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Annie11I do content & documentation things for Teamup, a small company of wonderful people. After ~20 years as a freelance writer.
Swizec Teller163I write with real insight into the career and skills of a modern software engineer.
Mandy Brown128I’ve been a CEO, a founder (twice). I led resilient, diverse, remote-first teams across the tech and media industries.
404 Media4789A journalist-founded digital media company exploring the ways technology is shaping–and is shaped by–our world.
Stephen Wolfram505The creator of Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha and the Wolfram Language; the author of A New Kind of Science.
Loris Cro108VP of Community at the Zig Software Foundation and the host of Zig SHOWTIME
Jonas Hietala64A writer, developer and wannabe code monkey.
Alberto Gallego0I make software, write, and take photos
Jim Nielsen960Designer. Engineer. Writer.20+ years at the intersection of design & code on the web.
Ian Betteridge98I used to edit a Mac magazine, launched a website called
Elad Gil357A serial entrepreneur, operating executive, and investor or advisor to private companies.
Ground Oddity99致力于分享编程、旅行和生活等方面的思考。Google员工。
Matt Birchler371Product designer at NMI, YouTuber, and podcaster
Mere Civilian119Human based in Melbourne, Australia.
Defector277Defector is an employee-owned sports and culture website.
Gabriel5A Canadian who is passionate about the free and open web.
The Alchemy of Money27By Frederik. I write about money and the search for a meaningful life.
Tom Hazledine32A software engineer who specializes in complex user interfaces for web applications.
thesephist706By Linus. About software research, creative work, and community. He has built over 100 side projects
Daring Fireball4462By John Gruber. A technology media focused on Apple.
Kev Quirk136I work in InfoSec. I'm also partial to collecting watches and riding motorbikes.
LessWrong831An online forum and community dedicated to improving human reasoning and decision-making.
Rest of World1020We connect the dots across a rapidly evolving digital world, through on-the-ground reporting in places typically overlooked and underestimated.
Anthony Fu 591A fanatical open sourceror. Working at NuxtLabs. Creator of Vitest Slidev VueUse UnoCSS Elk Type Challenges
Robert Heaton511Frontier red team @AnthropicAI . Writing a book about being a dad. Now I live in London.
Paul Graham48864Co-founder of Y Combinator. English computer scientist, essayist, entrepreneur, investor, and author.
Ivaylo Durmonski178After spending $2,500+ on books and more than 4 years organizing my notes, I consider myself more a librarian than a blog owner.
Nicholas Carlini153A research scientist at Google DeepMind working at the intersection of machine learning and computer security.
Global Investigative Journalism Network104A group of independent journalism organizations that support the training and sharing of information among journalists in investigative and computer-assisted reporting.
Garrit Franke106a generalist DevOps Engineer
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