, Comitia, and other doujin events
  • bought a Wii U to play Kirby
  • set up a mini PC as a home server
  • took part in a Frieren escape game that was a lot of fun
  • watched every Itami Juuzou film
  • watched The Prisoner TV show
  • used a year pass for nine Tokyo Parks
  • visited Miura several times
  • revisited Tsurugisaki Lighthouse
  • went to Izu and visited the Maboroshi Hakurankai and Shaboten Zoo
  • maintained my open source projects: fugashi, posuto, cutlet, etc.
  • helped run Tokyo Indies
  • started using BlueSky

I managed to do a good job of travelling this year, taking frequent short trips. I wasn't as good about it as last year, partly due to some health issues in the summer, but that's something I'd like to do more of next year. In particular I regret not having a big trip like my one to Sendai last year, though the trip to Ooshima was excellent. I'm also glad I got to visit Miura and Misaki several times and made some friends there.

In the volcanic desert on Ooshima.

On the health front, things were mostly fine, and I managed to stay out of hospitals. I did catch Covid again, and I had a distressing problem in the summer that thankfully turned out to be nothing serious, but kept me from making any plans for a few months while I figured out what was going on.

Misaki sunset on Harman Phoenix film.

After learning the basics of photography late in 2023, I spent a lot of time taking photos this year, both on film and digitally. I still feel like I'm learning, but looking back at my older cell phone photos I can tell that I have improved, both technically and aesthetically. The process of going out and shooting, even if nothing ends up coming of it, is always great fun.

A trail at Showa Memorial Park.

One event this year was getting a mini PC to use as a home server. My main home server died after over ten years of service in 2022, and for a while I partly replaced it with a Raspberry Pi, but there were lots of things it just couldn't do. One of the first things I set up on the new machine was Immich, which has been a great replacement for Google Photos as I ran up against some storage limits there. (My ability to get extra storage with Google is limited because I have a weird grandfathered free custom domain account.)

I enjoyed this enough last year I came back.

I haven't mentioned this before, but I feel like I have a routine down for stationery as well, which is one thing that changes with the new year. I've been using a Nouritsu Techou Gold for many years and greatly enjoy it as my main notebook, mainly for recording what I've done and reflection. For a few years I've been using the PostalCo One Year calendar combined with Stalogy dot stickers. The stickers make it easy to mark recurring events of different types, like game night, visiting a park, developing a roll of film, or the like.

One addition I'm trying for 2025 is the Laconic Bank Book sized calendar (actually the same size as the Nolty) combined with Marumino sticky notes. This analog solution gives me a flexibility I haven't found in calendar apps, which is good for planning things like museum visits and short trips that can move around but still need to be blocked out.

I went here again.

I have definitely not spent enough time making games, despite playing a fair amount. I hope to change that. I'm lucky to be involved in Tokyo Indies, which should help support me once I get going. The event itself did well this year, which celebrated its tenth anniversary, and also had success with new ideas like Theme Nights. I was also delighted we got ABA Games to give a talk, ten years after I translated his blog post, The Secret to Creating Fun Games I Learned By Making 50 Games in a Year.

A board game made at the Okutama Game Jam last year.

Since the demolition of my neighborhood, the area was an empty lot for all of 2024, which has been strange. There have been some other closures in the area - a watch shop where I got a pocket watch repaired several times and happened to walk by on the last day, an old cafe, and an extremely picturesque alternative medicine clinic near Keio University. These places will be missed.

This photo is from December 2023. All the plants and signage are gone now.

There are a few things I've been working on that aren't quite ready to announce, but will come out later this year. I'm looking forward to those.

I still use deltos every day, and I made a few updates to it this year. There are some medium-sized changes I'd like to make this year, and maybe I'll make a release. We'll see.

Hopefully any challenges can be overcome.

Here's to a good year. Ψ

Famicase 2024: Fruits Parlor Kabu

2024-06-18 23:04:30

This is my ninth year participating in Famicase. For this year, I decided to do something a little different and refer back to my 2017 entry, Electric Cafe Hazikami.

The description:

最高のパフェを構築しよう!新鮮なフルーツを選び、 お客様のリクエストに応えて至福のスイーツの完成を 目指しましょう。

同時発売の「電気喫茶 薑」など「小山町商店街」シリーズのゲームと連携可能。

ジャンル:SRPG (スイーツレストランパティシエゲーム)

Or in English:

Build the best parfait you can! Pick fresh fruits according to your customers' requests and work to make the ultimate sweets.

Can connect with "Electric Cafe Hazikami" or other entries in the Koyamachou Arcade series.

Genre: SRPG (Sweets Restaurant Pâtissier Game)

I wanted to connect with an earlier entry - while the freedom to make something completely new is a lot of the fun of Famicase, it seemed fun to connect with older entries rather than just existing in isolation. And while I didn't give the title, I also looped in Mita Koyamachou and last year's entry, Koyamachou Watch Repair Shop, as well.

The photo was taken at a parfait shop on Jougashima, near Miura, where I've been going frequently the past few years. It was taken with the Olympux X-E4 that I picked up earlier this year and have been enjoying. The parfait was easily the most elaborate I've ever eaten, and included edible flowers and two kinds of oranges, in addition to all the other fruit. It was delicious. Ψ

Things That Happened in 2023

2024-02-29 20:54:00

2023 was definitely a year. Here are some things that happened.

  • the neighorbood around my house was demolished
  • left Explosion and started a new job
  • went to Hakone, enjoyed wood puzzles, a wide waterfall, and the dragon shrine
  • participated in the Global Game Jam in Okutama
  • participated in Famicase
  • went to Miura several times
  • visited Kanonsaki Lighthouse
  • bought a Steam Deck
  • caught Covid-19
  • replaced my apartment's fire alarm after the ten year battery expired
  • gave up on the Fediverse after my host deleted all my data by accident
  • visited Hamamatsu and had some good gyouza, unagi, and mikan
  • got a new phone, an Xperia 10 V
  • played through the Super Mario RPG remake
  • got a nice camera, a Sony RX100M3, for a trip
  • went to Aomori and Sendai
  • got a quality coffee grinder, tea kettle, scale, and rice cooker
  • used an Utsurundesu instant camera and got into film
  • kept up weekly board game night
  • maintained my open source projects: fugashi, posuto, cutlet, etc.
  • helped run Tokyo Indies

I managed not to break any bones or otherwise end up in the hospital this year, which is always a good start. One other change is that I accomplished my goal of travelling more domestically - while I mostly stuck to day trips, I also went farther afield a few times. I hope to continue that this year.

Tsurugisaki Lighthouse, taken with a disposable camera.

In particular, this is the first year I stayed overnight in Misaki in Miura. Staying late allowed me to spend more time in the town and get to know people in addition to exploring the area, and I'd like to visit it regularly. Luckily I already know it's easily accessible, as I've been going a few times a year for five years now, though previously only for short day trips.

Since I started printing photos regularly in 2022 I've been more conscious of how I take photographs, and after talking about cameras some in Okutama at the start of the year, I finally bought a dedicated camera in October. Learning about all the photographic settings that a phone just does for you and learning how to manipulate them to get pictures you can't get automatically was a lot of fun. This ultimately led to me getting an interchangeable lens camera in early 2024, but that's another story.

A view from Sayama Park.

Separately, a disposable camera I took on a trip in December produced results beyond my wildest expectations, and so I've also gotten into film photography. The process of not quite knowing what you'll get and the character of the resulting images is very enjoyable, even if film has gotten a lot more expensive the past few years.

I went here again.

On work, I've continued to maintain my projects and work with NLP. I didn't have any big releases I was directly responsible for in 2023, but I've managed to contribute to a few good things behind the scenes.

In 2024 I'd like to spend more time making games, both analog and digital. I have ideas and just need to make time for it.

I still use deltos every day.

Here's to a good year. Ψ

Famicase 2023: Koyamachou Watch Repair Shop

2023-05-03 22:47:20

This is my eighth year participating in Famicase, and this year my submission was the very first one to arrive, which means it'll be at the very top of the list, just like I thought might happen last year. My entry this time is "小山町時計修理店" or "Koyamachou Watch Repair Shop".

The description:

古びた商店街の片隅に構える時計修理店。訳あって、 突然店を引き継いだあなたは、時計修理の技術を 覚えながら、客と商店街の人々との交流を深める。 前店主の記録を振り返ることで、店と地域の かつての姿も蘇る。

Or in English:

In the corner of an aging shopping arcade lies a watch repair shop. Suddenly thrust into taking over ownership of the shop, as you learn the craft of watch repair you'll deepen your relationship with the customers and people of the arcade. Going over the notes of the prior owner, the old days of the store and area will come back to life.

My entry this year is transparently a reference to the area I've been living in for over ten years, which is currently undergoing a long delayed redevelopment. While the demolition isn't happening as soon as I thought, it has gradually reached the area I walk through everyday, so it's only a matter of time before everything is gone. The photos used on the cart for this year are all from the real Koyamachou.

Despite having the idea for doing a cart about watch repair for Famicase last year, I only decided to incorporate Koyamachou pretty late, so I didn't have as much time to work on the visuals as I would have liked. But I'm glad that I can put a little of the neighborhood out there for more people to see.

Looking forward to next year. Ψ

Update 2023-08-30: This casette was made into a visual novel by Wondering Artist! Definitely give it a play.